Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 600: 0,000 apprentice

Chapter 89: Million Disciples

Suddenly, in all directions, blood flew from all directions. The first men to come were the blood-thirsty warriors. When they saw the elders and Li Xingshi on the Qingyu, they were shocked and bowed to the ground with respect and respect.

"Meet the Master! Meet the King!" These warriors were extremely excited.

In fact, the warrior plain is very large. Most of the people in it have not seen the mage, but only know that they are too virtual, and Tai Xumen is a super big. As long as you work hard, one day you can To succeed.

Hugh talker, even the god-man, they are not easy to see. Therefore, when they suddenly saw Qingyu and Li Xingzhi, they were very excited.

The plain is vast, and not all the scholars can arrive in time. Seeing that tens of thousands of scholars have gathered below them, Qingyu's voice spreads down, everyone can clearly hear: "Today's Taixumen absorbed Li Xing as the palm Brother Brother, the elder Ben took him to meet you. "

Li Xingwei nodded his head and said, "You brothers and sisters, met for the first time and prepared some gifts. Please smile." With a wave of his hand, tens of millions of little white Yangdans came down like rain.

Baiyang Reiki is inexhaustible. In addition, he is now highly advanced, and even if he made tens of millions of little Baiyangdan, it would take less than a day. Tens of millions of pieces were thrown away all at once, and I didn't feel bad.

He shot so generously, the warriors thanked loudly as they snatched Xiaobai Yangdan.

Li Xingwei nodded and left Qingyu immediately to go to Guoshi City. Guoshi City is not as big as the Warriors Plain, but the characters here are much more powerful, and it is not appropriate to send Xiaobai Yangdan.

Thanks to him, he obtained a lot of **** spirits from the auction, so when meeting with the patriarchs, he directly scattered a large amount of **** gods, one for each person. Ordinary scholars can get a **** of magic, that is, God's great fortune.

I think when Li Xing was a patriarch, there was a lot of magic in his body, not that he had it. Therefore, the people in Guoshi City also thank the brother Master.

After leaving Guoshi City, we will head to Shenren Peak. The peak of Shenren is no better than Guoshicheng. The characters here are not trivial. Even if Shendan is sent, a large number will be sent. Li Xing couldn't bear it.

Shenren Peak is a huge mountain peak, and many houses have been built on it. As you go to the house on the top, the strength of the god-man living is stronger, and the god-man living at the top is the first god-man of Taixumen.

The two flew outside the God-Man Peak, Qing Yu said, "Li Xing, do you know how many gods we are too virtual?"

Li Xing blinked: "How many?"

"The building on the Peak of God-Man is divided into eighteen floors. There is only one room on the first floor, and the strongest gods are qualified to live there. On the second floor, there are three houses, and on the third floor, There are fourteen. The gods and men on the first three levels are all cultivated by gods. "

Li Xing froze and asked strangely: "Why don't you participate in the Wanfa Conference?"

Qing Yudao: "On the Wan Fa Conference, only the Wan Famen Group used the greatest strength because it was the host. The remaining martial arts would retain their strength. Otherwise, they might lose these talents on the conference."

After thinking about it, Li Xing understood it. If the imaginary door is too eye-catching, Wan Famen will inevitably develop jealousy, and using such a small means is also too vain and suffers heavy losses.

The place where the Wanfa Conference is held is located in Wanfamen. Wanfamen has the best time and place. If you want to do small moves, it is not easy to prepare.

Qingyu again said: "There are 18 princes in Taixumen. In addition to the barbaric gods who challenge you today, there are 17 people. Taixumen has a list of people who are too virtual, a list of people who are too virtual, and one Too much warrior list. "

Li Xing smiled and suddenly asked: "Before that, the virtual door has been set up without a master?"

"There is only one candidate, which is the No. 1 person on the list of gods and men, Dongji An. This talent has just practiced blood ten years ago, and he has already practiced God today. And he has been suppressing spiritual practice in order to stabilize himself. Speed, otherwise he would have become a mage. "Qingyu smiled at Li Xing," do you really want to see him? "

Li Xing smiled: "Of course."

When the two landed on the top of Shenren Peak, a phantom flashed before them. Dongji'an and Li Xing met for the first time, and they felt completely different.

In the eyes of the East Antarctica, Li Xing is unpredictable. The only thing that can be judged is that the other person ’s cultivation is the sixfold practice of God. However, Li Xing felt that the other party was dignified, with extraordinary qualifications and high quality.

As a result, the two people also showed different emotions. The East Antarctic Bank is vigilant and hostile, while Li Xing is a master's appreciation of his brother.

"See Elder Shang." Dongji'an looked at Li Xing and then met Qingyu.

Qingyu pointed at Li Xing and said, "This is the master who is too vain to command, do you not meet yet?"

For a while on the Antarctic coast, he had long heard that Taixumen wanted to recruit an outsider to get started. Since he did not like to make fun, he did not participate in the ceremony. After hesitating for a moment, he reluctantly held his fist and said, "Brother."

Li Xing smiled and asked, "Why, you don't seem convinced?"

The East Antarctica immediately raised his head and stared at it. It was obvious that he was indeed not convinced. His strength is much more arrogant than the Savage King. He has always been proud of himself and firmly believes that he should be stronger than the Sixth God.

Li Xing said nothing and waved his hand to suppress the past. The chaotic fingerprints are overbearing and overwhelming. The supreme power made the East Pole shore immovable at once, with an incredible expression in his eyes, as if a small boat in the raging waves of the ocean, which could be destroyed and sunk at any time.

He wanted to struggle, but under the shroud of Li Xing's divine power, he looked like an ant, too small, and resistance was useless.

"Why is it so strong? He is the six-fold god-man ~ www.readwn.com ~ Can't be stronger than me!" Dongji'an couldn't understand, the expression on his face was very painful, there was a kind of fall from the top of the mountain into the abyss feel.

Li Xing asked: "How, do you accept it?"

A sad look appeared on the face of the East Pole, sighing, "Serve."

Li Xing closed his hand and said in a straight line: "You have to remember that there is no strongest, only stronger. There is a sky outside, there are people outside, don't compare with others, breaking through the self is the most valuable! If a person can break through the self without the people, there is always One day will be strong. "

"Breakthrough myself?" Dongji'an was shocked and thoughtful.

At this moment, another Guanghua flew in and left a top ten scholar. Seeing Qingyu, the scholar hurriedly said, "See Elder Shang!"

Qingyu smiled: "Ming Shang, what are you doing here?" Secretly told Li Xing, "Li Xing, this person has a very special identity. He is a reincarnation of heaven and man with extraordinary qualifications. At this moment, the Xuanjie Yuanshen has condensed."

Li Xing jumped in his heart and finally saw a person who united the Xuanjie Yuanshen!

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