Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 635: The greater the difficulty, the greater the achievement

Chapter 23: The greater the difficulty, the greater the achievement

The golden-winged roc bird is infinitely powerful, wearing a golden feather and inaccessible. At this moment, there was a scream, flesh and blood flew, and was cut apart by the sword light, the bird's body came down from the sky like two hills.

Li Xing chased after him, Jian Guang twisted again, and found a huge golden beast dan from the body. This beast elixir has excellent condition, and the alchemy can be used as a pot of mysterious elixir.

"it is good!"

Everyone admired. Li Xing received the beast dan, stepped on the sword light, and then swooped down suddenly. After the baptism of the sky, he must go to accept the atmosphere again.

A terrifying light, straddling thousands of miles, slammed into the ground and got into the lungs. There was a very strong atmosphere in the lungs of that place, which suddenly covered Li Xing, making him feel very comfortable all over his body, breathing out with a big mouth.

Every time he breathed, the infant baby solidified for one minute. After breathing nine breaths, he heard a long howl, and rose into the sky again. On the ground, it turned into a normal person and met three Taoists.

The three Taoists nodded, and the heavenly man said, "Xuanjie Shenying! Good!"

The Taoist Taoist and the Taoist Taoist just realized this. What Li Xing condensed is basically the Xuanjie Divine Baby! There was some excitement in the hearts of both of them. How many people in Tianyuanzhou can gather the Xuanjie Divine Infant?

Only then did Li Xing tell the story of Fang Cai, saying, "Master, someone secretly disciples!"

The three people were startled and asked about the cause. Li Xing told his feelings at that time, and then said, "It should be a curse."

Dong Yin discolored and said, "Fortunately, the blessing power of the Snow Goddess hardly cursed the curse. The one who started it must not be an ordinary generation, and it has something to do with the million methods!"

"Why is it Wanfamen?" Li Xing asked.

"There can be such a method, and secretly killing, only Wan Famen can do it. Moreover, there are old grudges between you and Wan Famen, they have a reason to start." Dong Yin said, "Next step, you must be careful!"

Li Xing sneered: "The disciples have gathered the babies now, and they are no longer weak. No one wants to obliterate them!"

At this point, after the baptism of heaven and earth, Li Xing officially united the **** babies! Immediately, the four returned to Taixumen, and Li Xing's infant darted into Baiyang Jingtian, united with the flesh.

At this moment, the baby shrank into Li Xing's chest and sat down, like a veteran. He stretched his fists and felt that after condensing the baby, his physical strength also rose. After all, the two bodies of form and **** are part of Li Xing's power.

Emperor Tianxie praised: "Good **** baby!"

Li Xing smiled "Hey, Master, the next step is to consolidate Xuanjie's true form!"

"You think a little bit easier." Tian Xie the emperor said unceremoniously, "The growth of the **** babies is not a day's work. You haven't even reached the completion of the **** babies now.

Li Xing blinked and laughed: "Master has learned the lesson." The expression on his face was not taken for granted, and was quite relaxed.

"Your babies aren't ordinary babies?" Tianxie said in a dignified tone.

Li Xing felt vaguely uneasy: "Master, is there anything wrong?"

"It's more than wrong, you should have a headache!" Tianxiedao said, "You have to complete all the divine skills you have already practiced, and only then can the baby be successful."

Speaking of this, the emperor sighed: "Even if you have three portals together, each one must reach completion, especially the power of heaven contained in the gate of heaven, which is the most difficult."

Li Xing paused, thought for a moment, and carefully asked, "Is everything to be complete?"

"Yes, every kind of heavenly power in the gate of heaven corresponds to a kind of law. You must condense them all into the law pattern." Tianxuedao, "When you step into law heaven, you can change the law pattern. The practice is forbidden, condensing the fetus. "

"How to complete the gate of deification?" Li Xing asked with a grin.

"The gate of deification is the power of your origin. It must also condense the divine pattern, and when the final great consummation is achieved, it is transformed into the divine forbidden. The divine forbidden is the imprint of your life, the imprint of strength, and the imprint of your existence in the world. "It is the most important." Tianxie Tao, "As for the gate of Tao, we must also gather the lines of Tao to prepare for the tenfold entrance of Tao."

Li Xing suddenly felt as if he had been splashed with cold water and stopped for a while. In that case, it would not be until the year of the monkey to make the divine child complete?

"The greater the achievement, the greater the difficulty!" Said Tian Xie, the emperor. "I can only go down step by step."

Li Xing was silent, the Emperor Tianxie was right, the greater the future achievements, the greater the difficulties. A god-man, if only ordinary divine babies are condensed, and only one or two small divine skills are practiced, it will be much easier. It only takes one or two divine forbidden condensed, and it will not take much time.

If it is a god-man who has practiced great divine magic, it will be a bit more troublesome. The heavenly power corresponding to each great divine magic must be condensed into sky patterns. But generally only need to gather one or two sky patterns, it also does not take much time.

As for those who have practiced ancient divinity, they must gather the Dao Wen. This step is much more complicated. Even one or two Dao Wen is very difficult. Because of the cohesion of the road pattern, it means that in the future, you will have the opportunity to enter the tenfold state of law!

And Li Xing, condensed the **** forbidden, the sky pattern, the road pattern together! And there are thousands of **** forbidden, sky pattern, road pattern! If the speed of cohesion is the same, if someone uses it for one year, he will use it for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years!

After a long silence, Li Xing laughed.

"Can you still laugh?" Tianxie stared.

"Master ~ www.readwn.com ~ I think your old man is one of the most important people in Tian Yuanzhou's history. He was carefully cultivated by me. There are two treasures of Jiuyangzhu and Jiuyangjing. Only today can we achieve. But has it been smooth? No matter how difficult it is, the disciples are not afraid! "

Li Xing's lofty sentiment infected the Emperor Tianxie, and the Emperor also laughed "haha": "Well said! I will do my best for my teacher to make you the No. 1 person in all ages!"

After thinking about it, the master and apprentice formulated a phased training plan. Next, the first thing Li Xing has to do is to condense the forbidden, a thousand forbidden! Despite knowing the difficulties, it is possible that God's forbiddenness has not been fulfilled and that people are dying.

Bai Yang Jingtian, Li Xing continued to retreat and practiced for three months. He finally condensed a divine restraint. This divine forbidden represents a jade step divine magic, a kind of divine power, a state of life, and when Li Xing deified in the future, the role of divine forbidden will appear.

A kind of divine forbidden represents a kind of supernatural power change. A thousand kinds of divine restraint are a thousand kinds of supernatural power change! The average person, however, has several kinds of divine power to change.

The so-called magical change refers to the energy state of the infant child, not the change in shape. Emperor Tianxie was a great generation, and he was absolutely stunning. At the time, there were only 72 magical changes.

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