Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 621: Snow Goddess

Chapter 9: Ice Goddess

Li Xing secretly moved the divine power and found that he could only mobilize the weak power. If he only looked at the power, he had now fallen to the point of practicing divine power. When he was practicing God a lot, his strength was roughly equivalent to practicing God ’s man of five or six.

Of course, his indestructible body of King Kong is still there, and he has more treasures and magic weapons, and he is not afraid of them.

"Infants practicing sericulture will actually be unable to use their divine power. This matter must not be revealed, otherwise these two old things must be accounted for by me." Thinking of this, he sneered, "Xueshan ancestor, Xuan Bingyu, you have to With me? "

Snow Mountain and Xuan Bing are both cold-hearted. Li Xing was on the battlefield in ancient times. What is certain is that once people clash, they are very likely to be beheaded.

You know, one of the people who entered the battlefield in ancient times was more fierce than one. Hugh said that Li Xing, an ordinary character, could not fight.

Li Xing observed the changes in the two's looks, and said lightly: "I am now the master of Taixumen's order, it is the time of employment. Both of you have the fourfold realm of law and heaven. Get an elder position. "

Both were relieved. During their trip, they were working on a confidential matter and thought they had been hit by Li Xing.

Xueshan ancestors arched hands and said, "Thank you, Li Shenjun for showing love, we have written off the past. However, we are not interested in joining Taixumen, so we must disappoint God."

Li Xing stared at the two and said, "Since you don't agree, I have nothing to worry about."

The hearts of the two raised again, staring at Li Xing, depending on what he said.

Li Xingdao: "Benefits here, one half!"

"What is God talking about?" Xuan Bingxi laughed. "I don't understand."

"Do you really understand, or do you not understand?" Li Xing sneered, in fact, he didn't know anything at all. However, from the changes in their expressions, he felt something vaguely.

Originally, if he had all the divine power, he would directly suppress the two, and then ask for an understanding. It's a pity that now the baby is cocoon, he can't do anything, he can only cheat.

The ancestor of Xueshan angrily said: "Li Xing! You are also a god-man in the sky, don't bully people too much!

"The fish will die, and the net will not break." Li Xingdan said indifferently. He took out the Jiulongpi, "ding" and inserted it on the ground. "Give you one last chance, otherwise you can only use force."

Xueshan's ancestor's face changed again and again. After fighting the two ideas, he finally sighed and said, "How did you know?"

When Li Xing was practicing the fivefold of the gods, they were not their opponents. Now facing Lixing the sixfold of the gods of God, they have no chance of winning. What's even worse is that the other party knows the secret and must cooperate, otherwise it will attract more looters.

Li Xing laughed secretly in his belly, but said in his mouth: "When you do things below, you always have a reason, half the benefits."

"We have three people," Xuan Bingyu said. "The three should be divided equally."

Li Xing frowned, and refused directly: "The conditions I set can't be changed!"

Xuan Bingxuan burst into a fire, but there was nothing he could do, who made others strong. The ancestor of Xueshan smiled bitterly, and said, "Everyone who listens to the Lord, hopes that the Lord will keep his promises at that time."

Li Xing snorted: "My grandfather is too fictitious, will I count you?"

Xueshan's ancestor nodded: "Okay, it's not too late. Just one more person is needed to suppress Bingyan, and there is a King of Labor."

Immediately, the two of them led Li Xingfei to fly, flew three or five thousand miles, and entered the ice and snow wasteland. Just at the edge of the wilderness, the two stopped and entered an ice cave.

This ice cave is extremely long-term, and the three of them flew for half a day before arriving at a large cave made of ice. Within the ice cave, the environment is quaint and natural, obviously.

In the center of the ice cave, there is a huge ice eye, and the extremely cold air bursts out of the ice eye, and then condenses into a phantom of a snow and ice **** in the air. The water in the ice eyes is like jelly. Even if the god-man enters it, it will be frozen to death.

Seeing this scene, Li Xing had counted it in his heart, and said positively: "If I don't take the shot, I'm afraid you can't get the baby."

The ancestors of Snow Mountain had to admit it and nodded: "The origin of the ice and snow left by the ice and snow gods, if there is no such person as Shenjun, we would not easily collect it."

Xuan Bingxuan dismissed it and said: "It's not necessarily. Before the Xuemen was separated, Master went in long ago, saying that the origin of the ice and snow had condensed into two ice goddesses, but they were still in the fetus and were not mature .If we can go down, we can take out two fetuses. "

Li Xing turned his eyes, and said, "Two ice goddesses, who inherited the supreme power of the ice gods, how could it be so easy?"

Xuan Bingxi closed his mouth, and the old ancestor of Xueshan said, "God, our original idea, one person suppresses, then the other two enter into it, and take out the twins. Since the king is also here, he also asked the king to assign tasks."

Li Xing took out the Frost Sword and inserted it into Bing's eyes. Suddenly, a large amount of ice and snow was absorbed by the Frost Sword. The sword trembled a little, and it was very moisturized at first sight.

