Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 651: Ancient Dragon Elephant Gong

Chapter 39: Ancient Dragon Elephant Gong

Furui sings: "Is there such a fruit in the world?"

Li Xing smiled: "There are some magical fruits in the junior's hands, calling them fruits of strength. After eating, at least one can increase the power of a four-magic mage."

Nanhai Siji was very surprised, and Tianzheng laughed: "This kind of thing is definitely a treasure. The mage of the dragon elephant might really agree. Originally, we wanted to use strong. Since you have the fruit of strength, that's the best but."

As soon as Li Xing stunned, he would understand that, the dragon-like mage Fatian was so heavy. However, the three aunts of the sky needle, the ancient well, and the strange door are all cultivated by Taoists. They really want to grab things by themselves. There is nothing the dragon elephant can do.

However, he was also very grateful, and said quickly: "Don't dare to work for the four uncles, the younger ones should take care of it themselves."

Tianzheng said: "Okay, let's hide in Jiulongya, and you will come forward alone. However, the mage dragon elephant is not very bright and upright, so you have to be careful and don't be fooled by him."

"This junior understands." Li Xing smiled. If he played with Yin, he would not be afraid. At that time, he would have an excuse to kill the treasure.

"It is less than two months before the selection of the dragon palace. If you go to see the mage of the dragon elephant, it should be sooner rather than later, let's set off." Gu Jingyu suggested.

Li Xing had the same thought in his heart, so he left the Eight-pole Tower and instructed everyone to guard the Taixu Beiyuan. Niu Busan, Ma Busi, Luli Daxian, Qiling Qiguai, etc. were ordered to defend, and their strength was not weak. With the eight pole tower, even if they encountered a strong enemy, they could persist in the rescue of Taixumen.

The four seamen of the South China Sea drove a cloud of celebration and took Li Xing to the South China Sea. The means of Taoism are far beyond Li Xingneng's reach. The distant distance is less than half a day away.

In the vast South China Sea, there is an endless horizon, and an island looms ahead. The ancient trees are towering, the rocks are stingy, and the weather is dangerous. Siyun gathered up Qingyun, and then hid in Jiulongzhong, where Li Xing met with Dragon Elephant Master.

Although Master Longxiang is Jiutian of Fatian, his strength is much more powerful than that of Jiutong. Because he possesses the power of the dragon elephant, his power is endless, especially with a dragon elephant mana, casting a dragon elephant giant sword, which can cut off the mountains, cross the river, cut the earth, and pierce the sky.

Dragon Elephant Island is the domain of Dragon Elephant Master. This dragon-like mage received many doormen and servants. As soon as Li Xing landed, he was stopped by four Yae gods.

The four god-men all wore a black robe with white elephants embroidered on them. When they saw that Li Xingxiu was inferior to them, they did not look at them. They said, "Boy, where are you from, how dare you break into Longxiang Island?"

Li Xing bowed a hand: "Xiatai Ximeng Li Xing came to visit the mage of the dragon elephant, and he must discuss it."

When Li Xing's name was reported, the four of them couldn't help but breathe, and looked at each other. One asked: "Are you the first **** Li Xing?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Don't dare to be, it's all down."

The four gods also know the importance. Although Li Xingxiu is not high, but they are not able to speak at this level, he said: "It turned out that Li Shenjun came here, our Master is meeting guests, and I will let you know."

"There is labor." Li Xing was another gift.

The two reporters reported before, leaving them curiously looking at Li Xing. Li Xing's deeds have always been the talk of disciples in Longxiang Island. The people of Longxiang Island are so powerful that they often express what would happen if they met Li Xing.

But I really met at this time, no one dared to say that kind of words, but couldn't hold back my curiosity. While waiting for the news, Yi Shenren finally couldn't help asking: "Shen Li, you are legendary that you are so powerful that you can pull mountains down. Can you let us open your eyes?"

"Longxiang Island has countless people, how dare you be ugly." Li Xing humbly refused.

Another god-man moved in his heart, thinking of something, and laughed: "Li Shenjun, where the disciples of Longxiang Island practice, there are three thousand dragon elephant tripods, each one weighing 100,000 yuan! Can the king let us Open your eyes? "

Li Xing immediately understood that the dragon elephant tripod was a force-strengthening thing. After revealing his two hands, he said that he had eaten the dragon elephant fruit. It must be more convincing. Thinking of this, he immediately agreed, saying: "OK, it's ugly."

The two gods were overjoyed, saying that no matter what your first god-man was, you also never wanted to shake the dragon elephant tripod! They intentionally made Li Xing ugly, and hurriedly led him to a clearing.

