Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 634: Cultivation

Chapter 22: Refining the Divine Infant

Among the divine fetuses, the baby who swallowed the great light charm, Baoxiang solemnly, stretched out his hand and caught the light group wrapped in the blood river in the sky of Baiyang. The light group was derived from the ferocity and was wrapped in the blood river.

In the blood river, the breath of the gods is hidden. That light group is also an unknown object, and the two are one. At this time, it has turned into a strange seal. On the seal, there are strange and strange rune patterns that are difficult to name.

Starting with the seal, like the big bright rune, it was swallowed by the baby, fell into the chaotic cloud, and suppressed the core. Suddenly, Li Xing felt that his divine infant was stable, as if there was an extra sea **** needle in the sea.

Although he didn't know what the seal was, the baby was finally satisfied. He stretched his hands and screamed, and heard only a loud noise, the wall of the tire was divided into two, which turned into a billowing air. .

As soon as the baby comes out, he will grow long when he sees the wind, one inch, three feet, one hundred feet, three thousand feet!


The divine baby was so powerful that he had an inexplicable breath, boundless momentum, noble temperament, supreme might, and stepped out, and then he went out of the Baiyang realm to the sky.

A few talented men in Taixumen were already ready. When they saw Li Xing's babies broke through, three cavemen, cavers, and heavenly priests rose into the sky and defended Li Xing.

The spirit of the divine infant was startled by the three Taoists. Tianzhu said with a smile: "Have you ever seen such a divine infant?"

The hole machine praised: "The power is infinite and the future is bright!"

Dong Yin also exclaimed: "Unprecedented, the world is amazing!"

The **** babies are as high as three thousand feet, towering like a mountain, and shining like a sun, rising to the sky.

On the day of the first birth of the **** babies, you must connect with Tianwei and go down to the ground. In this way, you can become a true **** baby, which can sense the machine of heaven and earth, the change of yin and yang, the mystery of three talents, and the change of four times.

To pick up Tianwei, it is to enter Jiuxiao, subject to the thunderous body, the wind and the wind, and the shape of the sky, so that the baby can fully contact the weather of this world. After all, the divine fetus is only a small world, the outside world is the big world, and the place where the infants eventually grow.

At this time, Li Xingrou lived in Baiyang Jingtian, but the **** babies rose into the sky and went straight into Jiuxiao. The divine baby stepped on the Jiupinlian Terrace at his feet, surrounded by a few rays of starlight, opened his mouth, spit out a beam of divine light, and stretched for three thousand miles.

Among the divine light, three portals appeared in phantom, namely the gate of deification, the gate of heaven, and the gate of the Tao. Among the divine light, there is also martial arts will, which is chaotic and unpredictable.

The supremacy of the divine infant has stirred the air and the world, and many calamities have begun to brew.

And at the moment when the infant rushed to the sky, Li Xing felt that the seal suddenly released a strange power, which made him suddenly feel that some people's wishes were conveyed up and down the Quartet, or far or near.

Those people have different aspirations, some begging for rain, some pursuing wealth, some wishing for longevity, various wishes and so on. Moreover, because he had guarded the residents of Tianchen's fiefdom at the beginning, the residents worshiped him and praised him, and the power of that faith suddenly appeared clearly and was included in the seal.

In a hurry, the power of faith turned into a power of the beginning, and strengthened the infant child, causing it to grow significantly in all aspects.

This seal seems to be able to collect the power of faith!

"So it is!" Said Tian Xie, "This thing is an ancient godhead!"

"God?" Li Xing was shocked.

In the age of ancient myths, there are many gods between heaven and earth, and each **** can collect the power of faith. The omnipotent of the gods is the power of faith.

And once the gods have lost their deities, they will also lose their ability to accept faith, and they will fall! In other words, Li Xing gained the divine power, gained the power of the gods, and collected the beliefs of sentient beings!

"Yes, I do n’t want this thing for you. Although you ca n’t refine this thing now, you can use it to collect faith. In the legend, the gods can open up their own kingdom of the kingdom of God and collect the power of faith. You can also wait Open up the kingdom of God, you are the god! "

During the conversation, over nine days, a thick, thousands of miles of lightning struck down. Li Xing's **** baby was screaming in the sky, and his arms were fierce. He grasped the thick lightning in his hands and broke it with a single pull.

Afterwards, another gale came. This squall wind can smash the steel in one fell swoop, but it was sucked by the baby, opened to the belly, and then spit out a soft wind.

At this point, Li Xing felt extremely free and relaxed. Between the world of joy, he shook himself and went higher.

The three Taoists responsible for guarding, followed not far and close, they all had a feeling that watching Li Xing ’s baptism of the infant was simply a treat. That great baby child is like the only deity in the world!

After the divine baby and the three Taoists left, in the void, the Five Elements Duke came out. He smiled grimly, held a skull in his hands, and sent it into the air. He said, "Ghost Record, did you smell it?"

The skull said: "I have recorded a horse, and naturally I will not let you down. I have collected it."

"Okay! Let's go back and let Li Xing's kid not survive or die!"

