Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 631: Blood river

Chapter 19: Blood River

The Great Light Rune has produced a spell spirit, not in this world, how can it be in the hands of this monster?

The gray skull issued a weird smile: "Small thing, you can actually see the true body of the deity, which is a bit interesting." He shook the big light charm in his hand. "The light charm of the big light charm has long since fallen. Now, the power of the big light charm Will be in charge of my deity! "

Li Xing was ready to start at any time, Shen said, "Who the **** are you?"

"The deity does not belong to this world. It comes from another time and space. Even if you say your identity, you don't know." The gray skull stared at Li Xing, and said, "Because I don't belong to this world, I can't leave. However, if I Can take your body and occupy your soul, you can fit into this world! "

This time Li Xing knew why the other party stopped him. It turned out that he was not at ease. He sneered, Jiu Jiu flashed, and Tian Tian Ying suppressed him.


The air trembled, there were 3,000 shadows, and it covered the whole square, completely surrounding the gray skull.

"A return to Yuanyuan! Hehe!"

Three thousand times the fighting force hit, Li Xing was seriously injured. The huge light beam swept over, and the gray skull also "snapped" and stretched out the bones of his palm to greet him.


When Jiulong jumped, he was shocked and went back. The gray skull didn't move, saying: "Your body is very good, very good!"

The strongest blow didn't hurt the monster. Li Xing knew that there was no chance of winning today, and he directly entered Baiyangjingtian.

The gray skull smiled to the sky and said, "You can't run away from heaven and earth!" The sharp phalanx stroked into the air, opening a gap in the space and stepping in.

Baiyang Jingtian shook with shock, and the grey skull broke in. As soon as he entered the sky, he was surprised and said, "Good place! What great existence has created such a mysterious cave?"

Li Xing was full of cracks, but his eyes were very clear. He shouted, "Suppress me!"


The whole Baiyang Jingtian was trembling slightly, and a huge array shrouded its head. The gray skull held up its arms and wanted to block the repression.


The gray skull was suppressed at once, unable to move, and roared, "What is this! It can suppress the deity!"

Li Xingpan sat down, recovered his wounds, and said lightly, "This is the law circle left by the ancestor of Chunyang. How can you escape?"

The gray skull casts its fists, rushes left and right, and cannot get out. However, he didn't know what kind of monster it was, and he couldn't kill it at the moment.

After condensing the babies, Li Xing's strength was greatly improved, so he only returned to the attack. He was only physically damaged, and the fetus was only slightly shaken, and he recovered in a moment.

After only a few dozen breaths, he stood up again, scooping out Baiyang Jingtian.

After losing the power of light, the outside space became empty and unobstructed. For Li Xing, it was of little value, and he continued to deepen.

After breaking into several spaces in succession, nothing was found. Li Xing was about to run out of time. He planned to go into another space and return immediately.

When he entered the last space, he was startled by the sight. I saw, a huge blood river, magnificent, thousands of miles long, flowing constantly in the space of Hengdan.

This blood river, with no source and no end, seems to flow out of the void and flow away into the void. In the blood river, the aura is abundant, and it is a superb aura, even more precious than the five elements aura.

In the river of blood, a mysterious power was radiated, noble, ancient, and elusive. The power of the blood river caused the light cluster hidden in the fierce body in Baiyang Jingtian to suddenly shake, as if there was some connection between the two.

"Master, what is this?" Li Xing called. He found that the entire Bao Guangyi was occupied by Guanghua, and even made a harsh scream, and his heart was furious.

"Whatever it is, close it!" Tianxie yelled.

Li Xing said nothing, flew directly to the end of the blood river, opened Baiyang Jingtian, and took it with all his strength. This blood river originally flowed in the direction of Li Xing. In response to the force of ingestion, it entered the Baiyang Jingtian as soon as possible.

The Blood River rushed into Baiyang Jingtian, and immediately wrapped the shaking light group just turned into a huge blood cell, all its breath converged, it seems that some kind of magical change is taking place.

Li Xing was stunned, but time was running out, he couldn't think too much, and returned along the same path, preparing to leave the forbidden area.

The forbidden area is no better than the ancient battlefield. You can only find treasure lights and find treasures everywhere. A space here is connected to a space, which is isolated from each other. Baoguangyi is not useful at all, so there is not much to gain.

When coming slowly, walking fast, crossing one space after another, Li Xing soon returned to the origin. When he was out of the forbidden area and returned to the sea, there was still half a day before the forbidden area was closed.

As soon as his people came out, they were immediately surrounded by a group of god-men and yelled, "Give everything out!"

Li Xing smiled scornfully. With a wave of his sleeves, the majestic divine power surged out, and the people surrounding him flew away, and then turned into a brilliant divine light, soaring into the sky. Based on his cultivation, he is too lazy to care about such little people.

In the forbidden land, Li Xing had a lot of gains and was in a good mood. He decided to return to the Chijiadao Road in the South China Sea to practice in Taixumen. In the forbidden area, his great light spell has reached ten major consummations, and he can continue to practice the seventh demon of the fierce Zen.

Phantom, ferocity, chaos, inspiration, invisible, sentient beings, the seventh largest demon after the six major demon is called "fighting". The top six demon heads are not famous in the world, but the fighting demon heads are well-known, and even the village husbands and villagers know that they worship the tablet at home ~ www.readwn.com ~ In fact, Li Xing's fighting hands Treasures, which are closely related to fighting demon heads, have a long history. Naturally, it is difficult and difficult for such a demon to want to suppress the avatars of points.

However, once this demon head is visualized, he can directly use the power of the fighting war demon to open up the fighting war amulet to restore its full power.

Li Xing arrived at Chi's house, and found that the Chi's family was almost all dispatched and stopped high above the red clouds, including the old ancestor of Chi's family, and the six figures of Fa Tian were among them. I wondered who was waiting.

Li Xing appeared, and Chi Zuo and Chi You rushed to meet him, hurriedly dragging him into the Chijia team.

Li Xing was curious and Chuan Yin asked: "Brother Chi, who are you waiting for?"

Akao Sato: "Brother Li, wait for a big man to come!"

"Who is it?" Li Xing asked quickly.

"Tianxin Island, Tianxin Daojun, come to our Chi family to select talents and bring them to Tianxin Island for training!" Chizuo Road, "I don't know who will be lucky this time!"

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