Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 633: Fighting Demon King

Chapter 21: Fighting Demon King

Back at Taixumen, Li Xing got a message. Yuyun Xu of the Qi Yun School finally broke through, condensing the fetuses, and entered the realm of mage from then on. The elders Gu Yeqi and Feng Jiuren have also reached the tenth level of perfection of the God of Practicing. They also have the opportunity to break through the last level.

These three people are all former members of the Qi Yunpai class. They had limited qualifications and were difficult to break through. However, with the help of a resourceful man like Li Xing, he was able to go a step further.

The achievement of a mage, even in Taixumen, is a big deal. Taixumen officially accepted You Yuxu as a core disciple. Taixumen did this because one was in Li Xing's face, and the other was that Yu Yuxu did have this qualification.

The remaining Qi Yun factions also took for granted the integration of Taixumen. The foundation of the Qi Yun faction is actually quite strong. Hundreds of gods have joined, and no one will refuse.

You Yuxu became a mage and accepted the congratulations from all the people. On this day, Liu Yiyi suddenly came to Jiuyang Dongfu. He opened the door and said, "Brother, I have something to ask you."

Today, Yu Yuxu joins Taixumen, a disciple of Taixumen, naturally calling Li Xing a "big brother". In this world, the master is respected, and Li Xing doesn't feel anything, and nods: "You say."

You Yuxu pointed at Liu Yiyi: "Yiyi is my righteous daughter, and my qualifications are far above me. Now I have practiced the fivefold of God. I hope you can carry him a lot."

Li Xing immediately said: "Yiyi was my colleague, and I should help her."

You Yuxu was overjoyed: "Yiyi, see you soon."

A gift from Liu Yiyi: "Meet the Master."

Li Xingdao: "You will stay in Jiuyang Cave in the future, everyone practice together."

"Yes." Liu Yiyi respectfully said that the rise of Li Xing's status and strength has made the two people feel a stranger. This is a psychological barrier caused by the gap.

After Yu Yu's resignation, Li Xing chatted with Nanshan Weng for a few days. The affairs of the Chi family were resolved, and Nanshan Weng had no trouble, and he was leaving today. Li Xing originally wanted to keep him, but Nanshan Weng indulged in the mountain tightly, and he didn't like restraint.

As soon as Nanshan Weng was gone, Li Xing had everything settled and officially closed the retreat.

In Baiyang Jingtian, Li Xing said to the gray skull that was suppressed in the French array: "How do you feel?"

In the past few days, no matter how the law hanged, it couldn't kill the gray skeleton, so it could only be suppressed. The gray skull growled: "Release your deity!"

"Let you go?" Li Xing sighed. "Do you feel possible?"

"Releasing the deity, the deity can give you benefits." Gray Skull seduces you, "You have also seen, my body is hard and unique. The deity sees that your body is also very powerful, but it is worse than the deity. Some more. "

Li Xing said calmly: "I would like to hear the details."

"The world where the deity is located is called the Yuan Jin Realm. Everyone is a body of Yuan Jin. It is extremely hard." Gray Skull said, "The deity can teach you the way of Yuan Jin's refining and let you get the body of Yuan Jin!"

On the contrary, Li Xing was curious about the Yuan Jinjie and asked, "Where is the Yuan Jinjie?"

"There is still sky outside the world, there is also a boundary outside the world, and time and space are isolated. Even if I said it, you don't know where it is." The other side said, "However, all realms have a common destination, that is the realm of heaven."

Li Xing's heart jumped, and even the Emperor Tianxie did not know the specific situation of the heavenly realm. This person seemed to know a lot, and then continued to ask: "Do you know the heavenly realm? Who are these people in the heavenly realm?"

The gray skull deliberately pleased Li Xing and replied: "The heavens are above the heavens and the heavens, and the powers of the heavens will eventually enter the heavens. The existence in the heavens can be enlightened to open the way to heaven! "

"The way to open the sky?" Li Xing Yiyi said, "What is the way to open the sky?"

"Opening up a world and creating the heavens and earth is to open up the heavens! The specific situation, the deity can not know." The other side said, "how, have you decided to release the deity?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Of course you can let go, but the time is still immature. And before then, should you express your sincerity?"

"How to show sincerity?" The other asked.

"Give me the big bright charm in your hand," Li Xing said. "This is to express sincerity."

The other side was furious and held back, "This great light charm is extremely important to the deity. That deity used it to enter this world. How can I send you?"

Li Xing said nothing, turned his head away, and the gray skull in the back was anxious first, shouting, "Slow!"

Li Xing stopped, he knew very well that unless the other party was willing to stay here forever, he would definitely compromise.

"Okay, here's the big bright charm!" Gray Skull said helplessly.

A Fuguang rushed out and fell into Li Xing's hands, which was the big bright charm.

"Now you can let me go?" The other asked eagerly.

Li Xing laughed: "You must put it, but not now."

The other party also knew that Li Xing could not let him go immediately, saying: "I hope you keep your promise!"

"Natural!" Li Xing smiled and looked at Daguangming Fu, "You just said, is Daguangming Fu helping you enter this world?"

