Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 596: Getting Started

Chapter 85: Introduction Ceremony

Dong Xu smiled slightly and said, "Li Xing, you have the greatest credit. You can choose three from all the treasures as a reward."

Li Xing was relieved, but he felt a little embarrassed. Dong Xu may not know what he is hiding, but he is so generous at this time. However, as long as you practice your path, as long as it helps you, you must not give in to others, and he is right.

"Thank you, head!" Li Xing made a slap, and then took three ancient authentic texts from all the objects, which are also all ancient characters. The three authentic texts are Yong, Zhan and Jing.

"Li Xing, prepare after you go back. Tomorrow Taixumen will hold a grand ceremony to officially accept your joining." Dong Yin laughed.

He once promised that after returning from the ancient battlefield, he officially joined Taixu Men, and naturally he would not regret it. He nodded and said, "The disciple knows." Today, he will be a member of Taixu Men, and of course his claim will change.

Next, everyone turned in all the treasures and magic weapons, and then they all retreated. Li Xing was led by a Taoist boy and led him into the future Dongfu.

The boy had clear eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, and wore a green robe with a high bow on his head, respecting Li Xing very much.

As the two flew inside Taixumen, Li Xing asked, "What's your name?"

"Villain spirit fruit." Dao Tong respectfully said, "He will be the servant of the Lord in the future, serving daily affairs."

Li Xing nodded and said nothing. Taoists like this, although not very high, are able to accept the core figures of the sect, so they are quite powerful and stronger than ordinary inner disciples.

The two flew for a moment and entered a mountainous area, where they saw a few green peaks, with green pine stones, numerous weeds, flowers, and beautiful scenery.

Before landing in a Dongfu, Linguo said: "This place is the Dongfu that the monarch will practice in the future. It has been newly opened and has not yet been named."

Seeing the pleasant scenery around, Li Xing reached out and touched the door with three big characters on it: Jiuyang Cave!

He can cultivate today because of Jiuyangzhu, and even in the future, he will rely on Jiuyangzhu to a large extent. After entering this world, Jiuyang Jingtian is his dependence, and Jiuyang Gong is the core of his practice. Therefore, the word "Jiuyang" is quite appropriate.

Linguo was curious, and asked, "God, why do you take the word" Jiuyang "?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "In the legend, there are nine most amazing powers between heaven and earth, called the power of nine suns. If you can understand the magical effects of the nine auras, you will obtain supreme power.

Linguo blinked and nodded: "The villain has heard people talk about it, but the world is vast. Where can I find the power of Jiuyang?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "As long as you have the heart, you can reach it after all."

After getting the new cave house, Li Xing hurriedly repaired it and let the spirit fruit stay outside. He then entered Baiyang Jingtian and counted the gains of this ancient battlefield tour. In the ancient battlefield, he was looking for the baby every day, time was tight, and he had no time to count. Now that I have come out, I finally have a chance. Naturally, I want to classify them.

The gains from the ancient battlefields were obtained after killing and winning treasures, as well as those collected by him on his own. There are thousands of pieces!

Many treasures are divided into several categories.

The first type is a treasure rune and magic weapon, except for the source of magic power and returning a few treasure runes that are too virtual. At this time, there are three treasure runes on his body, which are flash strike rune, thunder rune, and destroying rune symbol. The magic weapon is Taixing Xuding.

The second category is the ancient elixir, such as the flower of war, Jiupin Tianlian, and so on.

The third category is the different treasures of heaven and earth, such as golden large eggs, blood of Yuanshi, Zhentian stone, five-color **** stone, relic.

The fourth type is the ancient writings. Li Xing obtained 365 pieces in his hands, and gained the most.

The fifth category is ancient artifacts, such as Yuanzhu of Wuxing Town, Baoguangyi, mysterious altar, and huge cars.

The sixth category is the sacred objects. The number of sacred objects harvested by Li Xing during this trip is the largest.

These treasures are sorted and stored in the various treasure rooms in the cold ice cave sky, and are reserved for later use. In the future, Li Xing will feed the divine fetus, refine the elixir, and cultivate the Yuanshen.

"Thanks to Bao Guangyi, this is how to get so many treasures." Li Xing was full of joy, as if the child got a lot of beautiful and delicious sweets. Look at this, look at that, and put it down.

Heavenly evil said: "The treasures of this class are not a few of the treasures of the teacher. There are also many treasures of Emperor Wu that day. As long as you continue to improve, you will get more treasures sooner or later."

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, I still have to improve the realm right now. My cultivation level is too low. It is the sixth step to practice the gods, and at least we must gather the babies."

Now, his practice requires two steps to feed the divine fetus and borrow things to make the god. Fortunately, feeding the divine fetus, step by step is that he basically has everything required in the recipe, and there is no difficulty.

The more headache is the level of refining the god. The supreme virtual shadow is too tyrannical, representing a realm. I do n’t know when I can get enlightened, and finally refining the **** is successful.

Unconsciously, a day passed.

