Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 646: Fruit of strength

Chapter 34: Fruit of Power

Mr. Qian Da suddenly remembered something, grabbed Li Xing's wrist, flipped it gently, and turned his palm upward. Li Xing only felt that the other party didn't use much energy, but he couldn't resist, and he was surprised.

You know, the algorithmist may not be able to hide from his grasp!

Mr. Qian laughed: "I will look at the palmistry for you today."

Li Xing was surprised and said, "The gentleman will still look at him."

Mr. Qian stared at Li Xing's palm print, and suddenly frowned.

"Is there anything wrong?" Li Xing asked.

"Very bad!" Mr. Da continued to shake his head. "In your life, you have endured numerous tribulations, and there are many crises. You need to be careful!"

With a smile, Li Xing put his palm up and said, "Thank you, Mr. Reminder."

Mr. Qian's eyes fell on the fat baby. As soon as the baby saw Mr. Qian, he was stunned. At this moment, his eyes swept away, and his mouth suddenly flattened.

"Good looks!" Mr. Da praised. "This child has a future. Where did it come from?"

Li Xing smiled: "I picked it up."

Mr. Da rubs his hands: "There is no book boy around you, can you cut love?" To be honest, he took ten large sums of money out of his body and gave them to Li Xing.

Starting with a large amount of money, Li Xing felt extremely heavy. He moved in his heart and took it seriously, saying, "Since he needs it, take him away."

Xiaohong was unwilling, and said, "Why sell him?"

Li Xing laughed: "Ten big money, a lot."

Xiaohong shook her head and said, "I don't sell!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Perhaps, he hopes to follow Mr. and not believe you."

Xiao Hong hesitated and asked the giant baby, "Little fat man, would you like to follow Mr.?"

The baby looked at Li Xing, and then looked at Mr. Da. The former looked at Hanguang, and the latter seemed to smile, but he seemed to confess his fate and nodded helplessly.

Xiaohong lost her breath, and said, "Well, I have no conscience. I will raise you for a month. Can you just walk away?" He slaps the baby forward, and turns away with anger.

Li Xing hurriedly bid farewell to Mr. Qian Da: "Sir, there will be a period!"

Mr. Qian waved his hand and took the giant baby back to the house.

Li Xing caught up with Xiao Hong and laughed, "What's your anger with the baby?"

Xiaohong sighed and said: "If you have lived under the mine for hundreds of years alone, you also want to find someone to accompany, even if it is an ignorant baby."

Li Xingwen said, "There are many people in Taixumen, and they will all become your friends."

Xiaohong smiled brightly: "Is that so? Are we friends?"

"Of course it is." Li Xing smiled.

"Who was that person just now?" Xiaohong asked suddenly, "Although I can't see his practice, I feel that he is unfathomable, like the high sky and the boundless earth."

Li Xing shrugged: "I don't know."

Soon after returning to the Taixue Beacon, Zhang Xie and Cheng Bin were very happy to see that the "red old" turned into a person. Speaking of which, Xiao Hong has more kindness to him than anyone else.

Li Xing arranged for Xiao Hong to live in another hospital and temporarily be accepted as a disciple. Then, he called Xiaoxiu, Li Hu, and the three messengers to the Dan room, and told Li Ziran about things.

"There is news from the master!" Li Hu and others were very excited, especially the three messengers were crying.

"Master, you must save the master!" Said the messenger. At this time, he was already practicing Qi Shen, and he was doing well.

Li Xing nodded: "Of course people need to be rescued, but the time is not ripe yet. First, we cannot enter Lingzhou. Second, even if we enter Lingzhou, we have no strength against Tiandaomen."

Everyone was silent.

"But you can rest assured. I have already asked that the safety of my father and mother can be guaranteed. When I have enough strength, I will definitely rescue them." Li Xingdao, "You must also step up cultivation and improve your strength."

"Yes!" The crowds said, full of fighting spirit.

In the other courtyard, it was relatively fresh, and Li Xing was practicing most of the time. The condensation of the sky pattern in the gate of heaven takes a long time and can only be slowly cultivated, and it is useless to be anxious. Therefore, for a considerable part of the time, Li Xingdu used to enlighten the Confucian classics left by Gongye Taixu.

As a Dan master, the technique of refining Dan must not be let down. And his cultivation at this time is not bad, Dan Dao has also been promoted, reaching the rank of King Dan. In Jingtian, 100,000-year-old elixir is everywhere, it is a pity not to use it.

The 100,000-year-old elixir is more than enough for refining elixir, and it can even be used for refining xuanjie elixir.

At this time, Li Xing was in Baiyang Jingtian, staring at the source of strength. He is working on the idea of ​​the source of strength, which has been stored here, but unfortunately cannot use its power.

Because the whole source of power was held together, the force was too strong, and Li Xing couldn't swallow it at all. The source of strength is like a large piece of meat. Li Xing's stomach is not big enough to eat in one bite.

What Li Xing wants to do now is to divide this piece of meat and eat it bit by bit. The original power of the gods represents the power of the gods, which is very wonderful.

