Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 649: Desperate 5 Elements

Chapter 37: Desperate Five Elements

Tianxing Hall, Li Xing during the banquet, suddenly stopped and looked out of the hall. At the end of the day, two obstinate Faguang descended obliquely and two Fatian seven strong men appeared. They were followed by several Fatian heavy figures.

Among the two masters, Li Xing recognized one of them as the Five Elements Master. The other person, though he didn't know it, must be a figure in Wan Famen. He smiled and said, "Five Elements Old Ghost, I haven't seen you for a long time, haven't you died?"

The five-element prince flicked his fingers and smiled coldly, as if he hadn't heard it, saying, "Li Xing, how dare you go to the kingdom of heaven *! Today, I will kill you, forgive me too. Speak! "

Li Xing looked cold: "You can't kill me!" And then said, "I'm here to deal with Tai Xumen disciple Baili's article killing the emperor Tianxing."

"You're finally here!" At this time, the emperor Huangfu wiped out his cold sweat that day and night.

At this moment, there was a master supporting him. He immediately changed his face and pointed at Li Xing and Baili's article and yelled, "It's nothing to discuss!"

As soon as Li Xing patted the table, it was sturdy and long, and it smashed with a click, then stood up slowly, scaring Huang Fu away from the distance and shouting, "What are you doing?"

In the heart of the Five Elements Dharma, from the words of Li Xing, he heard the meaning of the other party. He wanted to turn this contradiction into something between Taixumen and Wanfamen. His mind turned and said: "Li Xing, that Huangfu Neng, also a disciple of Wan Famen, was killed by your disciples who are too vain. Of course, you have to die for your life. "

Li Xing smiled suddenly and said, "Five elements old ghost, how many people have you killed in your life? Is everyone's teacher will collect debts from you? You and I are all understanding people, don't say nonsense! Simple and straightforward, see the real chapter under your hand! "

San Gong's eyes flickered, and he said lightly, "What a arrogant boy! You are a seven-man god, ten steps away, dare to bark here?"

Li Xing didn't intend to be good about this matter. He already had a draft in his heart and said scornfully: "Although I don't know who you are, you have as much nonsense! Five elements old ghosts, do you want to go together, or one by one? Until the win. "

On the contrary, the Five Elements Duke was cautious and trembled: "Is this man so confident, is there any reliance? No, be careful!" He narrowed his eyes and asked, "How do we win and how do we lose?"

"Fart again!" Li Xing flashed in his eyes, "the one who wins can naturally handle the other!"

Repeatedly insulted by Li Xing, a god-man, the Five Elements Duke finally got angry and yelled, "Ignorant Junior, this Duke ruled you!" He stepped forward and locked his right hand with his tiger's mouth against Li Xing's neck.

Cultivation reached the realm of Fa-Jun, condensing the body and integrating man and law. The biggest move was not a spell, but a one-punch attack. The mage hits at will, in fact, he carries all the mana around him, the strongest power.

The attack of the Master of the Five Elements was unremarkable, but it contained extremely powerful lethal power, which was more powerful than any spell he practiced.

Li Xing took a step forward and carried the other side with his arrogant flesh. The body of the eighty-one heavy battle is not bad, and even if it is a blow from Fajun, it can be completely shocked!


Fingers and fingers collided together, a horrific explosion occurred, and the entire palace hall was lifted off by a shock wave. Huang Fu waited for someone to be bounced off, all seriously injured.

Suddenly, Li Xing and the Five Elements Duke blasted thousands of moves. These five elements are also masters of martial arts, and their martial arts are extremely powerful.

"Old ghost, you have too many shortcomings in martial arts, so let me give pointers."

When fighting, Li Xing actually had time to speak, and his tone was relaxed.

"Boy! You're making rapid progress, but you still can't escape today!" The Five Elements Dharma's tone was obviously full of anger.

San Gong frowned, and he was also an expert, and saw that Li Xing still had the advantage. This person is the level of the babies. How did this super-combat power be made? He was a man of extraordinary qualifications since he was a kid, but he was called the pride of heaven, but looking back at the past, and comparing it with Li Xing, he was simply one underground and one heaven, which is not comparable at all.

The three sons, like many Wizards who saw Li Xing, had a strong jealousy and had a murderous heart. No matter what kind of genius and how much glory they have, when they stood together with Li Xing, they found that they were like ants, and Li Xing was a nine-day dragon!

Among the ruins of the hall, a ray of light and a ray of light came into conflict, splitting together, and sending out explosions. The five-element monarch fought harder and harder, and no matter what kind of attack he made, Li Xing would fight back with greater strength.

Compared with strength, Li Xing is stronger than him; compared with martial arts, Li Xing is better than him; longer than lasting, Li Xing is almost endless, as if it can be destroyed in the sky, and it will not be tired.

No matter which way you look at it, the Five Elements Dharma can't see the hope of victory. The heart is filled with anger, and the murderousness becomes extremely strong. He suddenly thought that if this person's body could be refined by himself, wouldn't it be a great benefit?

