Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 684: Sweeping Demon

Chapter 72: Sweeping Demon

The cut sky blade, although it is only a golden rank magic weapon, has thirty-five heavy innate bans. It is an innate spiritual treasure. One step can become an innate true treasure and master the truth.

The beating of the sky seemed to be able to cut the sky apart and break the ground. With the magic sword, Li Xing also felt the threat. He stepped out and quickly cut thirty swords at an incredible speed!

Extinction Knife, with Guiyuan's blow, hit 30 times the power!

Double the combat power, it can already fight against the Skyscraper, and the result of 30 times the combat power is only one, that is, spike!

A stunned sword slashed down, and Zhan Tiandao cracked with a click and dropped the dust. The sword is unabated, as if a bolt of lightning flew across the air, cutting the Skyscraper in half.

Even the domineering Dharma body could not bear the shock of Li Xing, and loved great trauma.

"Li Xing! This revenge will not be reported, and no one will swear!" Listening to the roar of the thief, his body suddenly turned into nothingness and disappeared.

After all, Fa Tian is savvy and means is clever. Even if he can't fight, he can escape calmly. The tricks he performed were very magical, and Li Xing couldn't catch up with it, so he could only watch his surname escape.

However, after taking a Thieves Thief, the remaining Thieves Thief, War Thief Thief, Caliber Thief, and Thief Thief are not so lucky, nor do they have the means to kill Thief and can escape.

All the robbers were defeated, and the four robbers turned pale, showing despair.

Li Xing grabbed a large hand, and all the magic roots formed by the explosion of the cut sky blade were stowed away, and then they were suppressed without hesitation. The four thieves raged at the same time, wanting to resist Li Xing's horrific blow.

Unfortunately, it was useless, and the arrogance that Fatian couldn't even fight against existed. They were not opponents at all. They felt a numbness and spit out blood, and then a big hand covering the sky held them.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Taixumen were shocked for a few seconds, and then shouted in excitement: "Master is invincible!" This is their voice.

Li Xing took the robber, smiled slightly, and said, "There are thirteen robbers in the South China Sea, and there are major cases in it. Let's give it to the Dragon King to receive the reward." Fall down.

The magic weapon, elixir, treasure rune, strange treasure, etc. were numerous and were all collected by Li Xing. Although there was nothing to catch his eye, it was better than nothing.

The five thieves were just a small episode, and they did not affect everyone's mood in any way, and continued to move forward happily. After flying for a while, seeing that he was about to reach the Dragon Palace, Li Xing stopped for a second time.

This time, the murder on his face was even more obvious, and he said coldly, "Friend, come out!"

Out of the void, he was dressed in white, his face was unclear, and his body was endlessly murderous. However, it can be seen that this person's cultivation is at least Qitian.

Seeing the other person's temperament, Li Xing sneered: "Destiny sends you?"

"Yes." The other side made a voice without human feelings. "You really belong to destiny, but Lord God has decided to remove you."

Li Xing ordered the destiny sign from his body, and smiled faintly: "Is it?" The fingers were pinched, and the sign was scrapped, "just what I want!"

"If you decide by yourself, I can let go of the people behind you." Humane in white, there is no room to show confidence, but his confidence is everywhere and impeccable.

Li Xing laughed: "If you immediately kneel down and scratch your head for mercy, I can let you alone."

People in white stopped saying more, and their body suddenly disappeared.

Li Xing sneered: "Play and hide and seek?" The figure rushed out of the plundering chariot, holding an extermination knife, standing proudly in the air, and locking his eyes to the empty place.

"The other side performed an extremely powerful technique of hermitage, and I don't know how to deal with it." Someone was worried. "This person's strength is obviously higher than that of Skyscraper."

"This hidden technique is a compulsory method for killers. It is not easy to crack, but it must be changed in the same way ..." But when he was halfway there, he stopped talking because Li Xing moved.

His body shook, and all a thousand divine lights rushed out. Each divine light was a human figure phantom of Li Xing, representing a jade-step divine magic, a magical means, equal to a avatar.


Thousands of avatars shot in a vertical and horizontal direction, as if they were on a tense network, and a large area began to search. This time, the white killer could no longer hide it, and immediately exposed his figure. At this time, he was walking a hundred steps behind Li Xing.


A sharp knife fell and landed, and when it came, it was powerful, murderous and simple.

But no matter how good the sword is, the stronger the power, it's all childish to Li Xing. He reached out with one hand and flicked with five fingers.


An quaint knife was caught in the hands. Above this knife, there was **** killing gas, and the quality did not seem to be under the extinct knife.

The man in white shook his palm, and the knife had been taken away by Li Xing. He stared at Han Mang and instantly hit 300 punches and 500 kicks at Li Xing. He was fast and fierce. hand.

Li Xing took it one by one, and the moment the two fists touched, he found a breakthrough. The whole person stuck to each other like the same shadow, but it was he who showed the stickiness.

The people in white wore phosgene shocks all over, and they wanted to pop Li Xing, but it didn't work. Li Xing did not leave him half a step, and continued to carry out attacks. In the last finger, he frowned, and said coldly, "God kill!"

