Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 662: Xiao Jin's Spring

Chapter 50: Xiao Jin's Spring

Xiao Jin ’s advantages as a Dragon are fully manifested. He has a long life and great strength, and his qualifications are far beyond that of human beings. In addition, he has the body of the Eighty-One Heavy Fighting. No wind will fall.

As soon as Xiao Jin came out, he gave Li Xing a respectful gift: "Master." He is no longer the naughty dragon, but he has become a superb and magnificent monarch. However, no matter how he grew up, he was always loyal to Li Xing.

Li Xing blinked and said, "Xiao Jin, these four brothers of different surnames I worshiped, you have seen." Then introduced them one by one.

The Xiaojin met one by one, and then said, "Master asked me to come out, what do you tell me?"

Li Xing coughed and said, "Xiao Jin, you are the oldest, and you should be married. And you, as a dragon, naturally want a dragon girl, right?"

Although Xiao Jinxiu is high and strong, he has always lived in Baiyang Jingtian, surrounded by a group of heartless and heartless people, such as riches, ingots, and magpies, so if it is a human accident, he will not understand.

When Li Xingyi talked about asking for a woman for him, the goods suddenly refreshed, and he nodded again and again: "Everything is listened to by the master." But still couldn't help but ask, "Master, which girl is it? Nianfang geometry? Can there be? Huarongyueyue? "

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, Fangling, you have to ask it yourself, and you have to look at it yourself."

Xiao Jin's heart was tight, and he secretly said, "Broken, it seems that the meaning of the master is not very reliable. Did he agree too quickly?"

It was too late for him to regret it. At this moment, the tortoise manager just came in, and stared at Xiao Jin at a glance. Xiao Jin is also a Dragon clan, and she has a pure bloodline, and Guiguan can't help but praise: "What a young man, I don't know which prince?"

Li Xingdao: "Supervisor, this person is our friend and just arrived at the Dragon Palace. We all feel that we are not as good as this little friend, and we have a young hero, so we decide to quit together and leave the opportunity to the golden son."

"Golden son?" Turtle steward said for a moment, but then laughed again, "Okay, that's the case, then please go to see the five princesses with me."

Xiao Jin was a bit flustered. Since he was a kid, he has been with Li Xing, but when he left, it was not suitable for him.

Li Xing stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Xiao Jin, the person you want to meet is the five princesses of the Dragon Race. If you can see it, you will marry her. If you don't see it, find a chance to leave and return to Tai Xu Men looks for Master. "

Xiao Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and asked secretly, "Master, if you see it, wouldn't you be able to return?"

Li Xing smiled and said, "You are also a member of Tai Xu Men. If you really marry the five princesses, take her to Tai Xu Men."

Xiao Jin's anxiety suddenly disappeared, and he smiled and nodded: "Xiao Jin understands." He followed the turtle manager cheerfully.

Seeing Xiao Jin go away, Jun Qian sighed, "This child is so pitiful that he didn't know he was sold."

Li Xing laughed: "What do you know? Xiao Jin grew up by my side like my little brother, how can I harm him? After all, he is a supernatural dragon, staying on the ground with his hands and feet, might as well let him enter the Dragon Palace , Maybe a better future. "

Jun Qianheng nodded: "If he can gain a foothold in Dragon Palace in the future, it will not be a bad thing for Taixumen and him."

That day, Li Xing and others left Dragon Palace and went to Taixumen together. Xiao Jin was in the palace at the moment and met the five princesses. When the five princesses saw Xiao Jin, Feng Mu suddenly lighted up, but she was slightly surprised, and asked, "Why is this guy coming alone by you? Other people?"

The tortoise brought the person here, and interjected: "His Royal Highness, the other five people are ashamed of themselves, so they left early."

The practice of the five princesses has reached Fatian five points, but compared with Xiao Jin, he is weak and pathetic. The powerful momentum emanating from Xiao Jin made her feel happy. Even better, Xiao Jin is also a dragon, not a human.

In fact, the heart of the Dragons is very despised for human beings. Even the best human man, the five princesses do not look at them.

Xiao Jin also looked at the five princesses at this moment, and saw that the woman's waist was less than a grip, and her ten-fingered fingers were so beautiful that she was intoxicated with a smile. At this moment, the two met their eyes, and the five princesses forgot a few good-looking men, leaving only Xiaojin in their hearts.

Dragon women, unlike humans, do not pay much attention to virginity, and there are not so many three outlines and five constants. When they like it, they often express their love directly, and even in a short period of time they can sleep together in bed and enjoy love. .

Three days later, the Dragon Emperor announced that he had entered into a marriage contract with Taixumen. Xiaojin will go to Dragon Palace to marry the five princesses three years later.

When five people from Li Xing arrived in Taixu Beiyuan, the news had not yet arrived. The five of them stayed for a while in Taixuebeiyuan, then passed through the legal array to the great wilderness, and entered Taixumen.

Taixumen is not as it used to be. As the opposite side is the Dongxuan people, the defense is tight. Li Xing brought back four extraordinary characters and immediately alarmed the high level. Qingchen came out to meet and asked, "Li Xing, who are they?"

Li Xing laughed: "Elder Qingchen, these four are the disciples' brothers. They will all join Taixumen in the future."

Qing Chen was shocked and happy. He could see at a glance that the qualifications and cultivation of the four were all excellent. It would be a great joy to join Taixumen. The elder erupted with five people in a hurry, straight into the Taixu Hall.

When I heard that Li Xing brought four talents, Dongxu, Dongji, Dongyin and Tianzhu all walked out of their own Dongtian, it depends on who Lixing brought.

Li Xing led people into the hall ~ www.readwn.com ~ to see the ceremony, and the other four also met with all the seniors.

Dong Xu's eyes first fell on Jian Xingtian, and his expression shook, and he immediately felt an indomitable will to fight with heaven and earth. In addition, this person's cultivation has reached the fourth level of Fa Tian, ​​and his body is extraordinary. At a glance, he knows that he has practiced extremely powerful unique skills.

Looking at that small palace in Nangong, the whole body released a kind of sacred atmosphere of great famine. Jun Qianheng and Wu Xiaobao also have their own singularities, and their qualifications are not under Nangong Xiaoyi.

"OK! OK! OK!"

Dongxu said: Hi, I called three times in a row, and Xu Xu smiled and asked, "Why did you join the Taixumen?"

Xiao Xiaobao smiled with a "hee hee": "Brother is too virtual, so of course we have to join too."

The hole machine "haha" laughed and said, "Li Xing, you have made great achievements this time! Four outstanding talents have been added to Taixumen!"

Dong Yin immediately said: "I suggest that they be promoted directly to their core disciples to assist Li Xing in handling martial affairs!"

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