With such a body, you can definitely hit the realm, even break the void, and rise to heaven!

The greed of anger made him decide to take the risk and launch a big move!

"One hit in life, Supreme Masterpiece!" The Five Elements Master snarled, and supreme power erupted all over him, covering Li Xing.

People outside heard this sentence, and even the three sons were startled and stayed away. A blow in life, lethality is shocking, and it is easy to reach outsiders. They don't want to be caught in pond fish.

Li Xing felt that the prestige of the Five Elements Dharma King continued to soar, and there was a faint eighth and nineth power in Fatian! He changed his face, and then said fiercely, "Have to work hard, okay! I'll fight with you!"

Seeing that Li Xing could not escape, the Five Elements Falun Gong laughed and said, "Fuck something! This Fa Gong desperately burns two hundred years of life, and you dare to fight with me!" A ring appeared on his right hand, emitting five colors. Light.

That ring, called the Ring of Five Elements, is a heavenly magic weapon that is conceived by five innate laws. It can be powerful and small, and specifically fights against opponents. At this time, it is displayed by him, and the power is even stronger!

Li Xing knew in his heart that in the face of such a horrible blow, he couldn't escape, he smiled coldly and raised his hand to make a large sum of money. That big money has the magical function of defending and killing the enemy. The power is so strong that even the corpse demon is injured.

The big money flew out and hit the ring of five elements.


The big money suddenly exploded, turning into a blood-red shocking sword light, without a sharp edge, shaking the five elements ring, and then slaughtered the five elements Fajun.


Suddenly the heart of the Five Elements Monarch sank to the bottom of the valley, he felt that sword light, as if issued by a Supreme Master, could not resist at all.

The power of life's blow was too late to be issued, and he was drowned by the sky's **** sword light. The dignified Dharma screamed, and the solid Dharma body was directly smashed.

After all, the prince is a prince with strong vitality. Although he was hanged to death, he is still not dead. The scattered Faguang condensed into his appearance again, but his vitality was badly hurt. In particular, he only exerted the power of life strike, and was suddenly scattered by Jian Guang, and his life was near.

Originally, the five elements of the monarch's life span was short. Thanks to the special means of Tiandai Daojun, his life span was increased by more than 100 years. Life is burned out at this moment, it can be said that the loss is huge.

It was a pity that Li Xing secretly wasted a lot of money. This thing is his life-saving treasure. Even if he encounters a character in the realm, he can block it, but today he uses the Five Elements Dharma, which is simply a waste.

However, the life blow of the other party is indeed too terrible. If he fails to do so, he will be seriously injured or even beheaded. This is also helpless.

The Five Elements Duke was injured, Li Xing rushed forward, used the chaotic fingerprints, and suppressed the five elements ring directly, ingesting Baiyang Jingtian. Then he turned it over and suppressed the Five Elements.

Take your life while you are sick. The Five Elements Monarch is extremely weak at this time, which is a good opportunity to kill him.

At this moment, a sword light, carrying Xianjia mood, rushed over and swept away the Five Elements Dharma. The man who made the shot was the third son, who stared at Li Xing with shame.

Li Xing didn't chase, and got the ring of five elements, which was a bargain, and said coldly, "It's your turn!"

The third son was not afraid of Li Xing's own strength, but was scared by Li Xing's big money. In fact, if the life of the Five Elements Duke was too severe, I'm afraid I will confess it here today!

He always acted cautiously, knowing that Li Xing had a killer, he had to forcibly suppress the war in his heart and decided to retreat temporarily.

"The dispute between the martial arts has always been solved by fighting. You have defeated the Five Elements Monarch. This matter is over. Will this Monarch entangle with you?" He waved his sleeves, brought the Five Elements and a few mages, and went away. .

Li Xing didn't chase, the three boys, he did not win. Moreover, he is also unwilling to waste money on this person ~ www.readwn.com ~.

A fierce battle ends here. At this time, Baili's admiration for Li Xing reached an unprecedented level. He came over with a big laugh and shouted, "Master is really prestigious! I ca n’t stop playing Wanfa!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Bai Li article, this matter has ended, you go back."

Baili's article shook his head: "The younger brother must follow the master, what good is the prince of Taiwei Kingdom, but in the end it is a vanity." The battle of Li Xing made Baili's article sober, and determined to practice and give up the Prince Bit.

Li Xingdao: "You are the prince of the Taiwei Kingdom. When the matter in the middle school is resolved, it is not too late to practice."

The article of Baili thinks that the father emperor is old and suddenly feels reasonable, so he decides to return to Taiwei country first. However, he asked to practice with Li Xing in the future, and Li Xing immediately agreed.

The two came fast, went faster, and went directly to the rainbow, leaving a messy skywalk palace and Huangfuji who wanted to cry without tears.

Back at Taixue Bethel, Li Xing immediately entered Jingtian, preparing to borrow the Five Elements Ring to take the Jiulongyu to another level!

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