Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 626: Start to break

Chapter 14: Start to Breakthrough!

After the performance conference, Li Xing directly rose into the sky and continued to fly north. When he flew, he sneered, feeling that someone was following him, pretending to be unknown.

Flying out of more than 10,000 miles, three Faguang suddenly came over, blocking Li Xing's way. These three mages are Niu Busan, Ma Busi and Luli Daxian.

Li Xing sneered, and was about to start. He didn't want all the three mages to kneel with a "thump", crying and crying: "The little demon is wrong.

At this moment, Li Xing completely stopped, what happened? The three had been hostile to themselves before. How can they change their attitude now? And so respectful, it's almost like grandson treating grandpa.

His thoughts fluttered and Shen said, "What are you doing?"

Niu Busan didn't seem to listen to Li Xing at all, but just raised his ears. I didn't know what he was listening to. After a while, he suddenly scratched his head and said, "Li Shenjun, the demon has made an unforgivable mistake. Forgive me. "

Next, Ma Busi and Luli Daxian also said the same thing, their words were sincere, which made Li Xing even more confused, and he shouted, "What the **** are you doing!"

There was a bitter smile on the face of Luli Daxian Huaban: "Li Shenjun, we really regret it. Please give the little devil a chance, even if the little devil sweeps the water!"

Li Xing groaned. He was a smart man, thinking of a possibility, and suddenly said, "You tell the princess that I have received her affection."

The three of them stunned, thinking that Li Xing really knew that Niu Busan shouted: "God, the princess has given an order, and we will accept it if you accept it. We will also accept it if you do not accept it. If you do not accept it, we will have no choice but to die. Fight!"

Suddenly, three demon ears heard a plea: "Three idiots! If you are cheated, you will lie to the truth! See how the princess packs you!"

The three monsters were frightened, and hurried to the ground, shivering.

Li Xing's heart moved and arched into the air: "I don't know which friend is here? Please tell the princess, I have taken her kindness."

No one answered, the three demon were quiet for a while, then all looked at Li Xing, one by one pitiful, seemed to follow his look.

Li Xing trembled: "These three monsters are not weak in cultivation. I do n’t have a master in Jiuyang Dongfu, just let the three of them stay in the cave." He thought and nodded, "Well, you Obsessed with it, go too far with me. "

The three monsters were overjoyed, bowed their heads and called, "See the master!"

Li Xing looked around again, sighed, took the three demon, and flew away. After he left, two shadows appeared, two young but young girls with beautiful looks.

A young girl asked strangely, "This person is nothing, why does the princess value him so much? Even the" monstrous imperial order "has been used."

Another girl pouted her mouth: "Who knows, Son of the Underworld and Son of Ling, which one is not better than him? Miss Miao just doesn't look at everyone."

"Don't talk nonsense, the lady will punish us if she knows it, let's go." The two women flickered and disappeared.

But he said that Li Xing brought three demons back to Taixumen, and when he entered the territory of Taiwei, he was met by the inspectors. If it wasn't for seeing Li Xing, the disciples would almost send out an alarm, and now the master catches the monster.

The inspecting disciple stepped forward and saluted, saying respectfully: "Master!" Then he glared at the three monsters, and Niubu stared at him, and the disciple looked back.

Another disciple asked boldly, "Brother, where are they from?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "I'd like to visit Dongfu, and you continue to inspect."

The disciples inspected were taken aback and said that the master was really amazing! Actually catch a monster at the heaven level to guard Dongfu!

Arriving outside the imaginary picture, seeing the huge cloud of image in the air, King Luli said with emotion: "It is worthy of the super big school, this is too mysterious and mysterious!"

Niu Busan snorted: "What's so great? Mountain and river maps are much smarter than it!"

Li Xing ignored their conversation and took it directly to the personnel elders' office to make a record. Even if outsiders have the consent of Li Xing, they must pass the elders' records and issue signboards before they can come freely.

Otherwise, these three monsters have no tokens and may be captured at any time in the cave.

Seeing Li Xing, the elders of personnel were also very polite. Although they were surprised how they brought three monsters of the level of law and heaven, they also quickly recorded their names, issued a sign, and finally said: "Young respect, the strength of these three monsters. Extraordinary, do you want to report to the head? "

Li Xing, as the master of the order, is the head of the future. Below the elders, he will also call him "less respect". As for the person in charge, it is often called "upper respect."

Li Xingdao: "Report truthfully. If there is something wrong, you should go to Jiuyang Dongfu directly to find me."

"Yes." The elder immediately sent Li Xing away.

Back in Jiuyang Cave, Li Xing summoned everyone out. As soon as Nanshan Weng came out, Li Xing found that he was actually Fa Tian dual, and he said, "Senior, congratulations!"

Nanshan Weng laughed: "I can't break through the loss of your help?" Then he looked at the three demon and was shocked, "These three?"

