Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 650: 9Dragon Transformation

Chapter 38: The Transformation of Jiulong

The Five Elements Monarch is an elder with more status in Wan Famen. After practicing for hundreds of years, the most powerful magic weapon in his hand is the Five Elements Ring. This five-element ring is a magic weapon of heavenly order, and there are not many 10,000-way gates.

When Jiulong Jiu was released, he screamed, very excited. The five-element ring was suppressed by the French array and could not move.

"The five are inherently banned. I wonder how much strength you can improve after you swallow it?" Li Xing smiled, and then urged the Pharaoh to start refining the Five Elements Circle.

Celestial magic weapon, the power is extraordinary, the Array has worn it for half a day before completely destroying the ring of five elements, exposing five congenital laws of different colors. Each innate confinement contains a strong source of magic weapon.

The five innate bans represent gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, respectively. They are of high quality and can be described as supplements. Jiulong Jiu couldn't wait to rush over, and swallowed "Eat Sky" with one big mouth, and swallowed all the five laws.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult for Tianjie Magic to add a law ban, and it will fail nine times ten times. However, Li Xing practiced the sericulture, the transformation power of the sericulture, is the best guarantee for the promotion of Jiulong.

Baiyang Reiki and Chiyang Reiki turned into countless silk threads, and wrapped up the Jiulongyu into a large cocoon. Among the large cocoons, the Kowloon Wren is undergoing a magical transformation, breaking through to a higher level.

The transformation of Jiulongyu was not completed in one day or two. During this period, Li Xing instructed the people to transplant the elixir and transplant the elixir from Baiyang Jingtian to Chiyang Jingtian and Qingyang Jingtian.

Chiyang Reiki and Qingyang Reiki are different from Baiyang Reiki. Baiyang Reiki is relatively gentle and suitable for all elixir life. But the latter two types of aura have their own characteristics, and only certain elixir can grow in it.

At this time, Li Xing ordered the medicine slaves and the heavenly beasts to transfer the elixir suitable for Chiyang Reiki to Chiyang Jingtian; and the elixir suitable for growing in Qingyang Jingtian to Qingyang Jing day.

After the matter was completed, he began to make a large number of gods in the Gongye Taixu Dan scripture for future use. Due to the strong properties of elixir, the refined panacea actually has a certain degree of mysterious elixir, and its quality is extremely high.

The disciples of Taixue Bethlehem, when they are soaked in light, Li Xing will throw some magic pills, let them try it, and then check the effect of the medicine. For this reason, everyone's cultivation has made rapid progress.

Unconsciously, more than a year has passed, and Li Xing's practice has made little progress, but he has cultivated a lot of gods.

It was the Jiulongyu, after a year of transformation, finally broke out of the cocoon. At the moment when Jiulong came out, thousands of light burst into the sky, and this magic weapon successfully condensed the fourth congenital law!

The five innate bans in the Five Elements Ring were merged into a five-element innate ban, which became the fourth ban of Jiulongyu. Together with the original three innate bans, they have achieved the current Jiulongyu.

Jiulongyu's original three heavenly orders are not as subtle as the Five Elements, but they are not trivial. The three bans can radiate the force of explosion, the force of suppression, and the force of traversal.

At this time, the addition of the Five Elements has greatly increased the power of the Jiulongyu, which is more than five times higher than when the triple congenital ban was imposed! This is the advantage of the magic weapon, which can continuously increase the lethality with the improvement of the master's strength, thereby matching the master's strength.

At the same time, the fruit of strength on that tree of faith finally began to mature.

The ripe fruit of strength, shaped like a baby, is brilliant, giving a strong sense of power. At present, there is only one ripe fruit, but there will be more fruits one after another. Each month, about three or five fruits will mature.

Li Xing released the babies. The babies picked up the fruit and swallowed it. The fruit enters the abdomen, falls into the chaotic array, and instantly breaks open, turning into rolling strength, and merging into the array.

Li Xing felt that his power had suddenly improved by at least 10%. One fruit can increase the strength by 10%, and ten fruits can double his power!

"Okay! With the fruit of strength, I can continue to increase the power! Let the power of the **** baby be even stronger!" Li Xing overjoyed, the power of the fruit was beyond his imagination.

On this day, the four seamen of the South China Sea, Qimen 姥姥, Baihua 姥姥, Tianzhen 姥姥, Gujing 驾, were visiting Taixu Beiyuan. It turned out that they had agreed with Li Xing to go to the Dragon Palace.

Three years ago, the four concubines of the South China Sea lent a Buddhist jewel to Li Xing to help him succeed in refining the gods, and finally unite the **** babies. And Li Xing also promised them that they will go to Dragon Palace three years later to participate in the competition of Dragon Palace son-in-law.

Of course, the trip was full of crises, and Li Xing also had to take risks.

Li Xing welcomed the four puppets into the eight-pole tower and offered tea, saying: "Four seniors, the younger generation has been waiting for a long time."

The needle in the sky said: "Li Xing, I haven't seen you in three years. Your cultivation has been improved again. Although you are only practicing the Seventh God, but I feel that your strength has been improved ten times more than before!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "I won the prize." Then he said, "I have already prepared for the trip to the Dragon Palace. Four of them can hide in Kowloon."

Bai Huayi said, "What can you ask for before going to the Dragon Palace?"

At the beginning, they promised that they would help Li Xing to promote cultivation, and after the incident was completed, they would send Li Xing some treasures. These four people and three are state characters. The flowers are also well-preserved, and the collection must be extremely rich and precious.

Li Xing said in his heart, "In the past year, juniors have stagnated in cultivation and need something special."

"Special thing? What do you mean?" Tianzheng said, "As long as we can provide it, it will not be stingy."

When Li Xing knew that it was not polite ~ www.readwn.com ~, he said: "The juniors need some original power, such as the ancient spiritual source, the real human source, as long as it is a powerful source."

The four uncles were very surprised, and said strangely, "What do you want this kind of thing? The source of power is not easily absorbed, and it will have many unintended consequences."

Li Xinggan laughed and said, "The juniors have their own means to refine them."

The four ancestors in the South China Sea also knew that Li Xing had great secrets on his body, so he no longer asked about them. Furui smiled: "Although we don't have such a source, we know one place."

Li Xing moved in his heart and asked, "Where?"

"There is a dragon elephant mage in the South China Sea. He has an ancient dragon elephant Nedan in his hand. The ancient dragon elephant is infinitely powerful and can destroy a civilization with one blow. That Nedan is naturally no small matter. However, such a treasure "Mage Dragon Elephant will never let it go easily," Furui shouted, "unless you exchange it with another thing."

Li Xing said in his heart, "I don't know if there is a kind of **** fruit, if you eat it, you can increase your strength. Will the dragon mage be willing to exchange?"

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