Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 672: The End of the World Begging.

Chapter 60: The End of the World

"It's five hundred and thirty years!" The old man looked angry, "The **** in the ice is killing the old man for five hundred and thirty years!"

Li Xing was startled. The ice mage was already dead. It seemed that the old guy had waited for a long time. The life of an ordinary mage is only over a thousand years, and this person actually spent more than 500 years here!

"What do you call seniors?" Li Xing handed a gourd Baiyang wine again.

The old man glanced at Li Xing and said, "I was going to kill you, but I read about the love of wine and spare your life." Then, he drank the second gourd wine for a while.

Li Xing smiled bitterly, but was wary in his heart, holding a large piece of money in his hand, he could sell at any time.

After drinking alcohol, the old man looked a little dazed, and asked, "Boy, who are you? Why did you break into the husband's territory?"

Li Xingdao: "The junior is too disciple, and by chance, he was going to ask for directions from his predecessor."

The old man smiled "Hey": "It turned out to be a pass. You asked my name. It seems that five hundred years later, few people in Tianyuan know that I am begging in the end of the world, ridiculous, sad!"

The End of the World Begging? It seems that this old ghost is not a good person, Li Xing is more vigilant, but he handed in the third gourd Baiyang wine, and said, "Listen to the seniors, and hate Master Mengbing?"

Tianya begged and stared at Li Xing: "How? You know where the ice is?"

Li Xing sighed, "Mage Frost has long since died. Don't the seniors know?"


Tianya begged and jumped up, then laughed loudly, and then cried, as if groaning at night.

Li Xing was confused this time. Is this person sad or happy?

"Ice is really dead?" Tianya begged.

"Really dead." Li Xing confirmed again.

The old man suddenly stood up. As soon as he stood up, Li Xing felt a sense of coercion. This coercion is only available to the characters in the state! This end of the world begging, has actually reached the state!

"Xiaoyou, thank you for telling me this news." Tianya begged to worship Li Xing, "If it weren't for you, I would have to wait hundreds of years."

Li Xing smiled and said quickly: "Predecessors are kind."

Tianya's begging tone turned, and Senran said, "However, you have also broken the old man's affairs, so after I thank you, I will still kill you."

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, and he asked, "Even if you want to kill the junior, let the junior die understand?"

"Okay, you want to hear, I can tell you all the causes and consequences." Tianya begged to be aggressive, and sat down again. In his opinion, Li Xing is just a good man of God, and it is impossible to run out of his palm.

"The old man was a casual repairman, and he was a close friend with another cold repair mage. I and I were both Fatian Qizhong, walking the world without any disadvantage. But even the best friends, once there is a conflict of interest, they are also finished. ! "

Tianya begging began to tell the past, his face full of hatred.

"One day, the two of us walked in the South China Sea and found a cave house left by ancient times! There is not much in that cave house, but there is one very precious, that is the eyeball of Xingdi in the era of ancient myths!"

Li Xing's heart was beating. The **** of the star emperor was the master of the star chart of the Da Zhoutian. The eye of the star emperor was very useful for him to worship the star chart of the Da Zhou and practice the star emperor.

Originally, there was almost no hope for sacrificing the star map of Da Zhou, and the Xingdi Jing could not be cultivated. However, if there is a star emperor's eyes and everything is solved, he can absorb this power with the power of faith!

According to legend, the **** of the star emperor is not trivial and can accept the belief of the stars. All the stars are his followers, so he is called the star emperor!

Although the mood was surging, Li Xing didn't move, and said, "So you started a conflict, and the ice mage took the eye of the star emperor?"

"Huh! You're too underestimated. This man is insidious and cunning. He said to me that the power of the Emperor could not be absorbed at all unless he reached the state. I suggest that the two of them should find a place to cultivate separately. , You can get that treasure first. "

"The two of us then went south and north to find their own land to cultivate. But he actually used the witch gate method to control me and lock it here with a spiritual curse! But since he is dead, my spiritual curse is also unlocked and he can be free. It's up! "

Li Xing sighed: "If a person dares to swear to the spiritual curse, then no matter how overwhelming existence is, he must reach an oath, otherwise he will be bitten back. This is one of the Eight Wild Sins, one of the 72 major curses."

"You know?" The End of the World Begging was unexpected.

"Of course I know." Li Xing narrowed his eyes. "But I still don't understand. Why are you killing me?"

"Although Icy counted me, I didn't know that I had made great progress in these five hundred years, and practiced all the way to the tenth level of Fatian, I had reached the level of Taoist people! If you do n’t tell me that Icy is dead, I will continue to conflict, Become Daojun and even Daozun! "

"So you're killing me, is it that I'm preventing you from continuing your hard work?" Li Xing hummed. "It's guilty to help, but it's guilty not to help you."

Tianya begged "haha" with a smile: "I have always begged for no reason, boy, I've told you so much, and I can be an understandable ghost, and I will take you on my way now."

