Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 623: Poison kill

Chapter 11: Poison Kill

When a baby eats the Xiaoyao Xianjing, it means that Li Xing understands the true meaning of the Xiaoyao Xianjing. As for why this is the case, he couldn't figure out, only knowing that the body of a real person is condensed in the future, he can practice the immortal art on the Xiaoyao Xianjing.

The baby finally cocooned and metamorphosed again. This metamorphosis is obviously of great significance. Li Xing has a feeling that after this metamorphosis, he may have to break through, step into the training of the Seventh God, and condense the Xuanjie Divine Infant!

Day after day, time flies, and nine days have passed, and the giant cocoon finally breaks with a click, and the baby jumps out of it. The little guy is no longer hungry and no longer grabbing things. Instead, he sat down securely and began to meditate.

Infant cultivation is Li Xing's cultivation, and babies are Li Xing's brand of life and will. At this time, the baby is practicing Jiuyang Gong! Moreover, babies are practicing Jiuyang Gong much faster than usual.

At this moment, the Emperor Tianxie spoke and said, "Li Xing, once your baby grows up and turns into a divine baby, there will be infinite power in the world!"

Li Xingdao: "Master, seeing that the babies are going to be refined. How should a disciple prepare for the next step?" The single-god concept is difficult and complicated. He feels that the next step of cultivation is more difficult to complete.

"At that time, you have your own way to deal with it, and you don't need to ask much at this time." Tianxiedao said, "When you achieve the Divine Infant, the Divine Infant must enter the Jiuxiao and be baptized by the light of the sky. In the process, you must be guarded by someone else, otherwise if you meet someone with speculation, it may be secretly accounted to you. "

Li Xing nodded: "The apprentice will go out to prepare now, and he must be foolproof."

This time, he closed his retreat for three months and finally went out again. When he came out, he found that Nanshan Weng, who had been long gone, was waiting for him at Jiuyang Dongfu.

It turned out that Nanshan Weng arrived two months ago. At that time Li Xingshang was retreating. He waited here for two months. Seeing Li Xing coming out, Nanshan Weng laughed and said, "Li Xing, you are growing so fast that you finally want to become a **** baby!"

At that time, Nanshan Weng generously gave up the eight-pole tower to Li Xing and met after about five years. In fact, time has already passed, but because of Li Xing's wandering, it was impossible to find him, until he recently took root too far, and Nanshan Weng Fang found him.

The two agreed at the time that Li Xingruo would enter Tianzhidongtian, take out the treasure, and hand it over to Nanshan Weng for him to break through the realm.

The old people met each other and they were happy. Li Xingchangyi gave a gift: "Senior Nanshan, how are you doing?"

Nanshan Weng smiled bitterly: "It's hard to talk about, but was chased and killed all the way. It's true, I can't stay in the place before I came to you."

Li Xing hurriedly asked the reason, Nanshan Weng Yi said.

Nanshan Weng, Fa Tian is very important. For Li Xing, although this is not a big deal, it is definitely a great figure because there are not many masters in this world. The former residence of Nanshan Weng is located in the ancient hill country of Pingguo.

That Guqiu country is not a big country, and it is separated from Ping country by a cold desert. In the ancient hill country, there is a mountain called Nanshan. The mountain is well-known for a "not old pine".

The old pine tree is more than ten thousand years old, and it has been lush with foliage and vitality, so it is called the old pine tree. Before Bu Songsong, many literati and writers have left their footprints, and many popular stories have also occurred.

After Nanshan Weng Xiu became a mage, he has been living in Nanshan and has been named Nanshan mage. The problem was with Bu Laosong, which was so famous that even the royal people of Guqiu knew it.

The emperor of the Guqiu country had fifty years of life. One of the ministers who patted the horse decided not to dig it and give it to the emperor, so he sent people to Nanshan to move the earth and stones.

If it is an ordinary tourist, Enanshan Weng's easy-going personality will not be questioned, but the other party will dig up the old pine. This excessive behavior made him very angry, and he punished several groups of tree diggers.

After one or two visits, the minister finally knew that someone was stumbling from it, and in anger, he wrote a letter to his son.

The minister is actually nothing, the sky is just a courtier in Guqiu small country, and Nanshan Wengda need not care. But the minister's son has some origins, and is the visiting son-in-law of the Chi Family in Nanhai.

In fact, the minister's son was only born with a handsome face, and he couldn't get on the stage by practicing the triple qi. But the minister's daughter-in-law was amazing.

The father was bullied, and the daughter-in-law couldn't ignore it, so he sent three five-strong gods to solve it. I thought the meeting would be a success. No one knew when the three gods went, they were all wounded when they came.

The three gods were naturally not enough for Nanshan Weng's dish, and of course they were beaten up, and they were taught a hard meal.

