Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 608: Prajna Sutra.Bodhi

Chapter 96: Prajna Sutra. Bodhi

Li Xing asked: "The scale of the trade conference is large?"

"Yes, the four great families of the South China Sea, the nine major water houses, thirty-six islands, seventy-two holes, and many other schools will all come to participate. Even some powers that don't go out easily will also come to participate in the conference." Xiaoyidao "Even many forces outside the South China Sea have been attracted."

Li Xing nodded: "If there is time, I will come over."

The time to speak has reached Tianyizhai. This head office is built on a mountain. It can be seen that the mountain peak is a magic weapon, and it is a jade-level spiritual treasure with twelve innate laws.

Below the mountain peak, there are nine roads up the mountain, which extend upwards and are restricted. Visitors can only walk and cannot fly over. Li Xing and Xiaoyi could only step up to the top of the mountain.

At the top of the peak, first of all, there is an open square with customers on it. It seems that Tianyizhai's business is very good. Above the square, there were actually some idle people setting up their stalls.

Li Xing said with amusement: "Doesn't Tianyizhai care?"

Xiaoyi said: "These people doing business here will only attract more customers to come. There is no harm to Tianyizhai, so the director here keeps one eye closed."

Li Xing nodded and was about to enter the main hall of Tianyizhai. Suddenly he saw a familiar figure. He pulled Xiaoyi and walked over.

This person was Lan Ruobing who hadn't been seen for a long time, and saw that there was a little beautiful girl about three inches tall beside her, fluttering with transparent wings and fluttering. It was exactly the plant-elves that Li Xing rescued from the traitors at the time. Call out.

Xiao Xiao's face was absolutely the same, saying: "Sister Bing, you still sell me, maybe you can change some elixir to help the master through the difficulties."

Lan Ruobing snorted: "How many pills can you value?" She finished, walked to a place, spread a piece of cloth on the ground, and wrote: Sell yourself to save your father.

Li Xing opened his eyes wide, what a joke!

Not only Li Xing, but many monks were attracted to it.

"The figure is good, if only the bust is bigger. But the waist is thin and the buttocks are plump." A wicked voice said.

"It looks like Yuanyin hasn't broken yet, it's still a virgin, good." Another interested monk said.

After hearing all the words, Lan Ruobing flushed with a flushed face, lowered his head, and almost burst into tears.

"Hey, little lady, how much elixir do you want to sell?" Suddenly, a voice asked.

Lan Ruobing didn't raise his head, and whispered, "A‘ killing gold pandemonium ’. As soon as he heard the knight ’s gold panic, the man turned his head away, leaving a hurtful sentence:“ Really crazy! A killer Jindan can exchange a hundred beauties like you! "

Killing Jin Dan is not killing people, but taking life back from the Lord, it is a mysterious medicine for saving lives.

Upon hearing the rest, they "coaxed" and dispersed, and they were not interested anymore.

Lan Ruobing was sad and humiliated at the moment, and began to wipe tears alone. I also accompany the cry, which is so pitiful and pitiful.

Suddenly, she supported her shoulders with both hands and gently lifted her up, then a soft voice said, "What are you doing?"

Lan Ruobing resisted subconsciously, but her opponent's strength was so strong that she couldn't even move. She couldn't help standing up, and then she saw Li Xing, who had been away for a long time.

"It's you!" Lan Ruobing exclaimed, then lowered his head quickly.

"What happened?" Li Xing asked.

Li Xing was rescued by Li Xing. She happily circled in the air, and then went forward to worship. She said, "Engong, Sister Bing's parents were hunted down and seriously injured. Only the life-saving Jin Dan can be saved. . "

Li Xing asked: "Who shot?"

"An enemy, called the Master of Wuxiang, the three strong powers of Fatian." Lan Ruobing said, "He has a disciple, because the evil was beheaded by his father, so he came to revenge."

After careful questioning, Li Xing learned that Lantian, the two-year-old Fatian, was unable to compete with Fatian's triple-phase-less Master, causing serious injuries. Lan Ruobing's mother was soft and soft, and she was not injured, but she was not as serious as Lan Gusheng, but not light.

Li Xing asked, "Where are they?" He understood that his parents were seriously injured and Lan Ruobing would not be too far away from them.

"On an island three thousand miles away, I can't help it, so I ran here ..." She said to this place, she couldn't help crying.

Li Xing said nothing to Xiaoyi: "You go back first, I will be away from the island for a while." Then he held Lan Ruobing and left the square.

After descending from the mountain peak, Li Xing and the two flew up into the air, and rushed to the island where Langusheng was injured. Three thousand miles away, a moment later, he saw an island ahead.

The island grew sparsely and weeded. There was a faint breath in a mess. Lan Ruobing stepped forward, played a divine light, and removed the invisibility. Lan Gusheng and Shuirourou showed their figures.

Lan Gusheng faced like gold paper, lying motionless on the ground. Shui Rourou was also pale, sitting on the ground barely, and was crying.

"Mother! What happened to Dad?" Lan Ruobing shouted.

Li Xing was too late to say hello, and with a wave of his sleeves, he sent a divine power to hold Lan Gusheng, and at the same time he shouted, "What's his name, he's not dead yet!"

