Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 660: 1 Chaohua Dragon

Chapter 48: Turning the Dragon

Li Xing froze, then "haha" laughed, stood up and said: "OK!" Then he looked at Jun Qianheng, as if asking what he meant.

Jun Qianheng moved in his heart. For Li Xing, he really wanted to associate, why not worship? He immediately stood up and said, "Count me!"

Wu Xiaobao also patted his buttocks, squeezing his eyebrows and saying, "If you are together, you have a destiny. If you don't want to abandon, you might as well be a brother?"

Li Xing looked at him and said, "Although you are fine-skinned and tender, you are also bold, well, you are the one!"

At this moment, the silent Jian Xing Tianwu spoke: "Why don't you ask me?"

Li Xing froze, and his heart said that the head of this goods was burned? If you do n’t want to fight with you, even if you are on the Internet, still want to worship?

Jian Xingtian looked to Li Xing: "Can you see if I can join the too virtual gate? If you can join, it will be nothing to worship with you."

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "You are not a Mad Swordman, why do you want to join Taixu Men?"

"Mage Sword Master is dead and was beheaded in the demon forest." Jian Xingtiandao said, "I have no clue now, I just want to find a place to practice well."

Li Xing stared at him, and seemed to see what he was thinking, saying, "You say worship, do you know what worship means?"

"Same life and death." Jian Xingtian said indifferently, "I may not be the one you like, but I will never do what you hate. I have only one advantage, say one or two."

"This advantage is enough." Li Xing waved, "Please!"

As a result, the five talents of the contemporary young generation stood side by side, each age.

Jun Qianheng said: "I have lived forty-three years, the oldest." Then smiled proudly, "I am the boss."

Nangong Xiaoyi reluctantly said: "My younger brother is 37 years old, so he is relatively young."

Sword Execution Day: "Thirty-five years."

Xiao Xiaobao pursed his lips: "The younger brother is seventeen years old, and Gan is at the end."

Then, everyone looked at Li Xing, Li Xing said lightly: "If you count the time of cultivation, I have lived for more than a thousand years, so you are all my age."

Everyone was speechless.

In the end, Li Xing became the boss by cheating. Jun Qian was ranked second, Nangong Xiaoyi was ranked third, Jian Xing was ranked fourth, and Xiao Xiaobao was ranked fifth.

"Today, the heavens are on the ground, and the earth is on the ground. I am Li Xing (Sword of Heaven ...), five brothers, brothers of different surnames. ! "

Having said that, the people bleed blood as an alliance, formally worshiped the heavens and earth, and formed brothers with different surnames.

After the worship, Li Xing immediately took the lead as the boss and said: "Little treasure, don't run away, just go back to Taixumen with your elder brother and practice well to ensure you have wine and meat."

Xiao Xiaobao smiled "Hey": "Of course I listen to Brother."

The brothers chatted for a long time, and then went around. This dragon palace is so big, there are huge palaces everywhere, and I don't know who lives inside. However, secretly, with the guidance of the four princes of the South China Sea, Li Xing found the "Chang'an Temple" where the fourth prince of the Dragon Palace lived.

Outside the Chang'an Hall, there were two listless guards guarding them, but they were all soldiers with a level of energy, just posing. When they met Li Xing, the two didn't even cross-examine, holding their weapons and snoring.

Li Xing was very weird and asked, "This is the residence of the four princes?"

A shrimp soldier raised his head, his eyelids still squinting, and said, "Exactly, why are you looking for a prince?"

What Li Xingxin said couldn't tell you, immediately flashed into the temple. The two guards glanced and remained motionless, as if Li Xing had nothing to do with them.

In the main hall, empty, there was only a huge copper pillar with a thunder rune carved on it, and a thick iron chain like a tree tied to it. The iron chain locked a purple dragon, the scales of which were like caps, and were dead.

This dragon, several kilometers long, is hung on top of a copper pillar. On the copper pillar, "Booming" rang, and at all times, Thunder landed and hit the dragon. And the dragon, every move, didn't seem to know the pain.

"Qin brother!" The South China Sea rushed out of the Jiulong Temple in four rounds and surrounded the Tongzhu.

The people who are bound by the iron chain are the people who think about it day and night, love and hate, the fourth Prince of Dragon Palace!

The dragon opened his eyes and looked at it blankly. Gradually, his eyes appeared energetic and issued a shocking dragon chant: "Ago! Xiaoshuang! Min'er! Xiaomeng!" Girlfriend name.

"Qin brother, who tied you?" Qi Menzhen completely lost his calmness and asked sharply.

Ao Qin shook his body and turned into a middle-aged man. This man, dressed in a blue shirt, has an elegant temperament, giving people a feeling like a spring breeze, no wonder he was able to conquer the Four Seas of the South China Sea.

The man glanced at Li Xing and asked, "Who is he?"

"This is Li Xing, who is too fierce, thanks to him for bringing us here." Gu Jing stepped forward, stroking the scar on the fourth prince, and said with heartache, "Who on earth hates you so much and binds you here?"

The four princes nodded to Li Xing, and then smiled bitterly: "Who else can dare to tie me apart from the Father?"

"What's the matter? How can you offend the Dragon Emperor?" Bai Hua took Bai Hua Wan and Bai Hua Shui from his body and wanted to help him repair the injury.

