Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 604: 9 Yangdong House

Chapter 93: Jiuyang Cave

In the cave, many rooms were opened, including Chen Shuang, Chen Xue, Shuiyue, Xueling, Murong Jiaojiao, and Bei Shibing, each with a residence. Xiaoxiu and Li Hu each have a place.

The rest, outside the cave house, opened several caves to practice.

At this time, nothing happened, Li Xing took out some gods, some holy relics, distributed them, and then brought the ladies into the Baiyang Realm. The cultivation of women is that most of them are practicing the God of Seven or Eight, and Xueling among them has even reached the ten of God.

At this time, Li Xing not only used the "dual cultivation method" to make the yin and yang reciprocate, but also used many methods to improve their cultivation. Fighting Talisman, Star Talisman, etc. are all helpful to the ladies.

Unconsciously, January time has passed, and the girls have entered the deep cultivation. Li Xing also began to digest his gains in the ancient battlefield.

On the battlefield in ancient times, Li Xing gained a lot. He obtained many magical medicines, real medicines, holy relics, and different treasures, and plundered several magical treasures, treasures, and elixir.

Among them, there are a few things that Li Xing hasn't figured out yet, and at this time they are just studying them carefully.

The first is the golden giant egg. This giant egg was wrapped in five ancient words of "belief", "righteousness", "ceremony", "loyalty", and "filial piety" at the time.

Emperor Tianxie came over and studied with Li Xing. For a long time, the teacher and apprentice looked at each other and felt nothing.

"The origin of this thing is bound to be extraordinary, so keep it first." Tianxie only said, "When the teacher resumes cultivation, he may be able to test its qualities."

Li Xing nodded, and took out the altar again to see.

Regarding this thing, the Emperor Tianxie could say one or two, saying: "In ancient times, there was a class of monks called priests. By offering sacrifice in some ways, they could obtain extraordinary strength and trade power for price. . "

"What sacrifice is used?" Li Xing asked.

"Life, blood, and treasures can all be used as sacrifices. The more precious things are, the stronger the power you get after the sacrifice. This altar is too powerful, and you cannot use it temporarily."

Li Xing smiled bitterly and had to put it aside again.

The third option is the huge car. After this thing emerged from the swamp, the entire image was exposed, and it was extremely huge. Above, there are many organs and large arrays. There is a throne in the center, which seems to be used to control the overall situation.

Li Xing observed for a while, shaking his mind, saying: "Master, if this thing can be activated, I am afraid it will be easy to even kill the Taoist figures, I don't know what it is."

Emperor Tianxie thought for a long time and said, "In ancient times, there seemed to be a true king of war. This thing may be left over by him. Maybe call it the car of war."

Li Xing nodded and said, "This object has been damaged. To restore its power, it must be carefully repaired. At present, the disciples cannot do it, and Rong will say it later."

The fourth treasure is the ancestral witch's staff. There is also a wand in Li Xing's hands, but compared to this ancestral witch's wand, it is really a little witch seeing a big witch, there is no comparability at all.

The ancestral witch's staff is still wrapped in the source of witch power at this moment, and does not come out, releasing the supreme witch power. At this moment, Li Xing could only watch, not even touch it.

"The strength is still weak. I can use these treasures only when I am strong enough!" Li Xing said with a stunned expression.

Emperor Tianxie said at this time: "Among the treasures, the only" hand of reincarnation "is suitable for your current use."

In front of Li Xing, a hand of reincarnation floated. This object is about the size of a human hand. It conveys the power of reincarnation, and it is engraved with dense text, which is called "the three types of reincarnation."

"Three types of reincarnation", as the name suggests, directly sends people into reincarnation, a technique of killing people.

Holding the hand of reincarnation, Li Xing said: "This thing is truly extraordinary, but it is unfortunate that it cannot exert its true power unless it is sacrificed. However, even if mana and mana sacrifice, it will be prolonged.

"If you want to sacrifice this thing, there is no more suitable method than star power. You have already obtained the map of astrology. You can first use this map to enhance your strength and open up the whole body to kill the meridians. Relying on the star-killing power. "Tianxie suggested.

Li Xing nodded, and he had the same idea in his heart. Xingli is a powerful force that is better than Taoism. If you can achieve certain achievements on it, you will be able to compete with them if you encounter a Taoist figure in the future.

With a wave of beckoning, the Sutra chart fell into the hands. At the beginning of the battlefield in ancient times, he was busy hunting for treasures and had no time to understand the astrology chart. Now that we have time, we should really try to figure it out and cultivate the body of God.

Astral maps show complex star meridians. These meridians Li Xing did not even know before, let alone practice.

"No wonder the lone star marks practice the star power so quickly, and the secret is on the chart of the astral chart!" Li Xing saw the hunting heart happy, no other things, he just practiced according to the map.

In his body, he has actually opened up the meridian, but it is not perfect. At this time, he inputted the force of Goddess into the astral chart. Suddenly, the meridian on the astrological chart changed strangely, and changed into a complete astral meridian.

