Chapter 64: The Virgin

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and stared at her, asking, "You are a sage of truth, why not take my godhead now?"

The little dragon girl smiled slightly: "Because I will return to the Taoism immediately after capturing the godhead, and then I will not be able to travel abroad. In the Taoism, there is no friend, and a person is very bored."

Is this a reason? Li Xing rolled his eyes, but he was sure that the girl was not malicious to him.

However, there was another question in his mind that he couldn't help but immediately asked: "Little Dragon Girl, is your real name?"

"Of course not the real name." The girl's words made Li Xing vomit blood, and she gave Li Xing a glance. "Don't you also call Yang Guo?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly. The little girl was very careful. He thought about it, took ten strength fruits from her body and handed them to her, and said, "I use these ten fruits to express my apology, shall I?"

The girl's eyes brightened and she cried, "Good thing, is it the fruit of the legendary power? Where did you get it?"

Li Xing blinked: "The fruit, of course, bears on the tree."

The girl was thoughtful, but she no longer continued to ask questions, put away the fruits of strength, and smiled: "Okay, I forgive you, my real name is Yan Zhenzhen, did you write down?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yan Zhenzhen, good name."

Yan Zhenzhen found another fruit and ate it, sighing as he ate: "I have been in Tianyuanzhou for many years. I just met you when you were possessed by a demon head. Now I meet you again. Is it really like Moyehe The old ghost said the same thing? Would you be unlucky in Tianyuanzhou? "

Li Xing was startled and shouted, "What? You said Mayer and he? Isn't he dead?"

Yan Zhen looked at him strangely: "The old ghost lived more mentally than anyone else, how could he die? I have seen him before I came to Tianyuanzhou, and the old ghost also calculated fortune for me, saying here It ’s going to change a lot, and it ’s unlucky to think about it. ”

Li Xing froze and secretly communicated with Tian Xie: "Master, it seems your old friend is still alive! Isn't he thousands of years old?"

"The Zen Gate is extraordinary, and it is not unusual for him to live for thousands of years." Tianxie Dadao said, "This woman is a trivial one. Now that I know your secret, either kill or collect."

Li Xing smiled bitterly, killing can not be killed, he is sure, it is definitely not a chick's opponent. Is it going to be collected?

As soon as he thought about it, he said, "Yan Zhenzhen, how do you feel that in the last few days, Maya has been on God Wangzhou? Is n’t Zen Gate also on God Wangzhou?"

"Of course not. God Wangzhou has only one true religion, not even small schools. There are many schools like Tianyuanzhou. People who teach truth, believe in the only God of truth."

Immediately, Li Xing asked about the situation of some **** Wang Zhou, which opened his eyes.

God Wangzhou, as vast as Tianyuanzhou, also lives countless humans and souls. All people, both ordinary and spiritual, are loyal to truth. God Wangzhou people, practice Shinto.

That Shinto is very different from the way of Tianyuanzhou, the immortal way of Lingzhou, the ghost way of Nether Island, etc. It is somewhat similar to the demon, and worships the gods in exchange for strength.

The highest pursuit of Shinto practice is to become a **** of the sky. There are also several levels of Shinto practice. There are four levels of Li, Ling, Wang, and Zong, which are roughly equivalent to the four levels of training blood, training qi, training God, and law and heaven.

With the sincerity of faith, the 庶 level senses the gods and gains the power of the gods to strengthen the body and spirit. This requires not only sincerity, but also understanding. The spirit level can use the power of the acquired gods to fly around the earth with clever means, which is equivalent to practicing the qi.

The king level is similar to the god-man, and can be a hegemon. It can condense the heart of faith in the body. Once this heart of faith evolves into the book of faith, it will become a higher-level lineage.

Clan-level figures, equivalent to the level of law and heaven, can borrow the power of the gods to the greatest extent. Even after the tenth grade of the sect level, they can be combined with the gods to reach the state of demigod, and have the cultivation equivalent to the characters of the state.

In addition to talking about Shenwangzhou, Li Xing also asked about the situation in some other continents, and felt the vast world outside. At the same time, there is also a doubt, why is Jiuzhou separated? What is that barrier?

What does this have to do with ancient times?

There are too many questions in my heart, and even Yan Zhenzhen cannot answer. I can only say, "The things in ancient times are very complicated and there is no history to test. There are records in truth teachings. Humans in ancient times are very great and can compete with gods. Capture the demon. But then it went down and fell into a genre. "

After talking for a long time, Li Xing asked again, "Did you find what you were looking for for so many years?"

"Part of it was found," she said, "and part of it."

"What are you looking for? Maybe I can help you." Li Xing really wanted to help him.

"Like this." She took out a strange **** stone, and said, "This is Qiankun Stone, and I just got it. The person is very good. I almost found him."

Li Xing took the stone and turned it over a few times, and said, "I don't think it's strange at all."

"Qian Kun Stone can be used to make artifacts. Of course, you don't know how precious it is." Yan Zhenzhen seized Qian Kun Stone and carefully collected it.