On the open space, there were three thousand huge bronze tripods. On top of each bronze tripod, a dragon elephant was carved. The dragon elephant contained a mana of the dragon mage, so it could weigh up to 100,000 Beijing.

"This is the dragon elephant tripod. Our disciples on Dragon Island have used this tripod in the past. They are so talented that even one tripod can't be lifted." One **** man regretfully said, "Presumably the **** can lift ten Eight. "

Li Xing smiled slightly, thinking that when he was still practicing the Sixth God, his strength was more than 100,000. At this moment, he practiced the Sevenfold God, during which his adventures continued, and he was incredibly cultivating himself.

This area of ​​Longxiang Ding was nothing to him. With a big wave of his hands, infinite power surged out, and the whole square was shaken. Then the two god-men saw an incredible scene.

An extremely heavy dragon elephant tripod rose from the air, one hundred, two hundred, eight hundred, one thousand!

Ten breaths, all three thousand dragon elephant tripods, all lifted!

"What? Lift three thousand tripods at once. Is his strength more than three thousand times that of you and me? The three thousand dragon elephant tripods add up to three thousand square weights!" The two were completely shocked and stunned. .

Three hundred and sixty pounds are a fight, ten thousand fights are a Beijing, and one hundred thousand Beijing is a party!

"Beijing" is generally used to describe the power of gods and men; "Fang" is generally used to describe the power of mages; above Fang, there is an order of magnitude larger "Tai", and one Tai is one billion Fang!

"Okay! It's worthy of being a too-virtual master, admire!" Suddenly, a loud, extremely loud voice came.

The two gods hurriedly bowed down: "See Master!"

Li Xing put down the three thousand dragon elephant tripod, and saw a middle-aged mage in a black robe, magnificent, fluttering with big sleeves, walking up and down to his presence.

"Younger Li Xing, see Master Dragon Elephant." Li Xing was very polite.

The mage of the dragon elephant "haha" laughed: "Li Shenjun is very polite, please sit in the thatched room." Raised Li Xing's hand and went straight to the dragon elephant hall.

The Dragon Elephant Hall was built magnificently, 300 meters away! Thousands of large stone pillars were used to support the north, and the distance between the stone pillars was more than thirty meters, showing how huge it was.

In the Temple of Dragon Elephant, people feel like a small feeling in a huge mountain belly.

"Li Shenjun has a well-known reputation. None of the dragon elephant tripod and the disciples on Dragon Elephant Island can be lifted up. In the future, the potential of the **** king is unlimited." Mage Dragon Elephant praised.

Li Xing smiled slightly and said modestly, saying, "Nothing can go to the Three Treasure Hall. The younger generation is here to discuss a thing with the seniors."

Mage Dragon Elephant's eyes flickered and he said, "Oh? Please."

Li Xing opened his eyes and said, "The junior wants to use things in exchange for the dragon's original origin."


The face of the mage of the dragon elephant changed, and he stood up and stared at it. The light was locked and Li Xing locked: "You want my dragon elephant origin? What do you know, what does that dragon elephant origin mean to this mage?"

Li Xing didn't panic, calmly as he said at the beginning, "The predecessors of the dragon elephant practice must rely on the power of the dragon elephant. However, the power of the dragon elephant is nothing but a force, and according to the juniors, that dragon elephant Dan can't be absorbed at all. It's like chicken ribs. It's tasteless and unfortunate. "

The mage of the dragon elephant snorted heavily: "This is the mage's business, so you don't need to worry about it."

Li Xing laughed, and said, "The predecessors of the dragon elephant know, why is the strength of the down force so strong? In order to train the Seventh God, have three thousand square powers?"

In fact, the mage of the dragon elephant has always been in shock. He also can't figure out how a sevenfold **** man can have the power of a mage level, and it is much stronger than the average mage.

The ordinary law and heaven are heavy, and it is good that the power can reach three or five parties. The law and the sky are twofold, and the strength is only a dozen or more. After five days of condensing the babies, Fatian will advance by leaps and bounds, and the mana will reach three to five hundred.

If you talk about the power of thousands of powers, that is what the princes can have. Even some insecure princes can't even reach the power of one thousand powers. Of course, there are also tyrannical rulers, who have tens of thousands of terrorist forces.

"Why?" Mage Dragon Elephant couldn't help asking.

"Because of it." Li Xing held up a baby-shaped fruit, which is the fruit of power! On the fruit, it releases strong power.

The mage of the dragon elephant is a man with eyesight. At first sight, he shouted, "Good thing! You rely on it to have such a mighty power?"

