Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 609: Blood Sacrifice Wand

Chapter 97: Blood Sacrifice Wand

Really couldn't understand with the little stupid idiot, Lan Ruobing picked her up directly and went after Li Xing. As for why she wanted to chase, she did n’t even understand, she only knew that she had to catch up, otherwise she would not meet until the next time she met.

For Li Xing's feeling, it can be said that it is different every time. At the beginning, when the two met for the first time, the other was just a little-known person. Who knew that it was a blockbuster. Today, there are not many monks who do not know Li Xing's reputation.

Especially some time ago, Tai Xumen recruited him and held a grand ceremony to invite guests from all directions to witness the future. What's important is that this person has helped her many times, impressed her and left it alone.

As soon as Li Xing was lifted off, he felt that Lan Ruobing was following him. He slowed down and waited for the other to catch up and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Lan Ruobing shook the cricket in his hand, the little guy was dizzy, his eyes turned white, and said, "The cricket was saved by you and should be taken care of by you."

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, I will take care of her in the future."

I promised so easily?

Lan Ruobing felt like he was punching into the air, and then he said, "How can you a big man take care of her? Who knows if you will bully her?"

Li Xing laughed angrily: "I bullied her? Your head is flooded? Why don't you let me take care of you!"

In just two sentences, both of them stirred up the anger, and Lan Ruobing angered, "You are the one you saved, who do you not take care of?"

Li Xing hummed, too lazy to argue with this woman.

She said timidly: "Sister Bing, don't make a noise, just go away, so as not to make you trouble."

The two turned their heads and saw that this little thing was crying with tears in their eyes, and when I saw pity, they stopped fighting. Li Xing lowered his temper and slowed down his tone of voice: "You can rest assured that I can provide you with an excellent environment and help her find a playmate."

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the ingot in Baiyangjingtian. Yuanbao's body is almost the same size as that of the uncle, and his character is also weak and cautious. The two are a natural pair, and they can definitely play together.

Lan Ruobing also calmed down the anger, and whispered to the uncle: "Well, this matter has nothing to do with you, I am just angry with some unreasonable people."

Li Xing sneered and did not answer.

In this way, I flew to Wanbao Island unknowingly, and in time, I was approaching my employer. However, Lan Ruobing didn't mean to leave. Wherever he went, the other party followed.

Li Xing turned his eyes and said, "Lan Ruobing, I'll do something. You and my uncle went to Tianyizhai to see what they could buy."

Lan Ruobing was about to say that there was no panacea, and Li Xing handed a sac in her hand, saying, "There are 70,000 heavenly gods in it, so save some flowers."

Lan Ruobing's eyebrows burst into laughter, and Ji also grinned, nodding in a hurry.

Li Xing was relieved, said goodbye, and flew to the Tianyizhai branch to meet the employer.

At the place, Xiaoyi and the boss asked where he went. Li Xing only said that he saw an old person, and then he was chatting and waiting. After a few touches of Huoxiang time, a black robe master walked into the shop, the other's eyes swept around, and finally fell on Li Xing.

Li Xing stood up, nodded slightly, and said, "Are you an employer?"

The other side showed an extremely angry expression: "Destiny actually sent you like this?"

This black robe master, Fa Tianliu rebuilt it, has powerful strength, and did not put Li Xing in his eyes. In his view, a sixfold god-man did not have any chance to seize the wasteland from the sixfold mage.

Suddenly Li Xing secretly released a magical power and smashed directly into the opponent. The divine power was so strong that the mage "噔 噔 噔" retreated three steps in a row, and couldn't help looking at him in surprise.

"Okay! Somewhat interesting." The mage looked surprised, and then nodded. "At noon five days later, the four families are about to take a shot. You and I should prepare in advance and be ready to start."

Immediately, Li Xing said goodbye to his boss and Xiaoyi, left with the man, flew to an uninhabited desert island at sea, and then found a cave and negotiated inside.

"The four great families of the South China Sea each dispatched a man with six levels of law. They have a magic weapon in their hands and their defense is amazing. The four families are preparing to introduce the wasteland into a trap. The trap is a sea eye, I usually do n’t see anything special. But once a creature enters it, it will be torn into pieces. ”The mage went straight into the topic and talked about the details.

"You and me, one person is responsible for taking away four mages, and the other person is responsible for robbing the wasteland. After the wasteland enters the sea eye, it will be torn apart, and the scattered treasures must be removed as soon as possible."

Li Xing said: "Who led them?"

"Of course it is you." The other side said lightly, "If you can lead four people away, if you are done, leave the rest to me."

Li Xing had known this before and nodded: "Okay."

