Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 607: Sincere Daojun

Chapter 95: Sincere Daojun

The hole machine also sneered: "It is ridiculous to think of heaven as your own heart. It is ridiculous to claim your own destiny! Even if you break through the last level and rise to the heavens, you will not dare to say this!"

Li Xing had a taste of it, and it seemed that the virtual door was not at all dismissive of fate. . . The fate of heaven, the fate of heaven, this title alone is extremely arrogant, and it is no wonder that Dongxu waits for discomfort and scoffs at him.

After thinking about it, Li Xing asked: "Head, what is the senior now? Has it been broken?"

Dong Xu looked at Li Xing with a weird look and said, "In fact, the elder has almost given up, but the day you joined Taixu Men, he suddenly got inspiration in his heart and made a breakthrough! Now, he has reached Daojun Realm! "

Between talking, in the void, a character emerged. This man was in a large green robe, with two sleeves and a clean breeze. He was chic and behaved in every way. His practice is unfathomable, and even Dongxu and others are far worse.

Dong Xu's three virtual characters stood up and saluted, "Uncle!"

The three elders of Qingchen respectfully called them "masters and ancestors".

Is this person the one who entered the level of Daojun? Li Xing was shocked to see: "Disc Li Xing, see seniors!"

The Qingpao smiled slightly and said, "That day, I felt that life was about to run out, and my heart was quiet, waiting for death to come, sitting like countless predecessors. However, at the last moment, inspiration came suddenly and smoothly. Break through the last level. "

"Congratulations, senior!" Li Xingdao said, but felt strange in his heart.

"It actually broke the day I joined Taixumen. Does it have anything to do with me?" When this idea came out, he was taken aback.

The man continued: "After the breakthrough, I was both happy and wondering why there was an inspiration at that time. After I got out of the customs, I realized that too much talent was accepted by you. I have to say, I borrow It ’s your luck that you can finally break through. "

Li Xing paused and asked Tian Xie, "Master, how did he borrow my luck?"

"This kind of luck is mysterious, it's mysterious, and it affects each other. What he says is a bit possible. Being a teacher is not a party. He can't see the truth."

With a smile, Dong Xu officially introduced to Li Xing: "Li Xing, this is the elder who just talked about you and I, sincere Daojun!"

Sincerely Daojun looked at Li Xing, the more he looked, the more interesting his expression was. Finally, "Li Xing, what do you need, even if you tell the elder."

Li Xing jumped in his heart, saying that the old man was generous! Opportunity is lost, and he no longer comes. He turned his thoughts to lightning and had an idea. He said politely, "How can a disciple bother the elder?"

Fearing that he missed the opportunity, Qingchen hurriedly said: "Li Xing, too much elders have cultivated to the state for more than 600 years, involved many times in danger, and have a rich collection. If you lack anything, you can ask for it."

Dong Xu also laughed and said, "Li Xing, since the elders carry you, you don't have to quit."

Li Xing thanked the sincere Daojun and said, "The disciples lack some ancient authentic texts, as well as mysterious elixir."

Zhicheng Daojun didn't blink his eyelids and said, "The elders have few ancient authentic texts, only six of them can be given to you. Mysterious elixir has accumulated a lot, there are three or five hundred, you want How many?"

Good guy, three or five hundred! Li Xing's heart jumped fiercely, but he knew that he couldn't be greedy, and thought: "A disciple feeding a fetus requires about thirty Xuanjie pills."

Sincere Daojun smiled: "I will give you sixty pieces, and six pieces of real text will also be given to you. I hope you can become the strongest force to revitalize my too virtual door."

Li Xing quickly thanked the sincere elder. Immediately, the latter gave sixty mysterious elixir and six authentic texts together.

Sixty Xuanjie elixir, including eighteen types, have eternal elixir, Dajue Jindan, Bajibaodan, etc., each of which is extraordinary and of outstanding quality. As for the six authentic texts, they are "Ji", "Xiang", "Fu", "Lu", "Shou", and "Shui".

As soon as the six true texts came out, Li Xing felt that he had very good luck. As soon as he went out, he could pick up treasures. Of course, this is just feeling.

After putting away the elixir and true text, Li Xing thanked Zhicheng Daojun and accepted a few questions before exiting Taixu Hall. After he left, Dong Yin said, "Uncle, your old man has achieved Daojun. We are too fictitious to finally compete with Wanfamen."

Sincerity Road: "There are two capable men above the Ten Thousand Doors of Ten Thousand Doors. They are not under heaven. However, the two brothers, like me, also showed signs of breakthrough. After they broke through, they were too virtual Enough to compete against thousands of methods. "

"Is it really luck that Li Xing brought?" Qingchen couldn't help asking, "Otherwise, how could the three masters and uncles feel breakthrough at the same time?"

"It can't be wrong." Sincerity said, "You can't reach the realm, you can't sense the existence of air transport. This feeling can't be said, but you can feel it."

"No wonder the uncle likes Li Xing so much, it seems that he has the intention to guard his growth." Dong Yin said, "I will wait the same, I hope Li Xing can be a good candidate soon, and the town is too empty."

"This day won't be long." Zhicheng seemed very determined, he smiled slightly, "It will not be too long for Taixumen to return to its former style!"

