Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 638: Mysticism. Tolerance Scimitar

Chapter 26: Mysticism. Tolerant Scimitar

Li Xing stepped out and went outside the eight-pole tower. Between the waves, the eight-pole tower buzzed and the eight-pole boy shouted, "Master, there are only eight sacred objects. To reach its full potential. "

"Good!" Li Xingyi threw his sleeves, eight holy relics, the boat of the Divine Wind, the throne of thunder, the heavy mountain, the trapped pot, the fire umbrella, the silk of the water, the ground book, the heavenly seal, and successively invested eight Pole tower.

Suddenly, eight different radiances radiated from the eight-pole tower.

"The master hasn't mastered the octopus way. If not, he can use the octopus tower to display the octopus array." The octopus boy said, stretched out and flashed into the octopus tower.

Seeing Li Xing's octopus tower with too virtual sword eyes, he was extremely powerful and secretly shocked: "This treasure conceals the octopus mystery, which will be achieved in the future, and may not be under me."

The octopus tower suddenly shrank to three inches to fall into the palm of Li Xing. At this moment, he was in a happy mood. With the octopus tower to help him, his strength soared, and he had a greater grasp of the sword.

The sacrifice of the eight pole tower was conveyed, and the voice of Zhicheng Daojun conveyed, "You should have sacrificed the sacrifice of the eight pole tower, no matter how good, that Xianxian sword figure is not too late to understand." Li Xing was taken out now.

When returning to Taixu Temple, dozens of breathing times passed outside. As soon as he came out, the other disciples came to see with an envious look, all thinking that Li Xing had benefited.

As when entering the ancient battlefield, each person has a treasure, a magic weapon, the difference is that this time there is no share of Li Xing. What kind of eyesight Dong Dong and others saw that Li Xing's body had eight treasures in it, and there were heavenly magics such as the Eight-Pole Tower and Jiulong Naa.

When the Taixumen carefully prepared, the Xizongdong Xuan faction was doing the same thing. Inside the hall of Xuanmen Gate, Xuandong Dao Jun sits in the center, and behind him are two Taoists, Dongzhen and Dongming.

Below, there were ten people standing in a row, the most central one, with a burly build and **** skin, a black snake on his neck, the snake vomiting, and two blood shots from the snake's eyes. Around this person, there was a mage standing respectively, and he was trained in depth.

Dong Xuan Daojun's eyes fell on the blood-skinned monk in the central area, saying: "Blood King, you are a reincarnation of gods, powerful, possessing innate divine power, and the most powerful force. This trip, the task of defeating Dongzong lies on On you. "

The man named Blood King nodded his head slightly: "Reassured the head, Dongzong people will all die!" The tone was filled with blood and murderous spirit.

Dong Xuan looked at the two mages around the Blood King and said, "Xuan Sense, Wu Du, you two will assist the Blood King with all your strength, and you must not lose anything!"

The Xuangan technique is sixfold, the Wudu method is sevenfold, both of them are powerful, look at each other, and say, Shen: "The disciples obey!"

Finally came the day of tacit discussion of swords, sincere Daojun, Taoji Taoist, Dongyin Taoist, and Tianzhu Taoist. Four Taoist figures drove Qingyun and took ten disciples to the wilderness.

In fact, there is a moving law circle connection between Taixumen and the Great Wilderness. From Taixudongtian, you can easily enter the Great Wilderness. However, due to Xi Zong's reason, few people entered Taixumen side to avoid conflict.

Through the law formation, the light and shadow changed for a while, and the front suddenly became open. The endless mountains and forests, the sky and the ground were wide, and everyone entered the great wasteland.

Sincerely urged Qingyun and rushed to Dongxuanmen, a few minutes later. Over thousands of mountains and rivers, countless forests and grasslands, suddenly a magnificent building appeared below.

Below, there was a cloud of celebration. Above them were Dong Xuan, Dong Zhen and Dong Ling. They did not see Dong Xu and laughed at them: "What? Dong Xu dare not come?"

Sincerity Daojun: "Dongxu wants to sit in a too empty door and naturally cannot come. If he comes, shouldn't you be worried?"

Dong Xuan snorted and stopped talking about it, saying: "We are ready, please!"

When the two clouds fell, they saw a huge square that was opened up. Above the square, there is a bucket platform with 800 steps in length and width, which is extremely wide.

On both sides of the square, there is a cloud platform to sit on the figures of Dongxuan and Taixumen. When both sides arrived, Dongji and Dongzhen landed in the battle at the same time, and they will be the hosts of this sword.

Dong Zhendao said: "This time fighting the sword, regardless of the means, take turns playing, the loser eliminated, which one of the last stand on the platform, which one wins."

Punching Road: "The order of battle is determined by each case. Outsiders must not interfere when fighting, otherwise they will be deemed to be out."

As for the competition rules, people on both sides have long been clear. The two sides took turns to send people to attack the other side until the people on one side were exhausted, so the process was very tragic and death was inevitable.

After the two hosted the commentary, they stood aside.

Dong Xuandao: "Mysticism!"