Li Xinggan laughed and said, "Then you find it slowly. Maybe all the barriers have disappeared."

Yan Zhen really gave Li Xing a glance and suddenly said, "I'm leaving."

Li Xing said "um", stood up, thought about it, and threw her a pouch, which contained more than a dozen panthenes, and even dozens of Xuanjie elixir. Just eat it as jelly beans, and then come and get them. "

Yan Zhenzhen smiled "hee hee" and accepted it politely, and said, "I'll go then."

The boat swayed gently, seemingly slow, but in a moment it went far away, leaving Li Xing's sight.

"Attracted?" The Emperor Tianxie asked suddenly.

Li Xing smiled "Hey," and asked, "Master, did you refine the" seed of yin yin "into a Yuqing fruit?"

"And that Yuqing fruit has already been eaten by her." Emperor Tianxie said lightly. "That's why I accepted you as a teacher. This woman is very good and worthy of you."

Li Xing sighed, "Is this too much?"

"Of course it's too much," said Tian Xie, "to women, you must be firm and firm, so you won't regret it, at least."

If Li Xing was lost for a while, she said, "Presumably soon, she will come back to me. Now, I will go to King Zhou first."

Soon after, Li Xing returned to the camp, as expected, this time King Zhou saw him in person.

In the military account, Li Xing met King Zhou for the first time. He stepped forward to see the ceremony: "Subordinate Li Xing, the master of Li Qi, see King Zhou!"

King Zhou stood beside the Blood Shadow Taoist, and he said, "This man is running fast, but he hasn't had time to kill him."

King Zhou slightly nodded and said, "You can survive, it's good, and I will listen to my king later."

Li Xing knew that the King Zhou would not trust himself, and would definitely inspect it for a while, so he immediately agreed.

King Zhou also said, "You don't have high cultivation skills, but you are very strong. This is very good, and it can help me do a big thing."

Li Xing: "Please ask the King Zhou, his subordinates must go all out!"

"Well, the king knows a practice and calls it" barbaric practice ". To practice this practice, you need a strong physique, but it must be at a level below Fatian. Your conditions are just right, so it ’s your practice Okay. "King Zhou said lightly.

Li Xing moved in his heart, knowing that this might not be a good thing, and said, "Why does King Zhou want his subordinates to practice this skill?"

"After practicing wild skills, you can quickly improve your strength. Of course, you have to cultivate your good qualifications." King Zhou looks very kind. "My king decided to train you to be a tiger general and help me fight the Quartet. World Merit. "

Li Xing sneered secretly, he didn't believe these words for a while. However, on the surface, he still respectfully agreed and expressed his gratitude.

"Yes, the subordinates must work hard to cultivate and live up to the cultivation of King Zhou!"

"Very well, the king has prepared a special cultivation place for you, and there is a panacea. If you go to practice it yourself, no one will disturb you."

"Yes." Li Xing obediently agreed.

At this time, as soon as King Zhou waved his hand, Li Xing entered Dongtian himself, King Zhou's Dongtian.

This cave is very wide. Li Xing is in the center of a large array, and he is completely restrained by his tremendous strength. He pretended to panic, and called, "King Zhou? What's going on?"

"Don't worry, this formation method can help you improve your cultivation. You only need to cultivate." When King Zhou said with relief, Li Xing calmed down.

"Master, what do you think this is?" He asked quietly.

"Thinking of the teacher's experience, they should want to treat you as a body and cultivate a peerless demon." How wise the Emperor Tianxian can be to see the clue.

Li Xing smiled, "Hey?" "Is he taking the house? Okay, I'll have to see, how is he going to take my body!"

Emperor Tianxie also said: "See if you can find a cheap one. If you can't, you can enter Baiyang Jingtian and use amulets ~ ~ to rush out of this place."

Outside, Xueying Tao laughed: "Big Zhou, this son is indeed a good host. If the Emperor is reborn with his body, he can grow up quickly."

Da Zhou Wang Lengheng said: "It's a pity that the Qiankun Stone is gone, otherwise you can't find a host and use Qiankun Stone to condense the Qiankun body directly."

"Using this son as a host is not necessarily a bad thing. Her Majesty the Emperor can grow up as well. Think that year, the first Barbarian Emperor also grew up from a weak one? He led the barbaric army to capture the Dragon Palace and become the maritime overlord. "Said Blood Shadow Taoist.

Da Zhou Wangdao said: "Without Qian Kunshi, this can only be the case."

At this moment, several figures appeared in the hall, and they seemed to step out of the void, showing extraordinary practice. A few of them are Wang Zhuo, Xu Zhan, and Sun Fa.

King Zhou seemed to have known for a long time, and said lightly, "Shangshi heard all of this? I don't know any suggestions?"

Wang Zhuo laughed: "Tian Wai Tian came with sincerity. In order for the imperial emperor to wake up completely, he is willing to contribute the same fetish and guarantee that the imperial emperor will be shocked as soon as he is born!"

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