The fourth prince smiled sadly: "I was sorry for you at first, but for the great cause of the Dragon Palace, I had to marry Princess Moyu of the Qingyue Dragon clan. This woman is so vicious. Although I don't deal with you, she still sends people to plot against you repeatedly."

Tianzheng's face changed: "Three hundred years ago, someone had repeatedly assassinated me and was saved by one person? The person who saved me, was it you? The person who killed me, was it Princess Moyu?"

Ao Qin nodded: "Yes, I'm afraid you see me more sad, so I haven't shown up. However, the vicious woman has to go in, and still carries me several times to kill you. Once, I was furious and cut him off. One arm. "

"Ah! You actually cut her?" The expression on the face of Nanhai Siji was both worried and gloating.

The fourth prince smiled bitterly: "She was angry and returned to Qingyuelong. The king of Qingyuelong was furious and went to the door to ask for guilt. The father had to punish me severely and lock me on the Thunder Pole to suffer 500 years of Thunder. "

"Qin brother, we can save you out!" Qi Menxi immediately said, "Go away and fly!"

Ao Qin sighed: "It's useless, Father Emperor must know you are here."

"What's the matter? Let's die together, even if we die!"

At this moment, a team of shrimp soldiers rushed in, led a triple training of the gods, and exclaimed: "The fourth prince is going to run away, catch him!"

Li Xing felt very funny, but then thought of something, and said, "Four concubines, save people!" Raising his hand to make a big money, the big money sent out a golden light, stepped forward and twisted the Thunder Pile together with the huge iron chain. And cut off, the fourth prince regained his freedom.

The South China Sea was overjoyed, and the four princes were up and leaving. The fourth prince shook his head: "I can't go. Once I leave, the emperor will never forgive me."

Li Xing said, "The four princes, the Dragon Emperor obviously intends to let the water go. If he wants you to leave, how can he send a group of useless soldiers to arrest you? With the power of the Dragon Emperor, he can stop us with a thought. Send someone? "

The fourth prince was suddenly realized, and he gave Li Xing a hand: "Thank you for your guidance, let's go!" A celestial cloud rose up beneath him, holding the Four Seas of the South China Sea, and left. The fourth prince of the Dragon Palace actually has the cultivation of Daojun series!

"Li Xiaoyou, I will repay your kindness in the future!" His voice rolled down like thunder and passed into Li Xing's ear. Qingyun soared into the sky, and went away in an instant. Strangely, there was no one chasing the whole palace.

In the palace of the Dragon Emperor, a guard stepped forward to report: "Your Majesty, the fourth prince is gone, and it is Li Xing who saved him."

The Dragon King said lightly: "This son is bold, but dare to ask about the Dragon Palace, and bet on it!"

As soon as Li Xing came out of the Chang'an Temple, he was captured by a powerful force, and in a blink of an eye he arrived at the Dragon Emperor Temple.

"Li Xing, do you know the guilt?" The majestic voice of Long Huang sounded.

Li Xing calmed down and said, "The junior is guilty, interfered in the housework of Dragon Palace, and released the fourth prince."

"How do you let my emperor deal with you?" Long Huang asked in a deep voice, seemingly already angry.

Li Xing moved in his heart, and said in his heart which one did the Dragon King sing? Could it really be my sin?

At this time, the Great Emperor of Heaven evil said: "Li Xing, you said that you are willing to enter the Dragon Palace for three years and serve the Dragon Palace."

Li Xing knew that the Heavenly Evil Emperor must have a reason, saying: "The younger generation is willing to stay in the Dragon Palace and serve for three years to offset the sin."

The Emperor Long said, "Yeah, you can change your confession. Okay, give you a chance. Come, take the" Dragon Emperor Seal "!"

Li Xing asked secretly: "Master ~ www.readwn.com ~ What is the Dragon Emperor Seal? What ghost is this Dragon Emperor going to do?"

"Mark your body and make you a member of the Dragon Clan." Tianxiedao said, "This Dragon Emperor is a descendant of the orthodox blood of the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Emperor Seal is an ancient fetish that can enclose any living being to become a Dragon Clan. Officer, there is tremendous power. "

Li Xing was startled: "Master, am I going to become a dragon?"

"What's so bad about changing dragons? The world's billions of souls, only the power of dragons is the greatest. It is said that the power of dragons is suppressed by the power of nature, otherwise they will be stronger. You become a member of the dragons and you can cultivate the power of dragons. .Dragons, but have the power inheritance of the dragon elephant. You swallow the dragon elephant's inner dan, and the huge power is sealed in the body. If you want to open it, you can only use the dragon power. "

At this time, a member of the general, Shuang Fu held a big seal over one party. The big seal, square and square, with strange runes carved on it, is extremely mysterious. When the Great Seal appeared, Li Xing felt that something was loose in his body, and a dormant force gradually awakened.

"Li Xing, who is not my family, is not allowed to play in the Dragon Palace. Today, I will use the Dragon Emperor Seal to make you a Dragon Clan!" The Dragon Emperor spoke, and the big seal shot a Huaguang, Huaguang front end, a profound ancient, complex The incomparable symbol was spinning and shot into Li Xing's heart.

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