Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 658: Capture Dragon Soul

Chapter 46: Capture the Dragon Soul

Some dragon monks can only break through the door, ascend to heaven, and become a dragon. For a long time, no matter how powerful humans are, they never want to provoke Dragons. The Dragons only occupy the sea and practice with peace of mind, they will not invade the mainland, because their time is precious and they don't have much energy to use in war.

The requirement of the Dragon Palace is to let all people directly pass through the Dragon Soul Hall. However, Li Xing had other plans. After walking for a while, he walked to the left. He decided to catch a few dragon souls. One could refining a mysterious elixir of the dragon god, and the other could use the power of the dragon soul to improve Kowloon The power of cricket.

The core of Jiulongyu is actually nine dragon souls. Nine dragon souls are nourished with treasure, so they can last for a long time, and can even continuously improve their strength. In particular, the Jiulongpi has the ability to devour all kinds of ancestors after incorporating the magic of eating heaven.

As long as they provide enough power to the Dragon Soul of Kowloon, they can continue to ascend.

Dragon Soul Palace, most of the time do not allow outsiders to enter, today there is such an opportunity, of course, Li Xing will not let go. Soon after he entered the Dragon Soul Hall, he found that he had entered another space.

Many powerful Dragon Souls will open up a space when they finally disappear. This has led to the overlapping space in the Dragon Soul Hall. Although not as dangerous as the South China Sea Forbidden Land, it is not easy to walk.

A dragon yin was uploaded from the ninth day, and Li Xing directly released the infant child. The infant child grabbed a dragon soul with his big hand. This dragon soul possessed the five-fold practice of Fatian during his lifetime. Because he lost consciousness and was separated from the flesh, his strength was greatly reduced, but he still had the three-fold power of Fatian.

However, these strengths were not Li Xing's opponents at all. He was caught by him at once, ingested Baiyang Jingtian to suppress them, and kept alchemy. The dragon spirit of Fatian Wuzhong is not suitable for feeding Jiulongyu.

Dragon souls above the seventh level of Fatian have the strongest roots of the Dragon family, which is not easy to dissipate, which is of great help to Jiulongyu.

Li Xing felt that he had gone very deep, so he released a predatory chariot and began to capture the dragon soul. No matter strong or weak, big or small, don't miss one.

Dragon spirits above the three levels of Fatian were all taken into Jingtian for refining Dragon God Pill. Those below Fatian triplet directly absorbed the plundering chariots and overwhelmed them.

The power of the Dragon Soul is much stronger than that of the Golden Corpse and Silver Corpse. As each Dragon Soul is absorbed and turned into the light of war, the ghost of the third **** of war finally condenses.

Hunting all the way, unknowingly broke into a larger space. Upon entering, Li Xing was locked in by a domineering thought, and he saw twelve ghosts of dragon souls, each of which was thousands of meters long and roamed the sky.

These dragon souls have lost their innate consciousness, but have instinctual self-protection, and will kill them once they sense unfamiliar forces. The plundering chariot came out, and the twelve dragon spirits shot at the same time.

These twelve dragon souls have reached the level of the state during their lifetime, so the power of the dragon soul is extremely powerful. Li Xing immediately called: "Please the seniors!"

The South China Sea siblings emerged from Jiulong, and Bai Huayi gave Li Xing an angry look, and said, "Have a daring, Dragon Soul of Dragon Soul Hall, do you dare to capture it?"

Li Xinggan laughed: "It's a rare opportunity. Please help me."

Although the strength of Dragon Soul is strong, it is also inferior to the Four Seas of the South China Sea. It was quickly subdued and suppressed into Qimenyan's cave. They are also not good at grabbing things with juniors, Dragon Soul is still owned by Li Xing.

Li Xingzhang entered the cave and asked Qi Men to adjust the speed of time passing, and then Jiulong trembled and turned into nine dragons, first entangled in a dragon soul.

After that, he performed the sericulture and wrapped the Jiulongyu with that dragon soul. He wanted to use the transformation power of the sericulture to forcibly enhance the power of this magic weapon.

For the full seven or seven forty-nine days, the giant cocoon exploded, and nine dragons with strong breath rushed out. After absorbing a dragon soul with the help of sericulture, the strength of the nine dragons is roughly equivalent to the four characters of Fatian, which has been greatly improved!

At the same time, the fifth innate ban was also condensed!

Next, in the second and third articles, two more dragon souls were absorbed and refined, and became the nourishment for the growth of Jiulong. In the end, this congenital magic weapon condensed six congenital laws, and the strength was more than ten times higher than before!

Of course, if it wasn't for the Jiulong Jiulian who had previously refined the "Traditional Food Magic" and Li Xing's natural silkworm skills, Jiulong Jiulong would not have grown so fast. And thanks to the help of the Four Seas in the South China Sea, otherwise Li Xing could not subdue the Dragon Soul, nor could he practice in Dongtian.

Jiulongyu has been transformed three times in a row, and it takes nearly half a year, but outside of Dongtian, it only takes dozens of breaths. During this period, Li Xing was not idle, he tried to send a dragon soul into the altar to sacrifice, and wanted to see what effect it had.

