Chapter 32: Earth Fairy

Li Xing was also a bit surprised, and laughed: "Who am I to rebuild the Sanyi Garden? It was you, Bai Qiong and Li Jie?"

Since Qi Yunpai was merged into Taixu Men, Li Jie entered Jiuyang Cave to practice, and his status with Bai Jing and Bai Qiong has also risen. All three have obtained sufficient training resources. Bai Jing and Bai Qiong have both reached the first level of God training, and Li Jiexiu is higher and has reached the fifth level of God training.

Bai Jing and Bai Qiong have already broken up with the so-called Prince Nineteen. The so-called Prince, Xiu Wei has not made any progress and is no different from ordinary disciples.

With enough cultivation and a certain status in Taixumen, the three discussed and decided to rebuild Sanyi Garden. However, Li Xing has been busy practicing, and a few people did not dare to disturb, so he acted alone. They want to leave too virtual door for a period of time, one word thing is not difficult.

While speaking, Bai Qiong and Li Jie stepped out from behind, and they were very surprised to see Li Xing.

"Brother!" Li Jie met respectfully, and Bai Qiong took a look and came forward to salute.

Li Xing nodded slightly: "This garden is well built. What do you need?" He is also a member of Sanyi Garden and should do his part.

Li Jie said with a smile: "Everything is OK, it's just sending some people. It will take some time to rebuild Sanyi Garden." Then he looked at Bai Qiong and Bai Jing. . "

"You speak." Li Xing said.

"I am married to Bai Qiong and Bai Jing, and today I invite you to host the wedding." Li Jie said.

Li Xing froze, he felt relieved after thinking about it. After so many thoughts, these three people's thoughts are quite different. He nodded and promised: "Okay!"

At this time, Pingguo, after many changes, changed many emperors, and was finally controlled by the Star Gate. Li Jie was going to have a wedding, and Li Xing decided to do something beautiful, so a manipulative charm went to Taixumen first, and a manipulative charm came to Tianxingmen.

For both schools, he has a very high place. Especially the Star Gate, from the doorkeeper to the disciples, attaches great importance to this matter. Beichen Changqing personally appointed a general and sent someone to congratulate him.

From top to bottom, Pingguo was certainly alarmed, and the emperor came with congratulations. Although he was an emperor, he was just a puppet, and everything he did looked at Tianxingmen.

Congratulations to other surviving sects, Danxia, ​​Xuanbingmen, and so on.

The wedding will be held after ten days, mainly because of the long distance, otherwise it will be held in advance. In ten days, Li Xing seemed to become an ordinary person, personally holding the wedding and setting up the banquet.

The wedding period arrived as scheduled, and guests from all parties gathered here. The Taixumen camp was the largest, with a few hundred people, and they were all relatively distinguished representatives of the disciples. Li Xing is an elder brother of the order and has a high status, so they will come naturally.

There were also many people coming from the Star Gate, and the Gu Family and the North Teacher's Family followed, and they brought precious gifts. Even some small parties outside Pingguo heard the wind and sent messengers to congratulate them.

The wedding officially began, and Li Xing naturally became the main wedding partner. Li Jie was dressed up in a red wedding dress and led by two wives with turbans into the lobby.

The wedding was at a busy time, and two figures suddenly appeared in a vacant lot outside Sanyi Garden. A figure said, "Why is there anyone in this place? Didn't the people in Sanyi Garden die?"

"This is the best. Brother asked us to get rid of Li Ziran's son, so we have clues!" Another said.

"We've been here once many years ago. At that time, Sanyi Garden was gone. When we asked the people in Qingyun City, no one had heard of Li Xing at all. This time, we can make a difference!"

"It's not easy to come to Tianyuanzhou. Let's move quickly and ask Li Xing's whereabouts first." The two said, and sent out two thoughts, covering the entire Sanyi Garden.

At this time, the three of Li Jie and his wife had just been sent to the cave, and Li Xing drank with everyone. Suddenly, the faces of those present changed slightly, and Li Xing said to everyone, "Let's go on, I'll come and go."

As soon as he was in shape, he went outside the Sanyi Garden and said lightly: "Since it is here, you don't have to hide your head and show your tail, and you are under the virtual gate Li Xing."


Two figures appeared. Both of them were young men, and they had a dusty and refined temperament, sending out the divine thoughts to lock Li Xing.

"You are Li Xing, the evil species that Li Ziran gave birth to?" One asked.

Li Xing was secretly surprised, because he saw that the two were actually people in Xiandao! And it's the earth fairy level! Dixian, to be plain, is a mage, but it is only called differently. It can perform the so-called fairy. The essence of fairy is still magic, but it is slightly different.

Surprising and surprised, the two were obviously not good at coming. Li Xing said nothing, the **** babies rose into the sky, covered with huge palms, and they were to be captured in one fell swoop.

These two people, since they knew Li Ziran, must know Li Li Ziran's whereabouts, and even their mother's affairs, they must hold hands.

