Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 595: Out of battle

Chapter 84: Out of the Battlefield

Reincarnation hand! The expression on Li Xing's face was no joy, no sorrow, no fear and no anger, but he said lightly: "something is a good thing, but unfortunately you can't exert its power, let me give it!"

This thing sacrificed by Zhong Fei Jia, called "Hand of Reincarnation", is a **** soldier in the era of ancient destruction, and was exhibited by Zhong Fei Jia. . . However, he did not sacrifice the object, so he could not fully exert the power of the object.

The five-colored big hand slaps it down fiercely, a force of reincarnation locks Li Xing, and there is a feeling of extracting the spirit and entering the reincarnation.

"Bad poison!"

Li Xingyang hit ten poisonous amulets in his hands. These poisonous amulets were all formed by his poisonous force in the vicious abyss, and they exploded one after another, making a loud noise.

The power of the explosion of poisonous charms is not much, but the poisonous force is really horrible, and it suddenly spreads out. The people outside were shocked and hurried away, fearing that they might catch the fish.

The five-colored big hand was rushed by the poisonous light and issued a "smooth" sound. The black smoke blew straight, and it was blocked by condensation all at once, and the decline rate slowed down. And Li Xing took the opportunity to play the big poisonous technique, a poisonous light, colorful, and in front of Chong Feijia.

When the poison light rushed, the heavy flying armor was shocked to release the Baomu body, and at the same time took out the magic weapon's bodyguard. However, Li Xing still had a later move and smashed it over. His divine fetus, after devouring the relic, sat on Jiupinliantai, and his power rose greatly.

This time, Yaobai's shadow permeated the Quartet and **** the scene.

"A return to Yuanyuan! Hehe!"

A huge shadow, carrying all the power to destroy everything, blasted Fuguang with shock as soon as he banged, and the poison came in while he was trapped. He screamed, and the whole person shrank into a ball, gradually turning blood and pus yellow into water.

Li Xing beckoned. In the poisonous light, more than a dozen kinds of natural treasures flew out and fell into his hands. Naturally, he did not let go of the two treasure charms, and the magic weapon of heavy flying armor was quickly collected.

Naturally, the hand of reincarnation also fell into his hands. The power of this thing is extraordinary. If it can be sacrificed, the power must be above the ice sword.

After taking a short time to breathe, Li Xing killed the heavy flying armor, and the Trollmen's faces were ugly. Wan Famen also secretly hated, but no one said anything.

It is obvious that among these people at the scene, Li Xing is the fiercest and the most powerful, and no one can beat him.

The people who were too imaginary raised their eyebrows, exulting, and came forward happy. After killing the heavy flying armor, Li Xing gained a lot. The heavy flying armor worked hard in the ancient battlefield, and the results were all attributed to him.

"Zhong Fei Jia really can't help it. She dared to oppose Brother Li. It's too late to regret it, and it has turned into blood." One person said.

"At the Wizards Conference, Brother Li seized his strength. He was reluctant to re-fly the armor, so he took the risk. Alas, he should have thought that a wizard like Brother Li could grow for a thousand miles. It is not that he can Opposing. "Another humane.

Chatting with everyone, Li Xing turned his eyes to Wan Fa Men and Troll Gate. He looked everywhere, and those people avoided his eyes. Under the roof, people had to bow their heads. The strength shown by Li Xing made everyone afraid.

However, outside of the ancient battlefield, in the ice and snow wasteland, the four martial arts and twelve Taoist characters felt that the power to maintain the channel must be improved, which means that the time for the end has come.

Vientiane Taoists exclaimed: "You, time is up, Kai!"


A loud noise came, as if the thunder moved above Jiuxiao. The spot of light suddenly became large and a huge channel appeared.

As soon as the passage appeared, Wan Famen's group wanted to pass first. Unfortunately, Li Xing stood in front and said to ten people in Taixumen: "You go first."

Ten people looked at each other with a smile, and arched a hand to Li Xing, Yu Guan entered the passage, and then Li Xing turned and flew in. After that, Wan Fa Men, Troll Gate, and Great Yijiao successively stepped out.

When the last person came out, the aisle was closed and the light spot disappeared immediately.

The twelve masters of the state immediately focused their eyes on these people who came out of the ancient battlefield. When he saw that there were only nine people remaining in Wan Famen, the face of Vientiane Taoist suddenly sank, his eyes shone coldly.

However, historical rules, no matter how much loss in the ancient battlefield, can not bring grudges out of the battlefield, he can only endure, and said lightly: "Go!" With a wave of sleeves, bring everyone, Leave instantly.

The Dongxu Taoist smiled and received everyone in Yunguang himself. He looked at Li Xing and squinted his eyes: "Very well, you have made great progress."

Li Xingchang yelled: "Teachers, the two spies sent by Wan Famen have been suppressed. Please handle them."

Dong Xu waved his hand and said lightly, "You don't have to see it. You take care of it yourself."

"Yes," Li Xing said.

The head of Taixu said at this time: "What's the matter, come back to the door and say, let's go." As soon as he waved his sleeves, his rumours rolled away and he went away.

Next, Troll Gate and Dayijiao also left at the same time, and tranquility was restored on the wasteland.

However, it was said that Li Xing and other eleven people returned to Taixumen and the six high-level officials of Taixumen met with them in Taixu Hall. Li Xing was the principal of the trip and he reported to everyone. Of course, there are some things that he still conceals, such as Bao Guangyi.

The six executives frowned and nodded frequently. After Li Xing finished speaking, Dongji laughed and said, "Li Xing, you have done great work!"

Dong smiled slightly: "You have worked hard. According to the rules, each person gives half of the harvest, and the rest belongs to him."

Li Xing had already prepared, and useful good things were stored in Baiyang Jingtian, while the rest of the dispensable were stored in the divine fetus, and they were presented one by one at this moment.

Even so ~ www.readwn.com ~ His gains made everyone's eyes wide open. I saw the same weapons, elixir, and spirits, one by one, with forty.

Qingyu laughed: "There are so many, very good!"

Li Xing laughed secretly, and said, if they knew that they only took out a small part, what would they look like?

The rest also showed their own gains. Most people only have about a dozen **** people, unlike Li Xing, forty. However, several of them got something extraordinary.

For example, the Tang body actually got a set of ancient magic soldiers, which can form a "nine-turned gods array", which is extremely powerful. The rest of the people have also achieved good results.

Everyone, from their respective gains, chose half, and then gave the rest to the martial arts.

Looking at the pile of things in front of him, Dong Xuan nodded repeatedly: "This time the harvest is more than double the last time, very good!" Then he looked at Li Xing with a smile.

Li Xing was a little guilty, and said secretly, what did the old guy see?

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