In the hall of Wanfamen, a altar was built. On top of the altar, the Tianzhang Master stepped on the Tianzhang, chanted the mantra, grabbed the skull called Ghost Record in his hand, and patted it on the top of the skeleton.

Suddenly, the ghost recorded a breath, and the breath was like a glow, showing the image of Li Xing.

Below the altar, Vientiane said humanely: "This Li Xing is really amazing. At first, he should make every effort to let him join the Wan Fa Men."

An elder Wan Famen said, "This son has already joined Tai Xu Men, and has become the master of the order. This shows that Tai Xu Men attaches great importance to him. Today he united the **** babies, and actually there are three Taoists to protect the law! "

"This son definitely deserves so much attention from the Xuanmen!" Said another elder, Tian Wandao. "This son's performance in the ancient battlefield is very brilliant. Many disciples of Wan Famen died in his hands."

"So, I must not stay here!" Said Shen Sheng, a Taoist from Vientiane. "Unfortunately, Brother Tianyi knows a" Curse of Nine Heavens and Ten Places ". As soon as this technique comes out, even Taoists will be under heavy responsibility. It is bound to die. "

"The curse of nine days and ten places is a deep sorcery in ancient times. As long as the enemy's breath is used, it can be restrained to death. Brother Tianji can perform this technique, indicating that his sorcery has reached a level of fire." Wan The ferocious man praised.

But he said that on the altar, the Taoist Taoist suddenly pointed to the sky and drank, "Nine days of evil thoughts, ten places of cursing, all gathered here, fall!"

An inexplicable force, traveling through space, affected Li Xing at once.

Li Xing was flying in the air, and the infant child suddenly froze. He had an extremely disgusting and extremely uncomfortable feeling, and he was about to plant it. At this moment, the blessing of the ice goddess Guangwu suddenly "banged" and exploded, suddenly breaking the cursing power.

Wan Famen, that day, the martyr "Quan" stepped back two steps, his face slightly changed, and he yelled, "Good strength, who shot? Sincerely Daojun?" He finished, spit out blood.

Zhu * was surprised, Vientiane said: "Brother, what's going on?"

"There is an expert to guard this son." Tiansao Daojun said indifferently, "Anyway, try again!"

The breath captured by Ghost Record is enough to use it twice in a row. Tian Jun Dao Jun has the intention to kill Li Xing, and this time the curse is even more violent.

But he said that Li Xing felt the blessing of the ice goddess explode and was taken aback, and immediately knew that someone was counting on him. At this time, the same feeling was re-emerged, and this time, the power of the deep destiny was also touched.

At that time, Li Xing sacrificed the golden eggs and obtained the power of fate, which is stronger and more mysterious than the blessing of the ice goddess. When the power of the curse swept again, the power of destiny went back.


Wanfamen, the altar burst, and the half-sleeve of Tiandai Daojun exploded. He shook three times in a row, stepped back a dozen steps, and fell under the altar.

"Brother!" Vientiane said, startled, and hurried forward to observe.

The Taoist Taoist man waved his hand, with a dignified look, and said, "I'm fine! Li Xing don't touch him for the time being. The person around him is too powerful, and I can't even compete!"

Vientiane Taoist wondered: "Apart from the sincerity of Taixumen, are there any other masters?"

"It may not be a person who is too vain." Tian Jun said, "I will report this to Lingshan and let them handle it!"

People who are too virtual have mistaken the power of destiny obtained by Li Xing as an expert, which has temporarily provided Li Xing with a chance to practice safety.

In the high altitude, the curse was unsuccessful for two consecutive times. Li Xing once again made a long howl, with a sense of pride, and took out the cold lightsaber, and the sword was about to go out.

As the saying goes, Jianqi is 30,000 miles wide, and one sword is light and cold! That light of the sword, like sunlight, was like a thunder, constantly strangling and strangling, firing for thousands of miles, and the sky was full of clouds.

Han Guangjian sent a ray of thought, and actually asked Li Xing to sacrifice himself. Li Xing's boundless divine power rushed into it, and in an instant, he established a mysterious connection with Han Guangjian and became the master of Han Guangjian.

This time ~ www.readwn.com ~ The power of Hanguang Sword was all exerted.

The infantile flew higher and higher, the stars were shining brightly, and the sword energy stood for nine days, which alarmed some lives in the sky. In the distance, a huge strange island, with a length of nine hundred miles and a wingspan of three thousand miles, is covered with golden light, like a continent, rushing towards Li Xing.

It was so ferocious that it blew a scream, and it was about to eat Li Xing.

The three Taoists were shocked, and the cave changed color because of Taoists: "Golden-winged Dapeng bird!"

Tianshao Taoist pointed at one piece: "It doesn't matter, there is no danger, and it depends on how Li Xing responds."

Taoist Taoist: "Golden-winged Dapeng bird, in one hit, you can kill the babies, can Li Xing deal with it?"

During the conversation, Li Xing had already started, raising his cold lightsaber with both hands, looking at the killer, and yelling, "Want to eat me? Kill!"

"Si Lingling!"

A shocking sword light, sharp and unparalleled, the howling sounds soaring, and came towards the golden-winged roc bird!

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