Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 643: Sky Killer

Chapter 31: Heavenly Killer

Having seen Bei Shi Qingqing, Li Xing nodded again to the Lan Gusheng family sitting nearby. At this time, Shuirourou said, "Li Xing, what are you going to do?"

Li Xingdao said: "It depends on how the ancestral ancestors do it, and adapts to the situation." After speaking, he sat beside Qingshi of Bei Shi and closed his eyes and raised his soul.

There are more and more guests in the Jade Palace, and they are gradually coming together. In the central position, a nun sits. This woman has her eyes closed, her temperament is cold and noble, she looks thirty years old, she wears a white coat without any decoration.

As soon as the nun appeared, all the guests stood up and congratulated: "I wish you the jade harvester, longevity!"

This nun is the master of the jade girl, the jade picker. She smiled and said, "Thank you all for coming, please sit down."

In the middle of the hall, a piece of Guanghua suddenly lit up, and an old man with white beard and white eyebrows came out of the Guanghua.

"Ethereal, are you here?" Cai Yufa Jun laughed, holding the old man's hand in the past, and they sat down side by side.

"This man is an ancestor of the misty, the law and the heavens are sixfold, and he has a fetish, calling it misty magic smoke. With the help of the magic smoke, he can trace the mistlessness and walk the world." Bei Shiqing told Li Xing in secret.

Li Xingwei nodded, stood up at this time, and yelled, "Tai Xumen Li Xing, forward to He Shou." With both hands holding the jade box containing Shen Dan, he strode forward.

"Huh! What the **** are you?" Suddenly, a figure blocked his way.

It turns out that there is also a special gift for congratulations. People with higher status usually give it first, and then it is their turn. The person who blocked Li Xing's way had a nose and eyes, and a murderous spirit. He was a five-character man with a raised eyebrow. He had always been arrogant and arrogant. How could Li Xing grab his gift in front of him.

Li Xing walked nonchalantly, and said lightly, "Go away." Just waving the big sleeves, there was a supreme power, billowing like a tide, surging, and the frowning mage "banged" without any fear and was far away. He bounced away and hit the pillar, his face changed.

"What? Master looked up and couldn't even handle him?" The people were startled and looked at them with their eyes widened.

Above, the misty ancestor shot Senran killing in his eyes and stared at Li Xing: "You are Li Xing?"

Li Xing walked up to Cai Yu Fajun and presented the god. Cai Yufajun took Shendan and said lightly: "Li Shenjun is polite. We have heard of your name. Legend has it that you set foot in the misty palace that year?"

Li Xing directly acknowledged: "This is indeed the case, the people in the misty palace angered me, the masters of the palaces were beheaded and the rest were released."

"How dare you!" The misty ancestor stood up tensely, "Dare to even participate in the birthday party!"

Li Xing stared coldly at the ancestor of Misty: "Misty old man, you are nothing but heaven and heaven, you speak good words, and I have good words that correspond to you; you are a wicked person, and I will chop you off today to prevent future troubles . "


At this moment, Cai Yufajun was also angry. In front of her, she dared to say to kill the ancestral ancestor, and immediately waved his hand, killing him with a touch of sword. This knife light is an ancient fetish, called jade picking knife, extremely sharp, ordinary magic weapon is not comparable.

Li Xing didn't evade, just grabbed his hand forward, and "ding", he held the knife in his hand, but he was unscathed. The body of the fighting battle was eighty-one heavy and King Kong was not bad and the ninth heavy, making his physique strong to a terrifying level.

The sword is difficult to hurt, and the jade knife is helpless.

The jade picker ’s face changed greatly. A jade picker hit and Fajun was injured, but this person insisted on his strength.

"This son is too strong, he can't practice the sevenfold of God. When he grows up, it must be very terrible." She had a flash of thought in her mind, and she would persuade the misty ancestor to give up this grudge.

Unfortunately, one step later, the misty ancestor raised his hand and hit a misty mist, which enveloped Li Xing.

When the smoke came, Li Xing was immediately drawn into another space, and the surrounding area was misty. I don't know where it is.

"Li Xing, you destroy my misty palace, today is your death!" The misty ancestor said ruthlessly, "You think the flesh is strong and you can run here? Misty strangling!"

Suddenly, a series of murderous forces swept from all directions, and that murderous force was divided into two categories, which could not only kill the physical body, but also damage the soul. Invisible murderousness, directly penetrates the flesh, and is close to the **** baby.

Li Xing sneered, and the **** babies didn't move, and the invisible murderous energy dissipated as soon as it approached. His babies are too powerful, beyond the imagination of their ancestors.

"Ethereal old man, you have only this ability? If so, you're probably going today." The cold light sword in his hand cuts into the air, a sharp sword light, three thousand miles across, cuts.

Although the misty magical smoke is a fetish, it is not as good as the cold light sword. Only listening to the sound of the split cotton, the misty magical smoke is cut by the sword light, and Li Xing rushes out of the magical smoke.

