Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 610: Treasure of the South China Sea

Chapter 98: Treasure Hunt in the South China Sea

The two concealed their breath, and when they watched from a distance, they saw a sky of light, flying across the sea. On the sea, there are big waves, and the barren, three thousand miles in length, stirs the sea. Within one hundred thousand miles, people cannot approach.

Master Heipao said: "They just started, the time is not ripe yet, we wait."

Li Xing nodded and observed the situation at sea calmly, feeling that the four mages were quite strong and difficult to deal with. He also knew a little about the four great families in the South China Sea. The four are Mo, Yu, Chi and Huang. The ancestors of the four great families were once the generals of the South Sea King.

Later, the King of the South China Sea was settled, and the four people would settle in the South China Sea, where they would thrive, and gradually formed the four families of today, all of which are powerful.

The Nanhai King was a character older than the Emperor Tianxie. At that time, Tianyuanzhou was in the era of great reunification. The King of the South China Sea has great power and controls the entire South China Sea. He is also a top figure in Taoism.

In the era of the South Sea King, even the Dragon Emperor was subject to its restraint. At that time, the highest ruler of Tianyuanzhou was known as the Emperor Tianwu!

Excluding the ancient times, in the history of Tianyuanzhou, there have been five emperors who ruled the world. From top to top, they are the Emperor of Nothingness, the Emperor Yuansheng, the Emperor of Changsheng, the Emperor of Tianwu, and the Emperor of Tianxie.

Emperor Tianxie is the last unparalleled person who unified Tianyuan. Another emperor after Tianwu Emperor has been known for many years. In the era of the Emperor Tianxie's rule, all forces in Tianyuanzhou must be restrained by their power and their powers can be used to control the sky.

It is said that the fighting on the sea is getting more and more fierce, and the desert is rising into the sky. escape.

The barren was already angry, and he was chasing after him. It seemed that he would devour all four of them before he could eliminate the anger ...

"They are going to lead the wasteland into the trap! Do it!" The black robe mage drank.

Li Xing nodded, let out a nimble lamp, and caught up directly. As soon as he left, Master Black Robe smiled coldly and trembled: "Stupid! Even if they can hold them, they will eventually be beheaded!"

Although Li Xing showed some strength, the Master of Black Robe was not optimistic and thought Li Xing would die. No matter how strong the Sixfold God-Man is, after all, it is just a God-Man, which is a full ten levels worse than the Sixfold Master. This is an irreparable gap.

But he said that the barren, black and blue body, scales of several hundred acres of land, extremely hard, moved his body, the ocean rises. Flick your tail, the sky is falling apart! The attack of the four mages cannot do much damage to it. On the contrary, if you waste a big mouth, you will have a huge suction, and you may swallow people at any time.

With the help of the nimble lamp, Li Xing hid behind him quietly.

At this time, some tens of thousands of important figures from the four great families on the sea, one hundred thousand miles away, stood on a piece of magic light and waited for the result. Li Xing's acquaintance ink document was also included.

The black paper watched the sea waves violently and said, "It seems to have started!"

"The desolation is so powerful. The four ancestors exerted their strength to perform the" Four Elephants ", and they couldn't hurt it. They had to be removed with the help of the sea eye." A young woman said with emotion, but her eyes flickered. With excitement.

The talking woman, named Huang Yi, is like a genius in the Huang family, like Mo Jian.

Mo Jian nodded his head: "Yimei, this is still desolate and not completely furious. When it is furious, it will perform a big move," Canghai Tianxuan ". Once this big move comes out, it has a radius of 100,000 miles. It ’s horrible.

Another young man laughed: "No matter how bad the barrens are, they can't escape the power of the sea eye. In the legend, the sea eye is equivalent to a treasure of nature. If the barren is in it, it will undoubtedly die."

This man is a talented person of the Chi family. He is called Chi Feng and his qualifications are not inferior to those of Mo. When Chi Feng spoke, his eyes fell on a woman beside him.

This woman, with a beautiful appearance and a sense of vulgarity, is the lady of the jade family, Yu Qingchen. She looked peaceful and didn't comment on his words, which made Chi Feng a bit lost.

The four were talking, and at a distance, a dazzling beam of light suddenly rose into the sky.

It turned out that the four mages of the four great families of the past not only flew to the edge of the sea with the help of the four elephants. The barren body grew up, it flew fast, and it only hunted in anger, without considering the danger at all.

As expected, it burst into the eyes of the sea. That sea eye is the core of suppressing the entire South China Sea. It is extremely dangerous. In order to get into the eye, the Emperor Tianxie obtained a treasure, and it took 30 years to prepare for it.

Although the barrens are overbearing, they are not as good as the Emperor of Heaven. Suddenly, it was bound by a supreme force, and saw the nine-colored strange light in the eyes of the sea cut and cut, and the wasteland was hanged instantly.

"Sen Lingling!"

The blood mist soared, the scales exploded, and the barren screamed into a thick blood mist. In the blood mist, there are four treasures, which are not affected by the sea eye in any way.

