Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 605: Star Emperor

Chapter 69: Start Cultivation

Buddhism beads can enhance your comprehension. Li Jie sat for three days. When he opened his eyes, a tenacious will was released from him. Will not frustrate, like leather, full of elasticity, the more adversity, the stronger the will to fight.

This is the martial art of Li Jie, the tenacity of martial arts, which he himself realized. Li Jie's voice can be described as ups and downs, and after Sanyi Garden was destroyed, he invested in the Qi Yun faction and quickly promoted cultivation with the help of Li Xing.

The change of state of mind made him perceive his life, pursue his spiritual practice, and finally realized it today, creating a tenacious martial art.

"Very good!" Li Xing praised. "With your own martial arts, the next practice is much easier."

Li Jie worshiped Li Xing and said, "Thank you, Master!" Then he offered the Buddha's beads in both hands. He knew very well that if it were not for Li Xing, he would not be able to break through today.

Li Xing smiled and asked, "You married Bai Jing and Bai Qiong, why don't you see them?"

Speaking of Sister Bai Jing, Li Jie's face showed a gentle color: "They are pregnant and they are recuperating at home. I took the time to visit the big brother and met Sister Liu, so I had a discussion."

Li Xing Yixi: "Are you going to be a dad? Well, the children are born and brought to my side. Then I will wash the hair and spin the marrow for them. The descendants of the Li family must lay the foundation."

Li Jie is overjoyed, he knows Li Xing's ability, and doing so will definitely benefit the child.

Consolidating the will of martial arts, Li Jie said goodbye the same day, and he couldn't rest assured that the children at home. Li Xing also instructed Liu Yiyi for two days. Although she could not understand her martial arts, she also made great progress.

After a few days of delay, Li Xing entered Jingtian and continued his cultivation.

The barren sea area and his party had a huge harvest. King Zhou and others gave him a large amount of heavenly treasures and anti-elixir, all absorbed, and used for the powerful flesh and the baby. Not only this, but also cultivated the wild body, and reached a perfect state.

Most importantly, he used the power of King Zhou and others to grab three treasures, the origin of decay, the origin of corruption, and the origin of order. The first two things are at the root of evil, and Li Xing is preparing to sacrifice for life.

In his experience, this kind of original power must be exchanged for life power.

His vitality was exhausted the last time he condensed the sky pattern and road pattern. In the next step, he had to get through the star map of Da Zhou and practice the Xingdi Jing. The immortals, witches, and zens must be confirmed one by one, which will consume more time.

As for the origin of order, like the origin of chaos, it belongs to the origin of the gods. It can be absorbed by the power of faith and bear the fruit of order, in preparation for condensing the true form. When condensing the true form, judging from his current situation, he must consume a large amount of original power, and he must prepare early to avoid being caught off guard by then.

At this time, after Li Xing had prepared, he first absorbed the fallen light into the altar. This degenerate light is full of degenerate breath. When touched a little, the spirit and will will degenerate and there is no cure.

With this fallen light, you can make a very powerful magic weapon. The original owner of this source is going to use it to make magic weapon, and call it the fallen bell. Once the fallen bell rings, sound waves are everywhere, and all souls will fall, very vicious. Unfortunately, the man wasn't ready, and things were snatched by King Zhou.

I do n’t know the origin of the altar, it seems that I can sacrifice all the power. The fallen light entered the altar and disappeared instantly. The great existence that gave life force was in contact with Li Xing. Power exchange.

The powerful force of life came down, and Li Xing was so happy that he felt happy. Next, he didn't do it, he kept on sacrificing the rotten pearl, and gained 2,000 years of life.

This time, he added 4,500 years of vitality to his body. Although I don't know if he can break through to the eighth level of training, he can at least practice for a while.

After the baby is complete, he enters the training of Yae. This level of master tempers the flesh and prepares for the next step to consolidate the true form. However, Li Xing's physical body is arrogant enough, so this step is relatively easy for him, not as difficult as practicing the Seventh God.

After the sacrifice, the source of order was absorbed again with the tree of faith. It would not take long for it to bear fruit of order. Chaos and order are opposite to each other. Just like the yin and yang on the surface of things, if you eat these two kinds of **** fruit at the same time, the effect is better.

With all things in place, Li Xing was out of the country, and he wanted to see a few sword torture days. Unfortunately, they were all in retreat, but they learned from Dongxu that these four guys entered the country quickly and made him feel pressure.

"Extremely, if my boss was overtaken by them, wouldn't it be shameless?" Li Xing said nothing, went straight back to Taixue Bethel, and went to practice in the eight pole tower.

There are eight caves in the eight-pole tower. These eight caves are different. They can adjust the speed of the passage of the caves, just like the characters in the realm, so Li Xing decided to practice in the eight pole tower in the future.

The rest of them practiced in the rest of Dongtian, except for Heaven's Dongtian. No one has been sitting at this time. The eight-pole boy came out and said, "Master, how do you adjust the time?"

"What is the limit you can adjust?" Li Xing asked. He knew that although the eight-pole boy could adjust the flow rate of time, he was not as comfortable as the characters of the state, so he asked this question.

"Finger means one year." Baji said, "Three years outside, one day in the cave, does the master think it is appropriate?"

Li Xing thought about it and said, "Come on, let's go!"

The figure of the eight-pole boy disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ The speed of the sky was adjusted.

The consummate babies, only one door of Tao failed to complete, the first thing Li Xing had to solve was the big star map of Zhou. Dazhou Tianxing map is the treasure of ancient gods.

If the gate of the Tao is to be successful, Li Xing must open up the 3,000 nodes of the big star map and absorb 3,000 kinds of star power. Moreover, he must cultivate each star power into the natal star wheel.

According to the records of the Star Emperor's Scriptures, the practice of star power is 981 in total, and up to nine star wheels can be cultivated. Every ninefold corresponds to a star wheel, and the first ninefold corresponds to a natal star wheel.

The natal star wheel is the most basic and fundamental star wheel. Li Xing's task is to cultivate all three thousand star power to the ninth weight, and then condensed a complete natal star wheel.

Obviously, this process is undoubtedly long and difficult. Hugh said that the three thousand star wheels, even one kind of star wheel, will take a long time, without a year and a half, it is impossible to complete.

"It is already the second most important aspect of the Heavenly Destroyer's body, starting from the Heavenly Destroyer's body! The ants scaffold their bones, no matter how difficult the cultivation, as long as the time is sufficient, they can be completed as well!" The practice of the heavenly body.

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