Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 687: Daojian 1 Strike

Chapter 75: Dao Sword Strike

After sending Li Xuanbai and the five princesses into the wedding hall, Li Xing, the master of the order, walked to the entrance of Taixumen to greet the guests. The guests rushed in, all the guests would attach a gift list and a placard, Li Xing let the teacher behind him accept it, and then sent the guests in.

I do not know how many people were greeted, a Taoist drove Qingyun down. This man was wearing a yellow robe with evil spirits on his face. The figures in the state of affairs are not trivial. Li Xing dare not neglect and flew to meet him.

The moment the two met, a cold light flashed in Taoist eyes, and a sword cut to Li Xing.

No one could have imagined that someone would dare to run to the virtual gate to kill someone, let alone the person who started it would be a character in the state. A sword light, extremely brilliant, contains immortal Taoism, this is the Tao sword!

As soon as the Daojian came out, the ghost was terrified and could break through all the ways.

That Jianguang was so fast that Li Xing's eyebrows came to him in a flash, and he ran into the body with utter despair. Suddenly, Li Xing felt that his life was threatened. At the moment of death, a sword light filled with the meaning of killing burst out, which was the killing sword pill that day!

Two swords of light collided, and Li Xing's indestructible body almost exploded, and the person was also blown away and fell downward.

A single blow failed, and four sword lights flew in the direction of the virtual gate, cutting at the Taoist. The situational figures reacted so quickly that Li was no longer able to make a second strike.

"It's a pity!" Seeing that Li Xing was not dead, the man was surprised and regretful. He shook his head and walked away from the room. The four sword lights also flashed into the space and continued to hunt.

After a dozen breaths, the four sword lights flew back again. The poor Kou Mo chase, they are all worried that this is a trick for the tiger to leave the mountain, so they dare not go far. The four sword lights were issued by four people: hole deficiency, hole cause, hole machine, and heaven.

Li Xing fell to the ground, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and being seriously injured.

The sky operator stepped forward to observe it and said, "Fortunately, it did not hurt the root."

Dong Xu's face was gloomy: "It's so bold!"

Li Xing grinned, and said, "The master, the disciples just took him a hit on purpose. I want to try, how powerful is the Taoist figure." He still has big money and a dragon amulet in his hand, but it has not been used.

Dong Xu made a hum, and the expert was rarely angry: "This is also something you can try? The means of the characters in the state are not what you can imagine! You are really brave!"

The sky operator smiled slightly: "Forget it, isn't he okay? Li Xing, how do you feel about the other party's blow?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It's just the same. We may be able to take over when we gather together."

After listening to the four masters, they couldn't help but look at each other. A god-man, actually wants to take a hit from a situation character!

The news of Li Xing being injured was not circulated. Only those characters in the realm knew about it, but other people's affairs were not easy to intervene, so they were all watching.

The wedding banquet was held as usual, but Li Xing had to enter the sky of the sky operator to recover his injury. Fortunately, it did not take long for the silkworm to change, and dozens of breathing people came out to continue to welcome guests.

When the guests were almost there, Li Xing had a core disciple in charge of welcoming him. He entered the banquet hall and took the opportunity to meet the world's best people.

The wedding banquet was held in Taixu Hall. In the main hall, a cloud platform is suspended in the air, and the height is staggered. People sit on it, or sit one by one, or sit together with three or five factions, talking and laughing.

Among the guests, of course, the Star Gate is indispensable. Beichen Changqing, Beichenji, Beichenchong and other important people have arrived. Li Xing stepped forward and toasted. The rest, Tianchen Valley Family, Bei Shi Family, Nanshan Weng, Feng Wangsun, etc., also came to congratulate.

These small forces feel honored to be able to participate in these grand events.

Many of the guests were old acquaintances, too easy Taoists, fire crow Taoists, etc. The four princes and the four princes of the South China Sea also came. Fortunately, the elder Longgong did not take any action and even nodded to the prince.

This kind of grand event has never happened in a century, and various factions have brought many young talents to take the opportunity to show their faces at wedding banquets. After three rounds of drinking, a martial man stood up.

This man is a young man of Fatian, saying, "I am an ancient disciple of ancient Jianmen, Ye Huan, today is a day of great celebration, and I would like to offer a sword art, please Fang family to advise!"

Speaking of the ancient sword gate, Li Xing has heard of it before. At that time, Yousha and the Mad Sword Master used the name of Gu Jianmen to secretly join forces with him, but he did not touch the people of Gu Jianmen.

Dong Xu smiled: "Gu Jianmen was founded by Gu Jiandao people and has been known for a long time."

After getting this compliment, Ye Huan was a bit arrogant, saying "is ugly", and raising his hands to play three thousand seven-color sword silk, flying all over the sky, it is really beautiful. There was also a scream of applause from the crowd. It seemed that although the swordsmanship was good, it was not very good.

Suddenly, a sharp blue sword light burst out, and when he stepped forward, he shattered the sword of Mantian. Ye Huan of Gu Jianmen snorted and spit out blood, and it was only after a move that someone broke his sword skill and suffered minor injuries.

The sword was so brilliant and irrational that it condensed a "dead" character in the air.

