Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 657: Dragon Soul Hall

Chapter 45: Dragon Soul Palace

"My God! Is this still a god-man? What do I think of him as fierce than a mage?" Shouted a prince of the Qingyue Dragon clan, "when he was, a normal mage would be blown out!"

Among the Baiyulong clan, a young girl stood there. It was the one who rescued Luba that day. She sighed and said to a ugly young man behind her, "Nine brother, now you understand why Luba lost? Do you want to punish him? "

This young man was the nine princes of the Baiyulong clan, and he was sent to intercept passersby. He did not want to be destroyed by Li Xing, and beat the dark tyrant. Originally, the nine princes were already angered, and he was ready to learn from Li Xing.

However, at this time, he saw Li Xing's fierce moves, and Fa Jun did not fight back, and he had completely died of this heart. The people around him who cultivated to the highest level were also comparable to eating Tianfajun, and there was nothing they could do.

Jun Qianheng smiled "Hey": "I knew I couldn't fight this boy, but I didn't expect his strength to reach such a level, and he could fight against Fajun, he was not human!"

During his speech, he looked at Jian Jian and said, "Jian Xingtian, I think you're leaving now, or I'm afraid I can't get away."

Jian Xun's expression was expressionless, and he said lightly, "No one knew the result before he hit." Obviously, Li Xing's performance did not scare him.

Everyone was talking, shocked, jealous, doubtful, and angry, each with their own emotions, but one of them was the most depressed when eating Tian Fajun. At this time, he could not be beaten up, and backed up again and again.

Every time he made a hard connection, his Dharma body was shaken and his body numb. The Dharma body is very hard, and it is the product of the fusion of Dharma and the true form. Even so, Li Xing couldn't bear such a fierce attack.

He is like a machine of war, constantly pounding, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he will never weaken. One trick of eating Tian Fajun fell into the wind, and one of his magic weapons was immediately broken by Li Xing when he took out one of his magic weapons.

With Li Xing's current strength, one trick continues, and the ordinary magic weapon of two or threefold innate restraints cannot be endured, and it is directly destroyed.

"Li Xing! Don't deceive people too much! That's all for today!" Eating Tianfajun's heart gave rise to a feeling of fear. He felt that if he continued to fight like this, his life might be in danger.

Li Xing screamed, and his murderous spirit was even more prosperous: "So far? The Eight Kings are a kind elder who has helped countless people. He is so indisputable in the world, and you want to kill him?"

"Big King is indeed a good old man. He has no enemies. It ’s too much to eat Tian Fajun. It's time to kill!" Some people who knew the BIG King said one after another.

"Some of us in the Dragon family have also received the favor of the eight kings and do not want to be killed by heaven."

At first sight of Li Xing's murderous act, Tianjun Fajun could not care about any dignity. He blocked it with all his strength, and then turned away and ran away. Just then, Li Xingmei suddenly shot a light of war.

The light of war condensed a plundering chariot at once, and rushed forward, all of a sudden covering the heavenly ruler. The light of war can not only kill the enemy, but also plunder the opponent's body.

Tian Xing Fajun ’s body was loosed by Li Xing, and when he fled, he was surrounded by a strange light. He tried hard to escape and could n’t escape.

Li Xing is the body of war. He controls the light of war. If he instructs his arms, he sees that his hands are twisted in a ring, and he screams, "Heaven eats the prince, and he is ready!"

"Si Lingling!"

The light of war turned into sky-killing light, maneuvering and strangling, just shattered the heavenly body of Dharma and released the rich source of the ruler, which was directly absorbed by the light of war and became the nourishment of the plundering chariot.

The origin of Fajun is not trivial, but it is a great supplement. Suddenly, on top of the plundering chariot, there was another ghost of war. A plundering chariot can gather up to three thousand gods of war.

In the end, even physical deities can be condensed, and the entire plundering chariot becomes a war god! Of course, that step is too far away, and Li Xing cannot reach it at present.

The Tianjun Fajun had only one scream, and the whole person disappeared.

Li Xing received King Kong's magical power, and the plundering chariot was also in his eyebrows, and then all people arched their hands to everyone, and then entered the hall. This time, everyone looked at him differently.

Several disciples brought by Tianchi had already slipped away, they were afraid that Li Xing would take them.

In the crowd, the five princesses disappeared and kept watching the battle. When Li Xing won, there was a sparkle in her eyes, and she said to the maid: "This person is interesting. If I can play for this princess, it will help me to make a big deal."

Behind the five princesses, the handsome man smiled "hee hee": "As long as the princess hooks up with this boy, he will immediately put you under your pomegranate skirt."

The five princesses laughed and stretched out the orchid fingers, nodding a note at the man's brows.

