Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 645: Lingzhou. Tiandaomen

Chapter 33: Lingzhou. Heavenly Gate

On the way, Li Xing asked strangely, "Who is the fat man?"

"It's a fat man." Xiao Hongdao said, "That guy is very tasty. He will lose his temper when he is hungry.

I do not know when the sky is overcast with clouds of thunder, and a furious will is passed.

Arriving at the Crested Mountain, Xiaohong rushed into a cave. The cave has a lot of space and is simply cleaned up. In the middle of the cave is a stone bed with a baby boy on it.

Li Xing has never seen such a large baby. Although sitting, he is taller than a six-year-old child. He is so fat that he can hardly see his eyes. At this moment, the fat baby was crying "wowa".

Xiaohong quickly took a large piece of barbecue from his body and handed it to him, saying, "Don't cry, don't cry, eat quickly ..."

The baby didn't appreciate it. With a big wave of his hand, a terror force shocked out, and Xiaohong moaned, and was bounced by that force, leaving a trace of blood on his mouth.

Li Xing looked cold, and said, "I'm coming!" He stepped forward, picked up the piece of barbecue, and handed it to the baby.

The baby suddenly stopped crying, stared at Li Xing, and giggled.

Li Xing reached out and squeezed the meat on his body, feeling extremely elastic, and asked, "Little guy, you better be honest."

The baby said nothing, and after eating the barbecue, he ate and chewed. He seemed to know that Li Xing was not easy to mess with.

"Okay." Xiao Hong wiped the blood on the corners of her mouth and came over with a bright smile, then asked strangely, "How does he listen to you?"

Li Xing stretched out his hand and slammed on the baby's **** and eggs, letting the fat baby be choked, and his flat mouth wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to cry.

"Hey, because we have a destiny." Then asked, "Where did this baby come from?"

"Pick it up." Xiao Hongdao, "Last month, I went out to gather fruit outside Jiguanshan and ran into him. At that time he rode on a tree alone and cried hungry. I see him Poor, bring it back to feed. "

Li Xing sighed, "You are so kind." Then he gave the baby a cold glance and asked, "What else do you want to eat?"

The baby shrank his head and did not squeak, as if he was no longer hungry.

Li Xing said, "You don't have to be afraid." Then, he found a hand of God, and handed it to him. "Answer my question, God is yours."

The baby drools at the corners of his mouth, rubs a pair of fat baby hands, and nods again and again.

"Where are you from?" Li Xing asked. "Why did he appear in Pingguo?"

The baby shook his head and looked innocent.

"I don't know?" Li Xing raised an eyebrow.

The baby nodded again, pathetic, and seemed to know nothing.

Li Xing snorted, and still gave him the god. The baby was overjoyed, like eating jelly beans, and swallowed the **** with a mouthful, smiling. I do n’t know when the dark clouds outside will disperse, and the sun will return.

Li Xing said to Xiao Hongdao, "Come with me too Taimen?"

Xiaohong pointed at the fat baby: "What should he do?"

"Of course he goes." Li Xing said.

Hearing this sentence, a hint of slyness flashed in the baby's thin eyes.

Li Xing was not ready to return to Taixumen immediately. He asked Xiaohong to wait here for half a day, then left the cave and entered the sky.

In Qingyang's heaven, Qingyang's aura was extremely strong, and the two suppressed immortals looked shocked, waiting for Li Xing to deal with them.

"Is this Qingyang Reiki? Why is there so much?" Said a dixian, surprised, "impossible, is it Jiuyangzhu?"

"That's right! It must be Jiuyangzhu! It turned out that the lady really gave Jiuyangzhu to Li Nature!" Another * called.

Reiki rolled over, Li Xing appeared, and he said lightly, "Now, I have to ask a few questions. You better answer as they are, otherwise, I have at least a thousand ways for you to speak."

They both knew that Li Xing's methods were terrible, and they were already softened before he used torture. One said, "If you have any questions, after asking, it's best to let us go!"

Li Xing: "Tiandaomen? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Of course you haven't heard that Tiandaomen is located in Lingzhou, which is the largest faction in Lingzhou. Your most powerful Wanfamen in Tianyuanzhou is far less powerful than Tiandaomen!" Said a divine proudly.

Li Xing knew from the old demon mouth of Heishan that there are Jiuzhou in the world, Tianyuanzhou is just one of them, and there are Lingzhou, Gumanzhou, Youzhou and so on. There is a natural barrier between the continents, and the mage cannot pass.

"You are actually from Lingzhou?" Li Xing asked in surprise.

"Our heavenly gate, is there any way to break through the ban? What is it?"

"You came to Tianyuanzhou just to find me?" Li Xing asked.

"Yes, let's be ordered to kill Li Ziran's son." Dixian confessed truthfully, "The person who wants to kill you is a core disciple of Tiandaomen, Sipindi Xiandongyu."

Another Dixian added: "Dongfang Yu fancyed Miss, but unfortunately, Miss fell in love with Li Nature, so he wanted to kill Li Nature and Miss's offspring."

Li Xing was shocked and said, "What are you talking about? I'm the descendant of Miss Li Ziran? What is the identity of the Miss?"