At this moment, everyone thinks that this person is too rude, and I am afraid that it is intentional. At this time, Li Xing had to stand up and beat out a sword light that was so strong that it was the killing sword pill that day.

Heavenly Sword Sword Pill is essentially the same as Li Xing's Heavenly Sword Sword and Heavenly Scorpion, so the practice is extremely fast. Although he failed to thoroughly sacrifice this sword pill, it does not prevent him from using it, and it can also play a big role. power.

"This friend, Li Xing, who is too fictitious, will teach you one or two!" Li Xinglang said in a loud voice. Jian Guang was unambiguous and directly cut off the word "dead".

Jianguang's master, sitting alone on a cloud platform, looked cold, dressed in a black robe, and looked up to be a figure of Fatian Wuzhong. However, this sword skill is so powerful that Li Xing didn't dare to look down on him.

"Please!" Mage Black urged Jian Guang to fight with Li Xing.

Heavenly Sword Sword Pills, which are in harmony with Li Xing's chaotic martial arts, are always soft, hurried and erratic, and the magic of swordsmanship is interpreted vividly. The blue sword light is also very good, cut vertically and horizontally, murderous.

The two of them fought over a hundred moves, Li Xing snorted, and Jian Guang suddenly condensed into a knife, fiercely splitting sixteen knives. He actually resorted to the sword pill and used the method of Guiyuan to strike the sword. .


That knife light, unparalleled, cut the blue sword light directly. The mage in the black robe shook for a moment, and seemed to be shaken, and exclaimed: "Admire!"

Many people can't help but applaud Li Xing's exquisite swordsmanship.

Li Xing didn't embarrass the other party either. He took Jianguang, and ordered him to send Xuanjie's elixir for healing that Ye Huan. At the same time, he checked the gift list, and also knew that the black robe master was a casual practitioner, without a martial art, calling it "Sword Heart".

"This person is deliberately asking for trouble, and the person who comes is not good." Li Xing inferred.

"Good swordsmanship!" Suddenly, another man stood on the other platform. This person's eyes were like electricity, wearing white clothes, Yushu was facing the wind, and his expression was chic.

Li Xing looked at each other and arched, "I haven't consulted the name of the honorable guest yet."

"You can call me spirit boy." The other side proudly said.

Although the other party was a little arrogant, Li Xing wasn't angry, saying: "It turned out to be a spirit son, Jiu Yang."

Ling Gong opened the folding fan in his hand with a flutter, and said, "The manner in which the Honorable Fate just casted it seems to be the legendary sword-killer method."

"What? Heavenly Sword? Isn't it the legendary Heavenly Sword Emperor's peerless swordsmanship?" Some experienced mages were immediately shocked. Although they had not seen the Heavenly Sword failed, they knew the power of the Heavenly Sword. .

At the beginning, a generation of evil monarchs, Emperor Tianxie relied on the four types of heavenly swordsmanship, and the world was unstoppable. Want to come today, still fascinating.

Li Xing's look remained the same. In this world, there are still people who know **** the sword! However, such things cannot be acknowledged, otherwise it will cause great trouble. Because acknowledging the cultivation of the Heavenly Sword Technique at this time is tantamount to acknowledging the acquisition of the Celestial Orb.

Now is not the time to reveal this identity. He also knew that the spirit boy was poisoning with his heart. This was a method of killing someone with a knife. You must know that the Emperor Tianxie has a rich collection. If he obtains the Tianxie Bead, he may become a peerless powerhouse, even if he is a figure of the state.

Everyone's eyes projected, depending on how Li Xing answered.

Li Xingdao: "Wrong, this is not the Heavenly Sword Technique, but the Heavenly Sword Road left by Heavenly Slayer!"

what? God?

The Seven Wilds, each of them are earth-shattering characters, and they are shocked again and again.

The spirit son sneered: "What kind of killer is obviously a killer sword, why don't you dare admit it?"

Li Xing sighed: "His ignorance, don't you know the origin of this day's killing?"

As soon as the spirit boy was stunned, he only knew the sword-killer method, and he didn't know what the sword-killer was, so he asked, "You know?"

Li Xing smiled: "Of course I know that ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tianshazi is one of the seven wilds in the ancient times. He created Tianshakendo and refined a Tianshajianmaru. That day, he also passed down the sworddo It was modified by a descendant into a set of swordsmanship and God of Swordsmanship. Speaking of which, I practiced the God of Swordsmanship is authentic. "

At this moment, the spirit son couldn't say anything, but he was unwilling. He came here to fight the calculation of Li Xing. He must not return without success. His eyes turned and he said, "This kind of confidential thing, you again How did you know? "

Li Xing looked cold: "Your Lord seems to have too many questions! You want to know, you and I can compare swordsmanship. If you win, you can ask as many questions as you want."

Of course, the spirit son will not do anything with Li Xing, because he has no confidence at all, and he always does not take risks. However, someone shouted at this time: "Boss, is that spirit boy afraid?"

The speaker was Niu Busan, and he asked Ma Busi seriously. Niu Busan, Ma Busi, King Luli, Hengqiguai, Hu Bafang, Zhu Ganglie and other subordinates of Li Xing all sat on one side of the platform.

Niu Busan, who was born in the demon forest, naturally knew the identity of the spirit son. At this time, he deliberately made fun of him and let him fire.

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