Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 671: Li Xuanbai

Chapter 59: Li Xuanbai

Tiandaomen supported a 10,000-way gate, and the Dragon Emperor decided to unite with Taixumen. However, sloppy alliances may be resisted by too fictitious doors, so Li Xing is used as a bridge to build trust. He has clearly made it clear that Li Xing has a very high position in Taixumen and is trusted by him.

Thinking about this section, Li Xing said: "The righteous father has a long-term vision. Is it necessary to give full support to Taixumen?"

"Even if it is supported, Taixumen will pay a price. Taixumen is different from Wanfamen. Wanfamen is a vassal of Tiandaomen, but Taixumen is not, so help is conditional." Long Huang said bluntly, "But no matter Anyway, the result will be good for both Dragon Palace and Taixumen. "

Li Xing nodded, and understood that the game between the big factions, which contained deep wisdom, was not as simple as it seemed.

"Since you came to the Dragon Palace, if you want to gain a foothold, you must first give credit. The wild journey is an opportunity. As long as you can make a contribution, after the turn, the emperor will officially announce that you are the righteous son. , And the king for you. "Dragon King Road," the barren land, there are many fierce dangers, but it will really threaten you, it should be the dragon people. "

"Dragon?" Li Xing was puzzled.

"Sinners of the Dragon Palace will be exiled into the depths of the wild, they are all very dangerous. Therefore, the emperor decided to send you a Dragon Palace treasure to defend yourself."

As soon as Long Huang waved his sleeve, an octagonal whip appeared in front of Li Xing. The form of this whip is similar to that of tadpoles, and its size is similar. There is a strange atmosphere flowing on it, which makes Li Xing feel threatened.

"This is a dragon whip. With a whip, you can destroy the dragon's power on the other side and absorb it for the whip. Once the dragon whip comes out, you can fight the dragons below the state. Even if you are a dragon person, you also You can block one. "Dragon King Road.

Li Xing was taken aback. It seems that this dragon whip is indeed a treasure! He immediately thanked him and asked Tian Xie, "Master, do you know the origin of this whip?"

"I only heard about it as a teacher, and haven't seen it before," Tianxie said. "Your boy is much better off than when he was a teacher."

After accepting the dragon whip, the Dragon Emperor taught another opportunity, and said, "You can do whatever you want without thinking about the consequences. This emperor will send you three amulets. In case of danger, you can use it. Guarantee. "

The three amulets given by the Dragon Emperor contained a very powerful Taoist skill, which seemed no worse than the big money given by Mr. Qian Da. He was naturally rude and accepted it all. With the amulet, presumably encountering characters in the realm can also block.

After leaving the Dragon Emperor, Li Xing decided to look at Xiao Jin before leaving. Xiao Jin has been living with the five princesses in recent months. The two are like paint and glue, and they are not separated for a moment.

Taken by the palace slaves to the Princess Mansion, Xiao Jin hurriedly greeted him and was about to worship. Li Xing supported him and smiled: "Xiao Jin, you and I will be commensurate in the future."

Xiao Jin hesitated, and said, "Master, how can this work? The master is the master and cannot be a brother." He shook his head again and again.

Li Xing didn't say a word, he clapped his head with a "slap" and drank, "Don't you listen to my words?"

Xiao Jin narrowed his neck, opened his mouth, and said indistinctly: "Big ... big brother."

Li Xing was satisfied, and said, "You will be too vain son-in-law in the future. Xiao Jin's name can't be called." After thinking about it, "Why don't you name me Li, as for the name ..."

"How about Li Xuanbai?" Suddenly, a woman, enchanting, stepped out from behind and looked at Li Xing with a smile.

Li Xing arched his hand: "Five Princesses."

"General Fubo need not be polite. You are also the father-in-law and son of equal status with me." She glanced at Xiao Jin and said, "Xuanbai is my name for him."

Li Xing naturally couldn't scan his brother's face and nodded: "Okay, it's called Xuanbai, Li Xuanbai."

Xiao Jin smiled "Hey," and asked, "Brother, I heard you're going outside, it's better to take me."

Li Xing shook his head: "After a while, you are going to have a wedding with the five princesses. Be prepared for such major events. You can stay for a while and then return to Taixumen to prepare for marriage. How can you run around with me?"

When Xiao Jin wanted to be polite, she nodded.

Li Xing looked at Xiao Jin's hands and didn't have a weapon in his hand, so he took the shot from the black dragon king and took out the big gun, saying: "This gun is self-defense, this gun is extraordinary, there must be a secret in it, hope You can break through. "

Xiao Jin took the gun in his hand, his eyes lit up, and shouted, "Good gun!"

Li Xing took out another twenty fruits of strength and gave them to him, saying, "This is the fruit of strength, a priceless treasure. You and the five princesses, ten of each, can only take one each month to increase their mana."

The five princesses were a sighted person. At a glance, she knew that the object was extraordinary. Her heart jumped and she couldn't help asking: "General, what is the effect of this power?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Serving one will at least increase the power of a quadruple mage."

