Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 647: Beheaded

Chapter 35: Beheaded

"Sea Emperor?" Li Xing narrowed his eyes, obviously not convinced.

"In the Shan Hai Jing, there is a ray of will left by the emperor." Shan Hai Tongzi said, "Even if it is only a ray of will, I still have supreme wisdom. Let me be your Lord, and naturally have his reason."

Li Xing sneered: "Want to escape from this place by this method?"

The boy in the mountains and the sea sighed: "The Mountain and Sea Scriptures are not ordinary gods, and a piece of ancient heaven and earth is sealed in it. If you don't sacrifice, you will never know its magic."

In that strange light, carrying the imprint of his life, he couldn't fake.

Li Xing moved in his heart, took the strange light, and printed it directly into the body of the divine infant. Suddenly, he had a connection with Shan Hai Jing. But this connection is not strong, and it is obviously not a true sacrifice.

"You are not strong enough to temporarily sacrifice the Shanhaijing for the time being, only for the time being." Shanhai Tongzi said, "Don't doubt my sincerity. It doesn't make any difference to me if I can't go out here."

Li Xing thought for a while and said, "Shan Hai Jing, what's the use of?"

"You've cultivated the godhead, don't you know?" Shanhai Tongzi said, "The world in the Shanhai Jing is the kingdom of the gods under Her Majesty!"

"Sure enough." Li Xing nodded, "OK, I believe you."

Shanhai Tongzi said: "In the future, I will help the master to refine the world in the mountains and seas, but this requires extremely powerful and at least able to defeat all the monsters in the mountains and seas."

Li Xing immediately put away the array, Shan Hai Jing took it up by himself, turned into a famous boy, went out, and worshiped Li Xing: "Shan Hai boy, meet the master!"

"Come up, as long as you don't have a second heart, you won't regret following me." Li Xing said.

Time flies, and half a year later, the fruit of the power of the tree of faith has grown, but it is far from mature. After the fruit of strength matures, Li Xing can eat the fruit and increase strength.

Moreover, after the fruit of power matures, it can also produce the fruit of witch and chaos, which can be used to improve his strength.

On this day, Li Xing suddenly opened his eyes and sneered: "Womens corpse?" He turned into a divine light and flew towards a valley in the west of Taiwei.

In a valley in the western part of the Taiwei country, the fighting demon head is fighting a demon head. The demon head, with a dead body, cold eyes, passed away from the corpse, and the demon passed on. The corpse demon had a vengeance with the elder Qingyu Fajun on Taixumen.

The fighting demon head is the seventh demon head conceived by Li Xingguan. As an avatar of Li Xing, the messenger of the bright god, he does all the good deeds, and won the support of the "bright god" believers It is a "six-armed **** of war".

A few days ago, Li Xing felt inductive. There was a demon head here that killed the creatures and did nothing evil, so he sent the fighting demon head to descend. Unexpectedly, the corpse's strength was overbearing, and he couldn't help it for a while. Li Xing had to go out in person.

The corpse's cultivation has reached five levels, and his corpse is very arrogant. He fought with the demon head for half a day, and he was surprised and said, "The devil head! What are you from, dare to oppose the corpse demon?"

The fighting war devil sneered: "This deity is the messenger of the fighting under the light of the Gods, specifically to demons and demon!"

Shi Wuji ridiculed: "You are a demon, how do you lower it?"

The head of the fighting warfare said lightly: "He has good intentions and stands on the ground." The Prajna Sutra was chanted immediately, and the sounds of Zen singing were emitted, and the whole body was bright.

The corpse was upset for a while, and shouted, "Shut up!"

Not long after the fight, a shocking light of God descended, and then a thousand retorts, suppressed in the sky, but the deity of "Bright God" came and sent a blow to Guiyuan.



A huge beam of light covered it and locked the dead body directly. The corpse was extremely prodigious, and his magical skills were not trivial, but in the face of Li Xing's horrific blow, he was desperate and shouted, "Who are you?"

"I am a **** of light, cut monsters and remove demons, and restore the world to peace!"

It's not necessary to pretend to kill a demon. However, Li Xing felt in the valley, and a dozen believers hid their bodies and observed the fighting. As a "god of light", of course, you have to be awe-inspiring and be a leader.


The corpse screamed, his body was torn apart, was taken directly by Li Xing, and thrown into the altar to be sacrificed. Now, no matter what he gets, he will sacrifice subconsciously to see if he can gain life force.

The corpse's magic is deep. After sacrifice, although Li Xing did not acquire the life force, he obtained a "recovery power" from the meditation. After the power of restoration appeared, it turned into a rune and was suspended in the infant child.

After killing the dead body, Li Xing collected the head of the fighting war, and then rose into the sky.

Five believers rushed out of the valley. They burst into tears and worshiped in the sky, saying that the **** of light. This battle will undoubtedly spread the reputation of "Bright God" farther.

In fact, a sect has emerged in the Taiwei Kingdom, called "Brightness", and believers in the religion all believe in the God of Light. In addition, there are several light ambassadors, including six-armed war god, inspiration ambassador, messenger, phoenix ambassador, tianpeng ambassador, and so on.

