Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 659: Last 5 people

Chapter 47: The Last Five

Lu Tianjiao was shocked and furious, but he wouldn't let it go, holding out a big umbrella with both hands. The umbrella is glorious, it is an ancient relic, which has a wonderful defense effect. Unfortunately, although this relic is good, it is difficult to defeat Li Xing's brute force.


A relic was directly cracked, and Lu Tianjiao was shaken with numbness all over his body, yelling, and raised a hand to make a treasure rune. This treasure rune is called a "flying dragon rune". Once released, a dragon soul flies out to attack the enemy, and cooperates with several powerful spells.

Speaking of catching dragon souls, Li Xing is an expert. Not long ago, he just captured a large number of dragon souls. So far, he has suppressed many in the world. Seeing that the Dragon Soul flew out, he shouted, and King Kong grabbed it directly.

Although the mighty dragon soul was powerful, it was caught by Li Xing, and he couldn't struggle, and let Kowloon swallow it directly. The Baofu couldn't support it, and it exploded.

Lu Tianjiao's soul soared to the sky. Speaking of which, he is now a dual character of Fa Tian, ​​who also has a place on Tianxin Island, but compared with Li Xing, he is not even a dreg.

"Li Xing!" Seeing that today is about to escape justice, the wizard of Tianxin Island suddenly yelled.

Li Xing's big hand stopped in midair and asked coldly, "Before you die, what do you want to say?"

"If you don't kill me, I can tell you a secret!" Everyone is afraid of death, and everyone will lose everything. Lu Tianjiao doesn't care too much, and decides to exchange his secrets for life.

"Oh? Come and listen." Li Xing calmly.

The two heard a secret message, and the crowd saw that they suddenly stopped fighting, and they didn't know what happened.

"Do you know the background of Tianxin Island?" Lu Tianjiao asked in a deep voice.

"Tianxin Island is related to Tianzang?" Li Xing asked.

"Yes, Tianxin Island belongs to Tianzang. Tianzang means, you should understand that there are treasures in the world, something that you can't even think of, all in Tianzang." Lu Tianjiao said, "an accident Opportunity, I know a big news. "

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me what you call a secret." Li Xing was impatient.

Lu Tianjiao hurriedly said: "Because there are too many treasures in Tianzhang, they are too precious, which has caused a lot of powerful encounters. Six months ago, three people of Daojun rank joined forces to use a powerful innate treasure. Just enter the core of Tianzang and steal a lot of treasures! "

"So what? This is also a secret?" Li Xing frowned.

"The fact is not over yet, Lord God was alarmed, and led the seven masters of Tianzang to chase and kill seven days and nights, and eventually wounded three Daojun. However, these three people were very cunning and eventually stormed into the death Jedi. That death Jedi This is one of the most dangerous places in Tianyuanzhou. The Lord and his party did not dare to enter, so they had to stop. "

"The death Jedi has a similar singularity as the South China Sea Forbidden Land. People above Fatian can't enter at all, and Taoists can't do it. After entering, they will definitely die. Run away from birth. "Lu Tianjiao said," Li Xing, your strength is amazing among the gods and men. If you enter the dead Jedi, you will definitely find them and get treasure. "

Li Xing hummed, closed his palm, and said, "You can get out."

When Lu Tianjiao was talking, he had secretly inspired the heads of inspiration and sentient beings, examined each other's mind and thought, and knew that the other did not lie. Lu Tianjiao naturally felt what Li Xing was doing to him, but he did not dare to resist.

With forgiveness, Lu Tianjiao said nothing, turned around and left, so far, he can no longer stay, otherwise Li Xing will certainly not let him go. After turning around, a vicious light flashed in his eyes, and his heart trembled: "As long as you enter the dead Jedi, it is impossible to live out!"

Lu Tianjiao withdrew, and Li Xing immediately turned his attention to the war situation. Wu Xiaobao showed his true strength at this time, and every punch was released with a powerful penetrating power. It seemed to shoot and sharp arrows. A dragon prince with double law and heaven was beaten out of breath by him.

Jian Xingtian has the strongest strength, with one enemy and two, still prevailing. The two opponents, both of which are Fatian Quadruple, are relatively strong among the ten Dragon princes.

Jun Qianheng and Nangong Xiaoyi also steadily prevailed, each of them against a Fatian triple dragon.

Four people took over five dragons, leaving five remaining. Among the five dragons, one has the strongest strength and has reached the sixth level of Fatian. It is Ao Hong's Jiu brother who called Ao Yang.

Outside of Aoyang, the rest of the people are also Fatian Er triple practice. This dragon tribe is indeed full of talents, and the princes coming out are almost at the level of law and heaven, which is comparable to the strength of the super martial arts.

Aoyang's law concept has always locked Li Xing, watching his every move. The other four also surrounded him, forming a trend of joint attack.

Li Xingming knew that this was a must-have, so he showed the Jiulongyao, pointed five fingers, and said, "Let's go together."

