Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 601: Heaven and earth body

Chapter 90: Heaven and Earth

Ming Shangshu smiled slightly and said, "The elder, the disciples are here to challenge the East Pole!" In his tone of speech, he was full of self-confidence and a kind of pride revealed from the bones. . .

Qingyu smiled: "Oh? You are a half-step god-man, dare to challenge God's top ten East coast?"

The East Pole Bank was just suppressed by Li Xing, and there was a wicked fire in his stomach. At the first hearing, even the god-man dared to challenge himself.

Ming Shangshu ignored him, his eyes only stared at Li Xing, and he suddenly cried, "Okay! Another master! Today, I will challenge you both!"

After listening to the music on the East Antarctica, he just fought Li Xing. He admired it very much. At the same time, he knew that Li Xing's strength was terrible. He was afraid that he could shoot Ming Shang Shu with one hand.

"Although you are arrogant, your eyesight is good!" Dongjian sneered. "You know, who is he?"

Ming Shangshu proudly said, "No matter who! I will be defeated!"

Dongji'an sighed and shook his head: "I've seen arrogant, never seen you so arrogant. Tell you, he is our master who is too fictitious, Li Xing! First place in the list of gods and men of the World Law Conference ! "

After listening to Ming Shangshu, he didn't even blink his eyes, and said lightly, "I don't care who he is, I only know that he is also a man!"

Even Qingyu felt that this person was too arrogant and shook his head with a bitter smile. Antarctica was anxious for Li Xing to take a shot to teach him, and sneered: "I bet you are definitely not a master opponent, and even Master can't take a trick!"

Ming Shangshu couldn't stand the excitement, he raised his eyebrows and said, "It's okay to bet! If this person can really defeat me in one move, I would like to give you all the twelve ancient authentic texts treasured on my body! However, you lose What about it? "

Upon hearing the ancient authentic text, Li Xing's eyes lit up. He didn't wait for the East Pole Bank to open his mouth. He said, "I bet with you. If I can't beat you with one move, I will lose twenty-four ancient authentic texts. how?"

Ming Shang Shu narrowed his eyes, then narrowed his eyes and asked, "Do you have twenty-four authentic texts?"

Li Xing snorted, and with a wave of his sleeves, twenty-four Guanghua flew out. It was twenty-four ancient authentic texts, spinning in his divine light.

Ming Shangshu's eyes glowed, and he said loudly, "Okay! These twenty-four authentic articles belong to me!" Suddenly, he punched Li Xing, and exclaimed arrogantly, "I have a heaven and earth body, look How can you beat me! "

Li Xing didn't answer, and shot to meet. His moves are simple and straightforward. Divine power and King Kong's physical body are united into one, condensed into a chaotic King Kong fingerprint, and directly grasp the past. Although Ming Shangshu was only a half-step god-man, Li Xing didn't look down on him at all, and now gave the strongest blow.

The chaotic King Kong fingerprints trembled thousands of times every moment. This kind of shock represented that this move contained a blow to Guiyuan and was extremely powerful. Hugh said that half-step gods, and people who are algorithmic, three or four, will also be killed and their bodies shattered.

The big hand shrouded, Ming Shangshu felt an immense pressure immediately. He looked slightly changed, his whole body flashed, his figure suddenly grew to a height of 100 feet, his strength was strong, and the punch that he shot was even more powerful.

Li Xingdao: "Good qualification! Unfortunately, your realm is too poor, which limits your strength." The big hand grabbed it without hesitation, and held the "body of heaven and earth" in one hand.

This grasp contains the supreme divine power, carrying countless strong breaths and many martial wills. Where can Mingshangshu move? At this moment, he was like a small sparrow pinched by a big hand, small and pathetic.

Ming Shangshu didn't change his face, let alone anger, but just looked at Li Xingdao calmly: "You're great, I'm obedient!" He just exerted all his strength just now, but the power of the heavens and the earth is not insignificant, but he couldn't escape.

Li Xing smiled slightly, let go of his hand, and said lightly, "You have a bit of arrogance."

Ming Shangshu sighed and asked Li Xing a sentence: "Did you also gather the Xuanjie Yuanshen?"

As soon as this remark came out, both Qingyu and Dongji'an were taken aback, depending on how Li Xing answered. Xuanjie Yuanshen! From ancient times to the present, who is the person who embodies the Xuanjie Yuanshen, which is not a shocking figure?

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Yes, I condensed Xuanjie Yuanshen."

Ming Shangshu exhaled and asked the next sentence, which was even more shocking.

"Your physical body? Could it also be Xuanjie's physical body?" Ming Shangshu asked with a stare, obviously he had unique eyesight.

"Before answering your question, I want to know how you cultivate the body of heaven and earth." Li Xing laughed. He was very interested in the body of heaven and earth.

According to legend, the body of heaven and earth can live with heaven and earth if it is fully consummated. Mysterious heaven and human, each has a heaven and earth body, with a long life, far beyond ordinary people.

Ming Shangshu shrugged: "This is a gift of talent, and you know how to cultivate when you are born." He blinked. "If you want to cultivate, I can tell you."

Li Xing blinked and asked, "You and I don't seem to have any friendship?" He knew that the other party must have additional conditions.

Ming Shangshu smiled "Hey": "I heard that you came out of the ancient battlefield. Depending on your strength, you must have got a lot of ancient magic from there, right?"

The so-called divine medicine is that after the ancient gods fell, the breath fell to the ground. The naturally-occurring medicines are very rare and much more precious than elixir. With the help of Baoguangyi, Li Xing did get a lot of divine medicine.

For example, the blood of Xingtian, if grown in a suitable environment, can grow into the flower of Xingtian. This flower is a magic drug. The Tianyishenhua, which Li Xing has kept, also belongs to the magic medicine.

In the same way, real people, true kings, etc. in ancient times, the scattered breath landed on the ground, and the environment was suitable, and a medicine, called a real medicine, can also be grown.

"Yes, yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the magic medicine is precious, how can you easily show people?" Li Xingdan said lightly.

"How about exchanging the exercises of heaven and earth?" Ming Shangshu said positively. "Let's invite the elders to be middlemen, and no one will suffer."

Qingyu laughed: "Okay, if you want, this middleman, I will do it."

Li Xing, however, showed little interest, but it was unavoidable: "First of all, to answer your question just now, I did gather the Xuanjie physical body, so the cultivation of the heaven and earth body is not much attractive to me."

He said this, Ming Shangshu was a little anxious, he stepped forward and made a respectful slap, saying: "Master, the younger brother was rude, and caused the older brother to be upset, please the older brother to ignore the villain. In the future, the younger brother Cultivation, please bring me a lot! "

The exchange failed, Ming Shangshu immediately came to soft. Qingyu also nodded secretly. This Ming Shang book, knowing what is important, does not seem to be a real arrogance, but a smart person. He knew that people like Li Xing could only be friends, not enemies.

So she also advised: "Li Xing, speaking, Shang Shu is your teacher, can't you help him?"

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