To his surprise, after the Dragon Soul was sacrificed, he was able to exchange for the life force of a armor! This result made him excited, without saying anything, he sacrificed all the dragon souls directly, and gained the life force of 500 years.

This life force is an extremely magical power that every being has. However, beings cannot control this power. When they disappear, the soul begins to weaken, the form begins to decay, and life ends.

And through the altar, Li Xing can communicate with some great beings in the deep, those great beings that can control the power of life, make people live and make people die. This altar is extremely wonderful, just like a trading shop, Li Xing can exchange one power with another.

As soon as the birth of the six concubines, Jiulong, was born, Li Xing could feel its mighty power. However, at this time, the power of Jiulongyu was not as good as the Eight-Pole Tower, and the power still needed to be increased and the law prohibited.

When Li Xing came out, he immediately said, "Senior, let's go."

He is not greedy, and knows how to accept when he sees it. In the Dragon Soul Hall, there are countless dragon souls, and no one can see them. If he is too greedy and wants to hit it all, it will surely alarm the Dragons and cause trouble.

When coming slowly, when walking fast, Li Xing returned along the way, and soon arrived where he was, walking on foot. Along the way, I encountered many Dragon Souls, but none of them could pose a threat to him and passed smoothly.

After half a day, Li Xing saw the exit of the Dragon Soul Hall, and his body flashed before he rushed out. Outside the hall, most people have already arrived, Li Xing came out relatively late.

Jun Qian looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Why are you so slow?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Going to the depths of the Dragon Soul Hall, I encountered a few powerful Dragon Souls and played a few games."

The crowd was speechless, and they all walked carelessly on the road, afraid that they might have broken the road and encountered a powerful dragon soul. This is a good one. He took it to his door and fought a few of my mighty dragon souls.

It didn't take long before all the people who could come out had already come out. At this time, there were only sixteen people remaining. The sixteen people were Jian Xingtian, Lu Tianjiao, Xi Xiaobao, Jun Qianheng, Nangong Xiaoyi and Li Xing.

The remaining ten are all princes of the four dragons, all of which are well-built, and that Aohong is also among them.

The turtle manager ordered a few people, and said, "You guys, in the third round of martial arts contest, please go to the dragon palace performance martial arts field." Then just go forward, pass through the huge dense reef jungle, and reach a palace.

There is no word in this palace to describe its great mystery and magnificence. There is infinite height above it and infinite width below it. I do n’t know how to build it. Moreover, the whole building is integrated, and Li Xing can be sure that this palace is definitely a powerful magic weapon.

"Finally arrived at the Dragon Emperor's Hall." A prince said with emotion, "It is indeed the Dragon King, ten times and a hundred times more than our four dragons!"

The main hall is the Dragon Emperor Hall. Two rows of dragon guards stood in front of the hall. There are ten dragon guards on the left and right, all of them are arrogant and powerful! Everyone walked among them, and everyone felt great coercion and could hardly move, and Li Xing was no exception.

"The Dragons are really powerful! If the Dragons are willing, they can become the overlord of Tianyuanzhou at any time." Li Xing secretly thought.

Entering the hall, there are endless starry sky above, and the endless five-color smoke cloud. Li Xing felt that the strong star power was conveyed. The star power in the hall was thousands of times stronger than the outside!

"If only you could practice star power here!" Li Xing secretly exclaimed.

Sixteen people set their sights on the distance. In the distance, there is a great existence, just like a noble shadow, sitting there. People of the dragon race should go down to worship first.

"See Her Majesty the Dragon King!"

Li Xing and others did not dare to be rude, and worshiped together. In the face of a supreme strong man like Dragon King, they must have awe.

"You are coming far away, hard work." Dragon King said only one sentence.

Then Turtle said: "This round of testing, you are free to challenge, persist to the last five, you will see the five princesses, start."

Everyone looked at each other, and at first no one moved. Only Li Xing strode over to Lu Tianjiao and laughed: "Brother Lu, I haven't seen you in a long time, let's be affectionate."

As soon as Li Xing came over, Lu Tianjiao's face changed. As early as at the Wanfa Conference, he saw Li Xing's power, and today he is not an opponent.

"What are you going to do?" Lu Tianjiao was so shocked that he backed away ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing, we have no resentment, why are you having trouble with me? "

"Why didn't you blame?" Li Xing sneered. "Don't we have played in the eight pole tower earlier?"

"It was you!" Lu Tianjiao was startled, and suddenly realized that the Li Xing in front of him was the original "Li Changxing"!

But after being taken aback, he calmed down again and said, "Brother Li, some misunderstandings, and what did he mention? What is better? Let's join hands and pair the people of the Dragon clan? There are ten dragons on one side, and we only have six. If you do, you must lose more and win less! "

In fact, Li Xing also noticed that the ten monks of the Dragon tribe all cast hostile eyes on him. Previously, it was too eye-catching, putting great pressure on these dragon people.

The sword punishment day was more sharp, without saying a word, let out the sword to kill a dragon! The other three men, Jun Qianheng, Nangong Xiaoyi, and Sheng Sheng, all started.

Li Xing laughed, "Here you are more than one, and you are one less, so please clean up first!" A big hand stretched out and suppressed Lu Tianjiao directly.

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