Xuanganshu stood out, fell to the platform, and watched Taixumen coldly.

In terms of Taixumen, there are two Fatian and Liuzhong characters, but sincerity did not let them appear, but said: "Li Xing, you take the lead."

Li Xing nodded and also flew down to the platform. As soon as he came out, Xuanganshu's eyes narrowed. He had long heard about Li Xing's name, but he didn't believe it. Today, when I saw Li Xing's seven-fold cultivation, I realized that the rumors were true.

"It's a shame that you are a good man to die," Xuanganshu suddenly said, "If you surrender and join the cave door, I can spare you.

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "You people in Xuanmen have so much nonsense? If you don't want to fight, get out early!"

Xuanganshu snorted coldly, revealing a magic weapon, the jade-level magic weapon with eighteen heavy bans, and too forbearing the machete. With a knife in hand, the whole person becomes elusive. His people and the knife are perfectly integrated. Man is the knife, and the knife is the man, entering a state of "tolerance".

"Ah! Will Brother Xuangan come up with the strongest killing tricks as soon as he comes up? He's too forbearing seven kills, and the wizards of the same level can't handle them at all! This Dongzong man is dead!"

The next moment, Xuanganshu disappeared suddenly, as if he had left this time and space.

Li Xing was secretly surprised that this man's way of forbearing was really brilliant. He sacrificed a nimble lamp, and then disappeared.

A weird scene appeared on the fighting platform. The two fighting people disappeared, and the platform was empty. However, both sides were so impatient that no one was exposed in advance.

"This man's understanding of the way of being too forbearing has reached a very high level, and he has united the law infants, mastering the laws of heaven and earth, and performing the way of being too forbearing. "

Two ancient magical techniques, nine-day search of form and ten places of search of spirits were performed. Suddenly, the whole situation on the platform was vivid, and he could not conceal his slightest. He saw that the mysticism was hidden in a corner, motionless, and his patience was very good.

Li Xing sneered and lifted up the Hanguang sword, quietly approaching. The effect of the nimble lamp is more subtle than the too forbearing stealth. When he walked behind the opponent, the mysticism was still unaware.

At this time, Xuanganshu was also turning his thoughts: "Why is it gone? And the stealth method is even more clever than me, what is it?"


A sword light, beheaded from close range.

At the moment when he was about to touch the body, the eighteen heavy banned too-tolerant machete countered in time, blocking Jianguang. The cold lightsaber is a magic weapon, but it is not easy to take advantage of the innate spirit treasure.

At first glance, the two kept their eyes on each other.

Li Xing asked, "Where do you come from?"

Mystic eyes flashed: "What do you do?"

When Li Xing's body shook, he suddenly disappeared. He also used the technique of being too forbearing invisibility. This time, Xuanganshu was slightly surprised, and asked, "What is your relationship with the Toler family?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "You haven't answered my question."

"I and the Tolerance family have deep blood and hatred!" Xuanganshu sneered, "If you are too intolerant, you will be dead today!"

Li Xing said nothing, sacrificed the eight pole tower, and said lightly, "You are indeed a strong enemy, but you are not my opponent!"

The eight-pole tower rose to the sky, emitting eight strange lights, suppressing it in a tumultuous manner, and even the too cruel sword was overshadowed.

Xuanganshu was startled and called: "Tianjie Lingbao?" At the same time he waved his machete and severely cut into the air.

"It's late." Li Xing held an extermination knife and beheaded him.

Eighth-level day-killing sword method, sixteen sword lights, turned into Yuan Yuan chop, locked the body shape of mysticism.

"Give it a hit, kill!"

An exquisite sword light, cut across, Xuanganshu was compelled to fight with a machete. But in this way, the eight-pole tower overhead rose fiercely and locked it.


Tolerance of the machete on the extinction knife, a muffled sound. Xuanganshu ’s arm was directly blasted, and the machete kept trembling, blocking the extinction knife. Above the knife light, a ghost image emerged, which was the machete element spirit.

The Yuanling stared at Li Xing, murderous, and seemed to step forward to beheaded at any time.

Li Xing and Chang Xiao uttered ~ www.readwn.com ~ the extinction of the sword, and the chaotic martial arts hidden in it was another beheading. This record of beheading is called "Chaotic Heavenly Slash". The sword of heavenly sword contains chaotic martial arts will, and its power is multiplied.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

After a burst of intensive voice, too much tolerance for the machete was severely suppressed, there was no room to fight back. This innate Lingbao was actually suppressed by Li Xing's pure power.

When the machete was almost losing its combat power, Li Xing turned around and cut to the mysticism. The speed was so fast that the machete could not protect his master, and the mysticism could not be avoided.


The blade of light flashed, the head of Xuanganshu was cut off, and the infant was wounded. At this time, the Eight-pole Tower was so powerful that it tore the broken dharma infant and shredded it into the source of the mage.

"Master, the little one has used it!" Bachi boy cried, and sucked all the Master's original sources into the tower for his own cultivation.

And that too bearable scimitar was also stepped on the ground by Li Xing, then looked up at Dong Xuan Daojun, and said lightly: "Next."

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