The next day, Fa Yu Qingjun personally came and took Li Xing into the Taixu Hall to participate in the introductory ceremony. After he got started, he was the master of Taixumen's order, and his status was not trivial, so the ceremony was very grand.

Three mountains and five mountains, Tian Yuanzhou has a head and face, and they all sent people to join the congratulations. At this moment, people from Taixumen came and went, and the disciples who welcomed them sent thousands of people, which was very lively.

In the Taixu Hall, a variety of cloud platforms are arranged for guests to dine. The gimbal is round and surrounds a large gimbal in the center for the ceremony.

At the entrance of the main hall, a disciple sang the identity of the guests and continued.

"Dai Yi teaches Shenmu Fajun and Wang Tufa Fajun, come and congratulate!"

"Chaoyang School, Hao Ran Fajun, come here!"

"Heavenly Kingdom, Han Jiang Fajun arrives ..."

"Tianyimen Yuding Fajun arrives ..."

The guests entered the hall one after another, and Li Xing stood behind the hall, ready to appear in time. Beside him, Qingyu Fajun was gentle and kind, like an elder sister asked the younger brother, and said, "Li Xing, the ceremony is very simple. I have worshiped the ancestor and the head, and then declare to join Taixumen."

Li Xing grinned: "This way, it can't be easier."

"Don't be too happy," Qing Yu said with a smile. "Since you joined this gate halfway, such as the Taixumen and other big factions, for hundreds of years, you have not accepted people who joined halfway. So, this time Very grand, you have three steps to go through. "

"Which three levels?" Li Xing asked curiously.

"The first pass is called Xianshan Lushui. At this pass, what strength and ability you have must be revealed, and it will also let you know why Taixumen wants to recruit you. At that time, there will be too virtual gates. One of the elders came forward and tried your skills. "

Li Xing smiled, meaning too easily: "This switch is also easy."

"The second pass is toasting and not eating."

Li Xingyi stayed: "Toast or not? Do you want to drink?"

"Wrong. This time there are many guests who came to Dahe. Why did they come to Dahe? Naturally for you, and of course they also want to know that it is not worth them to come and see them. So many people will make things difficult For you, try your best. Among the guests, there are many masters of the state, and you have to suffer a little. "

Upon hearing this, Li Xing laughed bitterly, and felt that the second stage was indeed not easy to pass. He stunned God and asked, "What is the third stage?"

"The third stage is called the Acting Conference. Many mages are rare to gather in a field and naturally talk and fuck, you are an illegal teacher, but you have great strength, so you have to participate in it. At that time, those who talk about Fa will talk about it. Divided into several parties, once they argue, they will ask you which one is right and which one is wrong. If you don't answer well, you will offend people. "

Li Xing frowned: "It's ridiculous! What's the matter when they fight for them?"

"Because you are the core person today." Qingyu laughed. "Everyone has to embarrass you. All of them know that there is too much imagination for you, Li Xing, and you will definitely have a chance to rejuvenate in the future. Give up the opportunity to suppress you? "

Li Xing snorted, "I'm afraid of them!"

Qingyu nodded: "It's best to think like this, no matter how many people make things difficult for you, after all, you still have to grow up and surpass all others in the future." Obviously, her evaluation of Li Xing is extremely high.

Between the two of them, they suddenly heard the welcome disciple sing, "Baihua Island, Baihuayuan, Madam Baihua are here!"

"Huh?" Qingyu froze and looked at Li Xing with a smile. "These two people have never asked about world affairs. How can they participate in this matter?"

Li Xing knew that Mrs. Baihua hadn't heard of Baihua. He said that he would kill Baihua Island, the Flower Pirates, Langdie, and defeat the Flying Thieves.

Qingyu laughed: "It's no wonder, Baihua has owed you an affair, and naturally you will come back."

"Who is Baihua?" Li Xing asked.

"Baihuayuan is the biological mother of Madame Baihua, and the law is so heavy. Her cultivation is nothing but her old friends are very powerful." Qingyu said, "Baihuayuan has three close friends, all of whom are The masters of the state are collectively known as the Four Sisters of the South China Sea. Therefore, if she comes, the other three will probably arrive soon. "

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "It seems ~ www.readwn.com ~ If I didn't take the shot, I would offend the flowers, and the flower picking would not survive."

As soon as Hundred Flowers appeared, the guests were surprised and had a lot of discussion.

"Is Li Xing also related to Baihua Island? This wife is amazing. The backing behind him is so great!"

Just talking, Yingbin sang again: "The Four Seas of the South China Sea, Qimen River, Sky Needle River, Gujing River, come here!"

"Ah! This time the four seas of the South China Sea are all here!" The guests were even more surprised.

However, the surprise was still behind, and then a VIP arrived.

"Tianchen Kingdom, too easy Taoist, fire crow Taoist!"

"Heavenly Taoist, All-night Island Master, Bliss Island Master Drive!"

One by one, the names were pronounced, and people were stunned, but the more explosive ones were still behind. The trembling voice of the welcome guest sang: "The demon emperor and the angel of the heavenly law arrived and sent a great gift to congratulate Li Xing Worship is too empty! "

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