Li Xing beheaded the dead body corpse, and returned to Taixu Hospital happily. Suddenly, a horrifying corpse filled the sky in the distance, covering half of the sky, and in the rolling black light, a pale and stiff face appeared, roaring.

"What kind of person do you dare to kill my Promise! Get ready!" With a big hand, he suppressed directly.

Li Xing couldn't move at once, and was startled, shouting: "No, it must be a corpse demon, this person has a state of cultivation!"


There were slight cracks on his body, and the divine infant was extremely painful.

In a critical moment, he held a large piece of money in his hand. At that time, Mr. Qian Da bought the baby with ten dollars, and Li Xing kept it. This large amount of money contains mystery, and after observation by Tianxie, it is determined that it contains a very powerful Taoism.

However, a large sum of money can only be used once.


Can't think much, Li Xing throws out a big money with all his strength. The big money exploded as soon as it hit the corpse gas from the shock. A brilliant golden light rises into the sky, condensing into a golden armor **** general.

The **** will hold the Qianzhangbao blade, scream in a thunder, and slash at the corpse demon.

The corpse demon was about to obliterate Li Xing, and suddenly he saw a golden armor **** blocking the way, and the breath of the **** was extremely terrifying. Immediately, there was a sharp and slashing sword.

"No! Retreat!"

The corpse monster was shocked, and flew into the corpse. But Dao Guang was too fast, and the beheading came, and Wang Yang's boundless corpse gas was cut in half and then dissipated.

The corpse roared, as if injured, and escaped by the corpse light.

Li Xing stared blankly at the remaining nine large pieces of money in his hand and said, "Great! What kind of art is this?"

"When you step into the realm, the Taoism sent out is ten times stronger than this." The Emperor Tianxie was very calm and didn't seem to think there was anything.

"Mr. Qian, it really isn't mortal!" Li Xing sighed. "Unfortunately I couldn't ask his identity last time."

"It doesn't matter who he is, what's important is that this person is not hostile to you and willfully help each other." Tianxie said, "This is enough."

Li Xing nodded: "Master said so."

Within three days of beheading the corpse, Li Xing was in the Taixu Beyon, where he received the messenger of the emperor of the Taiwei Kingdom. Emperor Taiwei, responsible for administrative management, mainly based on Taixumen.

Whenever something is difficult, Emperor Taiwei will ask Taixumen for help.

Although the emperor Taiwei managed a large area of ​​land, the incense of the offspring was not strong, and he only had one son and one daughter. The prince worshiped in Taixumen since he was a child, and his qualifications are not bad. Although he is only twenty years old this year, he has already practiced God.

Achieving God and man is a great joy in the royal family, so although the prince is very young, he already has a lot of status, and is regarded as the most powerful person and the monarch of a kingdom.

However, the prince has recently made a big catastrophe. Some time ago, two superpowers, Taiwei State and Tianxing State, clashed on the border. In a clash, border guards on both sides were killed or injured.

The cause of the conflict is because the people of Tianxing Country hunted across the border. It was only a trivial matter, and every day there were dead people on the border, no big deal. But among the people who died in the Kingdom of Heaven, there was a young prince of Heaven, who was beheaded and killed on the spot by the prince of Taiwei Kingdom.

This matter is more serious. The prince of one country killed the prince of another country. One can't handle it properly, and the two superpowers will meet with each other.

Although Wanfamen and Taixumen are the true masters of the two great powers, if they fight, neither side will come forward because this is a state-to-state matter. Of course, if you really want to fight, both majors will secretly work hard.

Of course, at this stage, things haven't come to this serious level yet. It's just that Tianxing State has made solemn representations and demanded that the Taiwei State surrender the killer. Emperor Taiwei was a benevolent monarch. He was unwilling to raise swordsmen and let the people paint charcoal, so he asked Taixumen to find a way.

Today, the Taixumen moved to the great wasteland, and everything must be handled by the Taixu Beiyuan. The dean, Li Xing, took the idea.

"Headache!" He sent away the messenger ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xingzhi sighed, this matter has no solution at all, and in the end it has to be started. But as dean, he must figure out a way.

On the second day, Li Xing ordered the others to stay behind, and he personally went to the Royal Palace of Taiwei to handle the matter.

Those who are too vain are extremely trivial and extremely dignified. The emperor of the Taiwei Kingdom had already prepared a grand welcoming ceremony, and the entire palace was used.

On the huge palace square, the dragon pillars were inserted into the sky, and the elderly emperor and the civil and military officials raised their heads, looking up at the sky, embarrassingly, and so on.

Waiting until my neck was sore, there was a shocking light that fell from the sky and left a young man.

In the guards of the Taiwei Palace, there are also many masters of gods and human beings. When they saw that Li Xing was just a sevenfold god-man, they were extremely disappointed.

No matter what the messenger's cultivation is, he can't be neglected. The emperor hurried forward to see him: "Welcome to the messenger!"

With a smile, Li Xing raised the old emperor and said, "Your Majesty doesn't have to be polite!"

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