Li Xing nodded: "Eat a fruit of strength, you can increase the strength of at least 300 parties!"

Master Dragon Elephant narrowed his eyes and made a deep calculation in his heart, saying, "Little friend, do you want to exchange for the fruit of power? I wonder, how much power of fruit do you have?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "How about one hundred fruits of strength? One hundred fruits of strength can increase the strength of the predecessors by 30,000 square feet. It should be able to break the predecessor's Dragon Elephant Gong. Legend has it that the predecessor's Dragon Elephant Gong is passed down from the ancient barbarity. Dragon King of the era. "

The mage of the dragon elephant is calm on the surface, but in fact, the storm has set off in his heart.

"Good darling! Good darling! With the fruit of strength, my dragon elephant power can make rapid progress! Dragon elephant power is an ancient mastery, there is no need to consider cultivation as a state, it is seeking supreme power!"

Settled down, Master Dragon Elephant smiled slightly: "Li Xiaoyou, the power contained in the dragon elephant inside the dragon elephant can be more than 30,000 forces, it may be 3 million, 30 million, or even 300 million, reaching" too " Number of stages. "

Suddenly Li Xing stood up and said helplessly, "It's too regrettable. There are only one hundred fruits of strength in the younger generation.

When he did this, the mage of the dragon elephant was anxious, but he couldn't behave as if he was here. He said lightly: "Li Xiaoyou, how can you make a trip for nothing? Why not, I will take you to see the dragon elephant Nedan, and you will make it again. Definitely, how? "

Dragon Elephant Master is not a fool. He understands that there are more than one hundred fruits in Li Xing's body. There may be five hundred or more.

Li Xing laughed: "There will be labor."

As soon as Master Longxiang waved his sleeves, Li Xing was drawn into a cave. Fa Tian is so serious that if he opens up caves and stores treasures, they are usually placed in his own caves.

Dragon mage's cave is very vast, with flowers and grass growing in it, many spirits, and mountains and rivers. Obviously, this cave has been well built by him.

In the cave, there is a grassland, and there is a strange mountain above the grassland. The mountain is like a sphere, as tall as ten feet, showing nine colors, triggering a faint nine-color strange light.

The voice of the mage of the dragon elephant sounded: "Little friend, this is the dragon elephant Neidan."

Li Xing opened his mouth in shock: "It's so big?"

"The dragon elephants in ancient times have tremendous power. Only the power of true kings and true sacred series can be subservient. The dragon elephant exercises that I have cultivated are the ancient mastery, which has been practiced to the extreme. Thousands of particles, each particle represents a true dragon elephant, with great power "

"Unfortunately, this Nei Dan is too strong and extremely strong to absorb refining at all." Mage Dragon Elephant said, "And it is extremely heavy, even if the strength of a small friend, it is impossible to take him away."

Li Xing exulted in his heart: "If this behemoth is sacrificed, I don't know how much power can be gained?" But he is also sober, the dragon elephant mage will never cut love.

"The ancient dragon elephant is really scary," Li Xing said with emotion, and then said, "Nei Dan has seen it, and the junior left."

Dragon Elephant Master "haha" laughed: "Little friend, that fruit of strength is very important to me, can you send me some?"

Li Xing sneered, the other party is trying to grab it! However, since he dared to come, he had already prepared, and he was not afraid: "Oh? How much is the senior?"

"Since sending, please be generous, and all give to the prince, maybe it will make Dragon Elephant Gong breakthrough." Far from enough. If you can gather more than 18,000 copies, you can break through to the state! "

Li Xing was about to summon the four uncles and kill the person directly. Suddenly, a corpse gas rose from below ~ www.readwn.com ~ and wrapped him. Among the corpses, there was actually another space, with huge restraining power, he couldn't move.

He saw that behind the mage of the dragon elephant, a demon shadow rose, which was actually a corpse demon!

The corpse devil laughed for a while and said, "Puppy, can't you think this deity would be here?"

Master Longxiang laughed and said, "Brother, this boy dared to hurt you at first, and today deserves his due."

It turned out that the corpse demon and the dragon elephant mage were brothers of a female compatriot. The two brothers have their own unique adventures, and the older brother gets the ancient corpse; And they all have a terrifying horror practice.

The corpse monster laughed: "There is a killer on this son, you and I can't resist it, first ingest him into the corpse world, and let the twelve corpses inside him deal with him!"

Master Dragon Elephant frowned: "Brother, that corpse is not even dare to enter, don't ruin my plan."

"You can rest assured that I will have the means to obtain the fruits of his strength, and I will give it to you by then. However, the kid's body will belong to my elder brother." The corpse ghost laughed.

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