The immortal said there: "At first, the lady went out and went to Tianyuanzhou to play, and met Li Ziran. The two had a private relationship. Later, the lady was forcibly taken away, but left a posterity. For details, we are not very Clearly, only knowing what happened. "

"The identity of the lady is the daughter of Tiandaomen, the maiden of Tiandaomen, who is being imprisoned in Tianchou at this moment. Originally this matter has passed. Who knows that Li Ziran suddenly appeared in Lingzhou some time ago. This Annoyed Dongfangyu before ordering us to kill you. "

"Where is Li now?" Li Xing asked in a deep voice.

"Locked up, you can rest assured that Dongfang Yu will not kill him. With his character, you must slowly torture Li Nature." That land immortal said.

"So it is!" Li Xing closed his eyes. "Tiandaomen!"

"Li Xing, you have to ask, we all said, can we let us go?" Said the Dixian at this time.

"You are very cooperative. I will not kill you, but I will not let you go easily." Li Xing said.

The two looked at each other. In fact, as long as Li Xing could not kill, they were satisfied.

Next, Li Xing asked in detail about the customs and customs of Lingzhou, especially about Tiandaomen. The two Dixian, one named Yue Wang and one named Wu Ba, are both disciples of Tiandaomen, the cultivation of Jiupin Dixian.

Immortal path practice, first alchemy, then step into the earth immortal. Jin Dan is equivalent to the training period, and the earth fairy is equivalent to the law day. Of course, there is Tianxian above, but that is the state after the ascension.

Dixian is divided into ten levels. The most powerful one is dipin Dixian, which is quite a heavenly way. The last one is Shipindixian, which is quite a realm of heaven and heaven. There are three levels of immortals, immortals, immortals, and immortals.

In fact, the practice of Xianmen is very similar to the practice of Tianyuanzhou, one by one. If you go back, you will find that they have the same source.

On that day, Daomen was a first-class school in Lingzhou. There were thousands of people in the school! There are countless disciples at Jindan level, with nearly 100,000 people!

In the heavenly gate, there are more than 20 immortals, six immortals, and two immortals sitting in the town. The strength is far beyond Wanfamen and Taixumen!

"Such a domineering martial art!" Li Xing secretly surprised.

Emperor Tianxie said: "It's nothing. Tiandaomen is the only big faction in Lingzhou. It should be strong. I want to unify Tianyuanzhou as a teacher. There are twelve Daojun under his command and three Dao respects. Great cause. By comparison, what kind of door is this?

Li Xing laughed and said: "Master said!" Then asked, "How do you know how to break through the barrier and enter Lingzhou?"

"It was with the help of a fairy array that we could enter Tianyuanzhou." Yue Wang said, "If there is no fairy array, Xianzun is not easy to pass."

Li Xing said, "My parents are in prison. I need to find a way to rescue them as soon as possible."

Although that mother never met him, Li Xing was very warm when she thought of her, and he would rescue them anyway.

"This matter can't be anxious, go back to Taixumen first, and discuss from a long-term perspective." Tianxiedao said, "Lingzhou is no better than Tianyuanzhou. There are too many masters. You shouldn't use strong, you can only take wisdom."

Li Xing nodded and could only do so.

Next, he continued to ask about Jiu Yangzhu. The Emperor Tianxie also paid much attention to this matter and listened to the description of the King Yue.

It turned out that the founder of Tiandaomen called the ancestor of Jiyang. The ancestral ancestor of that pole is still alive and is so high that it is said to be able to soar at any time. It is an old antique of Tiandaomen. The Jiuyangzhu is the thing of the ancestors of the extremely Yang, and it is kept by Tiandaomen.

The daughter taught her how to steal Jiuyangzhu and left it to the young Li Xing.

Hearing this, Li Xing sighed and sighed out of Qingyang Jingtian, took Xiaohong and the giant baby, and returned to Taixumen.

The demon forest is a must-see for Li Xing. In order to avoid accidents, he sacrificed the nimble lamp and flew all the way. However, after flying for a while, I found that there is a cottage underneath ~ www.readwn.com ~, outside of the cottage, a middle-aged man in a plain robe shook his head and read a book silently.

Li Xing stunned, isn't that money, Mr. Qian, do I have it? I have this money, which is very mysterious. I was with Xiaoxue at the beginning. As soon as he thought about it, he landed immediately.

When a ray of light fell, I didn't even notice the money. I was studying on my own. Li Xing stepped forward and said, "Meet Mr. Qian!"

Qian was startled, and sat on the ground with one buttock. When he saw Li Xingzhi clearly, he was angry: "It's you! Don't know if someone is scary will scare people?" Then he patted the dust angrily and stood. stand up.

Li Xinggan said with a laugh: "Mr. Don't blame, it's the kid's rudeness." But he murmured secretly, "No! It's been more than ten years since I saw him last time, but he's not old at all."

If it is an ordinary person, after ten years, it will definitely show the old look. But this Mr. Qian is exactly the same as that year and has not changed at all.

As soon as Li Xing's eyes turned, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the money I had. This palm exerted his supreme power, even if steel was to be crushed!

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