"Remember to hold them for at least a hundred breaths." He continued to offer, "If they come back too early, I can't get out of my body."

"I have a doubt, even if I show up, it is not possible to lead all four people away, they should leave guards." Li Xingdao.

"Absolutely not." The man sneered. "The four big families, suspect each other, they will either go together or stay together, and no one will leave alone."

This person obviously knows the four great families with a firm tone.

Li Xing nodded and agreed with him five days later to meet here early in the morning to participate in the operation.

After discussing everything, Li Xing said goodbye to the mage and went to the new Tianyizhai head office. When people got there, they saw that Lan Ruobing and Yan were waiting in the lobby, ready to pay the bill.

Lan Ruobing chose a sacred relic, calling it a purple cape, with good resistance, and she was radiant, and she was very seductive in her body. In addition, she chose a few gadgets, but she didn't use much magic, and spent five or seven hundred magic.

He also chose a sacred object, called Ruyi Tianyi, which can be large or small, and can change into various looks, and only uses three or five hundred gods.

Seeing Li Xing's return, Lan Ruobing laughed: "What do I pick?"

Li Xing nodded: "Very good."

She danced happily and showed her new clothes to Li Xing. Li Xing quickly complimented and said, "I have some things to do during this time.

Lan Ruobing also noticed that Li Xing was indeed in trouble, otherwise he would not take out a lot of gods and let them buy things here. She is a person who knows the importance, and nodded: "If you have something, go is it, and I and your aunt go to your parents and wait for you."

Li Xing didn't explain too much either. He immediately resigned, and then searched for land to enter Baiyang Jingtian to make the final preparations.

The employer has arranged the task. As for what to do, it is Li Xing's business, so he must think of a proper method.

The four Fatian six figures all have magic weapons in their bodies, and their strength is probably not weaker than the flying thief. Although his strength was much more arrogant than when he encountered Flying Thieves, he could not compete with the four masters of Fatian.

After some thought, Li Xing decided to use the witch. He obtained many treasures in the ancient battlefield, including three puppets, much more powerful than the eighteen puppets obtained in the ancient tomb.

These three witches are all about the same size as normal people. Among the witches, there is a witch formation, which is used to urge the witches. At the same time, the witch puppets can also control every move of the witch.

However, to control the Witch Formation, one more thing is needed, which is the wand. In Li Xing's hand, there were two wands, one of which was the ancestral witch's wand.

The other was an ordinary wand, which he prepared to sacrifice.

It is not easy to sacrifice a wand, but it is easier for Li Xing. Among the eight great wild curses he knew, there was a witch curse, which was specially used to sacrifice witch gate utensils and called "blood sacrifice curse".

Cultivation of this spell requires a lot of original power, which most people cannot afford. Fortunately, Li Xing has a strong roots, so I don't feel any use of it.

At this time, Li Xing was meditating, and his mouth gave out strange syllables, shaking a force in the meditation. Suddenly, the wand rose into the air, emitting a strange glow, establishing a connection with it.

Then he let out a spit of light, and all melted into the wand. In a moment, the wand shined brightly, as if it had become part of Li Xing's body.

Li Xing had n’t practiced witchcraft in the Eight Classics, but felt the magical use of the wand at this time, and could not help but have an idea in mind: If you have time in the future, you should carefully study the eight great wild curses, study them all and practice witchcraft.

With a wand in hand, Li Xing took out the thunderstone, one of the five **** stones, and put it into a witch formation of a witch. Suddenly, the witch formation began to run slowly, and the entire witch puppet suddenly came to life, releasing a mighty power.

Li Xing's eyes brightened and he said, "Okay! The power of this witch ~ www.readwn.com ~ should be between Fatian Sixth and Fatian Seventh!"

Immediately, he took the wand a little, and the witch immediately moved with his thoughts, as if he had become his avatar, commanding Ruyi.

Since using such a powerful witch for the first time, Li Xing decided to practice for a period of time to avoid making mistakes.

I saw that witch, with one move and one style, all coincided with the essence of martial arts, and was quite Li Xing. He couldn't help laughing, knowing that the mission had at least 70% chance of winning!

When the appointed time came, Li Xing met the mage again.

Master Heipao took a deep look at Li Xing and said, "I hope you will not let me down. After success, the seven ancient characters and half of the treasures will belong to you!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "You can rest assured that the destiny rarely misses."

The other nodded: "It's not too late, let's go!" Offering a shuttle-shaped magic weapon, took Li Xing, and went away.

The magic weapon is extremely fast, and it arrives in the wild waters within a few days. At this time, the four families of the South China Sea are ready to start.

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