Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 598: Endless power

Chapter 87: Endless Power

Twelve Mounts of God appeared, and some people exclaimed: "The Lord Mount of God actually took out his twelve Mounts of God. This Mount of God is not a trivial one. Each one can suppress the characters below the triple of Fatian. The twelve Mounts of God are dispatched together, You can suppress Fajun! "

"The savage **** is a new wizard who is too virtual. He is infinitely powerful, and his realm is still above Li Xing. I don't know if Li Xing can take this trick. Although he is said to be very powerful, he hears nothing but sees it. It ’s hard to say what his strength is! "

"It is said that the blood of the barbarians is flowing in the body of the barbarous monarch, and his talents are different. When he practiced the gods, he killed and killed the mage. Li Xing was more powerful than him and could not win!"

"Yes, Li Xing can have such great fame, it must be relying on external forces. In this world, there are many people with stigmatizing names. Moreover, his realm is higher than Li Xing, and I think that the barbaric **** will win!"

Some people who have a good relationship with the barbarous monarch immediately talked about him and were optimistic about him in words. However, those who have seen Li Xing's strength show their optimistic expressions.

Tang Sen, who entered the ancient battlefield with Li Xing, listened to people's arguments, and couldn't help scornfully saying, "Shoring the big tree and not being able to control it, the two are not on the same level at all."

Another mage laughed: "I just want to know how this savage **** will end up."

The bodies of the twelve sacred mountains are as high as ten feet high. At this time, the size of the cow is obviously reduced, otherwise, the Taixu Temple will not fit. The mountains of gods release the power of terror, which is shocking.

Savage King glanced at Li Xing and said, "Thank you Elder Shenshan!"

Unexpectedly, Elder Shenshan said a furious word, he ignored Li Xun, and said to Li Xing, "Li Xing, learn from the door, don't go too far."

Li Xing nodded: "Elders rest assured, Li Xing understands."

The savage **** was so angry that he couldn't wait to show himself. Comparing Li Xing, he strode to a mountain of God, his whole body was moving, exhaling, and yelling, "Get me up!"

The Shenshan shook slightly, but it was not lifted. The savage **** made a big red face, and in his heart gave birth to a ruthlessness, and once again screamed, "The savage **** possesses!"

Suddenly, a tremendous power descended from him and blessed him. Everyone saw that there was a circle of divine light behind the pretty god, and his power suddenly increased several times.

"Get up!"


Shenshan shook for a moment, and he was finally raised above his head, and there was an applause immediately from below.

Just for a moment, the Savage God had to put down the God Mountain. Although he possessed the God Spirit, he couldn't hold it for long, because the God Mountain was too heavy. At this point, he looked at Li Xing, provocatively, "It's your turn!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Li Xing, depending on what he could do, if he could still hold it up.

Many big men are also interested. The firecrow Taoist smiled: "This mountain, each one weighing three million Beijing, this person has a lot of strength. I wonder if Li Xing, how many can you raise?"

Too easy for Taoists to think about it, saying, "Twelve are fine."

The Raven Taoist stayed for a while: "Are twelve? That's amazing!"

On the other side, Nanhai Sisao was also talking about the matter, and the strange door laughed: "It's really interesting, maybe we want to do that thing, and finally we will fall on this son."

Furui shrugged off saying, "I can't make a conclusion for the time being, read on."

At this moment, Li Xing was receiving a lot of attention. He looked as usual, smiled at everyone, and hurried forward, and asked, "Excuse God Mountain, how heavy is this mountain?"

Elder Shenshan said: "Three million beijing, twelve gods have 36 million beijing."

"How powerful is it to form a great formation?" Li Xing continued to ask.

"In a large array, the power is ten times stronger, there are 360 ​​million Jing!" Elder Shenshan said lightly.

Li Xing nodded, and as soon as he waved his sleeve, there was a supreme force, and the twelve Shenshans flew up, spinning quickly around him, looking relaxed.

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened and they couldn't help but air-condition, so strong! The savage prince was so surprised that he opened his mouth wide enough to stuff a bunch of eggs.

"Please the elders start the Shenshan battle!" Li Xingdan said indifferently. "The disciples want to try it out, how much strength they have."

In the stunned crowd, Elder Shenshan smiled, nodded, and started a burst of thought. Suddenly, the twelve sacred mountains made a loud bang, and the winds and thunders rallied, and there was a golden light, all of a sudden, forming a swirling golden light vortex and suppressing it slowly. Obviously, Elder Shenshan was afraid of hurting Li Xing and did not take a violent shot.

Li Xing gazed at the vortex, a divine light burst into the divine fetus, merged with King Kong's indestructible body, turned into a chaotic big hand, and propped up. This support seems to be able to break the sky and cover everything, full of domineering.


The golden light vortex jumped up and was suddenly held up. This time, even the face of Elder Shenshan was surprised and appreciated. He wanted to know if Li Xing had great patience and took the initiative to ask: "Li Xing, after the Shenshan Array has been fully opened, it can suppress Fajun. Do you want to? Give it a try? "

Li Xing held up the vortex with one hand and laughed, "Elders with labor, disciples really want to try!"

"Okay! You have to be careful! Shenshan cracks down!"


The speed of the vortex rotation has increased a hundred times at once! There is so much light that the temple is too trembling and the speed of rotation is still increasing!

At the same time, the golden light vortex was even heavier. It seemed to be a hundred thousand mountains and three thousand oceans. They were suppressed together, and the heavy power was suffocating.

There was a hint of dignity in Li Xing's expression, and his body suddenly changed into three hundred virtual images, each of which issued a chaotic large fingerprint, propping up into the air.

This trick, www.readwn.com, was created by Hua with a "guiyuan strike" and can send out three hundred times the combat power. At this time, it is equivalent to three hundred Li Xing, while holding up the golden vortex.


The air waves kept exploding, and the gale in the hall was rising suddenly, and the cave was pressed down by the Taoist. However, more and more gale winds were set off, and even lightnings began to emerge out of thin air, flying around.

These visions are produced when the tyrannical forces collide, and they die out with life.

Elder Shenshan could not help shouting, "What a Li Xing!" As soon as he waved, he received twelve Shenshans.

Li Xing also received a blow from Guiyuan and regained his shape.

There was a lot of silence in the field, and most people looked at him blankly, shocked inside.

Li Xing bowed his hand to the crowd, and said lightly, "Don't be ugly."

The face of the savage **** was as ugly as if he had been pumped three thousand times anyway. He bowed his head and fisted to Li Xing.

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