But he said that after everyone returned to the hall, the tortoise announced: "You guys, today ’s talents are full, and there are many young talents. However, there is only one horse, so before that, several rounds of screening must be performed to find An opportunity to enter the Dragon Palace and meet the five princesses. "

"What? Just five people, then I have no hope!" Many people immediately sighed, and Li Xing's performance made them completely lose confidence and knew that it was impossible to see the five princesses.

"I don't know how to screen the turtles," a mage asked.

Turtle manager shrank his head, bent over his hump, was not high, and spoke slowly. He dragged his arm and said, "There are three rounds of screening. The first round has to pass through heavy water, and the second round has to pass the Dragon Soul Hall. To the third round In the round, when the selected candidates compete, the five best people will have the opportunity to see His Royal Highness Five. "

"The heavy water is not afraid, as long as the power is strong, you can pass. But there are many powerful dragon souls in that Dragon Soul Hall, and one that is bad will be injured." A golden dragon prince said, "Be careful!"

After the announcement, the turtle steward played a Guanghua, and that Guanghua condensed into a door, and the door was full of gas. Through the portal, you can see a vast ocean, but the water in that ocean is golden and boundless.

"This is heavy water?" Li Xing looked over, slightly surprised. He knows the heavy water. A small drop is heavier than a mountain. Although a drop is not precious, the dragon's palace actually gathered the heavy water into the ocean.

The four dragons have the fastest action, and are gradually getting started. These dragons have advantages. Once they enter heavy water, they change the dragon's body and swim in heavy water without any effort. The people outside the Dragon race were not so relaxed. Some people screamed and escaped as soon as they entered, and they were squeezed out of the water by seven holes.

Li Xing didn't care. He jumped into the heavy water with a "thump", and then operated King Kong's magic power, changing thousands of feet. He stepped on the bottom of the sea, his upper body was above the sea, and he strode forward faster than the dragons.

When Li Xing was so arrogant, Jun Qianheng and Nangong Xiaoyi looked at each other and jumped on their shoulders.

"Brother Li, there is work." Everyone said with a smile.

Li Xing rolled his eyes and shook his shoulders. Several people planted them in the water, yelling at the former for anger.

Li Xing smiled "Hey," as soon as King Kong pulled his hand out of the water, a huge wave hit him, drowning several people. After coming out, Li Xing has gone far, but he can only pass by downstream.

After walking for a long time, Li Xing reached the shore of the heavy water, which was comparable to the fastest Dragon race. The tortoise was already waiting here. He waited for three days in a hurry, and no one came ashore again. Fang said: "The first round is over, please enter the second round."

Li Xing looked around and found that there were not many people left, only twenty or so. Of course, there were several sword torture days, and even Lu Tianjiao passed, and there was no reason why these people couldn't help it.

Turtle steward took more than 20 people, walked inward, and saw a grand hall. This hall, revealing the ancient, desolate atmosphere, has a thick history and the vicissitudes of the times.

In front of the hall, there are nine large panlong pillars. These are not ordinary pillars. They are made of the immortal corpse of the dragon, with dragon scales like covers, and eyes wide open. Although the soul is absent, the dragon body still emits a mighty momentum. People below the mage are surprised by this momentum, and they will be afraid to enter after fearing it on the spot.

The tortoise stopped outside the hall, pointed inward, and said, "Go straight forward. If you can get through, then pass. If you are afraid, you can call" help "and let someone help yourself."

The crowd nodded and entered one after another.

Upon entering the Dragon Soul Hall, Li Xing felt the release of countless coercions, each of which represented a dragon soul. It is said that after a dragon dies, it will not enter into reincarnation, so the dragon's life is only once.

Everything is born ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are advantages and disadvantages. Although the Dragons are born tyrannical and practice a little, they can compete with mages and gods and have a long life. But again, the dragon lives only once.

According to legend, where the cycle of life is dominated, there is a dragon pond. After some arrogant spirits enter it, the next life will become a dragon.

There is only one way for the dragon to survive, and that is to attack the dragon fruit position, enter the heaven, and obtain eternal life.

After the dragons die, they cannot enter the reincarnation, so their spirits stay in the world for a long time, until they die and return to nothingness. Some powerful dragon souls can live for thousands of years, even longer.

The Dragon Soul Temple is a place where the Dragon Soul rests until it disappears in this world. At the same time, it is also a wake-up call to the Dragons. It tells each Dragon that if they don't work hard, they will become a miserable Dragon Soul. Only through continuous cultivation and impact to the level of Tianlong fruit is the final solution!

In fact, among the soaring characters in Tianyuanzhou, the dragons have the largest number, surpassing human monks. The Dragon clan is not only a strong emperor of the Dragon Emperor. Among the Dragon Palace and even the four dragon clan, there are some ancient Dragon clan monks who are retreating and practicing without asking foreign affairs.

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