Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 639: Reincarnation

Chapter 27: Reincarnation

Dong Xuandao Jun Mo expressionless, saying: "Blood King, you go."

On top of the cloud platform, a bloody, tall figure fell down. He faced Li Xing, took a deep breath, his eyes flickered with blood: "I smell the same kind of breath from you!"

The appearance of the Blood King solidified the smile on Zhicheng Daojun's face, and he sighed: "Dong Xuan has quietly cultivated such a character!"

"Uncle, isn't Li Xing his opponent?" Dong Yin asked. "He's just Fatian Triple, Li Xing should be able to defeat him."

"This person has a mysterious atmosphere, which should be the reincarnation of the gods." Sincerity Daojun showed anxiety and said, "The reincarnation of the gods has more potential than the reincarnation of heaven and man."

Everyone was also surprised. The era of ancient myths is an era dominated by the gods. Each **** is clear and powerful. Can Li Xing survive the reincarnation of the gods?

Li Xing in the field had a different feeling. After seeing the Blood King, his first thought was that if this person was sacrificed, he would definitely get considerable power!

"Really?" Li Xing smiled slightly. "Are we similar?"

"You have the breath of gods, why is this?" The Blood King stared at Li Xing. "Did you steal the power of God?"

Li Xingdao: "Dongxuanmen is more than one nonsense. Can you hit it?"

The Blood King was not angry, and said, "Okay, I'll kill you, and then slowly refine your spirit and ask everything." As he said, he moved and shot Li Xing in the palm of his hand.

When he was out of the palm of his hand, there was a glorious blood shrouded in blood, and there was a strange power in the blood, not mana or divine power, but more arrogant. This is the power of the gods!

Li Xing's supreme divine power, the martial arts will actually feel the threat, the **** babies and the King Kong body merged into one, printed on one palm, resisted the other.


Li Xing was beaten with a fight, and the Blood King also backed up seven steps, and Changxiao said, "Very good!" He continued to press hard, fighting Li Xing.

After a fight, Li Xing stood firmly on the stage again, and said lightly: "Your strength is strong, and you are qualified to let me fight full force!"

The disciples of the Dongxuan faction secretly air-conditioned. Didn't that Li Xing have done his best before? How strong will he be with all his strength? Can the Blood King defeat him?

Everyone has a big question mark in their hearts. They want to know the result, so they keep an eye on the fighting platform and observe the situation.

Li Xing punched empty-handed, greeted the blood king, and then punched out. With each punch, three hundred virtual shadows were brought up, which was a blow from Guiyuan. Therefore, each hit that the Blood King has suffered is three hundred times the combat power of Li Xing!

But the Blood King is not weak. He is the reincarnation of the gods. There are some gods' methods. I do n’t know what method is used. The power is also greatly improved. Each punch can also fight a hundred or two hundred times to fight against Li Xing.

"Boom boom!"

As if one muffled thunder rang out, Li Xing and the Blood King kept bumping against each other and resisting force. No one stepped back and the war was boiling.

Zhicheng kept observing the battlefield, and then a smile appeared on his face, saying: "Li Xing's advantage lies in martial arts, and the blood king is obviously much worse. However, the blood king's power is very strong, and the **** power is obviously dominant."

"What's the difference between victory and defeat?" Dong Yin asked.

"At present, five or five points." Zhicheng said, "However, Li Xing has not yet performed his big move."

Dong Yin also laughed: "Three hundred times the fighting power, not his limit."

The power of the blood king's deities is definitely far beyond Li Xing. However, every time he punched, he either hit the air or felt that the other party was weak. When he was ready to collect power, Li Xing struck again.

In this scene, the Blood King felt like he was in a desperate situation. He obviously had an absolute advantage, but he never took advantage. On the contrary, Li Xing was sometimes beaten by a few punches.

Li Xing's chaotic martial arts was a great success, and every move and method contained martial arts mystery, which was not something the blood king could bear at all, even if he was extremely powerful.


Li Xing slapped the Blood King's left face with a slap, and his voice was extremely crisp. Although the Blood King was motionless and not hurt, he was already angered. He roared, propped his hands up to the sky, and shouted, "Yuan Blood Kingdom!"

The whole battle was covered with a layer of blood mist, and Li Xing was covered. In the blood mist, it is a space of its own, an imperfect kingdom of gods.

In the kingdom of the kingdom of gods, Li Xing felt that all the rules around him were distorted and changed. In the sky, there is a great deity, which was changed by the Blood King. His angry eyes shot down and locked him.

"Li Xing, you've already angered me, let's die!" A blood-colored spear appeared in the blood king's hand, and stabbed at Li Xing severely.

A bloody, ruthless demeanor descended, Li Xing's complexion remained unchanged, and the eight-pole tower was sacrificed and protected outside. The blood-colored spear stabbed the eight-pole tower, and was stiffly blocked by the power released by the eight-pole tower.

However, the octopus tower vibrated fiercely, and the octopus boy screamed, saying: "Great!"

At this time, the great evil **** said: "Every ancient myth, each deity has at least one kingdom of gods. The gods receive the power of faith from the kingdom of gods and powerful gods. This man's kingdom of gods is obviously immature, just a Half-true and half-false, but it can exert great lethality. "

"Master knows the origin of this person?" Li Xing asked.

"It should be the era of ancient mythology. The reincarnation of the Yuanxue deities is not the true Yuanxue deities, otherwise you would have killed you already." Tianxiedao, "This person has the divine heritage of the Yuanxue deities. Try to find ways . "

Li Xing smiled, "Hey," he said, "If you don't work hard today, I'm afraid I can't win this person!"

The blood king repeatedly stabbed the octopus tower with a spear ~ www.readwn.com ~ He beat the octopus tower swaying, he repeatedly yelled, "Li Xing, do you want to shrink the turtle?"

Li Xingchang laughed: "Blood King, even if you are the reincarnation of Yuanxue, you will be defeated by me! You are optimistic!" He held up his palms and yelled, "One yuan attack, three thousand combat power, break me. ! "

"Boom boom!"

Three thousand huge palms rushed out of the octopus tower at one thousandths of an instant and propped up against the **** sky. Each palm contained a Li Xing combat power.


Three thousand palms are combined into one. The huge palm is slammed into the air fiercely. This palm has the power to break everything.


The half-true and half-false gods kingdom, the Yuanxue **** kingdom was exploded. At the very moment of death, Li Xing's **** babies rose into the sky.

This divine baby is extremely great, extremely arrogant, and shakes. He has a height of three thousand feet, head to the sky, and stomps on the ground. He laughed "Hey" and turned into the light of the sky. Wrapped up.

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