Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 622: Late childbirth.

Chapter 10: Late Childhood. Eat the Immortals

Suddenly, the whole world shook and was surrounded by darkness. Li Xing felt that he was pulled into another time and space by a supreme force. When he opened his eyes, there was endless ice and snow around him.

Above the snow and ice, there were two tall figures, dressed in white clothes, dancing in the wind. That figure, Bing Qingyu Jie, if it shrinks, it must be two cold and beautiful women, with the beauty of being in the city.

"Are they the goddess of ice and snow?" Li Xing stunned in his heart, wondering if it was a blessing or a curse, raised his vigilance and was ready to run.

The two goddesses, noble and elegant, stared at Li Xing lightly, and one goddess said: "I am the **** of ice, born in the origin of ice and snow, and have been trapped in the origin of ice and snow."

Another woman said: "I am the **** of snow, my two gods, because you are out of trouble, I will repay you." Then pointed to Li Xingyi, and said, "I give you the blessing of the ice and snow god!"

From the beginning to the end, Li Xing didn't have time to say a word, there was a magical power that entered his body. Beyond the divine fetus, there was a white and holy halo.

Then there was darkness before him, and he returned to where he was, as if it was just a dream. When he looked intently, it was no longer cold all around, it was just an ordinary ice cave.

But it said that there was an abnormal noise below, the ancestors of Xueshan and Xuan Bingyu above were both shocked, I wonder what happened. The ancestor of Snow Mountain was preparing to sacrifice the cold ice sword to suppress the ice spring. He immediately stopped the sacrifice and asked, "What's going on?"

The ice eyes suddenly disappeared, leaving only a vertical ice grotto, so they couldn't be surprised.

"Not good! Li Xing must have escaped. Go down and look at it!" Xueshan's ancestors turned around immediately, and the first rushed down.

However, he was about to go down, and a rune of light hit him, and at the same time, Li Xing's angry voice came out: "Old ghost, you dare to secretly be my god, suffer!"

That rune of light was issued by a thunderbolt, and the violent thunderbolt hit him. The ancestor of the Snow Mountain hit the ball without any precaution, and his body was blown up directly and suffered a minor injury.

This time, the two looked at each other and did not dare to enter rashly.

"This Li Xing, the strength is clearly above you and me, why can't you come out?" Xueshan's ancestor's eyes flashed, "No! He might be trapped by something, I'm afraid we are close!"

"But there is a treasure charm on him. You and I will definitely get hurt when you enter." Xuan Bingxi said.

"Hmm! In a short period of time, Baofu can be used up to three times. How many treasures can he have? Let's consume the number of attacks of Baofu, and then check it out!"

Xuan Bingxi listened reasonably and nodded: "Okay, you and I will take him in turn!"

However, below, after the ice goddess suddenly left, Li Xing knew that the ancestors of the snow mountain and Xuan Bingyu would definitely come down to watch, so he prepared a treasure run and launched an attack.

The six treasure charms are all in his Vajrayana, and can be sent out between thoughts, as fast as possible. So even without the support of divine power, he is not afraid of the two, not to mention that if he wants to leave, he can walk away with the help of the nimble lamp at any time, or escape into the Baiyang realm to stay away.

Sure enough, the ancestor of Xueshan was about to come down immediately, and he would be hit by a thunderbolt Fuguang.

"Old thing, wait for me to recover my divine power and see how to pack you!" Li Xing secretly ruthlessly, staring at the top, ready to make a second shot at any time.

Among the fetuses, the cocoon formed by the baby is very full, but it takes three days before the cocoon can emerge.

After a short time, Xuan Bingyu entered the ice cave, but this time Li Xing did not shoot. Originally, Xuan Bingyu wanted to induce Li Xing to launch a treasure rune. She was ready for defense. Li Xing did not take the shot. Instead, she was worried that Li Xing had set up a lore trap, so she flew in a hurry after landing halfway. Go back.

After going up, Xueshan's ancestor asked strangely, "Why didn't he do it?"

Xuan Bingxian's face was ugly and he said, "I'm worried about what he's doing, and he's deliberately induced me to wait."

The ancestor of Xueshan snorted: "His strength. If he wants to kill us, he will do a trick?"

"It's always right to be careful, why don't you try it?" Xuan Bingxi showed annoyance.

It was his turn to the ancestor of Xueshan, and his heart was similarly unclear, but at this time, he could only bite his head and said, "Okay, I see what tricks he can use!" He just jumped.

This time, he still didn't see the light from Li Xing. It was dark everywhere, and he could read everything and search for the position of Li Xing. But the strange thing is that there isn't any hair in it, let alone Li Xing!

In fact, Li Xing sacrificed a nihilistic lamp at this time, hiding in a certain place. No matter how divine he is, there is no problem in casting the nimble lamp. Therefore, Xueshan's ancestors could not find him at all.

"Xuan Bing, come down!" Xueshan ancestor Shen said.

A ray of light, then rushed down, it was Xuan Bingyu, she swept around and wondered: "Where is the Ice and Snow Palace?"

The ancestor of Xueshan was extremely ugly, and he said angrily, "Are you asking? It must be Li Xing's little beast who saved the ice goddess and got the blessing of the gods!"

Xuan Bing cursed anxiously and asked "What about Li Xing?"

"He is 80% concealed, hiding somewhere! Hum, since he is hiding from us, it means that he may have been seriously injured, or for other reasons. In short, he can't do anything with me at this time." Xueshan ancestor analyzed.

