Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 606: Refined God

Chapter 94: God Refined

Li Xing sighed, and said, "Lian Shen never enters the country. I don't know if the Buddha's beads have any effect. Let's try it."

At that time, the Four Sisters of the South China Sea agreed with Li Xing to provide Buddhism beads to help him cultivate. The Buddhism beads, the Buddha's understanding, are extremely precious, which can help people understand the mystery and enhance the spiritual realm.

It's March after Baiyang Jingtian came out, and the Four Sisters of the South China Sea did not leave naturally. He often talked with Dongxu Taoists and occasionally pointed out disciples who were too virtual.

In this regard, Dongxu Taoists feel strange, but they are not easy to question. As soon as Li Xing came out, the person in charge immediately passed him to the Taixu Hall and asked why. Li Xing didn't conceal anything and said causality.

The Dongxu Taoist nodded and said, "Buddha beads are really important to you, but the dragon palace is tricky, and there are hidden dangers. The countless high-ranking people in the South China Sea will inevitably encounter some crises."

"The disciples have to protect themselves and will put safety first and go to the Dragon Palace, but do what they like." Li Xingdao.

Seeing that his mind had been decided, Dong Xu had no choice but to say: "Three years, not long or short, I hope that during this period, you will be able to unite the **** babies. Although your strength is strong, the realm is really worse."

Li Xing nodded: "Yes!"

Traveling out of the hall, Li Xing went directly to the Four Sea Gods in the South China Sea to get the Buddhist beads. This Buddhist jewel was not on the four ancestors at the time. Gujing lent it to a monk friend and only returned last month.

Both parties agreed that they would naturally take out the Buddhist beads. The buddha beads are similar to the image of Bodhi, but the surface is shiny, and there is a Buddha image on it, with or without the supreme virtue, the supreme nobility and grandeur.

Starting with this bead, there was a mysterious mood at the beginning, which penetrated into Li Xing's body and mind. He couldn't help but praise: "Good baby!"

"Li Xing, as long as you place this bead in Yuanshen, you can naturally improve your understanding." Gujing said, "Using it to make God can do more with less and easily break through."

Li Xing couldn't help asking one more question: "The juniors talked a lot, I don't know where the Buddhism beads came from? How many more are there in the world?"

Gu Jingxian looked bleak, and said, "This bead was given to me by the bearer, and there was only one dragon palace in the whole age. In ancient times, the dragon family was the Buddha's guardian spirit beast. Beads are one of them. "

Speaking of Buddhism, Li Xing thought of Buddhism in previous lives. There must be a connection between the two?

As soon as this idea came out, he asked again, "There doesn't seem to be any Buddha on the Tianyuan continent?"

"The Buddhist gate has not disappeared. Outside of Tianyuanzhou, the Buddhist gate still has a strong power." Tian Needles said, "In ancient times, Jiuzhou was connected by one piece and was extremely vast. In the era of great destruction, the whole world happened once. The drastic changes have formed the situation where Jiuzhou is isolated from each other today. "Qimen yelled, she is the most knowledgeable of all people.

Li Xing thoughtfully asked a few more things about Buddhism. On the second day, the four seamen of the South China Sea left Taixumen, and Li Xing personally gave it away. On the same day, the Taiyi Taoists and the Fire Raven Taoist also prepared to leave.

At the time of their departure, the Taoist and Taiyi Taoists both said that if Li Xing had any needs, they could find them.

At this point, Taixu Men finally restored the situation of the past, and the disciples practiced with peace of mind.

However, he said that after sending away a few good people, Li Xing immediately greeted Ming Shang Shu and handed him several medicines for refining Tiandi Huadan. Tianyi Shenguo, true earth fruit, yin and yang stone, twelve flavor elixir, each of them are very precious.

Among the Baiyang Jingtian, there is a Tianyishenhua, which has grown for so many years. Not long ago, a Tianyishen fruit was just born, and it matured a month ago. The earth really came from the battlefields of ancient times. Yin and Yang stone was also obtained in the ancient battlefield.

Li Xing obtained five **** stones and five **** stones. After being identified by Emperor Tianxie, they were considered to be Yinyang Stone, Fenglei Stone, Xuanji Stone, Ghost Stone, and Immortal Stone.

The five **** stones are all priceless treasures formed by special forces condensing under special circumstances.

The twelve elixir comes from Baiyang Jingtian. In Li Xingjing's heaven, there are many elixir, it is not difficult to find out the twelve flavors.

Ming Shangshu could not help laughing, saying: "Brother, my brother admire! You can get such a precious thing when you say it!" He immediately took out the Danfu, and then put all the medicinal herbs into it in one fell swoop.

"Booming" for a while, the sky over Jiuyang Dongfu was suddenly overcast with many monsters, the shadow of the dragon, and the spirit breath.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The birth of Xuan Dan has attracted Heaven ’s Calamity! Anyway, let me deal with it, you take care of the alchemy!" He walked out of Jiuyang Cave, and the chaotic big fingerprints soared into the sky, blocking the rogue force, whatever No calamity can break through Li Xing's defense.

Ming Shangshu waited for a moment, and suddenly a shake of the Danfu, nine different things flew out, leaving the sky, he could not respond for a moment, and quickly called out: "No! Master, catch them!"

