Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 630: Great Light Mantra

Chapter 18: Great Light Curse

A sharp piercing shot, point to the eyebrow, and shot a horrible murder above the tip of the gun. Li Xing suddenly felt a strong threat of death, and his body collapsed. "Boom."

"Fantastic!" Li Xing opened his eyes, staring at the powerful soul. Only now, if it hadn't been for the amulet, he would have been injured. Just a ferocity, how could it be so powerful?

The horror failed to hit, and once again locked Li Xing, the gun trembled and assassinated.

Li Xing transformed into thousands of figures and walked around. The fierce stabbing spear always stabbed into the air. While walking, Li Xing was observing the vulnerabilities of the murderer. He found that although the murderer had a murderous look, his actions were rigid and rigid, and seemed to have limited wisdom.

Thinking of this, he flashed aura, and when he was thinking, a huge white vortex appeared in front of him. This vortex is the suction generated by Baiyang Jingtian. After entering the vortex, he will be immediately pulled into Baiyang Jingtian.

Before that vortex, Li Xing put on a substitute, which instantly turned into Li Xing. The horror really could not distinguish between true and false, nor could Li Xing count it, roared, and stabbed it with a shot.


The avatar was broken, and the ferocity directly entered the whirlpool and was drawn into Baiyang Jingtian without suspense. As soon as they entered the country, the horror was about to rush and kill, but was severely suppressed by a French array, unable to move.

Suppressing the fierceness, Li Xingcai was relieved. Suddenly, there were nine gods and men suddenly appeared here. Of the nine gods, six practiced six and three practiced five. They ignored Li Xing and looked around.

"Huh? Nothing here?" Leading a sixfold God of Humanity, then stared at Li Xing, and asked, "Boy, is the treasure here taken by you?"

Li Xing didn't bother to pay attention, leaving only one back to nine people, focusing on finding an exit.

"Look for death!" The **** was angry, raising his hand was a spell, a thunderbolt, and fiercely hit Li Xing. This talisman, called the Thunder King Talisman, has forty-eight heavy laws and bans, and is very powerful.

Li Xing seemed to have eyes behind him, and he just reached out and grabbed it. The light of the sky was caught by him and turned into a tumbling electric ball, and then said coldly: "It's not easy for you to practice, get out."

When talking, the palm of the hand was gently squeezed, the electric ball extinguished instantly, as if it had never existed.

Nine people saw the scalp numb, and in their place, they would be hurt by Wang Fu. And this person is not only okay, but also easily extinguishes electricity, how strong is that?

The attacker didn't dare to put one more fart, bowed a hand to Li Xing, took the person and turned away.

Li Xing also continued to search for exits. At the same time, under the continuous strangulation of Baiyang Jingtian, the fierce force finally exploded, turning into a ferocious gas and a whistle of resentment.

However, in the suffocation, there was a dim light group floating up and down. This light group, even Li Xing, couldn't see what it belonged to, only felt that it contained extremely complex and powerful forces. However, this power seems to be imprisoned or the object is damaged, so it cannot exert its original power.

Emperor Tianxie also ran to see the excitement, and the former emperor could not look out the door.

Since he couldn't understand the history, Li Xing stopped paying attention, and after entering the exit, walked in. Next, Li Xing traversed thirteen spaces one after another, each space was empty, there was no danger and no treasure.

However, when he entered the next five-color space, in all directions, it was full of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Looking around, all around is the ruins of the wall, the flourishing plants, and the endless five-element aura.

Between heaven and earth, in addition to Jiuyang Reiki, there are various other Reikis, with different qualities. The Five Elements Reiki is a relatively high-end Reiki, which is quite precious.

Naturally, Li Xing would not let go of this opportunity, the gate of heaven shook slightly, rushed out of the fetus, and hung high in the air. This portal, issued a strong suction, began to devour the five elements of aura. Five Elements Aura can cultivate the Five Elements Rule.

Inside the gate of heaven, there are many powers of the sky, the power of the rules, and the five elements of the law. The portal vibrated, like a water pump, pumping a huge amount of the Five Elements Aura into it.

The great divine skills he practiced, all related to the Five Elements, gradually became full. Moreover, around the gate of heaven, the powerful five-colored light began to surround, representing the extremely strong internal law of the five elements.

After absorbing enough auras of the five elements, Li Xing did not stop, and continued to use the gate of heaven to store auras. This five-element aura can be used for refining elixir, so he naturally needs to make more spares.

A few hours later, Li Xing was almost pumped out by the five elements in the entire space. He was about to leave. Suddenly, the ground shook slightly, and Li Xing saw a giant five-color giant striding forward.

