Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 629: Corroded Flesh

Chapter 17: Corrupted Flesh

The strength of these people is like ants in Li Xing's eyes, so he is more tolerant, just like Shenlong is not angry with ants.

This so-called "big eating gate" sounds funny, but it is actually an interest group. After entering the forbidden area, they will unanimously go out and compete against other groups. Li Xing looked around and found that the people of God gradually gathered in groups of three or five, and eating Tianmen was relatively large.

The other martial arts also took their own names, such as "flying corpse gate", "tiankeng gate", "dog-tooth gate", "long-hand gate" and so on.

At this moment, Li Xing had a feeling of being among the gangs of the rivers and lakes. At the same time, he realized that the trip to the forbidden area was full of blood and killing, and even more cruel than the trip to the ancient battlefield.

The people who entered the battlefields of ancient times were all at the level of law and heaven. As many as three or five thousand people entered the forbidden area of ​​the South China Sea, all of them wanted to try their luck.

Once so many gods and men are fighting together, it will be a disaster.

Li Xing joined the "Eating Gate", a member of Eating. At this time, Eating had a serious expression on his face. He looked around and said, "The forbidden ground will soon open. By then, brothers must work together, who If you dare to betray, you will be hunted down by the rest! "

The members felt astonished, saying, "Dare!"

Eating loudly: "When entering the forbidden area, all except us are enemies. I have already asked that for every trip to the forbidden area, less than a third can be alive!"

Li Xing was secretly surprised, it seems that this time, there will be thousands of gods buried in the forbidden area!

Dazhe told everyone about the matters that should be noticed in the forbidden area. Many of them were not even known by the Chizu brothers. It seems that a lot of work has been done before this big meal, and many people have been consulted.

The opening of the forbidden ground last time was sixty-three years ago. This time the opening came suddenly, and many people were not ready. Otherwise, more people will enter the forbidden area.

"When the forbidden grounds are opened, there are only three days. Those who enter must come out within three days, otherwise, they must wait until the next forbidden grounds are opened! So we must make a quick decision, and we must not waste time. All the treasures obtained are It is under the control of the Lord God, and he will redistribute it out of the forbidden area. "

Li Xing sneered in his heart, didn't he understand what he had eaten and reassured? Everything was in his hands. Once a person came out, he would definitely not distribute it, only one person would swallow it.

There are also concerns in the hearts of everyone, but their strength is not as good as they are, so no one dares to raise objections. Not only was the "big eat door", in fact, the gang also made similar orders, and everything was handed over to one person for safekeeping and redistribution out of the forbidden area.

The gangs have established rules, often headed by one person, the others bowed their heads.

When the gods were preparing, the nearby sea surface suddenly shook violently, and a thick layer of dark mist rose from the sea surface. In that dark mist, the depths are unpredictable, and I don't know how much space is contained.

"The dream is on!" Someone yelled, and everyone was quiet.

The black mist rolled and spread, and there were horn-shaped curved channels appearing on it, and there were hundreds of them. These passages are the only way to enter the forbidden area.



A ray of divine light burst into the huge, trumpet-shaped channel condensed by black gas. Li Xing didn't wait for the "Great Eater of God" to speak, and it turned into a shocking light.


Suddenly, "Eating God" suddenly changed his face, and then stomped and scolded: "*, fortunately, I didn't do it, or I died!" Even if he was stupid, he could see Li Xing's mighty strength. Not that he can compete.

Not only did they eat, many gods and men saw the indescribable light of the great shore, and they were all shocked.

Who is this It's so powerful!

Beyond shock, the gods one by one got into the passage and began a forbidden land trip. The forbidden land in the South China Sea is no bigger than the forbidden land on the ice and snow wasteland. It has a larger area and more dangers and opportunities.

Immediately after entering the passage, Li Xing reached a dark land. The sky is gray, and the earth is gray. There is no grass on the ground, and there are only mounds that rise from the ground.

The air was permeated with a decaying ancient atmosphere.

Li Xing looked at the mound, which was made of black dust, and he didn't know what was buried below. He took out the cold light sword, the light of the light waved, "Sen" Ran a sword, the dirt was swept away, exposing a mass of creeping flesh.

The flesh was black-red, exuding rancidity, and there were countless black tapeworms growing inside, which made people gag at first glance. Li Xing's face remained unchanged, and he said to himself, "Strange! There are so many living creatures in the forbidden field."

As soon as this idea came out, a force of corrosion was conveyed from the flesh and blood, Li Xing's skin erupted a black smoke, and a slight sting.

This time, he couldn't help but be taken aback, even the indestructible body of King Kong couldn't resist, the evil force of corruption! Fortunately, his King Kong's indestructible body was indeed overbearing, and he was not immediately corroded to death, and quickly threw out the 10,000 poisonous kings.

King of Toxic Kings, King of Toxic Kings, as soon as it comes out, it will attract the power of corrosion. Like a whale sucking water, the king's scripture began to absorb the surrounding corrosive forces.

"If you change another person, I'm afraid it will be useless as soon as you enter." Li Xing thought to himself, with a little more fear in the forbidden ground, and then went down, wouldn't he encounter something more terrible?

After dozens of breaths, the force of corrosion in the entire space was absorbed by the King of Kings. The corrosive power is also a kind of poisonous power, which can undoubtedly greatly enhance the power of the king.

Li Xing put away the Wanduwangjing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Once again, all the flesh and blood on the ground had dried up, and the maggots on it had died one by one and turned into fly ash. He breathed a sigh of relief and started looking around for an exit.

Not long after, he noticed a tumble of phosgene and walked in immediately. For a while, time and space change, he suddenly entered another space.

In the meantime, there was a scream of screams coming from all directions, and there was no sense of what was coming out. The appearance of Li Xing seemed to have alarmed the host here, a fierce breath, locked him away.

In front of him, black smoke tumbling, a general, wearing a red robe, with a big figure and a hazy face, holding a spear and riding a white horse to kill Li Xing.

Li Xing saw at a glance that this general was a ferocious! After the death of the living beings, the evil thoughts will continue, and they will gather the suffocation between the heavens and the earth on their own, forming a ferocity. Viciousness often does not have much combat power, and ordinary gods can also cope.

However, the evil spirit in front of him was obviously different. He shot two purple electric lights in his eyes and two purple fires in his nose.

Li Xing didn't dare to carelessly, showed Jiulong Yao, ready to fight this fierce.

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