Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 661: Awakening of Power

Chapter 49: Awakening of Power

As if after a long time, Li Xing's consciousness was momentarily hesitant, and then he woke up again, and felt a special power, dragon power, in his body and the baby.

The core of the Dragon family is Dragon Power. Regardless of its shape and size, as long as it has pure Dragon Power, it is a pure Dragon Family. Among the dragons, even some people are humanoids when they are born, but they also have pure dragon power. They are also pure dragons.

The magic of Dragon Emperor Seal is that it can give an ordinary person dragon power.

The silk dragon power in Li Xing's body is not much, but it is very arrogant. Of course, this silk dragon power cannot be compared with his own divine power. But this is not the point. What he cares about is that this dragon power has awakened the power of the dragon awakening in the body!

A thought rose from the bottom of my heart, as if from the cry of ancient times, traveled through endless time and space, magnificent shore, noble, extraordinary, transcended all the power of the world, and possessed the supreme power of opening up the world.

Li Xing felt that in his body, a true yuan had been awakened, and he could emerge from the cocoon at any time. Inside the dragon elephant, there are one billion true yuans, and each true yuan contains great power!

Feeling the changes in the body, Li Xing thanked the Emperor Dragon calmly.

Dragon Emperor Road: "Li Xing, after today, you will enter the Dragon Palace's patrol ten guards and serve as a cruiser. Will you?"

"Subordinates are willing," Li Xinggong yelled.

"Okay, let's step back and give you March time to prepare. After March, you will enter the patrol guard." Long Huang said.

Li Xing's mind looked like a mirror, and the Dragon Emperor deliberately borrowed his hand to release the fourth prince. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the South China Sea to escape. The so-called punishment of Dragon King is actually a reward.

You know, this Dragon Emperor is still using Dragon Seal for the first time. The Dragon Emperor's Seal is a treasure, and it will not be easily used. I am afraid that it is not as simple as thanking Li Xing for doing so.

Exiting the Dragon Emperor Hall, he secretly asked the Emperor Tianxie: "Master, how do you know that the Dragon Emperor will give me benefits?"

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey" and said, "Speaking of it, being a teacher also belongs to the Dragon family. At the age of thirteen, a dragon emperor used the dragon emperor's seal to give me dragon power and accepted me as a righteous son. . "

"What? The Master is the righteous son of the Dragon Emperor?" Li Xing was surprised, "I don't know which Dragon Emperor was?"

"This dragon emperor should be my nephew." Tianxie said, "His grandpa is the righteous father of the teacher."

This time Li Xing was able to understand why Tian Xie was so clear about the Dragon Palace. He dared that he was originally from Dragon Palace, but he had never mentioned it before.

"It's been a long time ago." Tianxie sighed. "The power of the Dragon Palace today is more powerful than it was then. If you can take this opportunity, it is best to establish friendship with the Dragon Palace."

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Would the Dragon Emperor care about such little people like disciples?"

"You are wrong." Tianxie said, "The Dragon Emperor does not move the Dragon Emperor's Seal easily. Today is an exception. You thought he was bored, so he wanted to give you a seal?"

Li Xingyi: "Master, what other purpose does he have?"

"That is of course, just like the Dragon King was accepted as the righteous son for the teacher, this Dragon King is also for the purpose of attracting people's hearts. You can kill the Heavenly Eater in one stroke. Indifferent? Naturally, I will try my best to win you. Once you achieve something in the future, will you not be a friend of Dragon Palace? "

Li Xing understood it and nodded: "That's the case, this Dragon Emperor is really good. Not only did I let the four princes go by my hand, but also attracted me."

"Of course, he has a high degree of wisdom, and these little things are nothing to him."

During the conversation, Li Xing returned to the side hall. Four people, Jun Qianheng, had been waiting for him for a long time. When he saw him, he asked where he was going. He didn't hide it, so he talked about the four issues in the South China Sea.

Several people were very surprised. Nangong Xiaoyi said, "Brother, you are so brave, you have to take care of things at the Dragon Palace. Fortunately, the Dragon Emperor didn't take any action and only asked you to serve in a realm. That would be nothing."

Jian Xingtian, who closed his eyes and opened his eyes, opened his eyes and said, "I would be willing to serve for ten years, as long as I can get dragon power." Although he didn't like to talk, every word was right.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "This time it is a blessing due to misfortune. I can practice dragon power in the future and let Xiu Xiu go to another level."

Wu Xiaobao sighed: "Brother, I really look forward to what a monster will look like after you enter Fatian. I am afraid that even the Taoist characters can't suppress it."

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, otherwise, how can I be your boss? I have cultivated for thousands of years!"

Four people, including Jian Xingtian, couldn't help but leave Li Xing a blindfold. The so-called practice of one thousand years is too watery, and it is completely cheating.

The matter of the Four Seas in the South China Sea has ended, and the purpose of Li Xing's trip has been achieved. It is no longer necessary to see any of the five princesses. At the moment, "The Dragon Palace is not good, but since it is here, it cannot be abandoned halfway. See what the five princesses look like. "

Jun Qianheng blinked: "I heard that the five princesses are very charming, I wonder if it is true or not?"

"Second Brother, you have to be a pony, beware of being sucked into an adult." Nangong Xiaoyi laughed viciously.

Li Xingdao: "The four of you discussed. As the eldest brother, I decided to leave the opportunity to you."

Xiao Xiaobao's eyes turned, and he said, "My younger brother is the youngest and the weakest, and naturally he can't compete with the three elder brothers, so he also gives up."

Nangong Xiaoyi also suddenly changed his temper and said, "In fact, here at Dragon Palace, I just want to have a long experience. The younger brother is not talented. There are so many confidantes outside, it is not good to leave them out, so I also choose to give up."

This time, three of the five people showed no interest in the five princesses, leaving only Jian Xingtian and Jun Qianheng.

Jun Qianheng hesitated for a moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then sighed: "So there is no suspense, this pony is taken by me." Then the tone turned, "This is really boring, forget it, leave it to the old Four strikes! "

Jian Xingtian opened his eyes and asked Li Xing: "Will you be able to gain dragon power when you are a horse?"

Li Xing: "No."

"Can you promote cultivation?" He asked again.

Li Xing: "No, it may be distracted by women and hinder practice." He told the truth.

Jian Xingtian closed his mouth and stopped talking. Although he didn't say it, his meaning was obvious, and he also gave up to meet the five princesses.

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Everyone walked away, and some couldn't be justified." He rolled his eyes, and as soon as he waved his sleeve, a teenager appeared. This young man has a magnificent face, such as a crown jade, red lips and white teeth, like a jade tree facing the wind.

This boy is Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin and Li Xing have generally practiced for nearly a thousand years, so they have been cultivated soaring and reached the level of the Seven Heavenly Monarchs of Fatian!

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