When Shui Rourou saw Li Xing, a glimmer of hope was raised in his eyes, and he asked urgently, "Li Xing, can you save Gu Sheng?"

"It's no problem to save him, and you don't have to use life-saving Jindan." Li Xing replied, while sending out silkworm gong, a series of white Yang reikis condensed into large white cocoons, encapsulating Lan Gusheng.

Seeing this scene, the soft water and blue Ruobing felt incredible. But he did not dare to ask more, for fear of disturbing Li Xing to save people.

After a long time, the big cocoon formed, and Li Xing put it in his hand and said, "He can recover in up to seven days."

The mother and daughter were overjoyed. They had to step forward to thank Li Xing and stop him. They took out a few more healing pills and gave them to Shui Rourou, saying, "Your injury is not a big deal. Take the elixir and rest for a while. . "

Shuirou softened his heart, and immediately worked his breath for several weeks, and his injuries began to recover. Li Xing just stayed aside like this for half a day.

At this moment, a Fatian landed and one person appeared. If there is no such figure, his mana is superb. When he saw him, Lan Ruobing's face changed greatly, and he shivered, "It's him, Master Wuxiang!"

The Master Wuxiang gave a smirk: "Lan Gusheng has been planted by me, and even if he runs to the ends of the earth, he will be found by me!"

Li Xing put down the big cocoon, his face pale, and the jujube in the cultivation practice: "You feel relieved, this person will give it to me to deal with." He got up and walked in front of Wuxiang Master.

The Master Wuxiang was startled, but stepped back, staring at Li Xing and asking, "Boy, who are you?"

"Under Li Xing, Tai Xumen ordered the big disciple!" Li Xing said lightly, "Friend, why don't you kill everything?"

Master Wuxiang's eyes rolled around and suddenly sneered: "Are you Li Xing? I heard, what kind of **** wizard are you? But this can't scare the Master!"

Li Xing's face suddenly sank: "Why, do you want to start?"

"Not only to start, but you also have to kill!" Wuxiang Master grunted coldly and punched Li Xing with a punch called Wuxiang Shenquan.

In fact, as soon as the other party appeared, Li Xing could see that this person practiced Wuxiangong! No one knows better than Li Xing about Wuxiangshenquan. The other party punched him, and he also punched out, using the Wuxiang Shenquan to Wuxiang Shenquan!

The two punches collided, a loud noise was heard, the Master Wuxiang screamed, and his right arm exploded. The violent divine power smashed into his body, destroying it, destroying the other person's physical body and the fetus, and almost exploded.

"What! You have cultivated Wuxiangong!" Wuxiang Mage fell to the ground with almost no mana, staring at Li Xing with resentment and surprise.

Li Xing's expression was also a bit strange. He felt that Wu Xianggong's Wu Xianggong was a little different, with a mysterious power. Originally, he planned to bring the other side to fruition with one punch, but the man survived and was only seriously injured.

Li Xing stepped forward, and in the horrified eyes of the Master Wu Xiang, his big hand was inserted directly into his fetus, and he felt for a while.

Wuxiang Master was painful and angry, shouting: "Animals! You better kill me!"

Li Xing ignored him, and after a while came up with a simple yellow book, writing three characters: Prajna Sutra!

Li Xing flipped through a few pages at once, and immediately felt that the Buddhism in the discussion was very mysterious, and laughed: "Good things, it is really wasted on you." He put away the scriptures, and then stared at the fearless Master, Put your hand in the French tire again and feel it.

The fetus enters a foreign body and feels extremely painful. Wuxiang Master finally begged: "Let me go, let me go! Little grandpa, little ancestor, please spare me!"

Li Xing touched it for a long time, and found out a golden can of bodhi seeds, showing a strange breath, and put it away again, this is the only way: "Master Wuxiang, if you can't be killed by me, you will spare your life. Later Let me run into it! "

The Master Wuxiang escaped from the dead, thanked him again and again, and managed to rise into the air, flying away.

Lan Ruobing came over and glared at Li Xing: "How do you let him go?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Langu was alive and dead, and Wu Xi ’s mage's practice was also largely abandoned. Why not let it go?"

Lan Ruobing also said, Shui Rou Rou opened his eyes and said, "Li Xing, thank you for this time." Then he looked at Lan Ruobing, "The master without phase, let it go, it's nothing."

Li Xingwei nodded: "It is impossible for Master Wuxiang to come back again ~ www.readwn.com ~ You rest here with peace of mind, and leave now." He said that he would go, drive the light of God, and rise into the air.

Lan Ruobing was stomped with anger, and suddenly lost.

Sui Rou suddenly said: "Daughter, why don't you chase?"

Lan Ruobing said indignantly, "Why should I chase him?"

Shui Rourou laughed: "Don't you say that you want to return your uncle to her?"

Lan Ruobing's heart moved, staring at Yan solemnly, "Hey, do you want to follow Li Xing?"

I was asked a moment, and said, "I think, but I can't bear Sister Bing."

Lan Ruobing coughed: "So what if we don't bother you?"

Suddenly, he didn't respond, his face turned white, and he asked Lan Ruobing to spit blood: "Sister Bing, do you want to divide Binger into two? How much pain!"

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