Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 632: Tenshindo-kun

Chapter 20: Tianxin Daojun

Tianxing Island's name, Li Xing naturally knew that Lu Tianjiao, who had been beaten up by him, was a character from Tianxin Island. Tianxin Island is extremely mysterious and is located in the South China Sea.

Tianxin Tianxin, comparing his own heart with his own, shows that he is also an arrogant generation.

After waiting for a while, a cloud of Qingyun appeared immediately in front of him, and a tall figure stood on it. The ancestor of the Red Family immediately stepped forward to meet, and said respectfully: "Greetings to Daojun!"

The tall man was Tianxin Daojun. His eyes fell on Li Xing, and he smiled, "This son has a very good root and bone, and enters Tianxin Island."

The eyes of the Chi family fell on Li Xing, and they all froze. This seems to be not the Chi family!

Chizuo and Chiyou fell silly, and looked at each other, wondering what to do.

Li Xing took a step outwards and said lightly, "Li Xing, who is too futile, has no intention of joining Tianxin Island."

"Oh? You're Li Xing?" Tianxin Daojun looked at Li Xing with interest. "It's okay for disciples who are too virtual. As long as you are willing, Tai Dao will tell you."

"Unfortunately, I have no interest in Zhongru Tianxin Island." Li Xing still said, "Sorry."

Behind Tianxin Daojun, he rushed out of a ray of light. That was a teenager, ten years old, and he was actually the fourfold of Fatian. He yelled, "Taojun let you get into Tianxin Island, but you are a **** of nature. You do n’t know how to cherish it. It's stupid!"

When Li Xing didn't hear it, he turned his face contemptuously to see the ebb and flow.

The young boy was so angry that he said to Tianxin: "Island master, disciple Rong teach this person!"

Tianxindao Jun laughed and said, "If others haven't offended you, why use your lessons?"

In the eyes of Li Xing, a flash of murder struck, and he suddenly stepped forward and said loudly: "In the rumors, every out of Tianxin Island must be a genius. Today, Li Xing is too fictitious. I hope to have a long experience and have a good deal with the talent of Tianxin Island Please complete Daojun! "

The people of the Chi family were all crazy. They did not consider that Tianxin Daojun would pick Li Xing, and they did not expect that Li Xing was so bold that he would dare to fight with the people of Tianxin Island.

The ancestor of the Chi family quickly stood up and scolded Li Xing and said, "Li Xiaoyou, you are too overwhelmed. You are not a **** or a human being. How can you be your opponent? Just talk about fighting."

"Why not? It must be compared! Otherwise, someone will look down on us too vainly!" Suddenly, a Daojun came out of the void and stepped on Qingyun, which is the sincere Daojun.

Tianxin Daojun raised an eyebrow and said, "Sincerely, I didn't expect you to break through!"

"Good luck." Zhicheng Daojun faintly said, then walked to Li Xing and entrusted him to Qingyun.

Li Xing Yixi: "Too Elder!"

The Chi family had a large head for a while, and no one on either side could afford it! Have to be dumb and say nothing.

"Tianxin, what do you want to accept my disciples who are too vain? Do you think that your tianxindao is stronger than me?" Zhicheng began to ask for sin, and he was very polite.

Tianxin Daojun smiled slightly: "You are sincere with great temper, and disciples like Li Xing, naturally everyone wants income. As for which one is too strong and the Tianxin Island is stronger, this is not your choice."

Zhicheng Daojun sneered: "You Tianxinmen said that you want to teach me a big disciple who is too vain, very good, it is better than a match, Li Xing!"

Li Xing immediately stood up: "The disciples are here!"

"Someone despises you as a six-man god, so you go and teach that person fiercely, let him know that there is a sky outside, there are people out there, what a **** genius is worthless in front of us too vain!" tunnel.

Tianxin Daojun raised his eyebrows, showing a little anger, and said to the young man, "Shangguanzhun, you go and give directions."

"Slow, Tianxin, since it is better, can we not give a little bit to the younger disciples?"

"Easy." Tianxin Daojun waved his hand, and three hundred xuanxian elixir appeared in the air, all of them turned into human figures, flying and jumping.

"Well, Taixumen also has three hundred elixir." Zhicheng Daojun smiled slightly and took out three hundred Xuanjie elixir.

At this point, Li Xing finally understood why Zhicheng Daojun was so bad-tempered. He seemed to want to take the opportunity to cheat Tianxin Island to order something. He laughed a long time and strode forward. , Pick up! "

Shangguan said with anger: "I don't know if I live or die!" He knows the importance of this battle, which is related to the three hundred Xuanjie elixir, so he cannot help desperately. So when he came up, he played the strongest spell, and a blaze of fire burned to Li Xing.

Li Xing deeply understood that this battle must be fought beautifully, so that it was too empty to have face, so he did his best to ignore the opponent ’s spells and smashed them directly. .

"A return to Yuanyuan! Kill!"


A thousand times the combat power, directly bombed down, Shangguan Zhuan's complexion changed greatly, the fire light emitted directly collapsed, and he was locked up by supreme power.

In the shocked eyes of the Chi family, a huge squinting light smashed down, directly blasting Shangguan Zhun. Not only did the body explode, the spirits also suffered great damage.

After a blow, Li Xing closed his arms, returned to Qingyun, and said lightly, "Give up!"

The exploding light rays converged hard together and reunited into Shangguan quasi-forms. It was just that he was seriously injured and his method was broken. He didn't have a few years to recover.

Tianxin Shenjun couldn't see any expression on his face, but just said lightly: "Good method." Then he waved his sleeves, three hundred mysterious elixir, flew to Li Xing, and he accepted it politely.

Tianxin Shenjun urged Qingyun to take Guanzhun away, and the selection of Zhongchi's family was also abandoned.

Sincerity Daojun waved his sleeves, urged Qingyun, and then took Li Xing away, leaving the Chi family with big eyes and small eyes.

On the way, Li Xing asked: "How did the elders come here?"

"Taixuemen got the news ~ www.readwn.com ~ You entered the forbidden area. The South China Sea forbidden area has a lot of dangers, and everyone is not assured. I will take a look and don't want to meet Tianxindaojun." Zhicheng said .

When Li Xing moved, Taixumen really attached great importance to himself, and he worked hard and sincerely. Turning his thoughts, he asked, "Elder, what is the origin of Tianxin Island? What is its strength?"

"Tianxin Island is a branch of" Tianzang. "Sincerity said," The power is quite strong, but it is secretive. "

Li Xing was taken aback: "It turned out to be the institution of Tianzang!" Speaking of which, he was also a member of Tianyi and Tianming.

Zhicheng Daojun stopped talking about the matter a little bit, and replied: "Li Xing, I see your baby's success, and it seems that a breakthrough is imminent."

Li Xing nodded: "The disciples are still not sure, this time returning to the virtual gate, we will have to retreat again, try to break through."

Sincerity Daojun smiled slightly and said, "Okay, let's return together and go!"

Qingyun flashed, traversing the space, and rushed to Taixumen quickly.

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