The giant, standing tall and standing tall, shook the ground every step of the way. The giant's eyes were full of anger, and his eyes locked on Li Xing.

"This monster should be a sprite naturally generated in the Five Elements Aura," Li Xing moved his thoughts, and closed the gate of the sky, revealing the Jiulongyu.

The giant raised his wide palm and slammed hard at Li Xing.

As soon as Li Xing's footsteps shook, he reached the top of the giant's head. This time, Guiyuan hit 300 times of combat power in a single blow, and the damage was amazing.


The giant's head was exploded at once, dispersed into five elements of aura, and then gathered again.

Li Xing's heart moved and he struck again and again, listening only to the sound of "Boom". The giant's four feet and torso were blasted by him in the same way, and finally exposed the heart part, a baby.

When the baby was exposed, he was desperately condensing the five elements. Unfortunately, it was too late, Li Xing laughed, reached out and grasped gently, and lifted him up.

Babies are about the same size as ordinary babies, full of spirit, and seem to be born naturally. However, Li Xing found that this baby only had a weak sense of the self, and it was that consciousness that condensed the giant to attack Li Xing.

After just a fight, the baby's consciousness was scattered and then dissipated. When it gathers its consciousness next time, I don't know how long it will take.

"When congregating the **** babies, the avatars can be condensed at the same time. This five-element spirit baby is a good material." Li Xing nodded, put it away and moved on.

The further down, the deeper, the greater the danger, and the greater the opportunity, Li Xing did not stop. In the first dozen spaces, he was able to meet other gods occasionally, but there was no figure in the space afterwards.

As soon as his eyes brightened, Li Xing entered a space full of light and vitality. This space is full of goodness, which makes people happy physically and mentally. He is glad in his heart and knows that there are treasures here.

There are white phosgene above and below the quartet, these phosgenes represent light and hope. Li Xing felt that within the gate of heaven, the power of the great light curse was immediately drawn.

At the beginning, Li Xing was engulfed by the magic when he visualized the demon head of inspiration, and was rescued by a mysterious man with a big light spell. Later, with the help of Tianxie, Li Xing used the power of the charm to practice the great light spell, and reached the third level.

There are ten great bright spells in total. This method, like the fiendish fierce Zen, can wash the soul and strengthen the spiritual power. It is a method of refining God.

"Since there are so many powers of light here, it's better to take the opportunity to practice the great light spell to see if it can condense the bright body." Li Xing moved in his heart, and after entering phosgene, began to practice the great light spell.

The great light spell, when practicing, is purely absorbing the power of light and blessing one's body, so practice quickly. Of course, practicing this technique also has a cover. In the end, it is possible to make marry clothes for others.

The great light spell power cultivated will belong to the true light spell body, and even Li Xing may become a "light envoy". According to legend, the true body of the great light spell is a spell, which is already psychic, and it is a spell spirit with its own consciousness.

Spell spirits, equivalent to magical spirits, possess magic spell charms and have incredible power.

A large amount of bright power was absorbed by Li Xing, and his great bright spells were gradually rising, fourfold, fivefold, and sixfold, until the tenth success of the great bright spells!

At the completion of the spell, Li Xing shined brightly throughout his body. Both the flesh and the baby had more bright attributes. However, he had a feeling that this kind of power was not his, but was "given" by the mantra, and could be taken away at any time.

Phosgene tumbling, a light bridge flew and landed in front of Li Xing, then a kind voice said: "Child, come here."

The voice is full of love and care, making people feel like they are in the arms of their parents. Li Xing, however, practiced the meditation of the Zen door, his mind was flat, his eyes narrowed and he asked, "Who are you?"

"I am the God of Light who gives you strength, child, come quickly." The voice was still kind.

Li Xing turned away and went ~ www.readwn.com ~ toward the exit.

At this moment, the voice changed immediately, and became extremely angry, cursing: "I have no conscience, I will give you bright power, how do you go? Stay!"


The power of light in Li Xing's body was suddenly out of control, and he forcibly fixed his figure. He snorted, and was supremely powerful. He overwhelmed the light force and continued to limp.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and a huge figure appeared in front of him. This person, composed entirely of bright light, can't see at all. On him, there is an immense power on the shore, representing light, justice, hope, and so on.

"Who the **** are you?" Li Xing absolutely didn't believe that this man was a **** of light. He wasn't the goddess of ice and snow. He was definitely ten thousand times more powerful than the fake **** in front of him.

The whole world suddenly went dark, all the light disappeared. The huge figure turned into a turquoise skull man, with a big light charm in his dead hands! And it is true body!

Li Xing was startled and shouted, "Big Bright Charm! How could it be in your hands?"

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