Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 640: Domination

Chapter 28: Domination

The next moment, the infantile form reunited. The blood king, who was already on the altar at this time, was locked by a horrible force and could not move. He turned into a rolling mist of blood, constantly tumbling, but couldn't rush out of the range of the altar.

This is Li Xing's plan. After a full blow, he will use the divine infant to get the Blood King to the altar and directly sacrifice it!

When the Blood King saw the altar, his face suddenly changed, and he cried, "What!" The next moment, he felt his power was gradually being swallowed up, and his consciousness was gradually blurred.

The blood had finally disappeared, and even his magic weapon and many treasures were sacrificed together. Then Li Xing felt that the six strands of thought had landed, and there were six kinds of power for him to choose from.

Among these six forces, one is the force of life. Li Xing immediately chose the force of life without hesitation. Suddenly, a force of life descended, and he could clearly feel that his life span had been increased by 300 years in vain!

People outside saw that Li Xing's **** baby swallowed the Blood King, and it didn't take long for the blood King's breath to completely disappear, and it never seemed to appear in this world.

At this moment, even Dong Xuan Daojun couldn't hold his breath, and suddenly stood up. The blood king is a disciple who has high hopes for him. The reincarnation of the gods is not a trivial matter. In the future, he will be able to enter the realm very easily.

"Li Xing, what are you doing with the Blood King?" Dong Zhen drank, completely forgetting that this was too futile for swords regardless of life or death.

Dongji said coldly: "When it comes to swords, there is no difference between life and death. Do n’t you ask more about this?"

Li Xing's answer was simple: "Dead."

The scene was silent, and everyone didn't understand. Only the two of them were quite equal. The blood king even used an extremely powerful method. How did he die? What happened in the meantime?

Li Xing didn't seem to notice Dong Xuandao Jun's cold eyes, and said lightly, "Next."

This "next" sounded like a ghost sound that made the disciples of Dong Xuanmen frightened. However, some people were not afraid of Li Xing, and did not wait for Dong Xuan Daojun to open his mouth. A Faguang came down, which is the seventh martial art of Fatian.

Seeing Wu Du, Li Xing felt the martial arts breath on him, and also felt the heavy pressure, which came from the pressure of Fajun. Only then did he return to Yuanyuan with a blow, his body was seriously injured, and the baby was shocked. At this time, he had no absolute chance of winning against Falun Gong.

Five days of Fatian are infant changes, six are face walls, and seven are Fa body. The so-called legal body means that the infant and the true form are united into one, and when the state of unity of human and law is reached, the legal body becomes a legal body. The body of the law is not just a body, it also represents the law.

Wu Dudao said: "Since you are also a martial arts man, you and I will win the battle!" The death of the blood king did not seem to have any impact on him, and there was a belief that he would win in his tone.

"Good!" Li Xingyuan opened his eyes. "Compare with me, you are doomed to lose."

"Is that so?" Wu Du sneered, and a punch was coming. This punch contained an imposing momentum.

Li Xing also hit with a punch. This punch was chaotic and chaotic, and it seemed that no martial arts will be revealed, but it also made people feel that its martial spirit was omnipresent and all-inclusive.

When fist and fist contacted, Li Xing's fist suddenly revealed the momentum of going all over the world.

Wu Du was startled, this person also knows martial arts? Suddenly, he broke out two martial art wills, namely Yinyang Martial Arts and Red Dust Martial Arts, each of which was very subtle.

But what shocked him was that Li Xing's fist intentions immediately gave birth to the mood of "Yin Yang" and "Red Dust", even more pure.

Although there was only one punch, the two repeatedly changed their moves more than ten times before finally colliding together. The power of the Dharma body was beyond Li Xing's imagination. He was directly blown away with a punch, and he could not even resist the chaotic martial arts.

He slammed heavily on the ground, and he rose from the ground embarrassedly, expressionless, and rushed to Wudu again.


They both moved, and the two phantoms struck together for a second time, then separated, and then struck again, making a loud noise, and a series of explosions. One is King Kong ’s indestructible body, Xuanjie Divine Infant, with great strength; the other has a tyrannical law body, which contains the laws of heaven and earth, without any disadvantage.

For the two, spells, divine spells, and so on are not used at all, and even magic weapons are discarded, relying entirely on a pair of fists and a courage to fight hard with each other.

During the fight, Li Xing repeatedly counted the other side, and all were skillfully avoided by Wu Du. And Wu Du's several killing moves were also avoided by Li Xing. In the first 100 moves, Wu Du was clearly dominant, and Li Xing was often blown away with one punch.

But after two hundred strokes, Li Xing's potential gradually emerged. He never seemed tired, with endless power, and endless means, let Wu Du not feel relaxed at all.

After a thousand moves, the two suddenly closed their hands at the same time, both staring at each other.

Wu Du, at this time, is preparing to use a sturdy method to perform "Fatian Strike" to kill Li Xing. The so-called Fatian strike is the strongest combat power that Fajun can issue, and it will not be easily cast.

Li Xing is also preparing to hit Yuan Yuan. He believes that 3,000 times the combat power can at least kill Wu Du, although he is also paying the price.

At this moment, Zhicheng Daojun and Dong Xuan Daojun said at the same time: "This round is a peace."

Dongji and Dongzhen also had no opinion, nodded, and let Li Xing and Wu Du retreat respectively. Everyone knows that this must be the result of a sincere negotiation between Dongcheng and Dong Xuan. Regardless of Li Xing or Wu Du, they are the best disciples on both sides, and no one wants to lose anything. If the two are really desperate, it is very likely that both will lose out and no one will take advantage.

"Li Xing and Wu Du, this round is a peace, the two are disqualified from continuing to participate," Dong Zhen announced.

Li Xing was a bit surprised. He returned to Yuntai and immediately asked, "Elder, why don't you let the disciples win with him?"

Zhicheng Daojun took a serious approach and said, "That's too dangerous. You don't know that there is another powerful thing on Wudu's body that has not been exhibited. That thing is called a" big blasting sky talisman ". When this sign comes out, the Taoist will be injured How can you bear it? "

Li Xing was startled ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even the Taoist was injured? If that's the case, he can't afford such a terrible blow! Even Wu Du will die together!

Wu Du also asked Zhicheng Daojun the same question: "Master, why is it a draw?"

"The blood king's death is strange, there must be something very powerful on him. Mysticism and blood king have fallen, and Dong Xuanmen can't lose you anymore, this risk can't be taken." Dong Xuandao.

In the first three innings of Li Xing, two wins and one draw were eventually eliminated. The remaining games could only be given to the remaining disciples of Taixu Men. Because Xuanganshu and the blood king were killed, Wu Du was disqualified, so Xi Zong's strength was greatly reduced, and he was not too vague.

In the remaining dozen or so innings, one inning proceeded smoothly. In the end, Taixumen suffered three injuries and Dongxuanmen suffered three deaths and four injuries, causing heavy losses.

After the sword was over, sincerity and honesty said: "Dong Xuan, you have said before the sword, if you lose again this time, you are willing to surrender half of the great wasteland!"

Dong Xuan Daojun said lightly, "How can this Daojun speak his words? East of the barren hills belongs to your Dongzong, and west of the barren hills belongs to our Dongxuan gate."

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