Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 599: 5 Lei Fajun

Chapter 88: Five Thunder Kings

At this point, no one dared to question Li Xing, and Li Xing took advantage of this opportunity to be regarded as "passing the mountains". Let people understand that Taixu Men did get a peerless talent that was rare for a thousand years.

The crowd praised each other, so Li Xing called the Dao Tong and toasted the guests one by one. This came to the second stage, "toasting without eating".

Several high-level officials of Taixumen all sat up and handed everything over to Li Xing. In fact, Li Xing was just showing strength, and even they were shocked and rejoiced.

Toasting, the first to be respected is Master, Master of Heaven.

Li Xing held the wine glass in both hands, and went to Tianzhu Taoist, worshipped three times, and said, "Master, please use wine."

The heavenly operator "haha" smiled, took the wine glass, drank it, and said, "Good apprentice, you have a long face for the teacher. Today you worship the Taixu Gate, it is a day of great joy, and you ca n’t say nothing about the teacher."

During the conversation, the heavenly Taoist took out three innate seeds of forbidden law, and they were seeds of forbidden law in heaven order! These three seeds, like starlight, wandered in his palm.

As soon as Li Xing's eyes brightened, he took it politely and said, "Thank you very much, Master!" With these three heavenly order banned seeds, they can be planted in Jiuyang Temple to enhance the realm of Jiuyang Temple!

After respecting the Master, it was the turn of Taixumen's senior officials, and Li Xing toasted the Dongxu Taoist first.

Dong Xu drank a cup and smiled, "Li Xing, you have joined the Taixu Gate and worshiped the ancestor. The head of the bureau decided to appoint you as the master of the Taixu Gate Commander. When the head is absent, he will act as agent door!"

Only a few high-level people knew about this decision, but the people below didn't even know it. Upon hearing it, they were shocked. They understand that it is too virtual to cultivate Li Xing as a **** man!

The words reached the ears of several people in Baihuayuan, and their faces were hilarious. They looked at each other, nodded slightly, and seemed to have made a certain determination.

Later, nothing but toasts to the guests. Most people did not embarrass Li Xing. Li Xing's previously revealed strength has been recognized and respected by guests.

However, there are always exceptions.

During this trip, Wan Famen also sent a messenger to congratulate him. After all, what should be done in face is still to be done. The people who come from Wan Fa Men are called the Five Thunder Kings. Wu Lei Fa Jun, about thirty years old, has a majestic appearance, and is surrounded by five-colored thunder light.

When Li Xing drove the light of God and flew to the Yuntai where he was, the eyebrows of the five thunder lords did not lift their eyes, and said lightly, "Little god, are you qualified to toast to this lord."

The scene was quiet and quiet, everyone knew that the good show was going to be staged again!

With a cold face, Li Xing said nothing and hit a poisonous sign with his hand. The poison of this poison amulet, even the Taoist characters are afraid, let alone Fajun?

Wu Lei Fa Jun was startled, and the thunder light flashed around him, trying to shake the poison gas away. However, the poison talisman exploded with a blast, covering the gimbal of Wanfamen completely.

Behind Wu Lei Fa Jun, there were six followers of Wan Famen, one after another screaming, let Wu Lei Fa rushed around, and had to use Wu Lei Fa to help them drive away the poison, and it took a long time to rescue several people.

Li Xinghao stood there leisurely and said lightly, "Looks like, you don't deserve to toast me."

Wu Lei Fa Jun was furious and stood up with "teng", his eyes full of murder.

"Sit down!" Suddenly, one hand rested on Wu Leifajun's shoulder. Suddenly, an incomparable force was suppressed, and Wu Leifa Jun patted him on the ground.

The man who shot it was a heavenly Taoist. He patted Wu Leifajun on the shoulder: "I look at you, and within three years, there will be a disaster of blood and light, so I know it."

Wu Leifa Jun's face changed constantly, and he snorted, after all, he said nothing. This place is too empty, and there are many capable people to safeguard Li Xing. He can't do anything, so he has to put up with this tone.

Even the Five Lei Fajun was ruled, and the rest naturally dared not to embarrass Li Xing, so this toasting without eating a pass was considered a smooth passage.

The rest of the time, the masters gathered in groups of three or five to talk about the classics. Li Xing took care of the guests, and whenever the guests needed them, he tried to satisfy them. When someone wants to drink Baiyang liquor, he takes out all the Baiyang liquor accumulated on his body and entertains the guests.

Above the central cloud platform, all the people sitting there are not trivial. Except for the flowers, all of them are people with good conditions. Taiyi Taoist, Dongxu Taoist, Tianzhu Taoist, Fire Raven Taoist, Dongji Taoist, Dongyin Taoist, and the Four Seas of the South China Sea, etc., all sat together and talked about the mysterious avenue.

There are dozens of princes sitting together, talking about the laws of the day and place, and the current affairs of the sky and the yuan. In the meantime, Li Xing was mentioned from time to time. Everyone thought that Taixumen was extremely wise. People like Li Xing would definitely make Taixumen go even higher.

Li Xing was busy, Qing Yu approached him, and smiled: "It seems that no one will embarrass you. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet the disciples who are too virtual?"

The foundations of the Taixumen are all in the Taixudong in the Taixu map. The area is vast and accommodates a million disciples. The whole is too empty, there are millions of foreign disciples! Most of the one million disciples are qi practitioners; the inner disciples have 100,000 people. Most of them are qi practitioners with six or more disciplines.

The core disciples are three or four thousand, most of them are gods. Of course, all of them that can be ranked are all at the level of law and heaven. For example, Tang Sen, who met in ancient battlefields, is a core disciple.

The reason why Taixumen became a superpower is because it has so many disciples, has great potential and can live forever. In the future, Li Xing is going to be a master of the virtual world ~ www.readwn.com ~ The first thing we must face is these disciples.

Most disciples did not have the opportunity to enter the Taixu Hall, so they could not see Li Xing, nor did they see the majesty of Li Xing. Because of this, Qingyu let Li Xing come out to see the disciples.

Li Xing thought about it, felt reasonable, and said, "Okay!" The two immediately went out of the temple hall.

Like the Qi Yun faction, disciples at different levels of Taixumen live in different places. The place where the warrior cultivates is called the plain of the warrior; the place where the warrior cultivates is called the city of the warrior; the place where the god-man cultivates is called the peak of the god-man. As for the core disciples, they each have their own Dongfu and have a higher status.

The two first descended on the plains of the Mighty Warriors, and on the plains, many people lived in villages and cities. The warriors also had to form families. Over time, many civilian settlements of various sizes formed on the plains.

They even open up fields and open shops, which are almost no different from the outside world. In fact, throughout the Taixudong Heaven, the disciples have a large number of families and a population of several million.

Qingyu took the exit bell and rang three times softly, but the sound was extremely loud. This was the sound of martial arts summoning the warriors.

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