Li Xing returned to Jiuyang Dongfu, entered Jingtian, and refined the **** with the supreme virtual shadow. When practicing, time always flies fast, and at the flick of a finger, one and a half months pass by.

The supreme virtual shadow, with only a faint shadow, seemed to disappear soon.

"It's almost a step closer, but this step is not easy. You have to wait for two or three months. If you can't wait for time, you should go to the wild seas first to do the task." Li Xingsi said.

After making a decision, he prepared for it and set off. In the physical body, six treasure charms are fused, namely, the Qingfeng treasure charm, the broken treasure charm, the thunderbolt treasure charm, the flashing treasure charm, the solidified treasure charm, and the cutting treasure charm.

In addition, they also used the Jingtian Magic Array to extract the star magic, the sword of punishment, these two magic weapons taken from the dukuo star mark, crushed directly, and took out the original source of that magic weapon.

Jiulongyu was called out, and the "humming" earthquake was shaking and very excited. It seemed to know that Li Xing was about to enhance its strength.

"Jiulongyu, let you ban ascension magic today!"

With his left hand, Li Xing took out three heaven-level forbidden seeds and patted them into the Jiulongyu with one palm. Suddenly, thunder broke out, and the Jiulongyu turned upside down. Immediately afterwards, the "Eat of Heaven" on the handle was swallowed up the freshly baked magic source for brewing innate confinement.

Jiulong Jiu, fell into a deep sleep, motionless. The heavenly order ban is unusual. Even if you have one heavenly order ban, you can definitely suppress the jade order with three innate bans.

Li Xing and Jiulongyu interacted with each other. It took at least three hundred years to learn about the changes in Jiulongyu. With this situation, he could not help rolling his eyes, and said, "How can I wait for you for 300 years?" Directly sent out a strange power, covering the Jiulongyu.

Outside the Nine Dragons, Li Xing turned into a large golden cocoon and wrapped the Nine Dragons tightly. Among the large cocoons, the force of transformation constantly nourishes Jiulong. He actually used the silkworm technique to force the Jiulongyu to transform!

Yipin Baiyang Reiki and Liupin Chiyang Reiki also infiltrated into it, which gave birth to the transformation of Jiulongyu. In just three days, the golden cocoon broke open, and nine dragons burst into the sky.

The nine dragons have undergone transformation and their strength has soared. Similarly, within the Jiulong Pass, the three Golden Orders have been transformed into Heaven Orders! In other words, the Jiulongyu now is a magic weapon for heaven!

Jin Wujian and the Tower of Tolerance all jumped out and flew around Li Xingfei. They saw the Kowloon Wren improve their quality, one by one red eyes.

Li Xingdao: "Don't worry, you will find more seeds of heavenly bans in the future, and will help you ascend one by one."

With that said, the two magic weapons stopped.

At this point, everything was ready, Li Xing greeted the people in Jiuyang Dongfu and was ready to go. When flying in Taixudong days, I met a lot of gods and mages along the way. Everyone saw him and stopped, respectfully calling "Master".

When the picture was too empty, Li Xing accelerated his flight speed and flew towards the South China Sea. I crossed Taiwei Kingdom, crossed the demon forest, and then passed Tianchen Kingdom to the South China Sea. This journey took half a month.

When he arrived in the South China Sea, he first came to Wanbao Island and met the other party at Tianyizhai according to the mission agreement. However, he arrived two days earlier, and it was not yet time for the appointment.

During these two days, Li Xing decided to walk around Wanbao Island to see if there was anything suitable to buy. The first place to go is naturally Tianyizhai.

As soon as he arrived, Tianyizhai's boss recognized it at a glance and hurriedly greeted him.

Behind the boss, a young man, practicing the triple practice of God, looked straight at Li Xing. After confirming Li Xing's identity, he stepped forward and worshiped: "Xiaoyi sees En Gong!"

It turned out that this young man was the young man Xiaoyi rescued on the Li Xinglin Wanfa ship. Xiaoyi stayed at Tianyizhai as a buddy. Seven or eight years later, he has grown into an adult and has reached the triple realm of practicing God.

Li Xing also recognized him and laughed, "It's you, Xiaoyi!" He stepped forward and raised him.

Some greetings ~ www.readwn.com ~ The boss invited Li Xing to the back and said, "Here is what happened, Brother Li?" Obviously, the boss knew Li Xing's identity. Tianyizhai also belongs to the Tianyi organization, and Li Xing itself is a member of Tianyi, and often has news traffic.

Li Xingdao: "Walk around and buy something expensive."

The boss laughed: "It's just a branch here. A new Tianyi head office is opened on Manpower Island. There are good things there. I'll let Xiaoyi take Brother Li."

Li Xing asked, "Why is Tianyizhai head office just completed now?"

They are all their own, and the boss did not hide it, saying: "The main store is full of exotic treasures. The site selection and construction are very careful. It took more than 20 years to officially open last month."

Li Xing nodded and let Xiaoyi lead the way to Tianyizhai Main Store. Halfway, Xiaoyi said, "Engong, do you know that a big event will happen on Manpower Island?"

Li Xing stunned, "What's the big deal?"

"Many forces in the South China Sea will hold a ten-year trading conference here in half a month. If En Gong has time, he must not miss it."

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