The word "road" didn't come out. Li Xingyang printed a big seal with his hand. As soon as the big money came out, it turned into a golden light and begged the world. With such a short distance, completely unguarded, Tianya begging was swept directly by Jin Guang, making a scream.

At the same time, an amulet sent by the Dragon Emperor was also sacrificed and turned into a thick golden dragon in a bucket, protecting Li Xing's whole body and preventing invasion. The Golden Dragon can not only protect himself, but also launch terrible attacks on nearby enemies.

The end of the world is begging forever, Li Xing's shot is such a powerful move, one accidentally, he was seriously injured. He was angry and preparing to fight back. Li Xing suddenly persecuted and attacked him with the help of Jinlong outside.

As soon as the dragon amulet came into contact with the beasts of the world, the golden dragon was divided into two and the second golden dragon was divided. The golden dragon entangled the beggars of the earth and wrapped it tightly.

The power of Jinlong represents the will of the Dragon Emperor.

With a smile, Li Xing said, "Old ghost, since you want to become a Daojun, how about giving you a place to cultivate?" With a wave of his hand, he was directly taken into Chiyang Jingtian.

The body was completely controlled by Jinlong, and Tianya's begging no matter how high it was would be useless. Li Xing was taken away and suppressed to Chiyang Jingtian.

In Jingtian, Yaya yelled and roared like thunder: "Boy, who the **** are you? There's no such thing as a virtual door!"

Li Xing said coldly: "My other identity is the righteous son of the Dragon Emperor. The golden dragon that locked you just now is the power of the Dragon Emperor. You are begging at the end of the earth, and you will stay here and practice until you become a Taoist Supreme how is it?"

Tianya begged fiercely at Li Xing: "Boy, do you think you can cure me?"

"Of course I can stop you." Li Xingdan said indifferently, "unless your cultivation is higher than the ancestor of Chunyang, here is the Jiuyang Jingtian of the ancestor of Chunyang!"

If the end of the world is begging forever, Chunyang ancestor is the No. 1 person in the Heaven and Man list. These nine Yangjing days are of great power and cannot escape. But for a moment, he sneered, "Don't you want to know the whereabouts of Xingdi's eyes?"

"Of course I want to know." Li Xing bluntly said, "you will tell me."

"Let me tell you?" Tianya begged sneer, "Aren't you a fool?"

"You're not a fool, but you must be afraid of death." As soon as Li Xing waved, the repression began to work, and Tianya begging immediately felt that his road tires were torn and could be broken at any time.

As soon as the Tao tire was broken, his cultivation was abolished, and since then it has become an ordinary person, and his life has been exhausted immediately.

"You are so hard!" Tianya begged loudly. "Okay, I tell you, but what guarantee can you give me?"

"I can assure you that I won't touch you, and I won't hang you with a large array. One day, when I am strong enough, I can even let you out." He said in his mouth, but thought in his heart, "I will come in later When Dongtian practices several times, this old ghost will run out of life. "

The End of the World begged: "To this day, toughness is useless, only temporary imagination and jealousy. As long as you give me a period of time to elevate the realm to Daojun, you may not be able to break the **** here. Although the ancestor of Chunyang is powerful, It's not him! "

Both of them turned their minds, and Tianya begged to tell Li Xing the position.

Li Xing can conclude that before the ice mage had time to take away the star emperor's eyes, people were conspired by evil. Speaking of which, he and Tianya are beggars, both are sinister villains.

Asking for the location, Li Xing stepped out of it and was ready to go immediately to see the situation. Hundreds of years later, the thing may not be there, and it may have been discovered and taken away by a second group of people.

After leaving the island and flying to the southwest shortly afterwards, I saw a flame, three thousand miles long, with a mountain-like peak, crossing in front, blocking the way. The flame was reddish, and a red-robed mage sat on it, meditating with eyes closed, motionless.

Li Xing took a closer look at www.readwn.com ~ and saw that there was a lot of spirits floating in the flames, his hands stretched out, and he seemed to want to escape from the sea of ​​fire, making a scream of screams. Obviously it was a flame, but there was a gust of wind and cold.

"The visitor is a guest, please enter the sea of ​​fire." The mage murmured.

Li Xing was also an insightful person, recognizing that the fire called the god-burning fire. This fire has a characteristic, after killing, you can ingest the soul. The more you ingest the spirits, the greater the power of ghost fire.

This flame is three thousand miles long. I am afraid that hundreds of millions of people have lost their lives, otherwise it would not be so spectacular.

With a sneer, Li Xing really went to the sea of ​​fire.

As a result, the mage opened his eyes instead, very surprised. The average person always has to resist, he has to catch it by himself. Isn't this person afraid of death?

But he soon realized that his face was hard to look.

Li Xing walked into the sea of ​​fire, feeling that the flame wanted to extract his soul at that moment, but he couldn't break through his body at all. On the contrary, a large amount of ghost fire was drawn into the altar of the body between his thoughts and sacrifice directly!

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