Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 685: Beat the 13 princes

Chapter 73: Beating the Thirteen Crown Princes

The nine princesses have the intention to provoke the conflict between the 13th Prince and Li Xing so that the 13th Prince can teach Li Xing a lesson. The thirteenth prince, the first wizard of the Dragon Palace, even the Dragon Emperor appreciated it, and he was not very young.

Not only that, the thirteenth prince has been passed down from ancient times and cultivated many magical methods. His strength is not comparable to that of ordinary law monarchs. The Dragon Emperor once commented on Prince Thirteen: Invincible in the realm.

When I heard that Li Xing was just a figure training the Seventh God, Prince 13 was very surprised: "What are you saying? He is just training the Seventh God? Can he kill the Heavenly Eater?"

Nine Princess nodded: "I saw it with my own eyes. However, this person's cultivation seems to have improved, I am afraid that it will soon break through and consolidate the true form."

The thirteen prince laughed: "Okay, I'll be back to Dragon Palace right away, but have a look, what kind of character is Li Xing you said! It happened that I also had an adventure in the extremely south of the South China Sea, and I was trained to make rapid progress again. "

Princess Nine was overjoyed, and she said Li Xing, Li Xing, I want you to look good this time!

After Li Xing took the two disciples away, he did not punish them, only to let them stop walking around and be honest in one place.

The wedding event requires the Dragon Palace and Taixumen to discuss and formulate it together. Therefore, Li Xing couldn't get away for a while and was too busy. He was the first time to do such a thing, and he was quite unskilled.

However, gradually I got the idea, and things started to go smoothly.

After half a month, everything is almost ready. The remaining half of the month is to check for defects and make sure everything is perfect. Li Xing finally got a bit of time, walked out of the conference hall, and breathed fresh air outside.

As soon as his people came out, a shrimp soldier came hurriedly: "Master, Prince Thirteen has been waiting a long time, let the villain come to inform."

"The thirteenth prince?" Li Xing said for a moment, "why is the thirteenth prince looking for me?"

"Back to the Lord, Prince Thirteen has just returned from the barren waters, and he has made great progress. He said that he would discuss with the Lord." That was a small soldier.

Li Xing hummed, and said, "Just say I don't have time." He can also figure out with his toes that the thirteen princes are full and have nothing to do, so he has no time to discuss with him.

"Why not give face?"

A young man came on a big walk. Between the steps, there was a fierce atmosphere that forced him. The shrimp soldiers suddenly huddled together and couldn't move.

Li Xing looked still and said, "Thirteen Princes?"

"It's me." Prince Thirteen smiled slightly. "You're idle here, why don't you have time?"

Li Xing raised her eyebrows: "I'm afraid I'll hurt you, everyone's face is not good."

The thirteen Prince Haha laughed, as if he heard the best joke in the world, pointed at Li Xing repeatedly and shook his head: "Interesting, interesting." He held up a bead in his hands.

This kind of bead, Li Xing can't be more familiar, it is Honghuanglongzhu. Obviously, there is not only one dragon ball in the world, but the thirteen princes also have one.

"What does the prince mean?" Li Xing asked.

"As long as you fight with me and you can win me, this Honghuang Dragon Ball belongs to you, how about it? Presumably you also know the preciousness of Honghuang Dragon Ball," said the thirteenth Prince with a slight smile, "I heard that you won Ao Hung that waste and got the Dragon Ball of the Golden Dragon family. Today, I will give you another chance. Do you dare to fight? "

Li Xingchang laughed and said, "Things that Li Xing didn't dare without me, well, I should!"

The thirteenth prince smiled: "The dragon palace is small, don't break things, you follow me!" When it first rose to the sky, it turned into a magic light, brilliant and powerful.

Li Xing followed closely and vacated.

As soon as the two left, Princess Nine appeared, and she looked a little worried, and secretly said, "Will thirteen brothers kill Li Xing? In this case, it will be a disaster. Father Emperor will not spare him." he."

After thinking about it, she stomped her feet and hurriedly sought the Dragon Emperor, hoping that he could ensure Li Xing's safety. At least, if something goes wrong, you won't blame the thirteen princes.

At the Dragon Emperor's Palace, Princess Nine had not spoken yet, and the Emperor first spoke: "Why, aren't you trying to make Xiaoshi teach Li Xing a meal? Why are you afraid now?"

Nine Princess smirked: "Sure enough, I can't hide the eyes of Father Huang, and I also asked Father Huang to pay more attention, so that the 13th brother will not hurt people."

Dragon Emperor said: "Little 13 may not be able to hurt Li Xing, but his flood dragon ball, I am afraid to change hands."

"What?" Nine Princess was taken aback. "He is so powerful?"

"Why don't you see it for yourself?" Long Huang reached out in the air, and a picture of Li Xing confronting Prince Thirteen appeared.

Li Xing and the thirteen princes were in a sea without leaving the Dragon Palace, and no one was around. However, this does not mean that there are no spectators. Many monsters in the sea and some aquarists with wisdom have quietly poked their heads to observe this battle.

"You have a strong will to martial arts, let's compare martial arts first." Prince Thirteen was obviously a fighting madman, and now he was excited and flexing his muscles.