"Master, you find that there isn't. The source of the deities is actually a force of faith." Li Xing stared at the source of the power. "So this kind of power cannot be absorbed by ordinary people unless it has a godhead."

"Do you want to use the power of the godhead to absorb these deities' origins?" Asked Tian Xie.

"The apprentice has a feeling that as long as I can control the godhead, I can control these original powers for my use." Li Xingdao said, "Unfortunately I cannot fully control the godhead."

Emperor Tianxie said: "Continue to receive faith, and one day you will have perfect control over the godhead."

As the two talked, Yuanbao and Ji ran up panting, and Yuanbao took a black, big fist seed in his hand. The seed's extremely hard skin was actually ejected by a tender shoot.

"Sprouted?" Li Xing stared, and took the seeds to observe carefully.

This seed was what he photographed at the auction meeting of Dan Ding School with 330 Yuan Ling Dan. The seeds have been in Danding for more than 300 years, and all methods have been used, and they have not germinated.

Later, Li Xing put it to Baiyang Jingtian, and the seeds still did not respond, and they did not germinate until today. The shell of the seed is extremely hard, not afraid of fire and lightning strikes, and the flying sword is difficult to hurt. It can germinate, which is not easy.

Li Xing asked, "Master, what seed is it?"

"I have never seen it as a teacher." Tian Xiedao said, "But it has not sprouted. It suddenly sprouts today. It's weird."

Suddenly, the tender buds in the seeds popped out, cracking the hard shell directly, and shocked Li Xing's palms. He almost dropped the seeds and cried, "Good strength!"

Everyone was surprised to see a seven-colored fruit with roots growing underneath, stretching towards the source of strength.

Li Xing said in his heart, "Yuanbao, where is this seed usually placed?"

Yuan Bao blinked: "It was originally used as a pillow to sleep, but later my sister came and gave it to her."

嘻 "Hee hee" smiled: "Yuanbao you are so good!"

Yuanbao's face suddenly turned red.

Li Xing rolled his eyes and asked, "Well, where have you put your seeds recently?"

"Always been with me, oh, I was robbed by Xiaojin today, lost this neighborhood, and later found by others." Wu recalled.

Li Xing and Emperor Tianxie looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise from the other side. The roots of the seeds elongate rapidly and approach the source of strength.

"Master, it seems right! This kind of germination and growth is the power that senses the source of power. It seems that the source of power is its nutrition! What kind of seed is it?" Li Xing opened his eyes.

"Throw it down." Tianxie urged, "I want to see for the teacher, what a fetish it is!"

Li Xing nodded and threw the seeds into the source of strength.


As soon as the seed came into contact with the source of power, it immediately gave birth to a large number of root whiskers, and dart into the source densely, and began to extract the source. The source of the power, such an overbearing existence, could not stop it at all.

The buds above the seeds also grow and grow, one leaf, two leaves, ten leaves. Then a small sapling grows, and the sapling grows thicker and thicker, and branches and leaves at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

It didn't take long for a towering tree to grow. The tree is hundreds of meters high, with lush foliage, and each leaf has the size of an umbrella, which is verdant and green. Above the leaves, there is a mysterious texture that seems to record something.

"It is absorbing the source of strength!" Li Xing stunned.

Even more shocking things are still behind, above the branches, one after another blooming colorful flowers. The flowers bloom and bear fruit. The fruit, in the shape of a baby, was only the size of a finger, and obviously it was a long time before it matured.

Every fruit seems to contain endless power, but it is the Supreme Fruit!

"This tree can absorb the power of the gods, and then consolidate the power into fruit." Tianxie said, "It's amazing!"

At this moment, a shout came from a distance, Li Xingfei hurried over, and saw the Shan Hai Jing Yuan Ling said, "I know its origin!"

This mountain, sea, and spirit, escaped from the Dragon Emperor at first, and were suppressed by Li Xing in Jingtian until today. Hearing him, Li Xing asked: "Oh? What is it?"

"Tree of Faith!" Shan Hai Jing Yuan Ling Tao, "In the age of ancient mythology, the relics guarded by the gods!"

"Relic of the gods?" Li Xing blinked ~ www.readwn.com ~ what is it for? "

"The tree of faith can absorb all the origins of the gods and then produce the fruits of God. Absorb the origins of strength and produce the fruits of strength; absorb the origins of chaos and produce the fruits of chaos. No matter what kind of fruit you eat, you can get the corresponding Power, do you say precious is not precious? "

After hearing, Li Xing couldn't help laughing. He was worried that he could not absorb the source of the gods. Now that he has the power of faith, everything is solved!

"However, the power of this faith is too weak. According to legend, the tree of faith in the era of mythology is thirty-thousand and thirty thousand miles tall, which can open the sky." Shanhai Jingdao.

Li Xing didn't care, and said, "Yes? It will grow up." Then he looked at Shan Hai Jing Yuan Ling, "You just told me this today?"

Shan Hai Jing Yuan Ling said: "Li Xing, this boy decided to recognize you as the master. What do you think?"

Li Xing laughed: "Recognize me as the master? Why?"

"Because this is the order of the sea emperor," Shanhai Tongzi said positively. "It is the sea emperor who asked me to be your master!"

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