This ice sword was originally a fetish bred in the ice and snow, and was made into a ice sword by the ice Taoists. The ice and snow is its nourishment, how much can be swallowed.

Seeing that Han Bingjian directly suppressed Bingyan, Xuan Bingyu and Xueshan ancestors were overjoyed and said, "This is all right!"

Li Xing said: "Let's go down and see the situation." First, he jumped into it first.

As soon as Li Xing entered, Xueshan's ancestor's eyes showed a ferocious color. Without saying a word, he grasped the Hanbing Sword and said, "Get up!"

The Hanbing Sword has not yet been sacrifice by Li Xing, and it was controlled by the ancestors of the Snow Mountain in one fell swoop. As soon as the ice sword was pulled out, the endless cold was oppressed, and Li Xing was frozen in the eyes of ice all at once.

Xuan Bingxi laughed "haha": "This little beast is really clever and wants to lie to us!"

"Our secrets are not even known to you or me. How could he know?" Xueshan's ancestor put away the ice sword and laughed, "It should be his death today!"

The conversation between the two was clearly heard by Li Xing below, and he could not help cursing. The two old foxes were so insidious!

Xuan Bingyan frowned again and said, "Xueshan, you and I were both disciples of Ice and Snow at the beginning, and everyone only knew half of the secrets, can we be open and honest now? Only then can we work together."

Xuan Bingxi nodded: "Okay, then we sacrificed Li Xing's ice sword and suppressed the ice eyes, and we can enter it." He paused and continued, "At that time, I learned from the respect of his elderly master Under the ice and snow gate, there is an ice cave with an ice eye. There are two ice goddesses in that ice eye. "

Snow Mountain ancestor nodded: "At this point, I also know that the two goddesses, one is called the goddess of Xuan Frost, and the other is called the goddess of snow."

Xuan Bingyu: "The goddess Xuanshuang and the goddess Xunxue live in the Snow Palace. However, they are sealed by a force and cannot leave."

"That power is the original power of the ice and snow gods. The two goddesses are like the life hatched from the eggshell. Although they have grown, they cannot break through the eggshell." The ancestor of Xueshan laughed, "If anyone can help them, You can get the blessing of the goddess! "

"With the blessing of the goddess, you and I may have the opportunity to reach the state of Taoism. At that time, Tianyuan will be invincible!" Xuan Bingyu also said, and afterwards, the two looked at each other and laughed.

At this moment, Li Xing was sighing and sighing. The cold power was really troublesome, and he couldn't use too much divine power, so he was directly trapped.

In the Diamond Warrior Formation, six types of amulets are fused. At this moment, the Shen array is running, and the six runes of light are constantly smashing the surrounding cold air, but this only allows him to move his hands and feet slightly, and cannot go deep.

Even, King Kong is not bad, and it runs more and more slowly.

In the end, Li Xing had a clever move and stirred up Taiyi Real Fire. Suddenly, the surface of his body was covered with a layer of real fire, and it was so bright that he drove the cold away and restored his freedom.

This Taiyi true fire was still obtained by him from Shenhuomen. Now, by virtue of his status, Shenhuomen has settled in Taixudongtian.

He slowly dropped in shape, like a swimming fish, and finally reached the bottom of Bingyan. Looking around, it was white, ice crystal, and he couldn't see even three feet away, so he could only take one step at a time.

Before long, he suddenly felt a group of extremely cold hard objects, and quickly shrank his hands. Then he got closer and looked closely, and saw a huge wall in front of him, blocking the way.

The walls are made of complex and great runes, which are extremely tough.

"Listen to the two of them. There is an ice and snow palace here. Could this be the wall of the ice and snow palace? Is there really a goddess in it?" Li Xing thought.

The ancient deities ~ www.readwn.com ~ have long since disappeared. Maybe they have disappeared. Maybe they have entered another time and space. In this ice and snow palace, there are actually two gods!

Li Xing hesitated for a moment, feeling that at this moment, he had to face the ancestors of Ice and Snow and Xuan Bingyu. His baby had not broken his cocoon, and God could not recover, but it was better to stay here temporarily.

"I'll bake it on fire and see if I can burn it through." Li Xing turned Tai Yi into a real fire drill and drilled into the wall.

This Taiyi true fire was left by Taiyi Daozun. Its power is extraordinary, and it is even more brilliant than the Five Elements True Fire. It drilled up and suddenly made a shallow hole. Although the progress was not fast, but this was the case. Going forward, we can definitely drill through.

The real fire kept running. Three days passed in the blink of an eye. A large hole more than three meters deep had been drilled into the wall, but it still had not been drilled through. Taiyi fire drills are getting longer and longer.

Three days later, when the fire drill reached ten meters, Li Xing lost some interest. Because he has limited divine power now, he can push the real fire up to a dozen meters long.

But at this moment, the fire drill "suddenly" emptied and penetrated the wall!

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