There is no look of surprise in the misty ancestor's face, he just stared at Li Xing coldly and said, "Li Xing, the resentment between us has nothing to do with the Jade Girl Gate, and we have to fight."

Li Xing nodded: "It makes sense, I must accompany him to the end!" Both of them walked out of the Jade Girl's Gate and left.

Cai Yufa's eyes flickered, and he secretly said: "Kill this son, how can you explain it to Taixumen? Not to mention, there must be a road to the front of the mountain, and we can only discuss it at that time."

He walked away from the Jade Girl's Gate, entered a mountain, and the misty ancestor stopped. Li Xing also stood opposite and laughed: "Piao Miao, you know you are not my enemy, dare to fight?"

"Really?" The misty ancestor sneered, "You may not know the origin of this ancestor." He took a sign from his body, a destiny sign!

Li Xingyi: "You are also a destiny?"

"Yes, and a heavenly killer!" The misty ancestor took off a cloak from his body. Suddenly, his momentum rose steadily, breaking through the sky and reaching the horror realm of law and sky!

Fatian Bazhong is a "hole heaven" realm. The characters in this realm can build their own caves and carry all things. It has a sense of the kingdom of gods, but it is far less than the kingdom of gods.

Fatian Qizhong is a "forged sword", which uses a mana and unparalleled sharp will to cast a peerless sword, which is used to cut through thousands of holes and open up the sky. The sword-maker has great strength, and the Excalibur can not only cut through thousands, but also kill enemies.

The misty ancestor finally showed his true strength. He is the strongest man in Fatian!

"As a killer, you must hide your identity, so this ancestor has always shown people by Fafa Tianliu. No one knows that I have reached Fafa Tianbae." He laughed, "Li Xing, you still Anything to say? "

Li Xing sighed, and said, "I just want to say that you are a fool. If I were you, there would not be so much nonsense, but to do it directly." With a wave of his hand, six Fuguang slashed out.

In King Kong's true body, six treasure charms are launched at the same time, and the power can be imagined. The glory of the sky flickered, but the misty ancestors didn't care. With a wave of their sleeves, all the runelights shattered and dissipated.

However, when Fu Guang disappeared, Li Xing was gone. It turned out that the moment he hit the treasure run, he sacrificed the lamp of nihilism, and how far he ran.

Fatian Yae would definitely not be able to beat, if not, leave, wait for strength, and then come back to kill.

The mysterious ancestor's face twitched and shouted, "Give me out!" A black and black Guanghua wrapped out fiercely, but he exerted the power of the cave. He wanted to bring the square area into the cave, and took Li together. Xing also captured.

"This old ghost is really strong!" Li Xing actually ran a long distance away. He saw a black light covering the world, and was really horrified.

"How? See what a master is?" Tianxie said, "If you fight with your life, Fatian's seven-fold prince is also extremely difficult to kill, not to mention Fatian's fold. Your level is not high enough after all."

Li Xing snorted: "When the apprentice gathers his true form, he must kill him!"

Flying for a while, Li Xing unknowingly entered Pingguo's territory. For Pingguo, he has never forgotten that this place where he initially lived was also a place where his destiny changed.

"I don't know what's going on in Pingguo now?" His heart moved slightly, and he flew towards Pingguo.

Pingguo at that time was very big for Li Xing, and there were masters everywhere. But he looked again at this time, the whole Pingguo didn't even have a decent figure, and the god-man was already great, let alone a teacher.

Pingguo, after all, is just a small country.

Li Xing's first place to go was naturally Qingyun City. He came to this world. Qingyun City is not much different from that year. After Sanyiyuan and other forces disappeared, new forces rose here.

Li Xing completely relaxed his breath. Outsiders looked, he was just an ordinary person, not even a warrior.

In Qingyun City, people came and went, traffic was busy, Li Xing walked around and reached the Sanyiyuan site. At that time, Sanyiyuan was burned out by fire, and it was completely ruined.

However, at this time, a large piece of garden has been built on the original site, which is larger and more elegant than the original Sanyi Garden. The gate tower alone is tens of meters high, and four guards stand at the gate ~ www.readwn.com ~ Where did Li naturally go? Li Xing said, "He should have heard my name. If he did, why didn't he come to me?" "

Looking up inadvertently, I saw three large characters "Sanyiyuan" written on the gate.

Li Xing Yiyi, Sanyi Garden? Coincidence?

He stepped up to the gate, a guard stepped forward to stop him, and yelled, "Who are you? How dare you break into Sanyi Garden!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "I want to see the master here." During the talk, he released the breath of the Seventh God, and the boundless divine power poured out.

Li Xing ignored them and went straight to Sanyi Garden. He wanted to know what was going on. There could not be two Sanyi Gardens in the world.

The courtyard was deep, and Li Xing couldn't stand the means of the gods and men. He stepped out and went directly to the main house. A woman came out of the house, with a beautiful appearance, which was actually Bai Jing.

When Bai Jing saw Li Xing, he stayed for a while, and then he shouted, "Li Xing!"

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