The five princesses were shocked at once. This little fruit is so effective? However, Xiao Jin's expression was calm. He knew the fruit was amazing, but he just smiled and put it away.

The five princesses reacted with great joy. She didn't quite understand at first that Xiao Jin, a big man, was not weak. Why did she admire Li Xing so much? At this point, she finally knew something.

It seems that the former owner of his own man is really different and has great secrets on his body. She turned her eyes and worshiped Li Xing: "Thank you, brother!"

Li Xing said with a smile: "I am the right son of Dragon Emperor, so I asked you to call Five Sisters. Five Sisters, my brother has been with me all the time. You have to bear more. If there is anything, feel free to do so. you can look for me."

The five princesses laughed: "Brother, rest assured, I listen to everything."

On the same day, Li Xing stayed in the Princess Mansion, ate a meal with Xiao Jin and the five princesses, and talked a few words before leaving.

Tonight, on the big bed of the five princesses, Xiao Jin lay on her back. The five princesses lay asleep in his arms, playing with his killing rod passionately, jade cheeks flushed, and shortness of breath.

Xiao Jin held his hands behind his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

The five princesses slowly slid the jade hand up to his chest and asked softly, "Xuanbai, what are you thinking?"

Xiao Jindao: "I was thinking, if I can go to the wild with my brother, it must be wonderful."

"Wonderful?" The five princesses stunned, "Aren't you afraid of meeting a strong enemy? Would you like to say wonderful?"

Xiao Jin grinned: "Brother came along all the way, the hardship he encountered was not understandable at all, no one can stump him."

"You are so confident in him?" The five princesses obviously disapproved. "No matter how strong you are, you are just a god-man. Your strength is not worse than him now."

Xiao Jin didn't seem to want to say anything deep, smiled, and said nothing.

The five princesses were aroused and asked, "Xuanbai, tell me, what's the secret of your elder brother?"

Xiao Jin's body was stiff, a cold light shot in her eyes, staring at the five princesses, and she regretted secretly that she should not ask this question.

"Big brother thing, you should never ask more, unless he grows up the day, I can tell you." His tone was extremely firm, it seemed to change a person instantly.

The five princesses were shocked and annoyed, and said to myself that I was your woman, how could they not be compared to a big brother with a different name? Where does she know that this little Jin can be said to have been fed little by little by Li Xing, and the two are sympathetic, and Li Xing's position in his heart is unshakable.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask, will it be okay?" She converted to Xiao Jinhuai again, and said, "You look so scary."

Xiao Jin was silent for a moment and said, "I only tell you one sentence, you must remember."

The five princesses asked curiously, "Which sentence?"

"Fighting with my elder brother must end miserably; and being my elder brother's friend, you can definitely make peace." Xiao Jin said lightly.

The five princesses were shocked. What kind of person was Li Xing? Is it really so scary?

Li Xing was in a good mood. Xiao Jin finally grew up, and he also married his wife and became a dragon horse. At that time, the two of them joined forces, and it was a general trend in the Dragon Palace.

He flew all the way south. With the sea maps collected by the Dragon Palace on his body, he was not afraid of getting lost and everything was safe on the way. Even when he encountered a half monster, he was killed casually.

After flying for nearly two months, Li Xing only reached the sphere of influence of King Zhou. Here, it belongs to a place where the barren sea is relatively deep. The demon runs rampant and is extremely dangerous. Along the way, Li Xing could hardly see a figure, all the monsters and ghosts were infested, and there was no good generation.

Looking around, there are boundless seas, boundless, and there is a small feeling in it. Li Xing was struck by gunfire and found an island five thousand miles away. Someone practiced on the island and decided to ask about the situation nearby.

At this point, with a divine thought, he could quickly shoot something around five or six thousand miles away, and he could see all the clues.

Li Xing was able to rush to the place where the divine thoughts reached. When he came over the island, he saw an old man with a unkempt face and a knot of quail clothes, sitting motionless on the island.

There was no trace of life on the old man, and he seemed dead.

The grass on the island is not raw, smooth and gray-green.

Li Xing watched for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ played a chief post and asked: "This old senior, please!"

The old man was motionless, didn't seem to hear it, and seemed to be really dead.

Li Xing simply jumped onto the island and sat across from the old man, feeling his breath. Just looking at it like this, for a long time, he took out a gourd Baiyang wine and waited while drinking.

As soon as the wine came out, the old man twitched his nose, suddenly opened his eyes and called, "Wine?"

Li Xing smiled "Hey," "Not only wine, but good wine."

"Bring it!" The old man stretched out his hands as if the wine belonged to his family.

Li Xing was also generous and passed it directly.

The old man snatched the gourd and drank it a few times. After a few touches of wine, a long whistle, shouted, "Good wine! I haven't drank for five hundred years. It's so cool! "

Li Xing's eyes widened suddenly and asked in surprise: "Senior, have you not drunk for five hundred years?"

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