After the first round, Miss Chijia was surprised to learn that the other was actually a mage. Although the Chi family was huge, there were not many mages. However, since she has already taken the shot, she must control it to the end.

Afterwards, she told the story to a brother of the Chi family. Miss Tian's elder brother, Fa Tian, ​​has always been hot-tempered. After hearing this, he said nothing and went directly to Nanshan Weng to settle the bill.

Nanshan Weng dealt freely with the gods, but facing this dual mage, he was a bit overwhelmed, and was chased and killed all the way, all the way to the virtual gate. No matter how daring the Master was, he did not dare to break into the too empty door, and then returned.

After listening, Li Xing sneered, "Seniors rest assured, I will have time to go to Chijia in the South China Sea and ask Chi for an explanation!" Ming Ming, who was obviously bullying and bullying, could not ignore it.

Nanshan Weng shook his head again and again: "In fact, a small thing, nothing more than a pine tree. It was just a pity that if it digs the pine tree, which will damage its life, this will stop it, and don't want to cause trouble."

Li Xing disagreed, saying: "If you don't make it clear, they will definitely find trouble with their predecessors in the future. They must solve it in one shot to avoid future troubles."

The two recounted a few words, and Li Xing said of the old thing, saying, "Senior, the cave of the eight pole tower sky has not yet been opened."

Nanshan Weng laughed: "Not busy."

Li Xing was a little bit sad. At the time, Nanshan Weng generously gave up the eight-pole tower, but it was a great humanity and he couldn't help it. He thought for a while, and said, "Senior, you can't break through Fa Tianyi, you don't know why?"

Nanshan Weng smiled bitterly: "Limited by qualifications, so I want to use external forces to improve."

Li Xing thought about it and said, "I have a solution that may help my predecessors to break through." Immediately, he explained the magical use of the silkworm gong.

Nanshan Weng was very surprised and said: "Thank you very much. There is no harm in doing this anyway, and it is no harm to try."

After the two agreed, they chose a quiet place, and Li Xing immediately used Chiyang Reiki to condense a large cocoon and wrapped Nanshan Weng tightly, hoping to use the power of the transformation of Tian Silk Gong to improve his qualifications. As for whether it has any effect, he cannot guarantee it now, it depends on the final result.

After assisting Nanshan Weng to form a cocoon, Li Xing went to Taixu Hall and informed the crowd that he was about to break through to the Seventh Level of the God of Training and cultivate the **** babies. Dong Xu and others naturally rejoiced and said that everything was arranged by them to let Li Xing practice.

After talking about this, Dongxu Taoist took out a sword, and the sword was so cold that it was the frozen ice sword that was taken away. At first sight, Li Xing was surprised and asked, "How can Hanbing Jian be in the palm of his hand?"

This ice sword was obviously taken by the ancestor of the Snow Mountain, was he sent to Taixumen again? He was horrified and confused.

Dong Xu said: "This sword was delivered by a mage called Jun Qianheng. According to him, one month ago he killed the ancestor of Xueshan and Xuan Bingyu, and asked if the sword belonged to you. Come here. "

Li Xing stunned and laughed: "Jun Qianheng is a friend of his disciple. I didn't expect his power to grow so fast. He actually killed the ancestor of Xueshan!"

"I see that the king is thousands and thousands of times. It has reached three levels of law and heaven. The weather is extraordinary, and there must be extraordinary adventures, or there will be no achievement." Dong Xuyi said with a smile. , Li Xing, if you see him in the future, you can lead me too far. "

Li Xing understood that Dong Xu was trying to recruit talents, and immediately promised: "The disciples took note."

Now that Dongxu and others have made proper arrangements, he has nothing to worry about. He plans to wait for Nanshan Weng to break the cocoon, and immediately practice, breaking through the last level, and condensing the Xuanjie Divine Baby.

The tree wants to be quiet and the wind is endless. Nanshan Weng has not broken the cocoon yet, but the Tianchen Kingdom has received bad news. The news sign came from Beichen's ancestor Beichen, saying that Beichen's evergreen was poisoned by unknown poison and his life was at stake.

Beichen Changqing was the father of Li Xingyi, and he didn't care about other things and rushed to it immediately. There is a long distance between Taiwei Kingdom and Tianchen Kingdom. In order to save time, Li Xing asked the heavenly operator to take him there.

The heavenly man is now in the realm of Fatian's ten-fold path, and he uses the means to reach the ground, and in less than half a day, he is served. Li Xing alone was enough to cure the drug, the Tianzhu Taoist did not stay, and returned alone.

When he reached the sky gate, a ray of light stood up to welcome him, but it was Beichenji. Bei Chenji was locked up by Beichen Changqing at the beginning and was released long ago. The contradiction between the two is just an old thing. Naturally, it is no longer necessary to care about it.