"Yes, this great light amulet has produced a mana spirit and has reached the level of the broken void. However, when it breaks the void, it strays into the Yuan Jin realm. It happens that the deity was chased and killed by the Yuan Jin realm, so he used it Power to escape into this world. "

"What kind of identity are you in Yuanjinjie and why are you hunted down?" Li Xing was curious.

"It's just a small person." The other party seemed unwilling to mention more, and simply replied.

Li Xing knew that this sentence was not true, but he had no interest in knowing the identity of the other party, nodded, and said, "You tell me about Yuan Jin's body. I don't know what is Yuan Jin's body?"

"Yuan Jin is the power of the five elements of the beginning of the world when it was first formed. The power of the five elements is extremely firm and simple. Once you master this power, you will be immortal." After the other party said, he took out an egg-like golden ball. , Thrown out of the circle, and said, "This is the Yuan Jindan, you can practice Yuan Jin's body by using it in conjunction with the exercises."

Next, there was a ray of ideas conveyed to Li Xing, which was the means of the cultivation of Yuanjin. Li Xing found that although the body of Yuanjin was not like the mysterious body of heaven and earth, it also had some merits, and it was immediately remembered carefully.

"I hope that after you have completed the body of Yuanjin, you can let the deity leave." The other side said.

"There will be a day when you leave, when I am stronger than you." Li Xing said indifferently, then took the great light amulet and went to practice the fiendish Zen.

At this time, the baby had not yet broken through. Li Xing thought that the baby was not strong enough, so he decided to cultivate the satanic fierce meditation and overpower the baby's strength, hoping that it would have the advantages in one fell swoop.

The fiendish Zen is the seventh most important one, and he will contemplate the fighting demon head. The fighting demon head is very dangerous, but he has a great light charm and a great light spell, and he is not afraid.

At this time, Li Xing put the great light charm into the divine fetus, re-operated the great light spell, practiced for a few weeks, the whole body was bright, and the bright body was more stable. The bright body can be used without evil, and has infinite usefulness.

During the cultivation process, the baby suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed the big light charm with his small hand, tore it a few times, and swallowed it. Suddenly, the baby lightened up all around, like a day.

Li Xing is fully operating the Light Curse, and the flesh and the Yuanshen are full of light power. At the same time, he felt that there were constant bright blessings from all directions.

It turns out that the mystery of the great light spell is that anyone who practices the great light spell can enhance the power of the spell itself. Nowadays, Daguangmingfu is eaten by infants, and infants become direct beneficiaries.

The more people who practice the great light spell in the world, the stronger the baby will be. If one day, everyone in the world could recite the Great Light Curse, then Li Xing's strength would reach an incredible level.

In fact, after being swallowed by a baby, the Great Light Rune went directly into the chaotic cloud atmosphere, letting the light shine, and shining light on everything. The three portals are even more powerful under the light.

"It's time to contemplate!" Li Xingruan settled down, gazing at the head of the battle.

Three days later, a demon head broke through the void and appeared in front of Li Xing. This devil has three heads, six arms, a length of thousands of feet, and six hands, each holding a knife, gun, sword, stick, whip, and fork.

As soon as the demon came out, there was a strong fighting spirit. He rushed to his face, and Li Xing didn't move, and said, "Devil, don't kneel!"

The devil snarled: "Little human, dare to hold the deity's avatar, I really don't know how thick it is in the high ground, and I will die!" At the moment, six weapons were waved and Li Xing was killed.

Li Xing snorted coldly, and fixed Zen and the power of light at the same time. The light shot at the demon head so that it couldn't move and growled again and again; without Zen, Li Xing kept his heart intact and was not disturbed by the devil head.

Although there are two major means, the fighting devil is not so easy to surrender, struggling for seven days and nights. In the end, Li Xing gave a loud sigh and broke out all his power before he subdued it and collected it as the demon guardian.

"Little devil battle, see the master!" The devil finally knelt down and became a clone of Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Subject to the demon war, Li Xing immediately felt that there was pure, pure The fighting fighting force descended, and together with the fighting fighting treasure, tempered his fighting fighting body.

"It is indeed the Demon King of Fighting, and it is really strong!" Li Xing was overjoyed and focused on cultivation. His fighting body continued to break through until it was 48th!

Doing nothing, Li Xing took out the magical treasure charm and sang, "Change!"

The treasure rune changed into a patch to repair the rune, and Li Xing was shot into the battle rune. Suddenly, within this treasure charm, thunder and rumble, under the impetus of the fighting demon king, immediately opened up many laws and bans, breaking through to 64 heavy bans at one stroke!

Another month, Li Xing's fighting body, under the joint efforts of both parties, broke through again, reaching the fighting body's 64th weight! And that battle demon king, directly used the power of the battle, through the treasure rune.

It seems that for a maximum of three years, the fighting treasures can restore the state of eighty-one heavy bans, and the state of supreme treasures!

"The body of sixty-four heavy fighting, the seventh demon fierce Zen, should be able to impact the baby, right?" Li Xing opened his eyes and murmured.

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