This day's killing of meridians is thousands of times more complicated than that of Li Xing's practice. Next, what Li Xing has to do is to follow the instructions of the astral chart to open up the places where the meridian of the Heavenly Destruction has not been opened.

In the past, he practiced the star-killing power, like a blind man touching an elephant, crossing the river with his eyes closed, relying on his own exploration, so it was not easy to succeed and the progress was slow. Being able to condense the Heavenly Destroyer consumes a lot of energy.

But now it is different. With the astral chart, his practice has become systematic and efficient, and the speed has been increased many times at once. The meridians and collaterals were constantly opened up everywhere, and the heavenly killing meridians gradually improved.

Time passed day by day in Li Xing's practice, and suddenly it was January. The Heavenly Killing Meridian in his body is finally exactly the same as the Heavenly Killing Meridian on the astral chart. At this point, he is considered to have reached the first complete satisfaction of the Heavenly Killing Body.

After the Heavenly Killing Meridian was completely opened up, Li Xing felt that the star killing energy of the whole body was constantly instigated, extremely abundant, and there was a feeling of venting. At this time, when he continued to input the star force into the meridian chart, the chart changed twice.

The above Heavenly Killing Meridian disappeared, and instead appeared a text, each text is extremely mysterious, and belongs to the same category as the text recording the sericulture in Beiye Tianshu.

"I don't know how the Dugu star mark discerned these words." Li Xing was surprised in his heart, he was puzzled, and immediately asked.

The primal soul of the lonely star mark has been suppressed in Jingtian. When asked, he honestly replied: "This kind of text is called astronomy. There is an elder in Wanfa Gate who is proficient in astronomy. I consulted him privately, so I was able to Recognize the words. "

Li Xing nodded and immediately asked him what the words meant. Although he can figure it out one by one astronomy, but it takes time and time. If he can use the information of the Duke star mark, it will be easier to calculate.

The duksu scar did not dare to conceal anything, and said the meaning of these astronomy directly. With this information, Li Xing's chaotic array quickly deduced, and the real meaning of each astronomy was calculated by him.

"Xingdi Jing! It turned out to be Xingdi Jing!" Li Xing's eyes brightened, and the content of the scripture flowed in his mind. There was an enlightenment, and the understanding of Xingli reached an unprecedented depth.

Immediately, he began to practice the Xingdi Jing, and the whole man entered a state of profound cultivation. In this way, more than a month later, he slowly woke up from the set.

Within the heavenly kill meridian, a strange change has taken place in the heavenly killing star power. This change is like upgrading from divine power to mana, and the change is huge, so that the power of the star-killing power is greatly enhanced.

At the lower abdomen of Li Xing, the star power of the celestial body came together, condensing into a star-wheel phantom. This star wheel, the size of a fist, is far from being fully realized.

"Starwheel!" He exclaimed in his heart, "Finally, he has reached the second level of the assassination!"

The so-called star wheel is a combination of star power in a special way, which is equivalent to the divine fetus, the French fetus, and the Tao fetus. It is the foundation of the star power and the source of strength, which is extremely important.

According to the Star Emperor's Scriptures, practicing star power can produce up to nine star wheels in the body. The more star wheels, the greater the power. For example, the original Dugu star mark, the sixth punishment of the body of the sky punishment, the first star wheel of cultivation, has just formed a childish form, is not perfect, and already has that kind of power.

After the fifth star weight of the Goddess, the star wheel has just condensed and formed, and after the ninth weight, the first star wheel can be completed. This first star wheel has a name called the natal star wheel.

The power of the natal star wheel will be the star wheel that is the most powerful and the most important one at any time. In the future, if Li Xing can condense the second star wheel, the power of the second wheel will also be based on the first star wheel.

The Emperor Xingjing records that practicing star power can condense at least nine star wheels. The quality of the star wheel depends on the star power of the star wheel. The higher the quality of star power, the more the number of star power, and the more powerful the star wheel is.

Above nine days ~ www.readwn.com ~ The vast starry sky has three thousand main stars, the most powerful, if the three thousand stars can be condensed into a star wheel. This star wheel is called the emperor star wheel, and the people who embody the imperial star wheel are called the star emperor!

However, how difficult it is to condense the imperial star wheel, it is many times more difficult than Li Xing's condensed metaphysical form.

"Heavenly body is the second most important thing, which has at least improved my strength." Li Xing was very satisfied and nodded slightly. He didn't expect much power at once, as long as he could grow.

After the second concentration of the body of Heavenly Slay, the evil spirit said: "The cultivation of star power is enough, and your main thing is to cultivate God. This is the foundation and cannot be abandoned."

Li Xing laughed: "The apprentice understands, but Master, why don't you let me consolidate the Star Wheel?"

Emperor Tianxie sneered: "Do you think it is possible?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly and said: "The first step is to consolidate all 3,000 nodes of the star chart of the Great Zhou Tian; the second step is to use the sutra chart to cultivate 3,000 kinds of star power; the third step is to return To practice the Star Emperor's Sutra; each of these three steps will take a long time, and I will be dead when I practice successfully! "

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