Bei Chenji looked sorrowful and said to Li Xing, "Yi Yi, my father was secretly secreted by the man, and he was absolutely poisonous. He is unconscious!"

Li Xing was less than a greeting, and said directly, "You took me to see the Father's righteousness."

As soon as he entered the Star Gate, Li Xing felt an atmosphere of horror. It seemed that everyone was worried about everything, all panicked. He didn't have much time to think, and went directly to the Beichen Changqing Retreat Room.

On a bed, Beichen Changqing lay flat on it, her skin was dark and motionless. Within ten feet of the bed, a layer of poisonous smoke rolled, and no one dared to take a half step. The three ancestors of the Beichen family were all there. They all showed joy when they saw Li Xing.

"Li Xing, do you think Evergreen has been saved?" Beichen asked anxiously. Beichen Evergreen was the backbone of the Star Gate. Once he falls, the Star Gate will not be able to bear it.

With a single glance, Li Xing could see the evil and evil, but it didn't hurt him. Regardless of whether it is a major poison or the King of Toxins, this poison can be restrained. Therefore, at this time, he calmed down and asked, "How is the poison?"

Beichen Jidao said: "In the recent period of time, more than a dozen disciples have died of poisoning in the Star Gate, and all of them are gods and men, and have suffered heavy losses."

Li Xing frowned: "Why didn't you notify me?"

Bei Chenji looked embarrassed. The matter has been investigated by him. He was confident that he could find out at first, but who knows the situation is more serious. At the time, Beichen Changqing also asked Li Xing to help, and he was persuaded to do so, saying that such a small matter should not bother Li Xing.

Beichen rushed: "Li Xing, we blame us on this matter. Let things go to this point, you must think of a way."

The image of Li Xing in the eyes of the three ancestors is already very tall and almost omnipotent, so they all have great hopes for him.

"Poisoning is easy to solve, but the key point is to find the person who poisons." Li Xing said, walked directly into the poisonous smoke, performed the great poisonous technique, and immediately absorbed all the virulence.

Seeing Li Xing so easy to remove the poison, everyone was very surprised, Bei Chenji could not help asking: "What poison has my father got? Why isn't he sober?"

"Voodoo," said Li Xing. "This poison has eroded the life of Yiyi, and it is not clear yet."

There are countless poisonous means recorded in the King of Toxic Drugs, which he can naturally see at a glance.

"Can you recover?" Beichenhe asked.

"It's okay, but it will take a few days." He said that he could use the silkworm technique to help Beichen Changqing recover.

This day's silkworm exercises are wonderfully performed, and they can more and more show their wonderful effects. The big cocoon wrapped Beichen Changqing, and he could be restored in about seven days.

"To find out who is poisoning." After this, Li Xing Shen cried.

"How do I find it?" Bei Chenji stunned. "The sky gate has been searched, but there is no clue."

"Since the other party wants to poison in secret, it must be hidden very deeply, and it can't be found by ordinary methods." Li Xing said, raising his hands to play the big poisonous technique, a nine-color poisonous light rose into the sky.

The sky was poisonous, and it was scattered into hundreds of millions of points, all of which rushed out. Li Xing and others followed later, and when the light spots drifted with the wind, the Quartet spread up and down, and the entire Star Gate was immediately wrapped by Guanghua.

This light spot is under the control of Li Xing and will not harm the living beings, but will be used to find the source of poison. Large poison is the most sensitive to the poison, and can easily be the source of the poison.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for everyone to see a lot of light spots converging in one direction. Li Xing was the first one, and when he arrived at the scene, he saw a five-colored poisonous frog with a large watermelon squatting on the pond, blistering his eyes, and was "cooing" calling ~ www.readwn.com Fall on the poison frog.

Li Xing sneered: "Sculpture of the worm!" He cast a big poisonous weapon and shrouded it directly, "Give me out!"

Nine-colored poisonous light wrapped the poisonous frog when locked, locking it in all directions to prevent it from escaping. Among the poisonous frogs, a cold and vicious voice came out: "Playing poison in front of the ancestors? You can't help it!"


The giant frog exploded all at once, and the five-color poisonous light burst out with great power. Among the poisonous light, there is a virtual shadow, and he wants to take the opportunity to soar into the sky.

Li Xing snorted: "You can go?"

First, the poisonous light of the explosion was collected, and then the nine-colored poisonous light condensed into a large poisonous hand. Grasp it up and grab the virtual shadow. The "zizi" sound on Xingying's body was a phenomenon of being poisoned by Li Xing's great poisonous technique.

"Good poison! Boy, who are you?" The other screamed, growling again and again.

Li Xing sneered: "Too imaginary Li Xing, who are you? So brave, dare to go wild at the Star Gate!"

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