"What?" Feeling the terrifying divine power, both Dixian were startled, but it was too late. Their strength is nothing but Fa Tian's double and triple looks, and he is not well prepared. Where is Li Xing's opponent.

With a grab on the palm, the two were directly taken into Baiyang Jingtian and suppressed.

"Do you know who we are? Dare to move us, you are dead!" Yi * huxiao shouted, Li Xing didn't bother to care about him and went on to the wedding reception.

Outside episodes did not affect the progress of the wedding in the slightest. Li Xing always toasted. The wedding banquet was extravagant. It was a panacea and a spiritual fruit, and it was a white wine.

In the cave, Li Jie gazed at the two wives and said slowly: "It's so fast, so many years have passed. It was ridiculous to think about it."

"Yeah, remember that at that time, both Xiaojing and I wanted to enter the Pingguo Palace." Bai Qiong laughed. "What does Pingguo look like now?"

"Different locations of the station, different scenery and different visions," said Li Jie, "both thank Li Xing, he has us today regardless of his previous suspicions."

"Don't mention old things, Li Jie, today we ask you again, why are you marrying us?" Bai Jing asked.

"Remember that time?" Li Jie said, "I prescribed Li Xing and it turned out ..."

Speaking of half, the two women's faces turned red. At that time, Li Jie gave Spring medicine to Li Xing, but Li Xing calculated it instead. That night, he and the sisters of the Bai family had some troubles. They should do what they should do, and do what they should not.

"We all grew up together in Sanyiyuan, and, with such a layer of relationship, why not marry? Although there were many contradictions in the past, at this time, it is not worth mentioning." Li Jie smiled, Pour three glasses of wine, "Come, let's do it!"

The three raised their glasses, drank them all, and then smiled at each other with tears in their laughter.

The next day, the guests dispersed, and Li Xing quietly left. He did not intend to continue to disturb the newcomer. Moreover, if you catch two suspicious people, you must ask clearly.

But before that, Li Xing would like to thank an emperor. The benevolent is not a human, but a giant spider. At the beginning, Li Xing and Chen Xue Chen Shuang were conspired by Simmentai and Li Jie to knock down the mine.

It was difficult to survive that time, but was stopped halfway by a huge spider web. The big spider that formed the web was named Honglao. On that day, Li Xing received two subordinates, Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin.

When Li Xing went out last time, Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin had always wanted to find Honglao, but they never had a chance. This time, Li Xing decided to visit Honglao.

Blood crystal mines have long since been abandoned. Fortunately, the well is still there, and Li Xing slowly descends. Halfway along, I saw a huge spider web, but there was no red or old shadow.

"Where did you go?" Li Xing Shennian couldn't find anyone, secretly strange. The life of a big spider should be extremely long, and it is impossible to die. Who was killed? Such a thought came to his mind.

At this moment, Guanghua landed and a girl appeared. The girl, in a red dress and a beautiful face, looked at Li Xing curiously and said, "Who are you looking for?"

Li Xing also looked at each other and asked, "Who are you? There is a big spider in the mine. Have you ever seen it?"

The girl took a closer look at Li Xing and laughed: "It's you, are Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin okay?"

Li Xing snorted, only to find out that the other party was a spider sprite, and smiled: "It turns out that you are a red old man! Have you actually grown into a human form these years?"

The girl smiled "hee hee": "Count on your conscience, remember to visit my old man."

A young girl called herself "old man" and it sounded funny. However, the girls are indeed very old, at least a few hundred years old.

Li Xing bowed his hand, "Thank you, Mr. Hong."

The girl waved her hand: "What is old and not old? Call me Xiaohong. Am I so old?"

Li Xingzhen smiled and asked, "Little Red, do you still live here?"

"Of course not, I live on the Cockslope Mountain to the west." Xiao Hongdao, "I am here today to get something." As she said, she flew into the cave and took out a spider skin.

When she got the spider skin, Xiaohong laughed and said, "It can be used to make a piece of clothing.

Li Xing smiled a little ~ ~ said: "Xiao Hong, I'm here today to invite you to a place."

"Where?" Xiao Hong asked strangely, "Are you better than Cockscomb Mountain?"

Li Xing couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's definitely 10,000 times better than Jiguan Mountain. There are endless potions, endless magic instruments, and even magic weapons and magic charms. "

Little red eyes lighted up and said, "What the **** is it?"

"Too fictitious, have you heard of it?" Li Xing laughed.

"Too wicked?" Xiaohong scratched her head. "I haven't heard of it, where in Pingguo."

As soon as Li Xing listened, this little red was completely a frog at the bottom of the well. She knew everything, and told her directly at the moment: "Your current practice is barely considered to be the best practice. When you get to the virtual gate, I can help you reach higher levels. Revise it. "

While talking, a cry came from afar, and Xiao Hong's face suddenly changed. She shouted, "Not good! Fatty is hungry, hurry up!" Yi Xing Li Xing, hurriedly flew to Crested Mountain.

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