Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 675: Blood Shadow Taoist

Chapter 63: Blood Shadow Taoist

Thousands of demon soldiers rushed to the past, and suddenly a gong rang. Thousands of blood rays rushed out of the Blood Bat Island, and in each blood light was a blood bat spirit. These blood bats have turned into humans, holding swords and halberds, and shouting to kill.

The armies of the two sides fought one after the other, the swords came and went, and as soon as they came into contact, they were wounded. Both sides are more fierce, and they must die from birth, especially the blood bat spirit. After killing the enemy, immediately **** the blood essence and improve their strength. Obviously, they have cultivated a unique evil skill.

Li Xing stood in the air, his expression remained motionless. It seemed that he didn't care much about the killing below. His eyes have been locked on Blood Bat Island, and on this island, there is a great figure who has not yet shot.

The opponent's powerful character did not shoot, he did not move, so it was consumed. Gradually, the blood bat army could not support it. Although they were fierce, their overall improvement was still inferior.

More and more blood bat spirits were beheaded and their heads were cut off by the monsters and monsters and held in their hands.

At this moment, a terrifying blood rushed up from the Blood Bat Island. The overbearing power made Li Xing's complexion change too much. He said nothing and turned away. As soon as the other party came out, he knew that the strength was too scary, and it was not a series at all.

The blood was so fast that after rushing to the sky, it suddenly enveloped it, as if a blood-colored light curtain swept fiercely. The fighting ceased immediately, and all the people in the A and B flags stood in the air with dull expressions.

If you look closely, you will find that they have no breath and are dead!

In that blow of blood, kill all the invading army, so that the air can condense into a shadow of blood. This blood shadow is the ancestor of Blood Bat Island, the blood shadow Taoist!

The blood shadow Taoist screamed, "Big Zhou, why send these little people to death and come out to fight with the Taoist!"


A tall body appeared in the air. This man is a middle-aged man, with a magnificent momentum and a dreadful head. At a glance, he knows that he is a dragon figure. He is the King of Zhou!

King Zhou's cultivation has reached the level of Daojun, and he is better than the Blood Shadow Taoist.

"Blood shadow, when you steal Qian Kunshi, you should know the consequences, I will not let you go!" King Zhou's voice was full of anger.

"How do you know that it was me who stole Qian Kunshi?" Xueying Taoist sneered, "Do you think that only I can move you nearby?"

"Not you?" Wang Zhou raised his eyebrows. "Is there anyone else?"

"Of course not me!" Xueying Taoist sneered, "What's the use of Qiankun Stone for me? To my Taoist, Qiankun Stone is not even as precious as Blood God Grass."

King Zhou was silent, and Qian Kunshi, which was very important to him, was stolen. He immediately thought of the Blood Shadow Taoist. This blood shadow Taoist has always refused to accept his control and repeatedly opposed.

However, at this time, after thinking about it, he felt that the Blood Shadow Taoist did not have to steal Qian Kunshi.

The Blood Shadow Taoist said, "I know you want to use Qian Kun Stone to awaken the Barbara Emperor. Isn't it offensive to all people to steal this thing? Barbara's birth is good for us all.

King Zhou asked: "Who do you think stole Qiankun Stone?"

Blood Shadow Taoist: "There are not many people who can enter your cave sky and steal Qiankun Stone unconsciously!

Da Zhou Wang Yiyi: "Can't your shadow be transformed?"

"No, my blood shadow magic has not yet reached that step, unless the Tao Jun fruit position is achieved." Blood shadow Taoist said.

"It will never be the Dragon Emperor. If he appears, he won't have to sneak in and just cut me off." King Zhou shook his head. "But not him, who is it?"

Fortunately, Li Xing slipped fast, and half-way sacrificed the nimble lamp, which escaped him.

"Why did King Zhou deliberately let Camp A and B die?" Li Xing was puzzled and asked the ghostfire mage at this time.

After asking the reason, Master Ghostfire said, "It must be that King Zhou knows your affairs, so try your means. If you die, you have no strength, and that's fine. If you can't die, he will feel It is a personal talent, and it must be used for you. "

Li Xing said "Hey", and said arbitrarily, "I will cut it off in the future!"

He hurried all the way away from Blood Bat Island, and suddenly saw a flat boat in the vast sea. The small boat only allowed one person to sit down, and there was a young girl with bright eyes and bright teeth, dressed in white.

The young girl was sitting barefoot on the boat with her bare feet, and Bai Qing's feet slowly slapped the water, tilting her head as if thinking about a problem. Her toes were as small and cute as pearls.

The girl has a special temperament, like a clear breeze and a bright moon, which makes people feel empty.

Above the sea, there is such a leaf boat, a young girl is really weird. Li Xing couldn't help but stopped, appeared in shape, and asked, "Hey, who are you?"

The girl simply ignored her eyes without blinking.

Li Xing was a little annoyed, and just "flipped" and landed on the boat, asking, "Girl, am I asking you something?"