"Attention! The sea eye may spit out the baby at any time!" Mo's ancestor, a black bearded old man shouted a warning.

At this moment, Li Xing started to release the witch. The puppet turned into a wind and a strange light, carrying the mighty power, and rushed directly to the four mages. Outside of the witch puppet, there was a layer of thunder and thunderous breath, making a great noise.

"Damn! Someone actually intervened!"

The four ancestors were furious and screamed. They all met the puppet, and laid a large array of four elephants, strangling with all their strength. In the hands of the four people, there is a jade-level spiritual treasure, and the four spiritual treasures together form a large array of four elephants. The power of this array is comparable to that of Yujie Zhenbao!

Once this witch puppet was agitated, his appearance was vivid and he was obviously a handsome young man. Except for Li Xing, no one can see that it is actually just a puppet.

As soon as the Big Four came out, the witch puppet suddenly retreated.

"Want to leave?" The four sneered and followed closely. They are not worried about the baby in Hai's eyes, that baby will not come out at one and a half moments. Moreover, the four families are more responsive and are not afraid of outsiders to intervene.

Li Xing was hidden in the light of nihilism, and controlled the witch puppets and the four mages to deal with each other, leading four people all the way. His deity, however, hid near the sea's eye, to see how the black robe mage took the treasure.

It didn't take long for him to come down, it was the employer. He took out a mirror and shot into the sea. Suddenly, a strange light came out, hitting one of the treasures.

The magic weapon shook slightly, and began to slowly move outwards. It seemed that he would fall into his hands sooner or later.

"What kind of baby is this mirror!" Li Xing's eyes widened, but secretly pity.

Only when he used the Baoguang instrument to measure it, he saw that there were four fist-sized light spots flickering on it, which shows that the four treasures in the sea eye are not trivial, at least a series with the word "Zhan".

Seeing that the treasure was about to be taken away, twelve light rays suddenly landed, and a twelve-day array was formed in an instant. Twelve mages, twelve magic weapons, powerful, fired a thick cylindrical kill, and rumblingly suppressed.

These twelve people are exactly the group of Mo Wen, who belong to the elites of the four great families and are the most powerful people besides their ancestors. It can be said that this time the four great families have done their best, and they will win the treasures.

"A group of little ghosts who don't know how to live and die!" The black-robed mage hummed coldly, instead of taking treasure, he turned the mirror light to kill it.


Two beams of light collided, making a thunderous sound, and a strong air current hit the sea, setting off a raging wave.

"What? Actually, you can stop the twelve-day array!" Mo Wenshu startled, and immediately yelled, "Change the array!"

Suddenly, Fa Guang trembled, and the killing turned into a long knife, cutting down, and the two sides formally launched a fierce fight. The twelve mages are not as good as the black robe mage, but they form a large array, the strength is united, and the wind does not fall for a while.

Although the Heipao people have the treasure mirror in hand and the strength is strong, they cannot win immediately. He couldn't help anxious inside, his eyes flashed wildly, and a red pill with a big egg in his left hand drank, "Since you don't know life or death! Then stay!"

Then, he beat the red pills over. Red pills turned into a bloodline, emitting a shrill scream, and shot straight into the twelve-day array.


There was a loud noise, the red light rolled, the waves were tumbling into the sea, and the burst was suddenly broken. Twelve mages, squirting blood, were all seriously injured.

The mage in the black robe laughed loudly, ignored them, and continued to fix the light in the mirror to the treasure in the sea.

At this moment, Li Xing is fully sensing the puppet, urging the puppet to fight with the four mages. Witch puppets are made of special materials. It can be said that they are harder than Li Xing's not bad body, and can run straight and ignore attacks.

Moreover, it can still issue a witchcraft, which makes the four mage fussy.

However, the Four Elephants array was so powerful that it kept cutting and strangling, and finally trapped the witch puppets in it. However, no matter how the four mages urged the large array, they could not completely suppress the witch puppets ~ www.readwn.com ~ The four elephants large array could kill the enemy's body and spirits. However, this witch puppet was physically strong and devoid of spirits, so the big array didn't want him at all, and was stuck for a while.

In the meantime, the four ancestors asked about the origin of the witch puppet, and the witch puppet naturally kept silent, only blindly attacked.

After being trapped for a while, the four ancestors felt wrong, and the ancestor of the Mohist said: "This man can perform witchcraft, and his body is so strong, it is weird!"

The ancestor of the Huang family also said, "Yes, when can I kill him if he goes on like this? And there is a layer of wind and thunder gas outside his body, which is very magical and seems to block the attack."

The witch puppet completely relies on the power of the wind and thunderstones, so the wind and thunder attributes are also carried on his body, which makes the four mages a headache. In particular, the thunder and thunderous breath made it difficult for even the Four Elephants to break through.

Time has been dragging on for a long time. The 100 breaths agreed by Li Xing and the employer have long passed.

The four ancestors were not stupid. After hearing the sound of the red pill exploding, they all felt bad. The ancestor of the Chi family yelled, "There is movement near the sea eye. Don't try to get away from the mountain, temporarily let this person go. ! "

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