Li Xing said with a smile: "Can't run away!" Covered with the big fingerprints, he fished down, and Jiudao Guanghua was completely collected by him.

Among the big hands, nine villains, one with clear eyebrows and one with superb qualifications, all worshiped Li Xing'an: "Master forgive me! Master forgive me!"

Xuanjie elixir is not a trivial matter. It is naturally psychic and can present various visions. The human form is one of them. These nine mysterious elixir drugs are all equivalent to the tenfold state of practicing God, and they are extremely intelligent.

Li Xing ignored the villain, handed over five pills to Ming Shangshu, and left four of them. This was agreed by the two.

After receiving the elixir, Ming Shangshu could not wait to leave, and said, "Brother, my brother will go to God's punishment, and there will be a period!"

After Ming Shang Shu left, Li Xing slammed into Baiyang Realm for the second time, and used that supreme virtual shadow to refine God. This time, the buddhist beads were suspended in his divine fetus, and the bursts of buddhist infiltration leaked out, washing the divine fetus and the body.

The Buddhism beads really worked, and Li Xing immediately felt that in the supreme virtual shadow, a great power began to enter his body and become one with the fetus.

He saw that the supreme virtual shadow seemed to fade.

This phenomenon shocked Li Xing and cried, "Why did my level rise by one point, and the power of the virtual shadow weakened by one point?"

Emperor Tianxie thought for a long time, and Fang said, "There is only one such supreme and noble existence in heaven and underground, and he is the only one."

It seemed that Li Xing only explained it this way. Heaven and earth, I alone! The only existence between heaven and earth?

In the end, it was just speculation. Li Xing was not fully understood, so he no longer thought about it and continued to cultivate. The breath, the noble, the noble, the supreme, and the supremacy of the Supreme Void have all been incorporated into the fetus.

After three months, the Supreme Void has faded in half. However, Li Xing felt that his fetus had made great progress and was even more successful.

He was preparing to continue to practice, and in one fell swoop he succeeded, but he saw that the destiny sign on his body lit up, and the voice of God came from it: "Li Xing, you have joined the Taixu Men, good! This seat gives you a task, Hurry and finish. "

Li Xing opened his eyes and said, "God, what is the task? If it is too damaging, I cannot accept it."

"This task is beneficial to Taixumen." God said, "In the Taixumen, there is an old antique that has been closed for three hundred years. It has reached the peak of the Taoist ranks. However, his savings are strong. But it ’s one thing worse. This Lord has asked you to bring a message to Tai Xumen, and in Destiny ’s hands, he has what he needs. ”

Li Xing nodded immediately: "OK, I will bring it."

"In addition, I have something to ask you, Dugu Starscarp, but you killed it?" God said flatly.

"Yes," Li Xing admitted directly.

"Very well, you are now the number one killer at God level and can accept higher level tasks." God's voice came to an abrupt end.

Subsequently, a dozen missions were displayed on the amulet. Li Xing took a look at them randomly, and one of the missions aroused his interest.

The four great families of the South China Sea, two months later, joined forces to go to the wild sea to kill a barren. Barren, powerful, three thousand miles long, once turned over, the sea waves, and a flick, the storm can't rest for three days.

These fierce creatures cannot be subdued by non-state characters. Each of the four great families has an old ancestor, all of which are Fa Tian and Liu Du. They each have a powerful magic weapon. They will set traps and work together to kill the barrens. It turned out that the wasteland had devoured several treasures, which could not be digested. If the wasteland was killed, you could get the treasure.

The employer's request was very simple, and they joined forces to **** several treasures from the wasteland. After the completion of the event, Li Xing not only divided half of Li Xing's treasures, but also willing to surrender seven ancient characters.

Of course, the employer also provides remuneration to the destiny organization, but this matter has nothing to do with Li Xing.

"It seems that this employer has limited strength, but he is not willing to miss this opportunity, so he asked for his destiny to help." Li Xing thought about it, and the contents of the wasteland were worthless. Seven ancient characters, he must get it .

"There are still two months, practice for a while, and then go to the South China Sea!" Thinking of this, he entered the idea of ​​destiny sign ~ www.readwn.com ~ to take on this task.

Before meditation practice, he must inform the Dongxu Taoist what God said.

Tai Xing Dian, Li Xing told the whole story, he did not worry about being exposed to the destiny, so he did not hide anything.

After hearing this, the Dongxu Taoist looked as usual, saying, "Li Xing, you tell God that Taixumen has its own way to deal with it, without external help."

Li Xing stunned and said, "Head, what is the retired senior missing?"

Dong Xu said: "You are the master of the order and you have the right to know about it. It ’s okay to talk with the elder. The elder retired three hundred years ago, and hoped that he could break through the Taoist realm and enter the Taoist level. One step was too difficult for him to break through. It wasn't until later that elder knew that he was missing something, which was 'lucky luck.' "

Li Xing opened his eyes wide, "Luck?"

"Yes, I can't see, I can't feel it, but ubiquitous luck, no one can control it!" Dong Xu Taoist sneered, "It's ridiculous that Destiny thinks it can control fate!"

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