"I am neither an aunt nor a mother, why do you call me a girl?" The girl turned her face, her neck was beautiful, her cheeks were tender and smooth, and she really wanted to take a bite.

Li Xing was amused and asked, "What's your name?"

"Why tell you." The girl leaned over her face and stopped talking.

Li Xing even took off his boots and exposed the big feet. The schoolgirl lay in the water and patted it gently, then tilted her head to think.

The young girl laughed with a chuckle and said, "You really hate this person."

Li Xing ignored her deliberately, and found a jade fruit from her arms, and took a big mouthful to eat. Dongtianzhong has cultivated for more than 2,000 years. There are more than one Yuqing fruit tree in Jingtian. Now it can be mass-produced. Li Xing has been using it for food.

The girl smelled the fruit, and couldn't help but sip, and suddenly said, "How can you sit on my boat without your consent?"

"Oh, what should I do?" Li Xing asked deliberately.

"Certainly take money," said the young girl. "But if you don't have money, you can give two fruits."

Li Xingle was gone, and he took a long time to turn around. The little girl wanted to eat fruit. He said nothing and passed two fruits.

The girl was overjoyed, holding her hands one by one. It was uglier to eat than Li Xing. She had a mouthful of white serum and her pink tongue was licking and licking. This reminded Li Xing of some scenes.

The girl suddenly found Li Xing looking at her with a weird expression and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Li Xing "coughed" and shifted the topic: "I haven't asked Fang Ming yet."

"My name is Little Dragon Girl," said the girl.

"Little Dragon Girl?" Li Xing widened his eyes, then nodded, "I'm Yang Guo."

The girl hummed, "Isn't your name Li Xing?"

Li Xing was shocked. How did the other party know themselves?

"Actually, we have met." The girl had finished eating the fruit, and said lightly, "That time, you are controlled by the demon, or I will save you."

Li Xing suddenly remembered that he was forced to visualize the head of inspiration in order to fight against the monsters in the octopus monster. At that time, the mental strength was not strong, but he was helpless to be controlled by the demon head, and later recovered somehow. Was it a young girl helping herself?

"Why, don't you believe it?" The girl stared at Li Xing.

Li Xing nodded vigorously: "I believe, but who are you?" He really wanted to know the origin of the girl.

"This can't tell you," said the girl, "unless you tell me why you have a godhead."

Li Xing's heart shook again, could this girl see everything? In his heart, there was even a flash of murder, but he was pressed by him. After all, this chick saved herself.

The girl sneered, "Do you want to do it?"

Li Xingwei smiled bitterly, and seemed to hide nothing from this girl.

"You still have a conscience." The girl laughed again, and then said, "If there is no fruit on me, give me more."

As soon as Li Xing turned his hand, a space weapon appeared, and a large number of spiritual fruits were contained in the weapon. As many as a few thousand were handed over to the girl.

"Wow, so much?" The girl's eyes brightened, looking at Li Xing with a smile.

"What are you looking at?" Li Xing was dim.

"You haven't answered my question, how can there be a godhead? The gods have fallen since the wild era." Said the girl.

Li Xing was silent for a moment and suddenly spread his palms. In the palm of the hand, the divine light flows, revealing a chaotic cloud atmosphere, and there is a godhead above the cloud atmosphere, which shines brightly.

The girl snorted and exclaimed: "Ancient god! How is this possible? Even in the age of mythology, no ancient **** appeared in the world!"

Li Xingyi: "What is the ancient godhead?"

The girl looked at Li Xing like a monster, and then sighed, "This is your secret. Why do you want to let me know, aren't you afraid that I will harm you?"

Li Xing laughed, "Hey, you saved my life, you just want to take it."

The girl showed a bright smile and patted Li Xing's shoulder with a grin: "Rest assured, you believe me so, I will not betray you." Then answer Li Xing's question, "Ancient godhead is also called innate godhead, which is more ordinary The godhead is even more amazing. In short, the ancient godhead is very powerful, and you will know it later. "

"You haven't told me yet, who are you?" Li Xingfang was undoubtedly betting to tell the secret of the godhead to a new person, but he believed his intuition that the girl was totally trustworthy.

"Do you really want to know?" The girl frowned tightly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Knowing my identity is not good for you. "

"I will not tell the second person." Li Xingdao.

The girl thought for a while, then said helplessly, "OK, let me tell you." She paused and asked, "Do you know God Wang Chau?"

Li Xing nodded: "I know, one of Jiuzhou, are you from God Wangzhou?"

The girl nodded: "The man of God Wangzhou majors in Shinto. I am the sage of truth. Because of the weak barriers of Jiuzhou, I came to Tianyuanzhou to look for some things lost by the upper and lower protoss."

Li Xing was very surprised. It seems that the Dragon Emperor was right. Jiuzhou is probably one, and the era of great chaos is coming!

The girl's next sentence raised Li Xing's heart.

"Your ancient godhead is a supreme treasure for our truth teaching. Even if the leader knows it, you must be tempted." The girl looked at Li Xingdao. "So you have to be careful not to encounter with truth teaching people, otherwise there is People saved you. "

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