Li Xing smiled and told everyone: "The three of them will be responsible for guarding Jiuyang Cave in the future. You are familiar with it."

Xiaoxiu and Li Hu looked at each other, let the mage guard the cave?

Niu Busan stepped forward and looked around. Except for Nanshan Weng, all of them were gods and men, and the boss in his heart was upset. He thought, "Mama pulls a bar, and actually lets me take care of a group of hairy gods. This is really why. "

Although he thought so, he didn't dare to show it. He just pulled his face and hummed, "Niubusan, have seen you." Then he stood aside and stopped talking.

Ma Busi and Luli Daxian, with the same attitude, reported their first names.

After the three demons were placed, Li Xing said to Nanshan Weng: "Seniors, you live here for a while, wait for the juniors to gather the **** babies, and then talk about other things."

Nanshan Weng knew that Li Xing was going to help him resolve the dispute with the Nanhai family. He was grateful, nodded, and said, "OK."

It took three days to prepare for the matter before practice. On the fourth day, Li Xing entered the Dan room and began to shock the baby.

Divine infants, like Jinjia of the fairy family, fuse their vitality with vitality and form the brand of life. Divine infants gather together to form a table, while scattered to form a qi, they can go to heaven and enter the earth. It performs divine magic, which is more powerful and faster.

In addition, the infant child is more sensitive to the heavens and the earth. Some things that the infant child cannot do before can be easily aggregated.

For example, the Heavenly Order Divine Art corresponds to a kind of power of the sky. Before the **** baby, these powers of the sky were not very obvious and could not be fully mobilized. But after Divine Infant, the power of the sky can be called immediately, and it can be more perfectly urged.

In addition, the infant child is also the next step to lay the foundation for the consolidation of the true form. Without the infant, there is no true form. Without true form, there is no way to talk about deification, let alone step into the heavens.

In the early days of cultivation, the Yuan Shen was refined from the physical body and condensed into a **** baby. After practicing God tenfold, he united God and form into one body. This is like a circle, the starting point is the ending point.

Finally, Li Xing entered the middle.

In the divine fetus, the baby sat cross-legged like Li Xing and practiced Chiyang exercises. When the body is trained with the baby at the same time, Chiyang Gong enters the country very quickly! After seven days, it broke through to the fifth, and on the ninth day, it broke through to the sixth, and in January, it entered the ninth place of Chiyang Gong! Gather a Chiyang Reiki!

The cultivation of infants is completely instinctual. This kind of instinctive cultivation is the most beneficial to consolidate the infant child. Therefore, Li Xing simply allowed it to be natural, not to force, not to interfere, and to act rashly.

It is often the best practice to follow the natural practice. Li Xing consciously or unconsciously entered such a state of natural practice.

After the baby successfully practiced Chiyang Gong, he turned to martial arts again. In the martial arts picture, all martial art runes trembled, then dropped, and a martial art will was conveyed, and the baby marched into a chaotic martial art.

Seventy-four forty-nine days passed, during this period, all martial arts were mastered by Li Xing. At this time, the martial arts he had mastered reached 108.

In the martial arts, all martial arts have been lost, and at the core, the mysterious rune finally shakes up, falling like a meteor, into the chaotic martial arts.

In this rune, there is a real text of His Majesty, a word of "wu"! That rune is somewhat similar to chaotic martial arts. It is a brand-new martial art catalyzed by ninety-nine martial arts, the martial arts way, and the king of martial arts!

This martial art is still fused by chaotic martial arts.


The chaotic array, the world turned upside down, all the runic wills were scattered, shattered, and then recombined, and in a moment, a brand new martial art, the chaotic martial arts was finally completed!

In the past, Li Xing's martial arts were not fulfilled ~ www.readwn.com ~ Many martial arts powers were scattered and separated, and although they were controlled by chaotic martial arts, they could not work together. But at this time, there is only one kind of chaotic martial arts, no instant martial arts, and no tearing martial arts.

Even, Li Xing has forgotten what is instant martial arts and what is inanimate martial arts, only chaos in his heart!

The baby embraced with both hands, and a chaotic air mass in his palm was like a chicken, unpredictable.

Li Xing never imagined that his chaotic martial arts would be completed at this time, and it only took a short period of forty-nine days! The baby's wisdom and qualifications shocked him. Of course, the same terrible emperor is the Emperor of Heaven. He has given up pointing to Li Xing, because his profound experience is not enough to point this apprentice.

After the chaotic martial arts was completed, the baby still had no intention of breaking through, and began to regulate many breaths on his body.

Li Xing has a variety of breath, including star power, Dao power, heaven power, divine power, Jiuyang power, fighting power and so on. Each kind of force works together.

They are like a group of black people, although each of them has extraordinary abilities, they cannot exert their due power. At this point, the baby just needs to adjust these scattered powers, and let them forbid them to reach the best state!

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