Although Ao Yang had repaired many levels, he did not dare to underestimate Li Xing and sang: "Everyone shot together and attacked with all their strengths. As long as this person was won, the rest were easy to handle!"

Suddenly, five dragon mages shot. The Dragons have endless talents and possess various abilities. As soon as they shot, there were five magic weapons bombarded immediately, each of them extraordinary, showing a deep background.

You should know that, like Wan Famen and other super big factions, when they entered the ancient forbidden land, they could not do one magic weapon for each person. The five dragons in front of them actually have one magic weapon, and all of them are jade-level magic weapons with nine or more levels of prohibition.

In particular, Aoyang, with a sledgehammer in his hand, possessed a fifteen-level innate spiritual treasure, calling it a tiantian hammer, which was very fierce.

Li Xing knew that he could not hide at this time, and he had to attack with all his strength. He struck out suddenly, and the light and shadows gathered in the sky, and three hundred shadows enveloped him, locking everyone.

The stronger the strength, the fewer the multiples of Li Xing's Guiyuan strike. Previously, he was weak, and he could play 3,000 times more power and leapfrog the powerful enemy. However, his strength is too strong to play 3,000 times.

Three hundred times the combat power is the strongest combat power he can play at this time. No matter how many times, he will be injured. At this time, he cannot be injured.

"Give it a hit! Break me!"

With a loud roar, there was a huge glare, and a large area of ​​bombardment continued. No matter what magic weapon or spell, it was overshadowed by such a mighty power, and lost its light, just like a firefly came to the moonlight, and there was no comparison.

"No! Retreat!"

Aoyang was frightened, madly urged Tian Hammer, and at the same time abruptly retreated.


The hammer, a congenital Lingbao, was directly knocked down, and Aoyang was sprayed with blood and sprayed far away. The other four were even worse. They were not as good as Ao Yang. Three of them died on the spot, and the remaining one was seriously injured.

After a blow, Li Xing's King Kong was covered with fine cracks, but disappeared after a while.

This shock from Li Xing caused the confidence of the other five dragons to be frustrated. When they were distracted, they were successively defeated by Jian Xingtian and others, and they gradually withdrew from the competition.

To everyone's surprise, none of the four dragons persisted to the end. The last five were taken over by Li Xing, Jian Xingtian, Wu Xiaobao, Nangong Xiaoyi, and Jun Qianheng.

Ao Yang beckoned, and the sledgehammer flew back into his hand. He fisted to Li Xing and said, "Admire!" Then he took everyone and left with some sadness.

In the hall, there were only five of Li Xing. They looked at each other, and even Jian Xingtian grinned, which seemed quite unexpected.

In the distance, the great figure made a sound: "There are talents coming from the rivers and mountains, and some of them are young talents. Please stay for a few days in the Dragon Palace." After that, the ghost disappeared.

Guiguanshi laughed: "You guys, if you are successfully selected, you can go to see the five princesses. As for who will eventually become a horse, it depends on the decision of His Royal Highness Five. However, it is not early today, please stay for a few days and wait for the old Make arrangements, and talk about meeting the princess. "

Next, five people were arranged into a side hall, said to be a side hall, but the layout inside was also extremely luxurious. All kinds of antique treasures that Li Xing has never seen or heard before, are placed in the hall in a grand place, as if they are worthless like bricks and tiles.

Since they are staying for a few days and have a long time, several people have decided to play in Dragon Palace.

At this time, five people were sitting in the hall. Li Xing asked, "Brother Nangong, Junjun, what are your plans for the future?"

Jun Qianheng smiled slightly: "If you can't be a horse, find a place to repair."

Nangong Xiaoyi said: "Three enemies have been killed by Li Xing's help, and they can settle everywhere."

Li Xing laughed: "So, how about joining Taixumen?"

These two people are both wizards of the world. If they can join the virtual portal, they can strengthen the power of the virtual portal and increase fresh blood. Not long ago ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Dongxu Taoist also expressed this wish to Li Xing, hoping that he would win Jun Qianheng.

Jun Qianheng laughed: "It sounds true to hear that you have become the master of Taixumen's order. Okay, I join, but I have a request."

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Your requirements should not be too high."

"One thousand gourds Baiyang wine, I don't go to the virtual gate without a drop." Jun Qianheng said earnestly.

Li Xing froze, then laughed: "OK, although this condition is excessive, I promised!" Then he looked at Nangong Xiaoyi.

Nangong Xiaoyi said: "It ’s really difficult to practice without the help of a sect. I have been passed down by the ancestor of the Great Wilderness. I cannot digest it by myself and must be advised by an expert." He paused. "I also joined Taixu Men, but there was also a condition."

Li Xing's face froze: "Is it also a thousand gourd Baiyang wine?" That Baiyang wine is not easy to brew, it is time-consuming and laborious, and he would rather give up a hundred thousand panacea.

Nangong Xiaoyi smiled "Hey" and said, "Wine, just give a hundred gourds. The main request of the younger brother is to worship Li Xing as a brother of a different name."

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