Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 673: Demon Camp

Chapter 61: Demon Camp

The body of Jiuyang, the body of war, the body of fighting, the body of King Kong, and the body of Heavenly Destroyer, Li Xing's physical strength is arrogant.

Instead, he took the opportunity to sacrifice ghost fire. Among these ghost fires, there is a powerful soul power. After sacrificing, you can exchange for an interesting power. This kind of power can barely be called "agile power".

After acquiring this kind of power, the reaction speed and attack speed will be greatly improved. Even the speed of Li Xing's practice can be improved, and it seems that the whole life has been accelerated. Of course, his vitality will not be expended quickly.

"It turns out that soul power can be exchanged for such a good thing!" Li Xing was surprised.

However, the mage crooked his nose. This god-burning ghost and fire is his treasure. How can Li Xing be consumed? Immediately howling, a sword light was shot, and Li Xing was cut.

This person's cultivation is that Fa Tian is five-fold, and the sword light he emits is also very sharp. It is a magic weapon flying sword when it is killed in the sky.

In the face of the Feijian attack, Li Xing didn't move, and stretched out his hand. There was only a "click" sound, and Jian Guang was directly crushed. He was able to slay even Master before, not to mention this small five-fold mage.

With one palm breaking the sword, Li Xing grabbed the mage the second time. Shrouded in power, the mage was stiff and unable to move, and screamed, "Boy, do you know who I am?"

Li Xing stopped and asked, "Who are you?"

"This mage is a ghost-fire mage under the throne of Da Zhou, you dare to move me, and Da Zhou will definitely crush you to corpses!" The other growled.

Li Xing snorted: "I can make you smash tens of thousands of corpses now." With a cut of the palm, Han Guangjian cut off, he cut off one of his arms and threw it into the altar to sacrifice.

The ghost-fire mage screamed again and again, only to know that he encountered a ruthless man, and immediately begged for mercy: "God is forgiving!"

Li Xing absorbed him into Jingtian, suppressed it, and then collected all the ghostly fires. This god-burning ghost fire is a treasure cultivated by the ghost-fire mage in the realm of kingdoms, but at this time it was sacrificed by Li Xing in exchange for the power of agility.

In the underworld, a force descended, Li Xing felt as if he had put on his wings, his movements and thoughts were more rapid. When all the ghost fires were sacrificed, his body flickered, and the whole person turned into a light and shadow, and the speed of flying maggots was nearly doubled than before!

"Good thing! Unfortunately, it's too little, otherwise you can get more agile power." Li Xing was a bit sorry.

At the same time, the repressed ghostfire mage in Jingtian also said everything he knew. The Great Zhou King has now gathered three million demons. These demons, including the Great Zhou King, have six routes.

The other five road horses are: Yinshan King, Poison Bee King, Bloodbeard King, King Kong King, and King Dali. Five passers-by, together with King Zhou, merged three million, and the force was huge, which had stirred the entire barren field.

In addition, King Zhou is meeting secret visitors in recent days. Legend has it that the visitor also has a great identity and will cooperate with King Zhou to attack the Dragon Palace together.

After Li Xing heard it, he was surprised, and asked some details in detail before he knew that the situation was critical. The Dragon Emperor underestimated the ability of King Zhou. He immediately contacted the Dragon Emperor through the method of airborne transmission to report the current situation.

The Dragon Emperor only transmitted one idea: "Find a way to mix in with King Zhou and investigate clearly."

With the order, the search for the Eye of the Star Emperor could only be temporarily put on hold. He immediately decided to go to the King Zhou and pretend to take refuge. The ghost-fire mage confessed that King Zhou recently recruited soldiers to buy horses. Anyone with some skills could make them.

The place where King Zhou is is a camp. That camp, I do not know what magic weapon turned into, blocked the entire sky, covering an area of ​​100,000 miles! The enchantment was soaring, the enchantment was high, I don't know how many demons and monsters were stationed, and the strange strong ones.

Li Xing changed his appearance a little to avoid anyone knowing him here. In fact, the wildness is far from inland, and it is basically impossible for anyone to recognize him. But be careful.

As soon as the camp was near, two god-men greeted him and yelled, "Who's here? But to join the army?"

It turned out that almost every time someone came to vote, these gods and men asked Li Xing habitually. Li Xing naturally followed the trend: "Exactly, my younger brother is going to play for His Majesty King Zhou, please introduce two older brothers!"

While talking, he took out twenty elixir from his arms and gave ten each.

Seeing Li Xing's interest, the two gods laughed. One said, "It's easy to tell us to ask Xinlou first. After passing the test, you can join the army directly."

This test, Li Xing also learned from Ghostfire Master's mouth. The so-called test is presided over by a wizard. The wizard knew a means of "his heart", which could see the heart of man.

Of course, if the opponent is too high, the wizard cannot do anything. However, on the surface, Li Xing's practice is to practice the Sevenfold God. The opponent will not doubt it, and he has his own way to deal with it.

