Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 597: Xianshan Dew

Chapter 86: Revealing Mountain Dew

At this moment, many powerful mages suddenly stood up, his face stunned. The demon forest can be said to be the common enemy of the entire monk Tian Yuanzhou, the demon emperor and the heavenless monarch are both high-level of the demon forest, how can they send someone to congratulate him?

Li Xing was silent for a moment, and said, "I'll go and see!"

Qingyu also wanted to know what was going on, and went to the hall with Li Xing. They happened to see several groups of people driving Qingyun into the hall. These people ignored the welcome and went directly to Li Xing.

Heavenly man, I do n’t know when it has broken through and reached the tenth state of Fatian. He is called a man of heavenly man. He smiled, and said, "Good disciple, you worship in the virtual gate, and you are not a teacher. say hi?"

Li Xing stepped forward and worshiped, and smiled, "Master, didn't your old man agree, otherwise would he come?"

The heavenly operator "haha" smiled, and said, "I wandered for my teacher's life, there was no place to stay, and I said in the future that I must not expect you to be an apprentice."

Behind him, the all-night island owner and bliss island owner all came forward to congratulate, Li Xing saw each other one by one, saying: "The two island owners can come, the juniors are very grateful!"

The host of the second island was kind, and accompanied the Taoist Taoist to be invited to the VIP table. Then the Taiyi Taoist and the Fire Crow Taoist came. Among them, Li Xing only knew one, and that was the Taiyi Taoist.

This is too easy Taoist, once participated in the World Fa Conference with him, and also helped him, it is familiar. As soon as they met, Li Xing worshiped: "It's too easy for seniors to come here and kill younger ones!"

Tai Yi Taoist smiled "Hehe" and said, "You have been a hero in these years, and I want to see you, and I want to come here for fun." After one finger, "This is an old friend who knows and makes friends. Taoists, often talk with me about Confucian classics, and travel the world. "

Li Xing also met the firecrow Taoist and said, "The older generation's name, the younger generation has heard it for a long time. It is a great fortune to see it today."

The Firecrow Taoist nodded slightly: "Li Xiaoyou is polite." Then no more to say, apparently he is a dumb person.

Two Taoists were arranged. Li Xing hurriedly walked to the gathered South China Sea. Before others arrived, Mrs. Baihua converged and smiled: "Thank you, God Li, for your salvation. If it were not for you, Baihua Island would have been People are out. "

Li Xing was busy speaking some kind words, and at the same time found that there were four female nuns staring next to him, seeing that his heart was very hairy, and he said that these four people were coming for trouble?

Mrs. Baihua introduced: "This is the mother of the mother, the flower owl. These three are the famous Haimen, Tianzheng and Gujing in the South China Sea. I came here to see Li Shenjun's style."

Li Xing politely met with the Four Emperors of the South China Sea, and then said, "The Four Emperors of the South China Sea, with high moral standing, are able to come to the Taixun Gate, but it is the honor of the younger generation and the honor of the Taixun Gate."

Although the four were called crickets, they were not old at all, they were only thirty years old, and they had beautiful looks. As soon as he saw these four people, Li Xing thought that the husband of Siyi was not an ordinary person, right?

Baihuayan is the most noble and elegant one among the four. She smiled and said, "Li Xing, you have kindness to Baihua Island. If you need anything in the future, just say hello, Baihuayan will never quit."

Li Xing quickly thanked him and ordered people to entertain the crowd, then pleaded guilty, and turned to see the demon emperor's messenger.

The ambassador of the demon emperor is four characters with heavy weight, all wearing black armor, surrounded by dark clouds, and they are shocking. There is an illusion in Li Xing that if the four men start working, they can kill him instantly.

"Front of the Demon Emperor, the four guards in the wasteland were ordered to send congratulations!" One said, and handed a gift box to Li Xing.

Li Xing also said, "Thank Your Majesty on behalf of Li Xing!" He found that the gift box was actually a blood chilli that had grown for at least 100,000 years, which was extremely precious!

On the other side, four people also came, all of which were Fatian Bazhong, but all of them were handsome and graceful, and they were all peerless beauties. A beauty smiled: "There is no sky under the heavenly monarch, and I am instructed to send a congratulatory gift, please Li Shenjun smile."

"Please thank Li Xing on behalf of the Heavenly King!" Li Xing took the gift box and found that there was a "Tianyuan Fruit" which was not under the price of Blood Zhi.

The eight gave gifts, didn't sit much, and left.

Behind the palace, Dong Xu, Dong Ji, and Dong Yin are three family members with different expressions. Dong Xu smiled, "I did not expect that Li Xing's friendships were so extensive, and they were all capable people with famous names."

"It's enough to communicate extensively. He shouldn't have contact with the demon forest. This is a taboo!" Dongji shook his head, anxious.

Dong Yin said lightly: "It's okay, at this time, the demon forest will not lift the sword again, and some exchanges will be nothing." His tone changed, "Today's ceremony must be very lively!"

The guests arrived, and Li Xing's introductory ceremony officially started. At this moment, the Taixu Hall was very lively. The external disciples of the Taixumen represented 300 people, the internal disciples represented 300 people, 50 core disciples, and many external elders, internal elders, and elders.

Dongxudao walked on the central cloud platform to salute the guests, and then exclaimed: "You, today is the day when Taixumen recruits new members. Thank you for your support and come to watch the ceremony."

At this point, Li Xing stepped out from behind and saluted everyone. At this moment, most talents can clearly see his face and cultivation, and can not help but be more curious.

"It turned out to be a six-god god, what's so strange about the six-god gods? It's worth paying too much attention to the Xuanmen, and a ceremony is even held." A core disciple of the Xuanmen was unconvinced.

"There must be some background of this Li Xing, so that Taixumen is treated so solemnly. Even he cheated all the way at the Wizards Conference and the Wanfa Conference before he can reach today ~ www.readwn.com ~ The person who speaks is fundamental I was not qualified to participate in the Wanfa Conference and the Wizards Conference, so I had not seen Li Xing's power, so I was very unconvinced.

Li Xinggang just said a word, and one of them suddenly stood up in the crowd and said loudly: "Li Xing! Too empty door is so solemn and held a ceremony for you, we really want to know what you can do!"

The identity of the speaker is known to everyone who is too virtual, but it is among the core disciples that the **** of the gods is the most powerful. This manpower is immense and has risen rapidly in just three years. It is regarded as a key training object by Taixu Men.

Li Xing had known that there would be such troubles, and he was not angry. He said lightly: "I don't know in your eyes how can you be competent?"

"It's easy to judge!" Savage God narrowed his eyes. "How do we compare our strength? If you have more strength than me, it proves that you have the ability!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "How to compare?"

"Use this!" A senior elder walked out, waved his sleeves, and twelve odd lights rose into the sky, turned into twelve gods, and landed. The lights were shining, the power was heavy, and they were all extremely strange.

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