Assassination means that one of the astrology mastered by Li Xing burst out from the assassination body. The power of God's finger is definitely not weaker than Taoism, everything is killed!


There was a loud noise in the mind of the white killer, and his body stiffened instantly. Immediately, Li Xing took another shot, and once again performed an astrological "Human Corpse". This is also an astrology, derived from the celestial star power.

A generation of killers, so Li Xing was smelted into a star corpse, and became his battle puppet.

This time, the disciples of Taixumen forgot to applaud, and some were just deeply shocked. They looked at Li Xing with full awe, which is a sincere respect for the strong.

Li Xing was in a bad mood. He knew that the killer in white must not know the inside story, but was ordered to kill. Why does destiny deal with yourself?

He already knew that Tianwaitian had close relations with Tianming, Tianyi and other organizations, and even if Tianwaitian didn't know his identity as a "very emperor", there was no reason to start.

If you can't solve the doubt, don't think about it for the time being and continue on your way.

The Dragon Palace finally arrived. The Dragon Emperor sent civil and military officials to greet the messenger and grandly connected them to the Dragon Emperor's Hall. Li Xing and others offered the ceremony and paid their respects on behalf of Tai Xumen.

This process is full of red tape, but Li Xing must do it patiently until the end.

The courtesy of Taixumen was thoughtful and the ministers of the Dragon Palace were very satisfied. After one month, the Dragon Emperor promised to let the five princesses go to Taixumen to marry with Li Xing and others. At that time, the Dragon Palace will also send many important personals, including nine princes, five princesses, thirty-six ministers, and seventy-two generals.

When the Dragon Palace was preparing for the wedding, Li Xing, the emperor of the Dragon Emperor, took a group of people who hadn't seen the world before and played for a few days. He is the King of Mubei and the righteous son of the Dragon Emperor, so the people in the Dragon Palace respect him very much. Even if Prince Long sees him, he will make him three points.

The disciples of Taixumen played for a few days, and they became a little wild. They started a group of two or three people and played around. Among the dragon palaces, they were so vast that no one led them, so two disciples broke into the dragon palace garden.

The Dragon Palace Garden belongs to the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Palace. Outsiders are not allowed inside. As soon as they entered the garden, they ran into a princess in the Dragon Palace. The princess was furious and immediately ordered people to take down two gods.

At this time, Li Xing was discussing the wedding event with Dragon Palace, and he suddenly heard a shrimp soldier rushing forward, reporting: "Master Wang, it's not good, Princess Nine has won the two people brought by Wang Ye."

Li Xing hesitated, asked about the situation, and then pleaded guilty to the Minister of the Dragon Palace and hurried to the back garden. The two disciples who were **** were all deities, who were opponents of the Dragon Palace guards, had been escorted and knelt on the ground.

As soon as Li Xing arrived, they both turned to look for help, but did not dare to squeak, apparently dare Li Xing to get angry. In the prestige gate, Li Xing's prestige is extremely high, and most disciples are more afraid of him.

The nine princesses were standing on the scene with sneer and sneer.

Li Xing stepped forward to the ceremony: "Jiumei." He naturally recognized the girl, who was with Ao Hong that day, the nine princess on the float, the youngest daughter of Dragon Emperor's most beloved.

"Who is your nine sister?" Princess Nine raised an eyebrow.

Li Xing sank his face: "I'm His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, is older than you, is it wrong to call Jiu Mei?" He was so angry that suddenly there was a burst of mighty power, letting Jiu Jiu let the Jiu The princess was startled and took a step back.

A guard rushed out and rounded off the field: "The prince, the nine princesses are all their own, and you can't hurt your peace. I think this is because we don't do well, if we don't care about the garden, we will punish our minions. "

Princess Nine actually knew Li Xing's power, but she still remembered the last time Li Xing had lost her face, so she was ready to embarrass him. I didn't want this person to be so tough, which made her a bit out of step.

She was also afraid of making things happen to the Dragon Emperor, and she would definitely be punished, so the anger on her face disappeared and she said, "I miss you as the father's righteous son. Give you a face, you can take it away."

Li Xing was also reluctant to share her general knowledge with www.readwn.com ~: "Thank you very much." Then he gave out ten Xuanjie Pills to Fang Cai's guard.

The guard was startled, overjoyed, and thanked again and again.

Li Xing also took two people and left the garden.

Seeing Li Xing's departure, Princess Nine said with agitation, "This man is really abominable. If Thirteen Brothers is here, he must look good to him!"

"Who bullied my nine sister?" Suddenly, a hearty voice sounded.

A joyous expression appeared on Princess Nine's face and shouted, "Thirteen Brother, are you back?"

A phantom appeared in front of Princess Nine, and laughed: "My deity is still on the road, and only one is coming back."

Princess Nine's eyes turned, and she said, "Thirteen Brother, this time, can you be robbed of the name of the first Wizard of Dragon Palace?"

"Oh?" Prince Thirteen opened his eyes. "I've been out for five years, and a wizard has appeared in Dragon Palace?"

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