Although his analysis was good, unfortunately Li Xing had already used the nimble lamp to exit the ice cave and return to the ground.

"Han Bingjian temporarily stayed with the old ghost, wait for me to restore strength, and then regain it!" Li Xing shook his head, knowing that he can no longer stay, and now ignore Xing Bingyu and Xueshan ancestors who are still searching, and return directly to the virtual door.

Returning to Taixumen, Li Xing immediately retreated, and the baby turned out after three days. After this transformation, the baby obviously grew a bit and became more cohesive.

In addition, during the trip to Bingyan, he was blessed by the goddess of ice and snow, besides the fetus, there was a layer of aura to guard him. According to heavenly evil, the blessing of the gods has an incredible magical effect.

Of course, as for the magical effect of the blessing of the Snow Goddess, I won't know until later. In short, it is not a bad thing for him.

The goddess of ice and snow, power is no longer in this world, but somehow, will be trapped by the origin of ice and snow. At this point they were out of trouble and must have left the world.

Since the infant chanted, Li Xing has entered the late stage of the divine fetus. After the transformation of the divine infant, his first feeling was hunger, indescribable hunger, and he could not bear it for a moment.

A celestial star was fed to the baby, and the baby was still not satisfied. In desperation, Li Xing even fed more than a dozen Xingdan, which only filled the small stuff.

After the baby was full, he slightly smiled, reached out and grabbed, and actually pulled the blessing halo outside the divine fetus into his hand, rubbed it, and threw it into his mouth. Then there was a random scratch, all kinds of silk threads were caught and weaved into cocoons to sleep peacefully.

Li Xing is very helpless. These are the needs of the baby's instincts. They are also his needs. They cannot be controlled at all.

Day after day, the baby metamorphoses again and again. Xingdan, which had accumulated before, was left with little to eat. Even Jiupinliantai was eaten by babies. Later, Xing Dan was completely eaten.

So the baby started to eat the holy thing, yes, it is the holy thing! In the ancient battlefield, many relics obtained by Li Xing were eaten one by one. In each relic, there is a special power, the power of heaven.

The power of these days is obviously a tonic, and babies are happy to eat. At this point, the development of the matter completely exceeded the control of Li Xing, and completely exceeded the expectations of the Emperor Tianxie.

Hundreds of relics were swept away by the baby. No matter what sacred thing, in the hands of the baby, just sucked by it, the power of heaven in the sacred thing will be scattered and then swallowed directly, leaving a pile of worthless impurities.

After the relic was eaten up, Li Xing suddenly found that there was nothing to eat. He had a terrible headache and a strong sense of hunger, making him want to take a bite when he saw the stones. But after all, stones can't be eaten, we still have to find a way.

At this time, the baby had transformed eight times, and it seemed that it would undergo a ninth transformation. Before metamorphosis, it must be supplemented with a lot of "food".

"Go ask Taixumen? But ask for hundreds of holy relics, how can you make sense?" Li Xing shook his head and denied the idea.

"Eat some of the holy relics in the octopus tower?" Then he shook his head again. "No, those core relics are still useful in the future."

All day, the six women saw Li Xing walking around Baiyang Jingtian, frowning. Finally, Xueling asked: "Xing brother, what's wrong with you?"

Li Xing only said one word: "Hungry."

I immediately took a white sun fruit and flew it to Li Xing. The latter smiled bitterly. Although Bai Yangguo was good, unfortunately the baby didn't bother to eat.

Xueling then asked carefully, after experiencing the situation of Li Xing, exclaimed, and then laughed: "Xing brother, in the sky, haven't you suppressed a few things? You have to try it and see if you can can not eat."

Li Xingzheng wanted to talk about how those things can be eaten, and suddenly his heart moved. He secretly said: "The holy things can be eaten, Jiupin lotus can be eaten, why can't these things be eaten?"

As soon as this idea came out, he "haha" smiled and started looking for food in Baiyangjingtian. The first thing that came to mind was that of Xiaoxian Xianjing.

This Xiaoyao Xianjing was snatched from the boy of Wan Famen. Obviously, the scriptures of ancient immortals must be recorded in the scriptures, but he has never been able to open the scriptures and cannot practice.

The holy things can be eaten, as well as the scriptures, Li Xing thought. Immediately, I put the Xiaoyao Xianjing into the divine fetus ~ www.readwn.com ~ The baby grabbed the fairy suddenly, but instead of immediately speaking, he leaned his head and observed it carefully. It was full of thoughtful expression. After about a dozen breaths, the baby "giggled" and suddenly held the book with his left hand and drew it into the book with his right hand.

A magical scene appeared, the baby's small hand directly penetrated the cover of the scripture, reached into it, took out dozens of scriptures, and stuffed his mouth like a sweet bean. The words are mysterious and unpredictable. Each one represents the truth of the Tao, but they are eaten one by one!

One by one, it didn't take long for the Happy Fairy to fade and the text inside was eaten up by the baby! One does not stay!

After consuming so much ancient text, the baby contentedly snorted and started to catch cocoons again, preparing for the ninth transformation! With each transformation, the baby's food will increase. I wonder what to feed him after this transformation.

Li Xing's head suddenly became big.

But it was not without gain, he felt that at this time he had fully grasped the mystery of Xiaoyao Xianjing, as if a door to another world opened in front of him. However, if he wants to practice the Happy Paradise, he must have a real human body!

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