Li Xing said indifferently: "It's up to you."

"Okay! Eat me a punch!"

The thirteen princes said when they hit, they hit Li Xing's face with a punch. His punch was extremely fast, but it was a martial art "Thunder Thunder martial art" that he realized by himself. The purpose of this martial art is to kill the enemy in one fell swoop.

Li Xing's chaotic martial arts includes a flash of martial arts and several types of explosive martial arts, so the martial arts level is still above the thunderous martial arts. He couldn't move, and saw that punch come, only with one hand.

This quote is very mysterious. The thirteen princes are constantly changing strength, but unfortunately, Li Xing always seems to be one step ahead of him. If you retreat, you retreat. If you retreat, you will have the upper hand.

Finally, after thousands of moments of change, he was thrown away by Li Xing, half of his arm was slightly numb.

"Good fist!" Prince Thirteen rubbed his shoulders and sighed, "Let's beat swordsmanship again!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Sword art is boxing. If you lose boxing, you must lose as well. Why is it necessary?

"That may not be so! Sword Art of the Sea!"

A sword of light, like the sea, is boundless and powerful, covering the sky and suppressing it. Li Xing didn't even look at it, he went straight up in one fell swoop.

The eighth-level sword-slaying technique, at this time in his hands, is more powerful than before. A simple knife contains nine types of star-killing techniques. This knife transforms decay into magic, transforms complexity into simplicity, and returns to reality, which is beyond description.


As if splitting with a stab *, the sea swordsmanship was instantly cracked. Daoguang was still overbearing, beheading the thirteenth prince.

The expression of the thirteen princes was unprecedentedly dignified, holding up an ancient shield in his hands. A fierce beast was drawn on the shield, and a breath of famine came towards him. Obviously, this shield is an antiquities from the wild times.

Heavenly Sword Light cut to the shield and issued a loud noise. The thirteen princes were split back and forth, and the shield was not damaged.

Li Xing also felt a strong force of shock, he snorted coldly, and cut out the second and third swords. Almost a thousandth of a second, in all directions, 16 Li Xing, cut out 16 swords at once!

The sixteen-line sword lights, united into one, blasted towards the thirteenth prince. With the help of Guiyuan Strike, Li Xing's assassin is the best use of the power of the Heavenly Sword.


The huge sword light, unmatched murderous power, suddenly tapped down, the thirteen Prince's face changed greatly, and he fully supported the ancient shield.


The simple shield was cut in half at once, and the thirteen princes were also bounced open, spitting blood, and heading for the fall.

"This bastard! He injured brother Thirteen!" Princess Nine cried in tears, gritted her teeth.

The Dragon Emperor looked calm and said, "Don't worry, look down."

Li Xing's blow was too fierce, and the thirteenth Prince suffered a heavy blow and fell towards the sea.

Hundreds of thousands of silk threads fell from the sky and wrapped the thirteen princes all at once. He wanted to struggle but couldn't. He shouted, "What are you doing?"

"Be honest, it's not bad for you." Li Xing faintly said. He flicked with five fingers, a large amount of Qingyang aura condensed from the silk, and densely wrapped the thirteen princes into a large cocoon.

"This ... what is this?" Princess Nine paused, looking at Dragon Emperor.

"This is the Heavenly Silk Gong, the sacred method of the ancient Holy Silkworm." Long Huang said indifferently. "This power can produce transformation power and endless transformation. This time, Xiaoshi Blessing is blessed by disaster."

Li Xing brought a big cocoon, returned to the Dragon Palace, and went straight into the hall.

In the Palace of the Dragon Emperor, Li Xing put the cocoon in the center of the palace and pleaded with the Dragon Emperor: "The righteous father, the children are guilty."

"I already know this, you don't have to say more, don't blame you." Long Huangdao.

Li Xing thanked him and retreated without saying anything, not even glancing at Princess Nine.

Princess Nine walked to the big cocoon, and touched curiously, wondering, "Father Emperor, what is this?"

"Qingyang Reiki." Long Huang's eyes flashed, "This kind of Reiki rarely appears in the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that the emperor looked down on him."

The thirteen princes were severely disabled, and Li Xing continued to do his thing as if nothing had happened. Seven days later, the Dragon Palace was ready, but the thirteenth Prince came to the door, holding the Honghuang Dragon Ball in his hand.

Seen on the 7th, the thirteenth Prince is indeed a wizard, and Xiu has actually made progress, breaking through to the heavens and the eighth! It has been improved several times over the last time.

Li Xing looked at each other, to see what he said.

Prince Thirteen made a slap, and then said, "Thank you, Father said. If it weren't for you, it would take me at least a hundred years to break through." Then he sent Honghuang Dragon Ball, "I lost."

Li Xing said indifferently: "It's all my family, just joking, you take back Dragon Ball."

The thirteenth Prince said positively: "I have always believed and believed, and if I lose, I lose!" He raised an eyebrow suddenly, "Big deal to win back in the future!"

Li Xing was speechless. He said that the goods were still inadequate, and one day he would learn from him. He politely accepted the Honghuang Dragon Ball and said, "Okay, when do you want to fight again, I will always be with you."

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