On the way, the two gods led the way. Li Xing saw a barracks, connected together. It was quite like the weather he had in the camp of Tianchen *.

Along the way, many monsters came and went, and no one was seen. At this moment, Li Xing was very conspicuous and attracted many people's attention.

"Where's the kid? Find a chance and eat him secretly." Some monsters even started to think of Li Xing.

Finally arrived at Wenxin Tower, a three-story, jade-built building with a wizard sitting on it. The god-man stopped outside the building and said, "Inside is 'Heart Master,' you'd better be disciplined, otherwise you will be punished."

Li Xing nodded and strode into Wenxinlou.

In the middle of the lobby on the first floor, there was a black robe wizard, who had a strong wave of witch power. Throughout Tianyuanzhou, very few people knew witchcraft, and it was rare to be able to meet him. Li Xing couldn't help wondering.

"Who's coming?" The wizard asked with a stiff expression, eyes closed.

"Repair Li Changxing," Li Xing said, "for the army."

The other side suddenly opened his eyes. Suddenly, two faint Guanghua shot over and hit Li Xing. When he died, he felt that his infant child began to fluctuate, and immediately split into a avatar to let the other party control.

This avatar was set by Li Xing as a simple idea, that is, to join the army, and was temporarily isolated, it is exactly equivalent to the cultivation of a sevenfold god-man, and the wizard saw it thoroughly. However, Li Xing's deity is intact and unaffected.

The wizard retracted his gaze and nodded: "You practice the Sevenfold God, become ordinary and serve as Captain." Then he threw a sign to Li Xing.

This sign is the identity certificate of Li Xing in the future. With it, he can stay with King Zhou for a period of time to collect information.

Leaving Wenxinlou, the two gods were still waiting outside. One took the Li Xingfu card and glanced at him with a smile: "Yes, you have been assigned to the Jiayi Banner, the fierce character camp, Jiuwu."

However, how Li Xing looked and how they felt their smiles were not good. Fierce word camp? It doesn't look like a good place.

After the two gods sent Li Xing to the B Banner and the fierce character camp, they left.

It turned out that the soldiers under King Zhou had a hundred soldiers as a unit, ten soldiers as a battalion, and ten battalions as a banner. There are more than 10,000 soldiers under one flag. The King Zhou mastered the Sixty Banner soldiers, named A, B and Bing Ding.

There are ten camps in Jiayi Banner, and the fierce camp is one of them.

Li Xing, as Chief Wu, naturally had to meet Ying Hou first. When he arrived at the camp, Li Xing found that the demons here were all evil and evil, and even a few of them were ready to pounce on him when they saw him. Fortunately, they were drunk by two escorts.

"Duck! He's the one chosen by the black heart wizard, do you dare to move?" As soon as he said that, the demons immediately calmed down.

The camp account of the fierce battalion was directly a huge copper pot that was buckled down and filled with a piece of Heisensen, filled with demons, demons, and ghosts.

Outside the camp account, the two godheads showed their fear, and they did not dare to enter, and said to Li Xing: "The camp hou is in it, you can report yourself, let's go."

Li Xing didn't feel anything, and went in with a big swing. In the darkness, he saw a human-shaped black ape holding a piece of flesh and bone towards him. Li Xing knew, however, that the bone was a human arm bone.

Looking at the underground, the bones were gnawed clean everywhere, which made people nauseous.

The humanoid black ape must be Ying Hou, he didn't seem to see Li Xing, and took care of himself. At last, he clicked and bit his bones and ate them. It looked like he was eating sugar cane.

After eating, the black ape raised his head, stared at Li Xing with a pair of fierce eyes, and smiled sternly: "It turned out to be a human, it was good, it must be delicious."

He laughed strangely, as soon as the ape arm stretched out, he grabbed Li Xing's neck.

Outside the camp, a demon murmured.

"That human being is stupid. I do n’t know if I get into the camp account, will he grow up a good meal?"

"The Yinghou Conference likes to eat human babies the most, hehe."

"That's good, so that Lord Ying Hou will not even eat us."

But he said that in the camp ~ www.readwn.com ~ The other party grabbed it, Li Xing greeted him with his hand, and firmly grasped the furry hand, and said arbitrarily, "Mixed things, want to eat me?"

"Click!" With a crisp sound, the black ape's entire arm bone was broken, and a scream of the ape was made.

Li Xing stepped forward and reached into Ape's mouth to pull his teeth. The black ape had a happy heart, and took a chance to bite it hard, don't want to, it seemed as if it had bitten the diamond, and when the tooth hurt, it knocked out a few.

Li Xing said ruthlessly: "Without teeth, I see how you eat people."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Each tooth was chopped off, and the blood of the black ape's mouth was dripping and roaring. No matter how it struggles or kicks Li Xing, it won't hurt him.

Instead, Li Xing snorted, grabbed the scarlet tongue, and swooped hard.


The blood was radiated, and the black ape's tongue was disconnected from the root of the tongue, taking a large flesh of flesh and fainting with pain.

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